Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 850: Horror Vortex

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Chapter 850 Horror Vortex

"Uncle Jing, since Cheng Feng has been found by the master of the Yin and Yang dynasty of the blood gods, maybe the other strong gods of the blood gods will swarm one by one.

Wang Ming was worried: "At that time, Cheng Feng will not be spared unless he has great potential!"

"This is really a big problem."

Uncle Jing groaned for a moment, Huo Ran said: "Wang Ming, prepare the star stone, I will issue an emperor's briefing immediately."

"Call on those who are on the right path to rush to the core area of ​​Digu Jungle to rescue Cheng Feng immediately!"

"Uncle Jing, I'll get ready." Wang Ming flew away.

In less than half a minute, a new emperor briefing had taken shape.

[Qianlong College Peerless Genius Cheng Feng, in the core area of ​​Digu Jungle, was hunted down by the Lord of the Blood Gods Yin and Yang Rudder. Hand! 】

Uncle Jing read it once, and after confirming that it was correct, he immediately opened the Tianyan array with the star stone and sent it out.

Wow ~~~

With this Emperor's Bulletin being issued, all the soldiers who saw the Bulletin were shocked.

Because the emperor of Tianming Division reported that the authority is extremely high, each use will consume a large amount of rare ‘sky star stone’, and it is not easy to use it.

But within a few days, the Destiny Division sent three emperor briefings in a row.

And the contents are almost surprisingly consistent, all are calling for the righteous martial arts all over the world to go to Digu jungle to rescue Cheng Feng.

From this we can see how important Tianming Division attaches great importance to Cheng Feng.

As a result, many righteous giants who practice hardships in isolation and don't care about the world are moved by it, giving birth to the thought of going to the core area of ​​Digu jungle.

As for those martial artists who are already on the road of aid, they have accelerated their pace after seeing the emperor's briefing.

Especially those who are above the peak of the Broken Realm directly tore the void and rushed to Digu Jungle.

Just when the entire feathered dynasty was busy, because of Feng Cheng.

Digu jungle, the core area.

With one punch, the void collapsed and Cheng Feng, who cut the yin and yang from the yin and yang lord, broke and stood upright.

"Yin and Yang Rudder, how powerful is my punch?" Cheng Fengyao asked.

Just now, when Cheng Feng used the thunder cannon to resist the cut of yin and yang, the lord of the yin and yang ridiculed.

At this moment, Cheng Feng broke the yin-yang cut with a punch, and the yin-yang rudder suddenly frowned, and his face was very ugly.

"Little animals, yin and yang cutting is just the most common method of this rudder."

The yin and yang rudder said in a cold voice: "Next, this rudder will let you really feel what is the half-step ascent power!"

The words stopped, and the yin and yang master stepped forward.

Immediately, a huge amount of divine power surged around him.

I saw the divine power flowing from the main body of the yin and yang, half black and half white.

When it was flowing continuously, in a short time, two flowing rivers of divine power were formed.

The two big rivers, one black and one white, were chasing one after the other, rushing wildly, and suddenly formed a huge vortex rotating at high speed.

This vortex was only a hundred meters in size at first, but with the surging rivers of black and white, the vortex expanded rapidly.

One thousand, three thousand, five kilometers ... eight kilometers ...

When that vortex rose to a huge kilometer, it was already a raging wind, and the horrible tearing force filled the world, dragging the house-sized rocks and flying away.

When the vortex reaches three kilometers, it's awkward ~~~

As towering trees stand up, rocks, sand and dust soar and fly directly to the vortex.

When that vortex reached five kilometers, the hills were torn apart and collapsed, and large swaths of rocks were flying.

Even many mysterious monsters were dragged into the whirlpool, and the mesothelium flew open and flesh separated!

And when the vortex reached eight kilometers, the whole world was cloudy, and the horrible tearing force caught the clouds in the sky and pulled into the vortex.

Even Cheng Feng was caught by the strong horizontal suction. The whole person moved involuntarily in the direction of the vortex, inch by inch!

"Is this the real means of the Lord of Yin and Yang?"

Looking at the giant vortex that was still expanding, Cheng Feng's face sank slightly.

He had already evoked 50% of his strength at this time to curb the tearing force of the giant vortex, but the whole person was still being dragged in the direction of the vortex.

The closer it gets to the giant vortex, the greater its tearing force.

Cheng Feng watched with the eyes of God of Fortune. The tearing force at the center of the vortex has reached an appalling level.

The ancient demon of the previous Xuanping Bapin was accidentally sucked into the center of the vortex.

Suddenly, it was torn into powder!

"Little beast, see how you crack this rudder."

At the end of the giant vortex, the master of the yin and yang rudder continued to instill the divine power into the vortex.

Let that giant vortex gradually march towards ten thousand meters.

Once the giant vortex reaches 10,000 meters, the level of horror will rise to another level, and even the real ascendants will be moved.

"Cheng Feng, the master of the yin and yang helm, this trick must be able to play fast, not give him enough time to prepare."

At this time, Nalan Changsheng's voice sounded: "If you let the other party fully brew this trick, then you want to crack, it will be as hard as possible!"

"Uncle Nalan means, let me fight back as soon as possible?"

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "But the weakness of the yin-yang rudder master, I haven't figured it out yet, I can't start!"

"Cheng Feng, the weakness of this trick is hidden in the strongest place."

"The weakness is hidden in the strongest place?"

Cheng Feng frowned: "You mean, the flaw of the giant vortex is located at the center of the giant vortex?"


Nalan Changsheng nodded: "The clever part of the yin and yang lord is that he hides the weakness in the strongest place, and lets people subconsciously ignore it."

"And, even if someone finally discovers this weakness, the giant vortex may have expanded to an extremely scary level at that time."

"If you want to break open, you can't get back to heaven!"

Nalan Changsheng said: "But you are different. You now have the ability to ascend halfway into the realm of heaven. If you cast the magic sword and force into the giant vortex, there should be no problem!"

"Take the half-step ascension to the sky to show the magic sword?"

Cheng Feng's brow raised: "I'm really looking forward to ... what will happen then!"

Summoning the magic sword is a marvelous martial art with an unpredictable history.

When Cheng Feng shattered the fourth realm, he cast the summoning sword to determine the third style, and once killed the true dragon-level master.

At this time, Cheng Feng reached the sky in half a step.

That scene is really exciting!

In anticipation, Cheng Feng Huo Ran grabbed the sword.

He took a deep breath and pressed all the complicated thoughts in his heart to the bottom of his heart.

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