Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 381: Top three

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Chapter 381 Ranked Top Three

Hanging mountains, in the battlefield.

The eyes of that storm and thunder were full of shock!

It was so unexpected that he had no idea that Cheng Feng still had such a super killing trick.

However, after a violent shock, the storm and lightning were surrounded by an indescribable sense of shame.

Makes his eyes blood red, filled with a crazy smell.

"Cheng Feng, you have to be crazy!"

Storm and lightning stared at Cheng Feng and yelled: "Don't think that you have a devourer with devouring ability, you will win me steadily ... rain pot, heavy rain!

With the thunder, the thunder and lightning suddenly took out a flat kettle.

This kettle looks ordinary, similar to the utensils used by ordinary people to hold water.

But when it was filled with radon by thunderstorms and thunders, then it was thrown into the void, humming ~~~

Suddenly, a lot of dark clouds appeared in the sky, rolling and surging above Cheng Feng's head.

Immediately, wow!

The black clouds collided with each other, and raindrops the size of eggs were slamming down towards Cheng Feng.

"That's ... Rain and Thunder, Feng Yu's baby,‘ rain pot ’!”

"It is rumored that the use of this treasure can change the celestial phenomenon and rain clouds, but I did not expect it to be true."

"However, this raindrop is too big, right?"

"It's not like raindrops at all, it's more like a rain arrow falling from the sky, dense like hemp!"

In the stands, when I saw the wind and lightning, I took out another Taoist tool, which caused the sky to change suddenly, and the rain was soaring. Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, it feels incredible.

And Yue Qingying, Wang Yuyan, Cheng Xinghe, they couldn't help worrying.


Their worry is obviously too early!

I saw, Cheng Feng on the battlefield, facing this dense heavy laser lasing, but without the slightest fear.

One hand was holding the tremor of fierce tremor and intended to fly away, and the other hand aimed the mouth of the Nether Pot at the dark clouded sky.

Then, a fierce force urged the Devouring Array in the Void Pot.

Hum! Immediately, a dark, deep light spewed out of the empty pot mouth.

When these light hit the raindrops in the sky, like a dragon absorbing water, it rushed, a lot of raindrops were wrapped in black light, and they darted into the empty pot.

That scene is appalling!

In the end, in particular, the power of the Nether Pot is growing stronger, not only engulfing the raindrops, but even the dark clouds that are constantly rolling at a height of 1,000 kilometers, tearing them apart.

From a distance, the black cloud seemed to turn into a huge black funnel.

The Nether Pot is going to pass through this huge funnel, and even the entire sky must be swallowed in!


Looking at this scene, the audience sounded a series of swallowing sounds.

Everyone was scared by this horrible scene.

Even those superpowers have their eyes narrowed, revealing a thoughtful look.

As for the storm, it was the whole person who was dead.

"How is that possible? How could your broken gourd be comparable to my rain pot?"

The look of wind and rain and thunder was a little crazy, and then he pushed the rain pot more vigorously, trying to pull back the disadvantage.

However, it is useless at all!

With the increasing suction of the Nether Pot, the black clouds in the sky are all dried.

Suddenly ...

The pottery rain pot that was thrown into the void by storms and lightnings fell from the air.

After seeing the storm and thunder and lightning, flying up and about to pick it up, Cheng Feng took a step ahead and took the rain pot in his hand.

"Asshole, return the rain pot and robe to me!"

Storms and lightnings were struck one after another, making them scratch their heads, and they rushed straight up, trying to get back the robe and rain pot from Cheng Feng.

Huh! Cheng Feng took a kick and kicked fiercely on the face of the storm.

Kicked it and flew out and hit the ground!

Without the platform, landing is a challenge failure. At this moment, the storm and thunder and lightning are slamming into the mud, which is a natural defeat on the spot.

"Hoo ~~~"

"It was defeated. The storms and storms were completely defeated this time, even more thoroughly than those lost to Liang Luoshi and Bai Zi painting!"

"Yeah, it's almost incredible."

Seeing the scene where Feng Fenglei was kicked and kicked by Cheng Feng, all the audience present was mixed.

Some are unexpected!

Because they saw that although Cheng Feng was very strong, although he was a super dark horse, he was a little bit worse than the storm.

It should be noted that wind and lightning are recognized by everyone, one of the three giants of the new generation of Qianlong College!

These three giants represent the highest peak of the new generation of Qianlong Academy, and they are the only three individuals.

Compared with Cheng Feng, it is much worse.

But at this moment, Cheng Feng actually completed the shocking reversal, pulling the storm and lightning from one of the three giants to Shengsheng, almost shocking everyone's attention.

If the storms and lightning were known, the end result would be like this.

Presumably, I dare not provoke the clamor of Cheng Feng!

But unfortunately ...

Everything is late!

"In this challenge, Cheng Feng won."

When everyone was shocked and silent, Mr. Shu's bland voice came from the void: "At this point, the current Qianlong battle for hegemony is over. The specific ranking is ..."

After the end of the Qianlong battle for hegemony, after the peak battle between Cheng Feng and Storm and Lightning, it came to a complete stop.

The final ranking is as follows:

The first Qianlong, Liang Luoshi, won the nineteen games.

The second Qianlong, Bai Zihua, won eighteen and lost one.

The third Qianlong, Cheng Feng, seventeen wins, two abstentions.

The fourth Qianlong, wind and lightning, 16 wins, 3 losses.


The tenth Qianlong, Shi Huang, ten wins, seven losses, two abstentions.

With the announcement of the results of the qualifying battle, one family rejoices and one sorrows.

Many people are extremely dissatisfied with their performance and feel that they can rank higher and do better.

Of course, there are many people who have face to face and become winners in life.

For example, Cheng Feng, with this ranking battle, soared into the sky and became the new generation of Qianlong College's ‘New Three Giants’.

Some people even think that Cheng Feng has no small chance to defeat Bai Zihua and Liang Luoshi.

Become a Dota Peak student and make history by being a student of Qianlong's first hegemony.

But unfortunately, he abstained in order to play against Temudenko.

But even so, Cheng Feng's achievements also made Dota Peak brilliant.

Let everyone know that there is a super dark horse at Dota Peak. If you do n’t fly, it ’s soaring!

"All of you, this Qianlong battle for hegemony is all over. Next, everyone can rest."

At this time, Mr. Shu's voice sounded again: "Wait till tomorrow morning, the 370th Qianlong Challenge will be held. After the end, there will be 371st students Cheng Feng and 370th students The death battle between Mudenko! "

With Mr. Shu's words, countless people were full of expectations, and then talked away.

Excitement is beyond words!


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