Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 844: One pot

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Chapter 844 One Pot End

Void battlefield.

Xingdiandian's main punishment has just gotten rid of his opponent, and at this moment is about to fly out of the void battlefield.

Suddenly, he received news from Xingdian.

When his gaze swept away and he saw the content of the message, all of a sudden, his face became extremely blue.

"Dead? Six of the top eight masters in my hall of punishment died of six in an instant?"

Grip's right hand shook the void: "Abominable, when I was reminded by Yu Xihua, I should have sent a letter to them, but was caught by the wind of Qianlong Academy and missed the opportunity. . "

"Cheng Feng, when this seat catches you, you must make your life worse than death!"

Between the gritted teeth, Xingzha quickly evoked the spirits and sent a message to the only two Xingdian masters.

Let them rush away from Digu jungle to avoid being hit by Cheng Feng.

Compared with the punishment, the black-faced black-faced rudder master, the jade-faced hall and the jade-faced protection method, and the yin-yang court yin-yang rudder master have better luck.

After receiving the reminder from Yu Xihua, they immediately spread the news of the retreat through the thoughts placed on the black-faced Buddha and others.

The black-faced Buddha had already gathered a total of twelve masters and was preparing to hunt down Cheng Feng in the core area of ​​Digu jungle.

Suddenly received the news, the accumulation of extreme killing intention, suddenly plunged down.

An already dark face became darker and uglier.

"Cheng Feng's little beast has a righteous strong escort!"

The black-faced Buddha horrified: "One step ahead of us to go and kill Cheng Feng's eight women's palaces and four deputy palace masters.

"In addition, Xingdian master Xingdian eight sons, only fortunately escaped two ..."

"Fortunately, we are not in a hurry."

A middle-aged man wearing a jade robe said, trembling: "Otherwise, it's just a few of us who fell."

"It seems that if you want to win over Cheng Feng's little beast, only the strong man who climbed into the heavens can do it."

"My brother, is already on his way."

The black-faced Buddha said, "It won't be long before you can arrive."

"Master Tang also just passed a message to me and was on his way." Master of Yumiantang said.

"The Lord Lord also spoke and was on his way." The master of Yinyang Pavilion replied.

The black-faced Buddha invited eleven masters together, plus himself, for a total of twelve.

There are three black-faced Xuan Zulong masters, six jade-faced ancestor dragon masters, and two masters of Yinyang Pavilion's broken state.

"Since several ascendants of the heavens are on their way, let's just wait for them here."

The black-faced Buddha advised: "Once they arrive, the death of Cheng Feng's little animal is over."

"Okay, anyway, Cheng Feng's little beast didn't know we were here."

An expert said: "We are here to keep our strength and energy. When the helm master arrives, they can just witness the death of Cheng Feng's little beast!"

After the idea was settled, the twelve black-faced Buddhas closed their pores, and then closed their eyes and raised their eyes while waiting for the arrival of the five masters.

Time passed and I don't know how long it has passed.

Boom boom ~~~

A wave of arrogant anger suddenly burst out.

At the moment when the evil spirit came, the black-faced Buddha and others who closed their eyes and closed their eyes opened their eyes and looked at the direction from which the evil spirit came.

I saw, dozens of miles away from them, hundreds of miles away from them.

"That's ... the ancient monsters! There are dozens of ancient monsters!"

"These ancient monsters seem to be coming for us!"

"Muffy, our arrival has made the ancient monsters in Digu jungle angry? Want to expel us?"

Seeing the arrogant enchantment surrounding him, the black-faced Buddha waited for a while.

One after another guessed what those ancient monsters wanted.

"Okay, stop arguing and run away."

"If surrounded by these dozens of ancient monsters, let's not even want to walk out of the ancient jungle of Digu!"

The black-faced Buddha shouted, and immediately the dragon force triggered, and fled outside the ancient jungle.

During the flight, the fat on his body quickly shrank and turned into a piece of iron-like muscle, making him fly faster and faster.

As for the other eleven, the response was not slow.

When the black-faced Buddha set off and fled, all of them started to flee.

It took time to escape for more than ten miles.

However, at this moment, Boom Boom ~~~

The fastest ancestors of the Zulong class were suddenly intercepted, and the seven or eight head Xuan class nine product monsters hiding in a mountain range attacked fiercely.

Suddenly, there were twelve black-faced Buddhas and five died on the spot.

"Damn, these beasts actually ambush us!"

The black-faced Buddha escaped by accident, looking at the big demon with seven or eight heads and nine grades, his face desperate.

As for the other six people, they left without a word.

However, their speed is limited, and the strongest two have broken the peak.

As the seven, eight-headed, nine-level monsters started to hunt down, after a while, only the black-faced Buddha and the two masters from the top of the Broken Realm of Yinyang Pavilion remained.

And at this time, the dozens of big demon surrounded by the rear have already completed the closing trend and surrounded the black-faced Buddha three.

At this moment, even if the black-faced Buddhas have wings on their bodies, it is difficult to escape!

"Cheng Feng? It's your **** little beast!"

After being surrounded by countless monsters, the black-faced Buddha's eyes swept away the monsters.

Unexpectedly, I actually saw an acquaintance.

I saw Cheng Feng standing on the back of a vulture with a length of one hundred meters and a wingspan of two or three hundred meters.

Looking at his posture, it is clear that the vulture demon of Xuan-class Jiupin was used as a mount.

And the vulture demon, not only was not dissatisfied, but he looked pleased and sincere.

It seems that it is a great honor to be Cheng Feng's mount!

"Little beast, it turns out that all of this is what you are doing."

Seeing this scene, the black-faced Buddha was shocked, and suddenly realized: "No wonder you can kill the Eight Jade Girls in the Jade Palace, the four deputy palace masters, and the six sons of the Eight Children in the Palace of Justice!"

"Oh, you're right."

Cheng Feng stood on the back of the vulture monster and admitted frankly: "Unfortunately, you know too late!"

It turned out that Cheng Feng had secretly arrived near them when the black-faced Buddha closed his eyes.

Then he let dozens of ancient monsters divide in two ways, letting eight of them, nine-level monsters, lurk in the mountains and forests outside the ancient jungle.

As for the remaining ancient monsters, the black-faced Buddha was slain in a ring, forcing them to flee the emperor jungle along the route where the eight-headed Xuanji nine-pin monster was ambush.

In this case, when the black-faced Buddha and others passed by the ambush of the Xuan-class demon, they were suddenly attacked, and a small number of people died on the spot.

As for the remaining seven people, they were hunted down by the eight-headed black demon, and in a moment, there were only three black-faced Buddhas.

Especially the black-faced Buddha was deliberately left by Cheng Feng.

Otherwise, already killed by the fierce bird demon!

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