Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 865: Falling snow

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Chapter 665 Blood Falling From The Sky

"What, the powerhouse who ascended to heaven ... fall?"

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked, with a horrified look on their faces.

You know, climbing to heaven is not a cat or a dog.

Each of them is a fascinating existence. Only one of the millions, even tens of millions of warriors, can produce that one!

However, it is these peerless figures who actually fell off at this moment!

"A clear sky and thunder, this is indeed a symptom of the falling of the ascendant power."

On the side of Cheng Feng, the fierce bird Hei Yao said: "However, this‘ clear sky thunder ’only rang once, and there was only one red lightning bolt, which shows that the fallen ascendant heaven is as heavy as the ascendant!”


Cheng Feng's face was also difficult to hide, and asked, "Senior Black Yao, is this" clear sky, thunder and lightning "still classified?"

"Of course it is graded."

The evil bird Hei Yao said: "You also know that there are nine heavens in the sky, and one to three warriors fall from the sky, and usually there are‘ clear sky and thunder ’.”

"The strong man who descended from the fourth to sixth heavens fell, not only will there be thunderous clouds, but also blood and snow."

"As for the strong men who are above the sixth level, each of them has a clear existence. Once they fall, they will even have the phenomenon of" crying in the sky ", and it will be more difficult to accompany them."

"God cry? Is God crying?"

After hearing this, Cheng Feng only reacted after a while, and stunned: "This kind of super existence, I can't even think about it. After the fall, even the sky will cry for it!"

Shaking his head, Cheng Feng shook off these complicated thoughts, and then whispered, "I'm not the strongest man in this sky, or the strong man in my right path?"

"I guess nine out of ten are evil warriors."

The evil bird Hei Yao said: "Before, the only Jade lord who went to kill the blood gods and the law guardian of the sword, with the sword's only strength, maybe he would not kill the law guard of the death torture for a while, but he killed the hegemony lord of the star , Absolutely no problem. "

"Secondly, King Shenwei drives the Kowloon Royal Sky array to hunt down the corpse guardian's avatar. The gap between the two is quite large."

"Perhaps this man who descended into the heavens!"

The analysis of the black bird Yao Yao is quite accurate.

As soon as his voice disappeared, surprise shouts from the righteous martial artists suddenly sounded all around.

"Hahaha ~~~"

"The evil faction, the fallen heaven is the evil faction!"

Hearing the crowd's hissing, Cheng Feng lifted his eyes and found that everyone was holding the Tianyan bracelet to watch.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng also took out the Tianyan bracelet, and immediately saw that there was a continuously rolling message above the Tianyan bracelet.

[I'm a feathered god, a king of mighty gods, a blood sacrifice, a corpse guardian, and he is in the core of Digu jungle. Divine power is incomparable. 】

"The avatar's avatar?"

Seeing this news, Cheng Feng's eyes brightened: "The king of God is really fierce. He actually killed the top super strong man who struck the sky."

"This blow will definitely hurt the evil camp for a while!"

When the ascendants of the heavens die, the evil faction is more than just painful, it is simply angry.

You know, the 72 helmmasters of the Blood Gods are not all ascendants to the heavens, of which there are seven or eight, only half a step to the sky.

It's a good time, but suddenly a top-level existence exists.

This is directly to let the evil fighters get the news, one by one gnashing their teeth and anger.

However, it does not wait for the anger of the evil strong to subside.

Over the Digu jungle, booming ~~~

A deafening thunder sounded again.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a blood-red lightning, it cut through the clear sky.

"Another thunderous sky?"

"Oh my god, is there another sky-stretching powerhouse who has fallen?"

Seeing the blood red lightning that hasn't been scattered for a long time, all the warriors in the entire ancient jungle of the emperor are stunned.

I knew in my heart that another powerful man who ascended to heaven ... fallen!

"Who will be the ascendant ascend to heaven this time?"

"I guess it's miscellaneous!"

"This is not good, and it may be the right way."

After confirming the facts, all the warriors who heard the sound of thunder and clear sky have speculated that the fallen ascendant might be the one on the side.

In the noisy conversation, a new emperor's briefing quietly appeared on everyone's Tianyan bracelet.

[Qianlong Academy has the only main blade of the sword tower, and the female helm of the blood-cutting gods is located in the core area of ​​Digu jungle. Mighty, strong! 】

"Jade Lady Rudder, it is the Jade Lady Rudder who dies in blood!"

"Not long ago, the master of the jade lady's rudder had once against the sword's only disciple, Cheng Feng, and issued a blood killing order. Cheng Feng had no way to go to the sky and no door to the ground. "

"This is a real newspaper, come fast!"

Seeing the new news rolling on the Tianyan bracelet, all righteous warriors all applauded the sword.

Emotions are extremely exciting, full of confidence in the invasion of the blood gods.

On the other hand, the evil martial arts are like eggplants beaten by frost, their vitality and energy are declining, and they are hit hard.

Especially the evil warriors in the Digu jungle were pale and their fighting will plunged.

But ... this is not over yet! !!

Rumbling ~~~

It wasn't long before the thunder of the last sunny day,

A thunder that was several times louder than the loud thunder that had just sounded exploded in the sky.

And this thunder, still made four deafening roars, as if the four thunders exploded continuously.

And after the thunderous thunder, the hack ~~~

One, two, three, four!

Four whole red **** lightning bolts, like four red rainbows, were set up in the sky.

At the same time, there were even more snowflakes falling from the sky, but the snowflake was actually red as blood, as if it had just been removed from the blood, and it was scary.

"Thunder in the clear sky ... actually reached four consecutive sounds!"

"Also, there is blood falling from the sky!"

"Isn't it a sign that a strong man who has climbed to the heavens and four heavens has fallen?"

At this moment, all the warriors who heard the thunder and saw the red snowflakes falling from the sky were shocked, whether they were right or evil, and some people were caught on the spot.

Ascending to the fourth level, what is this concept?

Put on the huge feathered dynasty, it is enough to build a first-class family that has been passed down for thousands of years!

The eight major families of the Jade Beijing City have the strongest existence within this family, which is this class.

But at this moment, such a level of existence has fallen?

"This fallen man, don't be a strong man in my righteous camp, don't be!"

At this moment, everyone in the world is silently praying in their hearts, hoping that the fallen fourth ascendant in the sky, not the one in the right path.

As for evil warriors, they are also praying.

Both the righteous and the evil do not want to see this falling existence, but they are the stronger of their own.

Because the cost is too great and the loss is too great, it will cause an unimaginable blow to the morale of both parties!

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