Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 930: God of War

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Chapter 930 The Power of God of War

Let Long Yichen take out the legguards of the War God armor, which is almost equivalent to Cheng Feng giving away the Demon Sword.

To Long Yichen, this matter is too difficult.

However, Long Yichen was really able to lose, despite the perseverance, eventually gave the legion of war armor to Cheng Feng.

"This Long Yichen is a man."

"If you change to someone else, you will probably suffer and cheat on you."

"Indeed, this man's way of doing things, I serve!"

Around the Quartet, countless audiences saw Long Yichen's defeat and sent him the leggings of War Armor and gave them thumbs up.

Since you bet, you have to lose!

Although Long Yichen lost, he won the respect of countless spectators and Cheng Feng.

"Brother Long, you should also see that your pair of gold leggings and my half-set of gold armor are of the same origin."

Cheng Feng caught the leggings of the God of War armor thrown by Long Yichen, and apologized, "So, I'm very sorry ..."

"It goes without saying, I understand!"

Long Yichen nodded: "It's not necessarily a good thing to let the two separated things come back together."

"Brother Long, take this one million dragon crystals back."

Cheng Feng groaned a little, and suddenly threw the one million dragon crystal soul ring to Long Yichen: "I take this pair of golden leggings, enough."

"Cheng Feng, you don't need to ..."

Long Yichen catches the soul ring thrown by Cheng Feng and is about to say something.

Suddenly, a strange feeling hit my heart.

This feeling was mysterious and mysterious, so incredible that he immersed himself in it all at once, his eyes became clear and transparent.

"Is this ... epiphany?"

Seeing this, Cheng Feng could not help but stunned.

"Fuck, this guy is lucky."

Tyrone and Bai Ze are also stunned, surprised: "Lost the gamble, but got an epiphany, barely considered a tie?"

"Okay, let's all leave first, so as not to disturb Long Yichen's epiphany."

At this moment, the sky chief commanded.

Then urged a huge divine shield to shield Long Yichen from all external influences.

Because epiphany is so rare, many warriors have a hard time encountering it once in their lives.

"Mad, it's ridiculous."

After Tian Zhao Dai's life erected a divine shield, Tai Long hummed and said, "I haven't had one epiphany yet, but it seems that Cheng Feng has epiphany twice?"

"Uh ..." Cheng Feng froze.

He did have epiphany twice.

The first time was about a month ago on an island in Mingze Lake.

The second time was just now.

It was because of the second epiphany that Cheng Feng quickly learned the second form of Emperor Cangshu, and defeated Long Yichen with a counterattack.

"Cheng Feng, how does epiphany feel?" Tai Long asked.

Bai Ze was also curious, and apparently he had never had an epiphany.

"This ... can't say."

Cheng Feng recalled: "During the epiphany, it will be very easy to practice any martial arts. There will be no bottleneck at all. It will come naturally."

"As for whether Xiuwei's breakthrough is helpful, I am not sure."

Cheng Feng's two epiphanies were relatively short, and they were all used to cultivate martial arts.

So if Epiphany helps Xiu Wei to break through, he really doesn't know.

"Episode is a blessing from God."

At this moment, Tianzhao Daiming explained: "This blessing is all-encompassing, and it is of great help to cultivation, martial arts, exercises, spirits, etc ..."

"My bloodline power has never been fully developed."

Tailong muttered, "If I also had an epiphany, once the power of blood was developed to the utmost, I would be able to tear it apart from an ancestor!"

Just as a few of Tyrone were thinking about epiphany.

Cheng Feng picked up the gold leggings and took a closer look.

I saw the pair of leggings, all golden, covered with simple patterns.

It is exactly the same as Cheng Feng's half-set armor of war.

Even when Cheng Feng took it in his hand, before the dragon force was triggered, the pair of leggings clicked ~~~

Led by an inexplicable force, it spontaneously disintegrated, and then attached to Cheng Feng's legs.

Om ~~~

After all the components are attached, they are connected with Cheng Feng's upper half of armor.

Suddenly, a set of almost perfect gold armor was formed.

A mighty force rushed out of the armor, making Cheng Feng's body suddenly emit a bright golden light, just like a golden **** of war!

"what's the situation?"

Aside, Tyrone and Bai Ze were alarmed and looked at Cheng Feng together.

When they saw Cheng Feng wearing a gold armor, his whole body shone like a **** of war, and their eyes were straight.

As for the Quartet, those audiences who have not yet disappeared.

Seeing this scene at this time, they were moved.

"Gold armor?"

"It turned out that Long Yichen's pair of gold leggings and Cheng Feng's half set of gold armor were a whole."

"That dragon Yichen broke into the prestige of" Tiantian God's Leg "with only a pair of golden leggings."

"Apart from Cheng Feng's helmet this time, he almost has a whole set of armor. So how far will he ... be strong?"

Seeing that Cheng Feng had assembled more than half of the set of war armor, everyone was looking forward to it.

I want to know that Cheng Feng at this moment is so strong!

And Tyrone and Bai Ze, even more so.

"Cheng Feng, how strong are you now?"

Tyron politely asked with a throaty voice, "How much strength does this set of gold armor give you?"

"I can't figure it out for the time being."

Cheng Feng casually responded: "In short, very strong and strong ..."

Cheng Feng was very busy at this time, he was adapting to the amount of violent violence rushing out of the armor of War God.

God of War armor is the armor worn by God of War more than 100,000 years ago.

This armor was torn apart by the God of War being defeated by the Emperor of Heavenly Burial, cutting his body apart and suppressing it everywhere in the world.

After the armor of war was disassembled, the power contracted and fell into seven parts of the armor of war.

These seven pieces of God of War armor were successively obtained four pieces by Cheng Feng.

However, because he didn't know how to develop, the power hidden in the armor of the God of War did not show up to one hundredth.

However, with the two leggings of the War God armor, they were taken back.

The seven major components of the Ares Armor were assembled together into six pieces to form a whole, and the Ares Armor power contained in the six parts suddenly spontaneously emitted a small part.

Although each piece of the War God armor only emits a small amount of power.

But the six strands add up to a terrifying level!

If Cheng Feng had recently practiced the purple thunder refining skill to the sixth floor, Tianlong Jinshen also practiced the third turn, I'm afraid that he will be alive by the power of the God of War armor!

"I feel like I can punch through the sky at this time!"

After taking on the power of the War God armor, Cheng Feng's body was full of explosive power.

This gave him the feeling of being able to step on the whole world under his feet: "At this time, if I face Long Yichen again, I only need to slap him gently!

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