Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 814: Consume the Dragon Fruit

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Chapter 814 Consume Dragon Fruit

The threat of Zulong masters is too great.

The three righteous warriors who were originally fighting with Wen Song and others saw the dragon power fluctuate and immediately left the three Song Songs and ran away.

However, Cheng Feng, who stood in the void, did not escape.

His expression on his face couldn't help but freeze, and then he suddenly evoked the dragon power in his body, twisted his waist, and punched the man in black.

Cheng Feng's fist is no small feat.

The punches that were hit actually surpassed 27, and reached an appalling 81.

Eighty-one heavy thunder cannons are powerful, which is really the power that thunder cannons practice to the fifth level.

With Cheng Feng punching out with a punch, the fist thunder thundered around him, as if a punch thundered.

When the thunderstorm fist, hit the man in black several kilometers away.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

The heavy dazzling thunder light directly drowned the man in black.

Leiguang scattered slowly, the black man disappeared out of thin air.

Amazingly Cheng Feng, punched into fly ash!

"Smashed a true dragon warrior in one punch?"

Dozens of miles away, the three Wensong originally thought that they had come to the backing, and they could chase Cheng Feng without any fear, and perform well in front of the backing.

But when they saw the scene where Cheng Feng punched and killed the man in black, the three of them suddenly poured a bucket of ice water on their heads.

The excitement in my heart disappeared immediately.

The footsteps that were chased out were reclaimed, with eyes full of horror and horror, and no more guts to chase Cheng Feng.

Not far from them, the black-faced Buddha who had just arrived sank.

He did not expect that Cheng Feng could make such a fierce punch.

One punch to kill a true dragon-level warrior is simply against the normal truth, even for an ancestral dragon master!

"Huh, this kind of boxing, Cheng Feng's little beast can only show one or two times."

The black-faced Buddha groaned: "And this level of attack is deadly to a true dragon-level warrior, but it is a little worse than Uemoto Buddha!"

"Furthermore, Ben Buddha is not alone."

As she groaned, the eyes of the black-faced Buddha swept across the two beautiful women.

Immediately stepped forward, hurriedly chasing Cheng Feng.

Dozens of miles away.

Cheng Feng hit the man in black with a punch, and he was quite surprised.

"The fifth layer of Thunder Cannon Boxing? I didn't expect me to hit the fifth layer of Thunder Cannon Boxing."

Cheng Feng whispered: "Am I invisible, have I practiced the thunder cannon to the fifth level?"

"Cheng Feng, you didn't practice the Thunder Cannon Boxer to the fifth floor."

Nalan Changsheng said: "You were just whim, and accidentally hit the fifth layer of Thunder Cannon Boxing."

"Of course, after that experience, you will do more with less in the future.

"Once you're free, you can practice retreat for ten days and a half months, and you will definitely be able to get through and practice the Thunder Cannon Boxer to the fifth level."

"So it is." Cheng Feng nodded.

Although I felt a little regretful, I was not disappointed.

Because of the fifth layer of Thunder Cannon Boxing, he already had an experience, and it was only a matter of time to practice it.

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng Huo Ran cast the third layer of Sky Eagle Squadron and the third layer of Shenglong burst to make his speed reach the limit and flew into the depths of Digu jungle.

Today, his golden portal is destroyed, and space teleportation cannot escape.

So the best option is to go deep into the Digu jungle.

The Digu jungle is a dangerous place that preserves the features of the ancient times. The ancient demon runs rampant. The deeper it goes, the more dangerous it is.

Cheng Feng escaped into the depths of the Digu jungle. Although he would encounter all kinds of dangers, he would also let the evil warrior who pursued him be in the same danger.

Maybe you can use the power of the ancient demon to escape the calamity.

Om ~~ Om ~~

In the flight, Cheng Feng took out seven or eight dragon crystals and used them to absorb them to supplement the dragon power consumption.

Cheng Feng has been in a fierce battle since he left Tianlong Tomb, and the consumption of dragon power is huge.

At this moment, only half of the dragon power in his body remained.

Even though he used Tianchen Hanbingjue to absorb the dragon's power more than ten times as normal, he still couldn't make ends meet.

Moreover, the speed of that ancestor is really too fast.

Although Cheng Feng made the fastest speed, the distance between him and the black-faced Buddha was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Feeling the increasingly strong and persevering breath, Cheng Feng's brows frowned: "You must think of a countermeasure, otherwise, sooner or later, you will be overtaken by that ancestral evil dragon.

"Cheng Feng, why don't you swallow Wannian Longjing fruit and forcibly improve it?"

In a critical moment, Nalan Changsheng made recommendations.

"Swallow the Long Nine Dragon Crystal Fruit?"

Cheng Feng hesitated: "Don't you say that Wan Nian Long Jingguo's medicinal power is too fierce, can't I handle it at my current physical strength?"

Wannian Longjing fruit is a treasure of heaven and earth that was cultivated by the dragon spirit monster tree for 30,000 years.

Although it is a treasure, it cannot be swallowed at will.

For example, ordinary people take ginseng tonic, and if they overdo it, they will bleed from the nose and mouth, but hurt their bodies.

And the medicinal power of Wannianlong Jingguo is ten thousand times stronger than that of ginseng?

Once the body can't bear it, it is not bleeding from the mouth and nose, it will explode!

"Cheng Feng, the situation is urgent now, and can only take a chance."

Nalan Changsheng said: "And your physical strength is better than ordinary people, plus you have practiced the purple thunder training method, and at the same time, you have also trained the Tianlong golden body to the first turn."

"As long as the amount is not too large, there should be no problems."

"Okay, then punch it." Cheng Feng nodded.

There is currently no good way.

Forcibly swallowing Wan Nian Long Jingguo may hurt the body, but it is better than being caught up by the ancestors of the Zulong level.

Whenever you think about it, Cheng Feng doesn't mess with it.

I saw Cheng Feng cut the Wannian Longjing fruit into three pieces and took out one piece.

After taking a deep breath, he took a sharp bite.

Om ~~~

With a mouthful of Longnian Longjing fruit, the horrible medicine burst instantly, like a thunder, and Cheng Feng's mouth became numb and his eyes burst into Venus.

Waiting for the terrible medicine, rushed into Cheng Feng's body along the throat, banging ~~~

It seems that several pieces of Thunder God Stone in his body were exploded. Cheng Feng's body could not help but tremble, and then a hot feeling spread out from his internal organs and violently toward the limbs and bones.

Under the impact of this hot torrent, the eight air seas that consumed more than half of Cheng Feng's body were filled up instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the rolling force continued to inflate, and the eight air seas in Cheng Feng's body expanded rapidly, and then expanded again.

In the end, it was full, and Long Li was overflowing!

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