Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 365: Sage blood

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Chapter 365 Saint Blood


In the fierce shouts of everyone, Fang Fenfeilian stepped lightly, staying close to more than ten meters of Cheng Feng, and slapped her hands with a palm.

Fang Fenfei's palm is no small feat.

Taken with a palm, it looks like a huge Kun Peng, soaring from the vast sea.

This is really a feathered dynasty, a palm created by a 'God Emperor', named Xun Peng Palm, which is very powerful.

Cheng Feng had been taught about this technique in Qianxue's secret realm.

But at that time, due to the limitation of the repair, Fang Fenfei did not play the power of Xun Peng at all.

At this time, facing Feng Peng's palm again, Cheng Feng immediately felt a rush of palm-like strength, surging towards himself.

Do not dare to neglect, directly mobilize the vitality of the three Qihai in the body, and hit the thunder cannon boxing to welcome it.

Boom ~~ Boom ~~

Thunder cannon boxing has a triple punch, when the bombardment hit Fang Fenfei's Zhang Peng.

When the triple fist exploded, the Peng Peng palm blasted away suddenly.

After Cheng Feng's first move was effective, he followed suit without delay and immediately thundered out.

For a moment, Cheng Feng and Fang Fenfei were in a fight!

"This Cheng Feng has some patience, but he can fight against Princess Fen Fei."

"Where is this? Xun Peng's palm is only the most basic offensive means of Princess Finfi."

"Once Princess Fen Fei's fire is full, Cheng Feng will kneel and give in less than half a minute."

Listening to the fanatics of Fang Fenfei around, enthusiastic discussions, the Yueqingying of the VIP seat could not help but toot.

I think these people speak with prejudice, which is too biased towards Fang Fenfei.

However, Na Lecanghai said, "Yingying, that Fang Fenfei, indeed, should not be underestimated."

"Grandpa, why do you even say that?" Yue Qingying was unhappy.

"Haha, Yingying, you may not know, this Fen Fen Fei is the most beloved youngest daughter of His Majesty 'Divine Emperor' today, inheriting the purest blood of the Emperor."

Le Canghai introduced: "His Majesty the God is said to be a saint who has created a realm, which means that Fang Fenfei has blood flowing from him!"

"This blood is much stronger than the so-called sage descendants."

"It should be noted that the descendants of the saints are only people with the blood of the saints. The blood of the saints on those people has been separated by five or six or seven or eight generations, which is extremely thin."

"But Fang Fenfei is a direct child of the saint, not the same!"

"The immediate sons of the saints? Are they strong?" Yue Qingying asked.

"Not only is it very strong, as long as this blood power is truly developed, at least, it can reach the peak of the broken state."

Le Canghai said: "Especially, I heard that Fang Fenfei's body was sealed with a phoenix's true blood. Don't look at the weak body, but the physical body is stronger than many martial arts practitioners who practice wushu."

"So, isn't Cheng Feng very dangerous ..."

While Yue Qingying was talking with Le Canghai, Cheng Feng and Fang Fenfei had fought hundreds of times on the 5th ring.

But with palms and boxing alone, no one can do anything about them.

So when Fang Fenfei shook Cheng Feng back with a palm of his hand, he suddenly evoked a psychic strange fire purple **** inflammation, and burned away towards Cheng Feng.

However, Cheng Feng inspired Bingwu soul and exhibited the Sky Eagle Squadron at the same time. With the cooperation of both, Fang Fenfei's purple **** inflammation was immediately resolved.

Seeing that Zishenyan was useless to Cheng Feng, Fang Fenfei frowned slightly and immediately stepped on her toes on the platform, then suddenly soared into the sky.

When Fang Fenfei flew up into the void, with a wingspan over a kilometer, her huge claws like knives and eyes with fierce eyes suddenly emerged from behind her.

This is really the real blood of Tian Feng that was sealed in Fang Fenfei's body. At this moment, he was activated by Fang Fenfei, and a phantom of Tian Feng was instantly transformed!

"Give me defeat!" Fang Fenfei's eyes were locked in Cheng Feng's eyes tightly.

Then as she drank, the phoenix behind Tianfeng seemed to come alive, opening tens of meters long, sharp claw-like claws, and fiercely grasping Cheng Feng.

"Tianfeng, a Tianfeng!"

"Feng Feigong is really moving, haha, that knife tower Cheng Feng is about to lose."

"Fenfield ~~ Fenfield ~~ Fenfield ~~"

Seeing the huge phoenix that followed Fang Fenfei from the sky, the boys and girls at the scene screamed, and the atmosphere reached the highest dynasty.

Huh! In the deafening shout, the kilometer Tianfeng has fallen from the sky.

The huge claws grabbed down, almost covering the entire ring.

Fortunately, Cheng Feng's speed is fast enough. In the case of the third layer of Sky Eagle Squadron, he can often escape through Tianfeng's huge claw gap.

But going on like this is not always a solution.

And it has been so passively beaten, but it is not Cheng Feng's style!

Therefore, Cheng Feng yelled at Feng's claws that day again ~~~

Huo Ranshi exhibited his beast martial spirit.

As the big purple bear nearly a hundred meters appeared, even in the roaring sound, two thick bear claws were stretched out, and they hugged the giant claws caught by Feng that day.

Immediately, hum!

The violent power that erupted from the big purple bear turned out to be the ten phoenix that was almost ten times larger than himself, tearing it from the sky.

"I'm going, so fierce?"

Seeing the purple bear behind Cheng Feng, he actually tore the sky phoenix to the ground **, everyone at the scene all had a sore tooth.

Even those sounds of shouting cheer stopped at this moment.

Wow ~~ wow ~~

Tian Feng, who was clinging to her purple paw with her two claws, flapped her wings and struggled hard.

呲 ~ 呲 ~~ 呲 ~~~

However, the big purple bear was holding on, and was eventually dragged by Feng Feng that day, along with the entire No. 5 ring platform, gliding on the flat ground tens of miles hollowed out on the suspended mountain.

The bottom of the platform was rubbed against the ground, and a long trench of 100 meters wide was plowed out!

"Give me ... come down!"

After being dragged for more than ten miles, Cheng Feng triggered his soul to the extreme.

At the standing time, the big purple bear that was 100 meters in size swelled like a balloon, pulled up a large circle, and reached more than 200 meters.

Under this condition, the strength of the purple bear suddenly increased sharply, and it suddenly launched a force. It actually slammed the heavenly phoenix that was dragging it, and struck it on the ground.

boom! Tianfeng's virtual shadow hit the ground, causing the shape to sway.

Then the big purple bear chased up and made up a few claws. On that day, Feng Xuying was smashed and opened by the students, turned into a blood, and penetrated into Fang Fenfei's body in the void.

"The phoenix of Tianfeng was evoked just now and caught me nowhere to hide."

After solving the phoenix of Tianfeng, Cheng Feng's eyes suddenly looked at Fang Fenfei in the sky, and smiled, "Next, it is time for you to taste the beast captured."

Cheng Feng spoke, a purple bear behind him.

Immediately, the big purple bear stretched out a huge bear's claw, and caught Fang Fenfei's paw in his palm before he ran away.


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