Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2703: Talk about home

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"Haha ~~~"

Looking at this scene, Su Shengtian laughed: "Girl Wang, you are jealous!"

"That big beauty, but Cheng Feng's sister!"

"Ah? Cheng Feng's sister?"

Hearing that, Wang Qingrou's face was awkward.

I was about to say something, but I saw the beauty walking towards Cheng Feng.

"Cheng Feng, your sister is here."

Seeing this, Wang Genrou was a little nervous.

Because counted, Cheng Feng's sister Cheng Qingxue, but the first Cheng Feng's family she met.

I am afraid that I did not perform well in some places and left a bad impression on the other party.

"Sit down first, I'll meet you."

Cheng Feng got up and went to the direction where Cheng Qingxue came.

"I'll go too." Wang gently stood up.

"Let's go!"

Su Shengtian also got up and went with Cheng Feng.

Cheng Qingxue seems to have been okay recently, Xiu Wei has reached the limit of climbing to heaven.

With just one chance, you can break into the realm of fortune.

However, this is not enough to enter Tiandi Square.

After she entered Tiantiandi Square this time, the reason why no one was blocking was mainly on her side, with two people accompanying her.

The two of them were wearing white clothes and holding swords in their hands, giving them a taste of chic swordsmen, and they were distinguished.

The other person is a bit ordinary.

Standing on the side of Cheng Qingxue was like an upright little follower.

But Xiu Wei is the strongest of the three.

Has reached the Seven Calamities!

"Xiaofeng, is it really you?"

Tiandi Square, with Cheng Feng a few people off the high platform, immediately let Cheng Qingxue determine his own guess.

His eyes could not help but red, rushed to grab Cheng Feng's shoulder.

"Sister, it's me."

Cheng Feng is also emotional.

Allowing Cheng Qingxue to hold himself, his nails pierced the flesh, he didn't say a word.

"You bastard!"

After a while, Cheng Qingxue calmed down the emotions in her heart, and cursed with a smile: "Do you know how worried I am!"

"Since you left the continent, I begged Master to take me away too."

"Then I worked hard and inquired about you."

"Until recently, I entrusted Li Gongzi's blessing and asked you some wind."

"Then I learned about Le Qing's lightness. I guess you will definitely come here, so I went to Tiandi City with Li Gongzi and Brother Wang!"

"Sister, I worry you."

Cheng Feng blame himself, but there is no way.

Because since he embarked on the martial arts road, he is destined to let his family worry about him.

He knew deeply that he owed his family too much.

Especially the parents and grandfather who are still in the earth dome at this moment ... I'm afraid I can't sleep at night, worried about his safety!

"Hello, that's it!"

For a long time, Cheng Qingxue calmed his emotions: "As long as you're fine."

"I'll send a message to Grandpa later, so they don't have to worry about you stupid guy again."

When speaking, Cheng Qingxue saw Wang Gen standing beside Cheng Feng's side softly, and couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

"Boss, who is this, don't you tell my sister?"

"Oh, this is my friend, my name is Wang Qingrou."

"Wang Qingrou? The name is nice, and the person is more beautiful."

Cheng Qingxue's gaze twitched between Cheng Feng and Wang Qingrou, and thoughtfully smiled.

"Sister Qingxue, you are beautiful."

Wang Qingrou was also very eye-catching, and immediately smiled up and said, "You should have practiced some special martial arts. The skin is really good."

"Also, there is a natural deodorant!"

"I have a delicate body."

Cheng Qingxue laughed: "How about you, you also seem to have a special constitution?"

"By the way, how did you meet Cheng Feng? How long have you been together?"

Cheng Qingxue clearly saw some clues. During the conversation, he tapped side by side to inquire about Wang Gen's situation.

"Sister, let's talk about these things later."

Cheng Feng had a big head and hurriedly said, "Please introduce me to your friends first!"

"Hum, it's up to you."

Cheng Qingxue snorted coldly, but he was still a white swordsman with one finger beside him: "This is Li Suifeng Li Gongzi, Huaiyu is the next heir of the Li family."

"This is my brother Wang Lang. Just call him Wang."

"Li Suifeng saw the process son, Su Gongzi ..."

Then Li Suifeng wanted to introduce himself.

As soon as Cheng Qingxue's words fell, he introduced himself.

Among them was a showy mind, and also wanted to have a relationship with Cheng Feng and Su Shengtian.

Suddenly, Cheng Feng felt a little uncomfortable.

However, for the sake of the other person's sister and friend, it is natural to welcome each other with smiles and enjoy each other.

As for the upright young man Wang Lang, it is much simpler.

I just said my name, and there was nothing left to say.

It can be seen that he is an honest person who is not sociable.

"Sister, let's talk over there."

After both parties became familiar, Cheng Feng proposed to go to the high stage.

"That would be nice."

After seeing Cheng Feng, Cheng Qingxue's character was much more cheerful, and he smiled: "Through your face, I also taste what it is like to stand on top!"

With Cheng Qingxue's strength, of course, they are not qualified to step on the high stage.

Perhaps relying on the honest man Wang Lang, he could barely get close to the high platform, which is already amazing.

Therefore, after the three Cheng Qingxue ascended the platform, all kinds of joy and freshness.

It took a long time for me to sit down and talk.

"Xiao Feng, you gentle with this king, what is the situation?"

On the surface, Cheng Qingxue was whispering to Wang gently, but secretly asked Cheng Feng.


Cheng Feng pretended to be confused, after all, this matter is not easy to say.

"Just install it for me!"

Cheng Qingxue said, "My sister, I just saw it, and I saw that girl had a deep affection for you."

"What are you going to do?"

"In my opinion, it's better to choose this girl."

Cheng Qingxue muttered, "Since the lightness of the light has been publicly selected in the entire eighth galaxy, I'm afraid it has changed heart."

"Go to her, maybe you'll just be humiliated!"

"Sister, lightness is not such a person."

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "I want to go to the Temple of God in person and make clear to Qingli!"

"What to say!"

Cheng Qingxue said unpleasantly: "People have treated you this way, and you are still protecting her. It's silly!"

"Sister, just make me stupid."

Cheng Feng smiled, and immediately opened the topic: "Yes, what are you doing now?"

"I've seen it. The two messengers next to you are interesting to you. Are you going to choose which one?"

Obviously, Li Suifeng and Wang Lang both had a fondness for Cheng Qingxue.

Otherwise, Cheng Qingxue will not be escorted by thousands of miles to Tiandi City!

"The two of them ... Look at me first." Cheng Qingxue smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Whoever is good to me, I will choose whoever."

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