Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 606: Black scorpion

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In fact, Cheng Feng's emperor-level swordsmanship obtained from the sword and magic secret house is a very powerful swordsmanship skill.

However, this martial art is extremely evil. Cheng Feng fears that practicing this martial art will change his mind greatly, so he has never dared to cultivate, leaving it alone.

"In addition, Zi Lei's refining method should be cultivated well."

Zi Lei's refining method is an auxiliary method of the god-level top boxing martial art 'Thunder Cannon Boxing'.

Cheng Feng did not take it seriously at first, but as he continued to practice, he found that this method was very unusual.

If you practice to the Dacheng realm, Zilei Dacheng will not only make Cheng Feng possess the thunder attribute talent comparable to Jiupin Leiwu Soul.

And it will make Cheng Feng a born masculine body.

At that time, it can also help Yaowangge Yueqingying to clear the lifeline blocked by the yin qi, so that it will not be young, and it will disappear.

"Look at it, there is the battlefield where Ancestral Grand Commander and Mingze Monster once were!"

While Cheng Feng was meditating, Tailong's loud voice roared: "Even the mountains were knocked down, and the ground was broken and terrible ..."

Cheng Feng looked up.

Sure enough, not far from the front, the whole ground was full of scars, all of which were huge pits.

Around the deep pits, there were large cracks spreading more than ten meters wide, dense and dense, like spider webs.

Moreover, afterwards, King Shenwei and the giant monster of Mingze moved the battlefield deep into the lake of Mingze.

However, the huge waves washed up the shore of the lake, and the lake water was poured here, directly into the deep pits and large cracks, so that a large area of ​​the land was flooded with water, and it was completely invisible.

Fortunately, it is relatively desolate and there are not many people living there.

Otherwise, the consequences are disastrous!

"Hoo ~~~"

"Every battle is fought by ordinary people."

Looking at the devastated scene, Cheng Feng sighed: "So, the source of the scourge of blood gods, we must work together to clear it up as soon as possible."

"Only in this way can people live a safe life again."


Bai Ze exhaled a long breath: "But if you want to clean up the blood gods, how easy is it?"

"Because of the difficulties, we have to work harder!"

Cheng Feng said with firm eyes: "Someday, we will be able to completely uproot this cancer of blood gods!"

In a heavy atmosphere, Cheng Feng and the four flew across the battlefield full of scars.

Then all the way to the west, about an hour later, a huge city was in sight.

This city has more than 20 meters high walls.

The bricks that built the city walls seemed to add a special material, which exudes a touch of jade.

In particular, the scorching sun on the day shines on the jade-colored walls, making the entire city look like jade carving, beautiful.

This city is obviously Jinyu City.

"This Jinyu City is worthy of its name, and it gives people a sense of clarity."

Tyrone's eyes brightened as he looked at the jade-colored city.

"Let's get into the city."

Bai Zedao said: "As far as I know, the anti-killing operation organized by Xue Cangnan is headquartered in Tianxuan Restaurant in the city."

"As long as you have strong strength or are on the list, you can participate in Tianxuan Restaurant."

Tai Long nodded and said, "Xue Cangnan, the eighth-ranked person in the military standings, I would like to see and see. What's strange!"

"Hey, it's another earthworm."

However, when Tyrone's words were heard by a passing young man, he actually called a mockery: "Do you think Xue Cangnan has nothing to do in a day, whoever wants to see can see him? It's funny!"

"Skinny chicken, are you talking about Lao Tzu?"

Hearing the young man's taunt, Tyrone's brows froze, and his vicious eyes stared.

"Earthworm, keep your mouth clean."

The young man was nearly two meters tall, but his body was extremely thin. He held a long sword with a sheath in his hand, giving him a sense of weakness.

But Xiu Wei was not weak, reaching the broken third realm. No wonder he didn't put Tyrone in his eyes.

"Skinny chicken, you have a mouthful of spit spray, but you told Laozi to clean your mouth?"

As a barbarian, Tyron is so hot that he doesn't provoke others. He is already burning incense.

At the moment being ridiculed and yelled at by a thin young man, where else can I hold back: "Lao Tzu first rinses your mouth and clears the bad breath!"

While talking, Tyrone slammed in his body, and slapped the thin young man in the palm of his hand.

Om ~~~

Tailong is tall and strong, slap out with a slap, as if a heavy hammer blasted out, making a harsh booming sound.

The thin young man had not taken Tailong, who had broken the second realm, seriously.

But when the slap fan of Tailong came and the sound of wind and thunder rose around, his face changed immediately.

Huh! The long sword held in his hand stabbed from behind, and pointed at Tailong's big hand.

"It seems like ... the scorpion is swinging its tail."

On the side of Cheng Feng, Bai Ze's brow frowned: "Are this thin young man from the Scorpion team?"

"Scorpions?" Cheng Feng asked.

"The Scorpion is a domineering hunting team, and every member of the team is good."

Bai Zedao said: "Especially Scorpion Captain Scorpion Jucan, the top 50 masters in the military rankings."

"Furthermore, this Scorpion has a bad reputation. Its style is soaring and its revenge is not good if it causes friction with it."

"Is Scorpion Giant Can?"

Cheng Feng groaned: "However, Tyrone has provoked the other ..."

Just when Cheng Feng was talking with Bai Ze, the thin sheathed sword in the hands of the thin young man was already viciously in the center of Tailong's palm.

If you change to someone else and get hit by a thin young scorpion, your palm will be pierced.

But Tyrone didn't.

Tailong's wide palm was like copper cast iron, and the thin young man's sheathed sword hit Tailong's palm, and when he heard only a bang, the palm was unscathed.

Immediately, when Tailong's palm was scratched, the thin young man's scabbard was caught in Tailong's hand.

Then, with the force of Tyrone, he suddenly flung, eh ~~~

The scabbard was pulled out abruptly by Tai Long. He took it in front of his eyes and spit out the word 'trash' in his mouth, and threw it into the sky, and disappeared.

"Miscellaneous things, dare to throw away my scabbard Xu Ming!"

The thin man Xu Ming flushed: "Today, I must give you an unforgettable lesson!"

After all, that Xu Ming urged a dragon force to sink into the long sword in his hand, which caused the situation to change color and kill Tailong violently.

"Just like you, and want to teach Lao Tzu? Get away from me!"

Seeing Xu Ming kill with a sword, Tai Long's face flickered, and he took out the five-meter giant sword contained in the soul ring, grabbed it in his hand, and then moved Taishan to the top, fiercely chopping Xu Ming.

Tyrone's attack was simple and rude, and he was very aggressive!

Although Xiu Wei only shattered the second realm, his power and momentum were much stronger than Xu Ming, who broke the third realm. ,

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