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Chapter 860 Breaking the Danger

Just when Cheng Feng was 'hit'.

Bang bang ~~~

From the sky, dozens of black and white poultry monsters flew.

These bird monsters, led by vulture monsters and ancient giant eagles, are the monsters who helped the process before.

"Concubine Cheng Feng, congratulations, this time it's finally gone!"

The big demon birds came to Cheng Feng, and smiled and congratulated.

They witnessed Cheng Feng's falling into a mortal desperate situation again and again, but they rose again and again from the desperate situation.

That scene was too tragic and shocking.

At this time, Cheng Feng was finally out of desperation. They were sincerely happy for Cheng Feng.

"Seniors, I want to say thank you sincerely."

Seeing the fowl monsters, Cheng Feng hugged his fist and said, "If it wasn't for the help of your predecessors, I'm afraid I can't wait until the rescue arrives, and I'm dead!"

"So, please accept a gift from the juniors!"

Said, Cheng Feng bowed his fists to the end.

"Cheng Feng, please get up soon."

Seeing this, the great monsters of poultry hurriedly urged a demon force, helped Cheng Feng to raise a warm current in his heart.

As for the King of Kings and Blood Without Ends, they nodded one by one, paying more attention to Cheng Feng.


At the same time, Destiny Division headquarters.

"Cheng Feng is a loving and righteous son."

Uncle Jing looked at the picture in the matrix method projection, his face showed a touch of appreciation.

"Cheng Feng can be regarded as a model for the younger generation of warriors."

Wang Ming worshipped: "He seems to be a few years younger than me, but he is much taller than me."

"And being respectful and courteous, a little bit better than those, they moved their eyes to the 'genius' above their heads.

"Okay, this kind of hatred for Cheng Feng will be said less in the future."

Uncle Jing waved his hand and instructed: "Go to the Master and bring another batch of star stones, and I will send another emperor briefing."

"Return it?"

Wang Ming froze: "Don't Cheng Feng have lifted the crisis? He also sent the emperor to tell him what to do?"

"I want to pass on the news of Cheng Feng's rescue to all my colleagues in the world."

Uncle Jing said: "First, it can encourage morale in our righteous camp."

"Second, it is to let those who are still on the way to Digu Jungle to help Cheng Feng know that Cheng Feng has been rescued, so that he is not worried.

"Okay, I'll get the star stone now." Wang Ming turned away.

A moment later, a new Emperor's Bulletin was issued.

When the entire feathered dynasty was turned, countless righteous warriors saw the news on the emperor's bulletin, and their faces smiled brightly.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng is saved!"

On the way to Digu Jungle, Wang Wanben glanced at Tianyan bracelet and shouted excitedly.

Beside him, Qi Ming, Wang Bowen, Chu Tian ... and so on, the students from Qianlong Academy heard and immediately surrounded them.

When they saw the news on the Tianyan bracelet, they shouted joyfully.


"Is Cheng Feng safe? It's great."

Qianlong County, Yaowang Pavilion, the gentle and gentle Yueqingying has been staring at Tianyan bracelet.

When she saw the new emperor's briefing issued by Tianming Si, in her eyes, joy was almost overflowing.


"I knew that Cheng Feng could not fall so easily!"

The first plate of Yujing City, in the camp of the mighty army.

Wearing an armor, Fen Fen Fei, who was full of beauty, held a heavenly eye bracelet, and the dignified look on her face disappeared.


"Is it safe?"

Longyuan County, Longyuan Pavilion, forbidden ground, python blue and white in retreat, holding a sky eye bracelet in hand, can never enter the cultivation state.

Until now, when she saw the new emperor's briefing, her eyes closed and she quickly entered into penance.


"Hahaha ~~~"

"Cheng Feng is saved, he is safe!"

In the inner area of ​​Digu jungle, a six-meter giant who was running wildly stopped.

"It was killed by the chief of the sky, the sword master, the wind, the electric commander, and the king of gods ... it was almost enough to rescue ten strong men who had ascended to the sky. It is difficult to think of insecurity."

In front of the six-meter giant, three young men flying towards the core of Digu Jungle stopped.

"Cheng Feng, this bastard, leave us alone, and lead all dangers alone."

The six meter brave man said fiercely: "After I meet him, he must fix him fiercely, and see if he dare to leave his brother in the future!"

"Tyron, I'm talking big."

Bai Ze smiled and said, "With your current strength, can you hit the peak of the process?"

The six-meter brawny man's chest went up, "Well, when I hit him, you will know my true strength."

These four people are Tai Long, Jian Wuchen, Bai Ze, and Situ Yutian.


After seeing the emperor's briefing, not everyone rejoiced.

Many more are gritting their teeth.

For example, the disciples under the Zongmen Jade Palace, Hei Lian Xuan, Jade Nian Tang, Yin Yang Pavilion, Xing Dian, etc. are all blackened.

The second is the Ironwood family in Qianlong County, the Gu family in Shenghuo County, and the Li family in Lancangzhou ... Many people clenched their hands tightly, scolding the evil faction for their powerlessness, and even Cheng Feng, who was fragmented, couldn't get rid of .

For these things, Cheng Feng did not know.

At this time, he was being questioned by King Shenwei about Xiuwei.

"Cheng Feng, what's going on with your cultivation?"

King Shenwei asked curiously: "When we last met, it didn't look long before you just broke through the broken realm? Why now you have soared to half a step to the realm?"

"Predecessor Wu Wang, in fact, my cultivation did not reach half a step to the heaven."

Cheng Feng shook his head and said, "My cultivation today is the source of fire that was perfused by Hell's black inflammation, forcibly ascended."

"Once Hell's Black Flame removes the source of fire, my cultivation will plummet."

"Hell's melanitis?"

King Shenwei took a closer look at Cheng Feng, and suddenly realized: "You kid, how lucky you are."

"I remember Hell's Heiyan. He was first put into the cornucopia by Mr. Hei Ling, and then was ordered to cut the Dragon Sword by the Destiny Sita, and broke into the core area of ​​Digu jungle.

"At the time, there were several ascendants, and they went looking for them, including Mr. Blackbird."

"I never thought it would end up in your hands."

"Actually, I was able to get Hell's Black Flame this time, thanks to a little bit."

Cheng Feng looked at the little white bird: "At the time, I was still in the outer area of ​​Digu Jungle. It was this little guy who urged me to find something in the core area of ​​Digu Jungle."

"When the crisis is over, I will return the cornucopia."

"Cheng Feng, don't need to return it, the colorful bowl will be given."

The little white bird was very generous and actually wanted to send the cornucopia directly to Cheng Feng.

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