Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 869: Leaky Fish

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Chapter 869 The Fish Who Leaked the Net

"Bai Ze is being chased down by another evil sect."

There was a strong anxiety on Tailong's face: "Not long ago, the four of us came out of Tianlong Tomb to support you, but in the inner area of ​​Digu jungle, we encountered two Zulong tops holding torture tools Miscellaneous. "

"When Bai Ze saw the two, he immediately opened the golden portal and was ready to take us away, but was forcibly interrupted by one of them."

"As a last resort, we had to run away separately."

Tai Long said: "At that time, Bai Ze used a life-saving object, which led away one of the Zulong-class top debris."

"But with Shirasawa's practice, he must not escape the chaotic chase of the evil faction. Presumably at this moment, he has fallen into that chaotic hand ..."

"Zulong top master with torture?"

After listening to Tailong's narration, Cheng Feng's expression on his face was transpirational: "These two miscellaneous pieces should be the two fish that leaked the net before!"

Half a day ago, the Criminal Protection Law once dispatched the eight sons of Xingdian to the Digu jungle to hunt down Cheng Feng.

The eight sons of the Palace of Punishment are all ancestors of the Zulong class, and they also like to use torture as weapons.

At that time, Cheng Feng relied on the power of the fowl demon to siege the eight sons of the execution hall. Eight top ancestors of the dragon class died and six of them were killed. Only two people escaped by chance.

Unexpectedly, after saving their lives, the two men not only fled immediately, but instead dormant in the jungle of Digu, and continued to look for Cheng Feng's obscurity.

It's just that with their fighting power, Cheng Feng can't help it, so he can use Cheng Feng's friends to operate!

"I thought that missing a fish or two wouldn't be a problem."

Cheng Feng blamed himself: "It seems that I still don't think about it ..."

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng suddenly held out a hand until the source of fire infused with Hell's black inflammation evoked, humming ~~~

A strong suction appeared.

Like a dragon absorbing water, the middle-aged middle-aged man with his body embedded in the mountain body just sucked it out.

"Cheng Feng ... is Cheng Feng actually?"

The overcast middle-aged man just woke up from shock.

When he saw that he was like a goose feather, the suction force sprayed by Cheng Feng with the palm of his hand sucked and flew towards the other side, and he couldn't help but be dismayed.

"How is that possible? How is this possible?"

Yin-aged middle-aged people couldn't believe their eyes.

Not seen for half a day, Cheng Feng's Xiu Wei has soared to such an extent that catching himself is as easy as catching an ant.

"Little beast, give me death!" In horror, the middle-aged man's face flashed fiercely.

Even if the fire was to be turned on, Cheng Feng launched a counterattack.

However, middle-aged middle-aged people do not wait for action.

Hum! Cheng Feng's palm slammed suddenly, letting that suction also sway.

In this way, the force of perseverance is poured into the body of the middle-aged man in the vulva.

It seemed like a big invisible hand grabbed the middle-aged man of the yin dynasty, lifted it fiercely, and then slammed it fiercely on the ground.

嘭 ~~~

When the overcast middle-aged man hit the ground, the whole person fell directly into the ground.

The ground was smashed into a human-shaped deep pit that was three or four meters deep.

This is also the result of Cheng Feng using the origin of fire to strengthen the ground dozens of times before the middle-aged man of the yin yang hit the ground.

If it were replaced by ordinary ground, this humanoid pit would have to be at least tens of meters deep.


Seeing this scary scene, Tyrone just widened his eyes and was stunned.

It wasn't until a short while that he swallowed a spit, and asked horribly: "Cheng Feng, what have you experienced in the last few days? How did Xiu Wei soar?

It is hard to imagine that the middle-aged middle-aged people are so arrogant that they are in Cheng Feng's hands and have no strength to struggle.

Like a scarecrow, let Cheng Fengzhang!

This kind of strength, even if Cheng Feng eats dozens of 10,000-year-old Longjing fruit, I am afraid that he can't reach it?

"Tylon, this is not my strength."

Seeing the shocked Tyrone and the five ancestors who followed him, Cheng Feng explained: "This power was borrowed by me. Once I return the borrowed power, my cultivation will plummet. "

"My current practice is only to break the sixth realm!"

"Breaking the sixth realm, this is also quite scary."

The five righteous martial artists were horrified: "In the age of the son of Cheng Feng, there are only a handful of people who can do such a cultivation, and the whole feathered dynasty is also very rare!"

After Cheng Feng explained a sentence, he turned his attention to the middle-aged man in the pit of the human form.

The fall that Cheng Feng just made was scary and powerful, and at the same time, the ground was strengthened. The middle-aged man with a yin smash hit the ground, almost suffering a double attack.

As soon as he fell into the deep pit, the whole body's bones were broken by dozens.

Second, the five internal organs suffered severe shocks, the blood vessels burst open, and scarlet blood spewed directly from the nose and nose.

Even Longli Acupoint is affected. The four air seas surrounding Longli Acupoint are rolling up and almost collapsing.

And once the Qihai collapses, then the self-cultivation of the middle-aged and middle-aged people will be abolished!

Huh! Cheng Feng stepped on the ground, and a forceful source of fire passed into the deep pit of the human form, shocking the middle-aged man.

Falling in front of him, coughing up blood!

"You have two ways to die."

Cheng Feng looked at the middle-aged man who coughed up blood: "One, I'll give you a knife directly to make you die quickly."

"Second, I will destroy your eight acupoints, and then use all kinds of cruel means to let you live for ten years and eight years in endless suffering, until the spirit is really untenable, collapse and die!"

"Which of these two ways do you want to choose?"

"Hey, little mess, just say what you want."

Yin-yin middle-aged man sneered while coughing up blood: "This kind of threatening trick is useless to Lao Tzu."

"A threat?"

Cheng Feng said coldly: "I don't like to talk empty words, but to do it."

"In addition, you are from the Temple of Torture. You are most aware of those torture methods. Although I am not good at torture, I can learn."

"So next, what I ask, you better answer honestly."

"Otherwise, I don't mind practicing your hands!"

The warriors in the Palace of Torture usually like to torture people and are proficient in all kinds of torture methods.

The Yin Yin middle-aged man is one of the best.

So he was very clear about how terrible the pain would be when he was tortured to the extreme.

Therefore, when he looked at the indifferent eyes of Shang Chengfeng.

Involuntarily, my skin twitched, and my heart gave a feeling of throbbing!

"One, say your name and origin."

Cheng Feng's eyes were frosty, and Shen said, "Second, talk about the cultivation and background of your other associate."

"Three, say when and where you meet with another accomplice."

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