Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 2730: Crisis highlights

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"court death!"

Cheng Feng's face was cold.

Holding the killer's hand slightly, he squeezed it to the spot.

Then his eyes turned, looking to the sky to order a few people.

"Cheng Feng, you actually killed Bai Ze?"

Tian Zhao Da Shi Ming's face was extremely ugly. Looking at Cheng Feng, his face was full of doubts.

"Oh, now, do you want to act?"

However, Cheng Feng sneered.

He had determined in his mind that the Tianzhao Dasiming and others in front of him must be the killer of the temple.

"Act? What?"

Aizumi's life is unknown, so he asked, "Yes, are you misunderstanding us?"

"Think we're not from the Destiny Division, but from someone else?"

"Hehe ~~~"

Cheng Feng smiled: "Act, keep acting!"

"Let me kill you and see how you play."

Kung Fu spoke, Cheng Feng raised his hand and grabbed a few people from the Tianzhao boss.

Unexpectedly, according to the order of the boss that day, he used his unique martial arts to fight back.

This made Cheng Feng startled, and he was a little skeptical.

Moreover, through investigation, he found that the cultivation of Tian Zhao Da Shi Ming and others were all just ascending to heaven.

In this way, it is not possible to hurt Cheng Feng.

"Did I make a mistake?"

Cheng Feng was hesitant and secretly said, "Isn't these people in the group of" Bai Ze "?"

Thinking of it this way, Cheng Feng's strength was greatly reduced.

If you hurt yourself, that's not good.

However, at this time.

嘭 嘭 嘭 ~~~

Amaterasu killed a few people, and suddenly his body exploded.

The flesh spread out and turned into a dark purple.

When it fell to the ground, the rocks and soil were all melted, and the erosion was scarred.

The air instantly became poisonous and spread out in all directions.

Cheng Feng, as a target to be taken care of, was almost wrapped in highly toxic flesh.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng promptly launched the Holy Power, plus nine undead bodies.

Only then were these venoms blocked.

But even so, the shroud of Shengli propped up by Cheng Feng was corroded into caves.

If there is no defense against robbery, it will definitely be hit!

"Grass, it's still a killer."

After being assassinated again, Cheng Feng's expression was gloomy.

"It's heartbroken!"

This wave of assassination to kill the temple made Cheng Feng a bit angry.

At the same time, there was a chill in my heart.

Because the target of the opponent's assassination was him, if the target was changed to Cheng Feng's family and friends.

How can they be vigilant with their cultivation?

"It seems I must act early."

Cheng Feng felt a sense of urgency.

Because judging from the assassination incident, the killer who killed the temple has infiltrated the continent.

Therefore, he must move the dome continent as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there will be more killers and martial arts powerfuls entering the earth dome continent.

At that time, even if Cheng Feng is repaired to the sky, it will be difficult to cope.

Think of it here, Cheng Feng operates the law of space.

Wow ~~~

All the rocks, soil, flowers, trees, and even the air around it that were poisoned by poison were dug out and sent into another space.

After all, there are many people living on the continent.

Cheng Feng didn't do anything, the poison spread, and it would definitely cause huge casualties!

After dealing with the poison, Cheng Feng tore the space barrier of the dome continent and came outside the dome continent.

He then evoked the Holy Power, spawned two super huge hands, and grabbed the dome continent.

When he grabbed both sides of the dome continent, then fierce force.

Kakaka ~~~

The ancient dome continent made a rattling noise.

The next moment, with two super big hands, came out from the original position.

Cheng Feng then operated the law of space.

Wow ~~~

The dome continent was transported to another space.

"No, the dome continent has been moved!"

"It must be Cheng Feng's little beast."

"Hurry up, let's rush to destroy him!"

The movement of Cheng Feng carrying the dome continent is really too big.

As soon as it was done, it was noticed by the martial arts chaser Cheng Feng.

Boom boom ~~~

Almost a few seconds later, several horrific attacks broke through the meteorite storm and headed straight for Cheng Feng.

"Hum, it's quite fast!"

Feeling the attack, Cheng Feng's face sank.

No nonsense, grabbed the slayer, and greeted it fiercely.

The enemies that came after this were masters of the reckless world.

At the same time, several interstellar hunters were also invited to kill Cheng Feng!

Their initial plan was to take a step ahead and dive into the dome continent.

Or, move the dome continent directly.

To use the dome continent as a bargaining chip, Cheng Feng must be defeated.

Unfortunately, Cheng Feng's speed is faster.

As a last resort, at this moment, we can only bump into Cheng Feng.

It is a pity that they are in the eighth galaxy, although they can be regarded as top masters.

But for Cheng Feng, it is not enough.

They had eight masters, and just met Cheng Feng, one of them was chopped off by Cheng Feng's sword.

"Mad, Cheng Feng is too fierce."

"Withdraw, first withdraw from the meteorite storm, let's discuss for a long time!"

With few moves against Cheng Feng, the eight people persuaded.

One of them greeted and took the lead to withdraw.

The other seven did not hesitate, and Qi Qi followed.

"Come here, just leave me!"

As for Cheng Feng, he didn't want to let them go.

I saw Cheng Feng carrying the magic sword, and used the sword of Emperor Cang directly.

Wow ~~~

An unrivaled knife came out of nowhere.

Cut into the meteorite storm, directly cut off the meteorite storm.

The dreadful sword knife advances in a mighty manner, chasing after the fleeing eight.

Do not! !!

Those eight were startled.

When I had no time to make a scream, I was caught up by the unmatched sword and cut into powder!

"Another wave of enemies has been resolved."

After killing people, Cheng Feng put away the sword.

But the dignity on his face did not dissipate: "However, this is by no means the last wave of chasing after me."

"There will be stronger masters on the way!"

Cheng Feng's words are true.

There were four or five waves of force that killed Cheng Feng.

Among them, the chasers of the Heavenly Kingdom of God have been repelled by Cheng Feng and killed the temple and the gates of Hell. Although they have learned their lessons, they will definitely not give up.

The chasing of the reckless world has just been resolved.

Yan Luo Demon Realm and Ancient Sanctuary are now left!

Yan Luo Demon Sphere, but ranked third in the eighth galaxy.

Once they send out a killer, it will be a trivial matter to repair, it will be Cheng Feng's biggest trouble.

As for the ancient sanctuary, as the largest force in the eighth galaxy, if you want to maintain the first style, you may not necessarily kill people.

Of course, if you do it will be a thunderous thunder!

"Leave this place first." However, Cheng Feng was not afraid, and secretly murmured under his heart: "Unless the transcended giant kills himself, ordinary martial warriors will strike, and I will never hurt half of my hair!"

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