Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 882: Combing gains and losses

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Chapter 882 Sorting Out Gains and Losses

"That's natural."

Bai Ze interfaced: "Fortunately, we have come to the Destiny Division. If we went to Yujing and lived in the inn ... I'm afraid you have been surrounded by countless challengers, and you can't get over!

"Okay, now that things are happening, don't think about it."

On the No. 6 cultivation area, Cheng Feng said, "I still pack my emotions and work hard to improve cultivation."

"As long as I have enough strength, then no matter how many people come to challenge in the future, I can face it frankly, one person, one sword, the world alone!"

"Well said."

Tai Long nodded and said, "In this valley, the sky and earth are strong and ridiculous, which is a good place for cultivation."

"The other day, I only got three or four dragon crystal fruits in the Tianlong Tomb, and it has been stagnant to improve to the fourth level of fragmentation."

"This is exactly the opportunity to promote the repair to a rapid improvement."

After all, Tyrone flew to a stone chamber in the middle of the dragon-shaped valley, ready to retreat and retreat.

"My cultivation also broke the fourth realm."

"This is correct, it was okay in the past, but now I can't take it at all ... I have to work hard."

Shirasawa took the next sentence and flew to another stone room.

Seeing this, Cheng Feng flew to the third stone room without a word.


"My cultivation is that the sixth realm is now broken, and the dragon's body is about two hundred meters."

In the stone room, Cheng Feng sat cross-legged: "This is the distance of the 99th meter of the dragon's body from the limit of breaking the sixth realm, which is a lot worse."

"My current training goal is to expand the power of the eight dragons to 999 meters."

"But before I practice, I still sort out the recent gains and losses."

Cheng Feng groaned: "My recent gains are quite generous, and they are broadly divided into three areas."

"First, the improvement of strength; second, the acquisition of martial arts skills; third, the new hole cards."

The improvement of Cheng Feng's strength is very obvious. The repair is soared directly from the broken second realm to the broken sixth realm, which can be called several steps.

The second is the sword intention, the demon sword, the thunder gun fist ... all have made breakthroughs, and the combat power has increased a lot.

For martial arts and exercises, Cheng Feng obtained a total of six.

One is the impossibility of the imperial martial arts, the other is the hand of the gods of the imperial martial arts, the third is the Tianlong gold body of refining martial arts, the fourth is the elaboration of the twelve sutras and the formation method given by Xu Yan, and the last is the only gift of the sword. Sword method 'Di Cang knife technique'.

Except for the detailed explanation of the matrix method, each of the other five martial arts is extraordinary.

And the direction of cultivation is different. If Cheng Feng cultivates, his strength will be improved in all directions.

As for Cheng Feng's new hole card, there are four.

The first is Hell's Black Flame. Once used, his cultivation can be ascended to half-step ascent.

The second is the scroll of Wuhun gifted by the wind. This object stores the martial arts attacks of the four masters of the Storm and Lightning Peak, and detonates it, which is enough to cause the second strongest person in the sky to be seriously injured.

The third one is the dragonfly.

However, Tianlong Lice was hurt by the jade girl Chunmei with Huang Quanshui, and she was now falling asleep.

Cheng Feng must think of a method as soon as possible to wake up the dragonfly lice, and then increase the cultivation.

When the dragon dragon lice is promoted to the king level, or even the emperor level, then even the ascendants of heaven will have to hide away.

The fourth one is the Zijin banner.

Although this thing was in the hands of Cheng Feng, it was always remembered by the little white bird.

Now it is completely owned by him.

Of course, in addition to these things, Cheng Feng has many other gains.

For example, a knife-shaped tree presented by a small white bird, a thunderbolt given by the fierce bird Heiyao ... and so on.

As for the loss of Cheng Feng, it is divided into two aspects.

First, in order to save his life, he nearly exhausted all the cards and kills accumulated over the days.

However, these things, compared with his earnings, are not worth mentioning at all.

Secondly, he killed too many top evil masters, completely angering the blood gods.

I'm afraid at this moment, the blood gods are already planning to kill him.

And this time, once the blood gods act, they will never give him the opportunity to invite soldiers.

It must be a thunder strike and a kill!

"The crisis that enveloped me is more than a star point heavier than before."

Cheng Feng thought: "To survive this crisis, strength is fundamental."

"So, I must plan cultivation in the next step, and improve it as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng closed his eyes and groaned: "My strength structure is one of Long Li Xiuwei, the other is martial arts weapons, and the third is the hole card kill trick."

"In these three aspects, Long Lixiu is the foundation."

"If there is no dragon power to support, then any advanced martial arts, or hole cards, will be difficult to exert the corresponding effect."

"Therefore, I first repaired Longli to ascend ..."

Thinking of this, Cheng Feng no longer hesitated, and directly operated the ice and heavens, and swallowed up the dense and nearly liquid dragon and air in the chamber.

And at the same time, he also quietly operated the Tianlong Golden Body to refine the flesh and bones of the whole body.

Squeezing out the ten thousand dragon crystal fruits that have been deposited in the flesh, nourishing the power of the eight dragons in the body.

This allows Cheng Feng's eight dragon powers to grow at a rate that is visible to the naked eye, and then grows.

It didn't take long.

The eight dragon powers in his body have grown from more than 200 meters to 300 meters, 400 meters ... 600 meters, 700 meters!

When Cheng Feng's eight dragon powers grew to 700 meters, the Wannian Longjing fruit deposited in his body was completely exhausted.

This slowed down the growth of his dragon power.

However, without Wannian Longjing fruit, he still has a large amount of heaven and earth dragon gas absorption refining.

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

Exhale ~~ **** ~~

Then, in the quiet back room, a breath-taking voice of a dragon started to ring.

Time passed, and the blink of an eye was a full two days and two nights.


In the secret room, after two days and two nights of continuous practice, Cheng Feng stopped running and frosted, and took a long breath: "The power of the eight dragons in my body finally rushed to over 900 meters."

At this time, Cheng Feng, surrounded by the ancient dragons of eight dragons with a length of nine hundred meters.

These eight ancient dragons, the scales of which are all deep and heavy, have two sharp dragon-like dragon horns growing obliquely on their heads, giving a tremendous amount of pressure.

In fact, of the eight dragon powers, only the dragon head was exposed, and the rest were all sunk into Cheng Feng's body.

If it is all released, it will definitely burst the entire secret room!

"After the strength of Tianlong reached 900 meters, the growth rate was too slow."

Cheng Feng's brow frowned: "The strength of the eight dragons reached 900 meters a day and a half ago. In the following half day, it actually increased by five meters."

"It seems that to expand the power of the eight dragons to 999 meters, it will take at least a few days of hard work!"

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