Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 824: Scared Mengzulong Master

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Chapter 824 Scared Mengzulong Master

After the idea was settled, Cheng Feng hit the road again and flew deep into the Digu jungle.

However, Cheng Feng just flew a few steps, and the void on his side was suddenly caught by a pair of delicate white and tender jade hands, stabbing ~~~

The sound of a torn cloth sounded, and the void to the right of Cheng Feng was torn by the pair of jade hands.

Immediately afterwards, a glamorous woman emerged from the ripped void crack, and her jade hand lifted, grabbing toward Cheng Feng's heart.

This glamorous woman is advanced and has reached the level of Zulong.

Although it was just a random grab, it also had terrifying power. It was nothing to go through the half-foot-thick God-grain steel.

If Cheng Feng is caught, there must be a blood hole in his body.

"Sneak attack!"

Cheng Feng's perception is always shrouded within a kilometer of his body.

When that glamorous woman tore up the void, Cheng Feng noticed it, without any hesitation, grabbed the devil sword in her hand, and cut to the waist of the glamorous woman with an instinct.

Cheng Feng is here to fight, forcing the glamorous woman to give up on his heart.

Otherwise, the glamorous woman would be cut directly by the magic sword.

"Hum!" The beautiful woman snorted coldly.

Her heart attack on Cheng Feng remained the same, and a white jade shield appeared on the other hand, blocking her position.

Huh! The Devil Sword slashed on the white jade shield, but made a clash of iron and stone.

The shield made of white jade was even harder than the **** pattern steel.

The hard-hitting sword was not only broken, but the surface of the shield did not even leave a knife mark.

After dissolving Cheng Feng's sniper, the other hand of the glamorous woman was already attached to Cheng Feng's back.

Cheng Feng could almost sense the coldness and coldness of the forest that passed from the white tender jade.

But at this moment, 咻 ~~~

The dragon dragon lice who hung upside down on Cheng Feng's shoulder opened Huo Ran's eyes and waited for the wings to instigate, then turned into a golden light and shot at the eyebrow of the beautiful woman.

The glamorous woman frowned, and the jade hand grabbing Cheng Feng's heart was lifted, and the dragon dragon lice that hit her brows banged together.

Huh! A forceful force exploded, pushing Cheng Feng stiffly to a few hundred meters.

At the same time, he also beat the dragon dragon lice in the void.

As for the glamorous woman, it was not easy. Her jade hand that slapped the dragon dragon lice had her index finger and **** gone.

Amazingly bitten by Tianlong lice!

"Sure enough, it's just a general-level dragon dragon lice."

The glamorous woman who bit her finger off did not pay attention to her injuries.

Instead, he stared at Cheng Feng, with an extremely angry look in his eyes.

This glamorous woman is just the jade girl Xia Mei who was scared away by Cheng Feng with a fake Wang Tianlong lice not long ago.

Since Xia Mei was scared away by Cheng Feng, the more she thought about it, the more she felt wrong, and the more she thought about the ‘king-level Tianlong lice’, it was suspicious.

After thinking for a long time, she finally made up her mind. Through the thoughts of Shen soul attached to Cheng Feng when she fought with Cheng Feng, she tore the void directly and chased up.

And when she failed to attack Cheng Feng, she attacked Tianlong Lice violently.

Suddenly, she found out the level of Tianlong lice, and knew that she had been played by Cheng Feng.

"Little beasts, after I catch you, you will definitely die!"

The jade girl Xia Mei stared at Cheng Feng, the anger in her eyes disappeared slowly, and turned into a strong killing intention.

"Can you hold me alone?"

Regarding Xia Mei's threat, Cheng Feng didn't take his mind at all.

"Small beast, the reason you can live to this day is because of the protection of this dragon."

Xia Meihan whispered: "When I kill this dragon dragon lice, see how else you jump!"

"Kill the dragon dragon lice? Hehe ~~"

Cheng Feng sneered, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Xia Meiduo, and ordered Tianlong Lice to attack Xia Mei directly.

As for himself, he was full of muscles and tightness, and the power of the eight dragons was ready.

As soon as Xia Mei showed a flaw under the attack of Tianlong lice, he would immediately catch up to make up the knife and dry it.

call out!

After receiving the order from Cheng Feng, Tianlong Lice shot at the jade girl Xia Mei.

That speed was lightning fast. At the last moment, Tianlong Lice was still hovering in the air a few hundred meters away from Xia Mei.

The next moment, it was Xia Mei's approach.

However, Xia Mei's response was quite rapid. Immediately after the Tianlong lice shot in front of her, she immediately pulled the white jade shield in her hand and protected her.

Stabbing ~~~

Tianlong louse shot on the white jade shield, his body rubbed the shield and turned round, and went straight to Xia Mei's neck.

Hum! At this moment, Xia Mei's body burst into a heavy light.

The strength of that layer of Yuguang was so strong that it struck the dragon dragon lice, and actually rushed the dragon dragon lice stiffly.

While taking advantage of this buffer time, Xia Mei's body flickered and turned to Cheng Feng.

Obviously, Xia Mei's primary goal is Cheng Feng.

As long as Cheng Feng is killed, Cheng Feng's enslavement of Tianlong lice will disappear, and the threat from Tianlong lice will not be broken.

Even if you are lucky, you can enslave Tianlong Lice and obtain a big killer!

However, although Xia Mei's plan is good, it is extremely difficult to achieve.

Just as she flashed to kill Cheng Feng, the dragonfly that had been ejected by Yuguang had already recovered.

When I saw Tianlong louse shook his head, he shot Xia Mei faster than before.

And at the same time, Cheng Feng's long-established eight dragon powers suddenly erupted at this moment.

Hum! With the power of the eight dragons rushed out of Cheng Feng's body.

Suddenly, the wind and clouds changed color, and even the year-round clouds and mists above the ancient jungle of the emperor were suddenly washed away.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the eight dragons was poured into the slayer, 唰 ~~~

A blade of light that was brighter than lightning, rushed out of the Devil Sword, and fiercely cut to the jade girl Xia Mei.

"The power of the dragon? Turns out to be the power of the dragon !?"

At this moment, Xia Mei was stunned, his face was incredible.

Not seen for just a few hours, Cheng Feng's Xiu Wei actually went from breaking the fifth realm to breaking the sixth realm.

Such a scary advanced speed, if not seen in person, absolutely no one would believe it.

However, Xia Mei is very adaptable.

Although Cheng Feng's repairs surged, this shocked her, but in the shock, she had urged the power of an ancestor dragon, and shot the sword light cut by Cheng Feng.

laugh! When Cheng Feng cut out the knife, Xia Mei slaped a palm.

The knife light actually cut into the palm strength that Xia Mei condensed with the power of the ancestors, and cut the one hundred meter palm into two halves.

Not only that, after Daoguang cut open the palm of a hundred meters, there was still power left, and he continued to cut to Xia Mei.

"The strength of this little beast ... how could it be so strong?" Xia Mei's face changed dramatically.

Although Cheng Feng's repair has reached the broken sixth realm, how can a broken sixth martial arts warrior have such a mighty power?

In one fell swoop, he severed his own palm.

This is exactly the combat power of Zulong-level warriors!

How did he do that! ?

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