Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 881: Fried pot

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Chapter 881 Fried Pot

Among them, two of the eight jade girls have arrived at Di Tuoshan at this time.

With the emergence of the two, the five masters who devoted their lives to entangled the black-faced Buddha immediately knew that the situation had gone.

Dare not to hesitate, and quickly pulled away.

But even so, two of the five were roared by the black-faced Buddha, and the lungs were brutally injured.

After getting rid of the entanglement of the five masters of the right path, the black-faced Buddha talked briefly with the two jade ladies in the jade lady's palace. Without a word, they followed Cheng Feng's escape route and strode away.

at the same time.

The right way camp is also fried.

The warriors of the original camp were not aware of the news that Cheng Feng had killed Yu Linglong, and was co-hosted by the jade lady's helm and the law of criminal protection.

However, with the Emperor of Heavenly Destiny of the Feathered God, through the eye band on Cheng Feng's body, it was obscurely monitored that Cheng Feng killed Yu Linglong and then cut the pictures of four true dragon-level evil masters.

Suddenly, the entire Destiny Division was frightened.

After the news was verified, it directly alarmed the senior management of Tianming Division.

Under the order of Destiny ’s family members, “Taishiming”, the staff of Destiny immediately issued a message on the Tianyan bracelets of all righteous warriors in the way of “Monarch Bulletin”.

"Cheng Feng, a disciple of Qianlong College ’s knife tower, this person killed the true **** of the blood gods Yulinglong in one day, and then cut the four true dragon masters of the blood gods. They are brave and unmatched. Man! "

"At this moment, Cheng Feng is being besieged by the blood gods with a blood killing order, and he hereby calls on all the righteous warriors to go to the Digu jungle to help."

"If you can rescue the Cheng Feng, you will be rewarded with 10 billion military achievements, a high-order Taoist weapon, and an emperor-level martial arts school!"

Along with this news, it appeared directly on the Tianyan bracelets of all righteous warriors.

Suddenly, all righteous warriors, irrespective of their level of cultivation, men, women and children, were stunned and stunned.


"Cheng Feng? Cheng Feng, who killed the rumored true disciple of the blood gods, is it that Feng Feng couldn't?"

Qianlong Academy, Dota Peak, Wang Wanben looked at the Tianyan bracelet, his eyes were full of shock.

"Nothing wrong, it must be Brother Feng."

On the side of Wang Wan himself, Lan Yi Qiming said excitedly: "I really didn't expect that Feng Brother had disappeared for more than half a year, and he was so strong that even real dragon-level masters could easily beheaded and killed."

"Qi Ming, Brother Feng's situation is not good now, he was ordered to kill by blood gods."

Wang Wanben said: "The blood word killing order is very vicious. Once issued, all the evil factions will rush to flock and start endless pursuit of Brother Feng."

"I decided, and immediately begged Uncle Wang to take me to Digu Jungle in Zhongzhou to support Feng Brother."

"Wanben, I am with you."

Qi Ming said: "Although my cultivation is weak, when I go, I can stop at least one or two evil sects who chase and kill Brother Feng."

"Okay, let's go together!"

Except for Qi Ming and Wang Wanben, almost all the students of Qianlong College who got the news are going to travel to Digu jungle to help Cheng Feng.

Among them are Jiang Tao, Wang Bowen, Chu Tian, ​​Wang Yuyan, and so on.

There are also many college students who are not familiar with Cheng Feng, but are full of blood and justice.

In addition, many families, gatekeepers, and ancestors have also dispatched masters to head for the ancient jungle of Zhongzhou.


"Grandpa, I'm going to Zhongzhou Digu Jungle."

Longcheng, the headquarter of Yaowang Pavilion, gentle and pure Yueqingying, grasping the Tianyan bracelet with delicate hands, said to an old man very seriously.

The old man's silver hair was exactly the head of Yaowang Pavilion, Le Canghai.

"Qingying, why suddenly want to go to that kind of fierce place?" Le Canghai was puzzled.

"Cheng Feng ... Cheng Feng is in danger, and I want to help him!"

Yue Qingying said, handing the Tianyan bracelet to Le Canghai.

After looking at Le Canghai, his face was astonished: "Qingying, Cheng Feng did run into trouble, but it was useless to go there."

"So, there are many masters of martial arts who have received my favor over the years. When I send a letter to them, bother them to go to Nakasu."

Le Canghai petted and touched Yue Qingying's head. "As for you, stay here and wait for the news."


"The blood gods actually issued a blood order to kill Cheng Feng?"

In Yongyuan County, the first-class Jongmun Pavilion, in the Jongmon Pavilion, a cold young girl in a blue and white dress frowned.

Immediately, she would stand up and walk out of the forbidden area.

"Blue and white, where are you going?"

Just then, a majestic voice sounded.

"I'm going to Zhongzhou Digu Jungle."

"Zhongzhou Digu Jungle?"

The majestic voice groaned, and then asked, "Did you because of the junior named Cheng Feng?"

"Um." The girl in a blue and white dress nodded.

"I know for my teacher, I will handle this for you."

The majestic voice said: "As for you, continue to retreat and practice, and strive to thoroughly refining the ancient blood of the python in the body."

"Thank you ... Master."

The girl in the blue and white dress hesitated, and finally heeded the majestic voice's suggestion and sat back again.


"Blood killing order?"

In the third plate of Jade City, inside the mighty army camp, Fang Fenfei was dressed in a strong outfit, with a cool and charming appearance, which has a charm.

At this moment she held the Tianyan bracelet in her hand, and Emei's eyebrows were raised.

"Why did you see the message from the Destiny Division?"

At this time, the king of mighty king stepped forward.

"Seeing that, Cheng Feng was issued a blood killing order by the blood gods, which is quite dangerous."

"Cheng Feng, this kid is really uneasy."

King Shenwei shook his head and sighed: "Also, I will lead the army of Shenwei later and go to the Digu jungle in person."


Just when the entire feathered dynasty was undulating because of Cheng Feng.

In the void battlefield, an indifferent middle-aged man is even more direct.

I saw his horrifying sword rushing up, almost penetrating the entire void.

When the sword hit the limit, Huo Ran transformed it into a line of text and imprinted it in the sky of the void battlefield.

"He who dares to kill Cheng Feng, this one will use him to sacrifice the knife, endlessly!"

This line of text is very short, but the meaning is quite obvious. He is really starting out for Cheng Feng and deterring the top masters of the evil faction.

This indifferent middle-aged man is the only sword of Dota Peak.

The only master of the sword, Cheng Feng, looked very indifferent and ignored Cheng Feng.

But in fact, it has been silently paying attention.

Once Cheng Feng was in danger, he said nothing and stepped forward!

For these scenes, Cheng Feng knew nothing.

At this time, he was flying towards the Dragon Tomb two hundred miles away.

"Hurry up, and the last thirty years."

After solving Elder Jin, Cheng Feng was well on his way.

Although behind him, Wensong and three other true dragon-level warriors were hung.

But the three were already scared by Cheng Feng, and dared to hang behind Cheng Feng far away, hoping to wait until Cheng Feng used the golden portal before jumping out to do something.

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