Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 872: Cheng Feng

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Chapter 872 Fat Cheng Feng

What Cheng Feng has experienced these days is too twisty and dangerous.

As soon as he rushed out of the Dragon Tomb, he was besieged by nearly ten evil masters led by the black-faced Buddha.

When he had just turned the danger, he encountered two 'knife-men' who stabbed the knife and directly destroyed the only way to escape-the golden portal.

Afterwards, he rushed into the inner area of ​​the imperial jungle, but was hunted down by the black-faced Buddha and the two women's palace women.

When Cheng Feng repelled the black-faced Buddha with the help of the dragon lice, he was relieved, but was found by the fusion of the two jade girls in the jade palace.

In the fight, Cheng Feng's biggest life-saving card, Tianlong Lice, was actually hurt by the jade girl Xia Mei with yellow spring water and fell into a deep sleep.

Fortunately, the little white bird awakened Suzaku's blood and helped Cheng Feng resolve the crisis.

At the same time, due to the identity of the little white bird's Suzaku, many countless bird demon voluntarily came to escort, and Cheng Feng, who was in a desperate situation, was born alive.

With the help of dozens of bird monsters, Cheng Feng killed the Quartet and killed dozens of evil masters who came to hunt him down.

But the good times didn't last long. His killing called for a half-step ascendant of the yin and yang rudders; ascend the ascendant, the black-faced rudder and the jade lady rudder; the ascendant's fourth torture law, and the jade face ... Hunting.

At that time, Cheng Feng was a life of nine deaths, the closest to death.

Several times, basically walking back and forth in front of the gates of hell.

If it weren't for the daylight, the sword, the only sword, the king of power, the boundless blood, the gentleman of the snake ... and so on, the righteous strong ones arrived in time.

Cheng Feng may not be alive at all!

After hearing Cheng Feng's account, everyone was shocked.

Even the fierce bird was black, and there was a strange color in his eyes.

This shock lasted for a long time before it was broken by a loud noise.


This loud voice came from the mouth of Tailong: "Cheng Feng, your experience is really exciting, it's almost as thrilling as dreaming."

"If it wasn't for knowing you, I would doubt if you were talking about it!"

"Yes, what Brother Cheng Feng has experienced in the past few days is extremely dangerous."

Situ Yutian said: "It is fortunate that you are Cheng Feng. If you change to another person, you are afraid that you will not be able to bear the stress early, and your spirit will collapse!"

Chased and killed by wave after wave of enemies.

The pressure is indeed very high, as if I can never escape, and I have been doing useless work and dying.

In fact, Cheng Feng had several self-doubts during his flight.

Doubting whether you can live or not, is it just the dying struggle before dying!

However, Cheng Feng finally stumbled through it.

And this journey of life and death has given Cheng Feng's mind and will ...

Directly let Cheng Feng's knife intention produce a qualitative change.

At this moment, his sword intention has progressed from the previous sixth-rank 90% to the seventh-rank 20%.

Moreover, this increase is continuing silently.

As for the final growth to that level, it will stop, no one is sure!

"Cheng Feng, you are really good."

At this time, the fierce bird Hei Yao also interjected: "You may not be the strongest of the human geniuses I have seen, but the resilience, the will ... and the kind of invincibility, but none People can compare! "

"If you can keep this vigor forever, there will be limitless achievements in the future!"

"Which young talent can actually get such a high evaluation from Mr. Hei?"

The violent bird Hei Yao's voice just fell, and a burst of noise suddenly heard from the void.

Immediately afterwards, the chief of the Ancestral Sky came out of the void.

On his side, a young man in white was standing, his face was a little pale, but his condition was not bad.

It is Shirasawa!

"Senior Zhao, have you saved Bai Ze?"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Feng and others showed surprise.

As for Tailong, they even stepped forward to Bai Ze, and then a palm-like palm fell on Bai Ze's shoulder.

The whole person couldn't help but take a photo of Bai Ze.

"You guy, want to shoot me!" Bai Ze cursed with a smile.

"Hahaha ~~~"

Tailong laughed: "I'm examining your body to see if you have been injured by the miscellaneous piece of punishment."

"It's your way to check your body, and leave it to others."

Bai Ze stepped back and laughed: "As for me ... Thanks for being insensitive!"

Just talking to Tai Long, Bai Ze looked at Cheng Feng and sighed, "I have heard about Da Shiming about your affairs, and I'm almost racing with death."

"It's a miracle that you can survive."

At this point, Bai Ze's tone changed, and he deliberately stood up: "But even so, you leave your brother's affairs, but you are 'crime and hard to forgive', and you must punish it severely!"

"Yes, we must give Cheng Feng some colors to see." Tai Long echoed loudly.

As for Jian Wuchen and Situ Yutian, although he didn't speak, the smirk on his face expressed his meaning very clearly.

"Cough ~~~"

Cheng Feng saw the four Tailongs coming around, and coughed a few words: "I just escaped from the pursuit of a few ascendants of the heavenly realm, and escaped dangerously. Even if you want to 'learn' me, you should allow me. Raise your body a little bit, right? "

"Cheng Feng, are you hurt?" Bai Ze frowned.

"There is a fart injury."

However, before Cheng Feng answered, Tailong directly pierced: "This guy is much healthier than the others we have combined. Before that, he destroyed a top Zulong master."

"Really? So what are we waiting for?"

Upon hearing this, Bai Ze suddenly smirked: "Brother, hit him!"

With Bai Ze's voice, Tai Long and Situ Yutian rushed to Cheng Feng immediately. Among them, the little white bird was also muddy and blurred, and joined the team of Fat Cheng Cheng ...

Not far away, Tian Zhao Da Ming ordered to see this scene, his face could not help but reveal a touch of memory.

Maybe I remembered the gang of gangsters with him when he was young.

"Why, is it because of the youthful spirit of Cheng Feng?"

Glancing at the sky, the fierce bird Hei Yao laughed.

"Mr. Hei Yao laughed."

"Laughter? How come!"

The evil bird Hei Yao sighed: "Seeing Cheng Feng, you can resonate, which shows that you also had a group of friends who lived and died with similar daring."

"Unlike me, I don't know how many years I have lived, but I don't even have a decent friend ..."

After a sigh of emotion, the fierce bird Hei Yao turned to the topic: "Are you connected to the only sword, King Shenwei and others?"

"If they don't come, just the two of us, some people are afraid they won't leave!"

The "some people" mentioned by the evil bird Hei Yao obviously refers to the unification of ecstasy angels and iconostasis dormant in the dark.

"The King of Gods is in the jungle of Digu."

The chief of Tianzhao commanded: "We have just sent them a voice of the soul, and I will be there later."

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