Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 944: Kill with a finger

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Chapter 944 Shooting Murder

Regarding Goshaw's doubts, Cheng Feng didn't bother to explain, and answered directly with actual actions.

I saw Cheng Feng pressing his breath, heartbeat, pulse, and dragon power fluctuations to the lowest level, and then exhibited the fourth layer of the Shadow Method.

Suddenly, the whole person disappeared immediately.

"This ... Is this divine?"

After Cheng Feng disappeared out of thin air, he stared at the boss, but couldn't see a half figure at all.

Even when he used his hand to grab the place where Cheng Feng just stood, his hand penetrated directly from Cheng Feng's body, but he didn't feel the slightest.

As if caught air, the whole person was shocked!

"Okay, Goshawk, you give me a detailed map of the Yucang River two thousand to five thousand miles, and then hide it."

Cheng Feng in the invisible state said: "As for me, you should never see it."

"Master, this is a detailed map of the entire Yucang River Basin."

Seeing Cheng Feng's shocking means, Goshaw has no doubt at all about Cheng Feng.

He took an animal skin from his arms and handed it to Cheng Feng.

Cheng Feng opened a glance and couldn't help but brow: "Why is there no word on this animal skin?"

"My son, all the pictures and text on this animal skin are written in special pen and ink."

The Goshawk explained: "If you want to see the specific picture and text, you must bake it slightly with flames, and then the text on the animal skin will appear.

"So it is."

Cheng Feng suddenly realized, and then said, "Goshawk, thank you for your information."

"Next, take care to protect yourself, let's just stop there."

After all, Cheng Feng glanced at the goshawk and turned to leave.


As soon as Cheng Feng left the home of Goshawk, a beast roar suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, those young men of evil spirits came out of spirits, riding a few domesticated Xuan-class monsters.

"Everyone, meet me right in the middle of town!"

The evil youth who arrived on the mysterious monster was very arrogant.

In the first person, her hair stood up like a hedgehog, and three or four gold earrings hung on her ears.

Before the people arrived in the town, Zhang Kuang's shout came first: "One minute!"

"If anyone doesn't reach the center of the town within one minute, let my mount be lunch!"

The hedgehog has a young hair and rides on a dazzling tiger.

This tiger is ten meters long, with a flash of fierce light in his eyes, and when he hears the word lunch, he makes a loud roar.

Obviously no less cannibalism, they have developed a habit!

"Quick, quick, let's get together in the middle of town."

"It's too late to die!"

With the voice of the young hedgehog hair, the whole town suddenly fry.

When they heard the sound, almost everyone immediately opened the door of their room, picked up the children and the elderly at home, and hurried to the center of the town.

But there was heavy snow outside the house, and the snow was more than one meter thick.

The adult stepped on it, and the snow covered the waist.

As for the children and the elderly, they were drowned by the snow for an instant.

However, the voice of the young hedgehog's hair was still ringing in his ears.

This is directly forcing the people in the town, regardless of their age, men and women, to use their hands and feet to crawl towards the center of the town.

That scene was absolutely terrible!

"These **** evils are messy!"

Seeing this picture, Cheng Feng's mind was greatly impacted.

He deeply felt how hard it is for ordinary people to live in troubled times.

Just because of the words of the young hedgehog hair, it directly determines the life and death of a town.

"I'd like to see what you guys want to do!"

After Cheng Feng originally intended to obtain information, he immediately left the town and rushed to the Yucang River two thousand miles.

But at this moment, he was not in a hurry.

He was going to stay and see how sad the hedgehog-haired youth was.

If these people are really killing themselves in front of their eyes, even if they are exposed to identity, he will kill the waves one by one!


Just when Cheng Feng decided to stay.

The dozen evil youths have already flew to the center of the town on a monster.

Then there was the young hedgehog with his hands on his shoulders, and stepped on the spotted tiger. He shouted, "Ten seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds ..."

The voice of the young hedgehog's hair stretched very long, and every word he shouted was like an invisible sledgehammer, pounding heavily on the hearts of all people.

Let those people who have not had time to rush to the center of the town become pale and full of despair in an instant.

"Three seconds, two seconds, one second!"

Finally, the hedgehog hair youth arrived at the appointed time.

All of a sudden, the people in the town looked desperate.

As for the young hedgehog hair, the cruel light flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, the giant tiger at his feet made a roar of excitement, two tiger claws slammed out, and burst out, biting at an old man.

This multi-colored tiger, but it has reached the first grade.

If the old man is bitten by him, there is absolutely no life.

"Uncle Li, get out of here."

"Uncle Li, danger!"

Seeing this, all the people present shouted.

However, this does nothing.

The huge mouth of the colorful tiger has covered the old man named Li.

And just then, oh!

A jade finger suddenly shot, like a big arrow bursting into the forehead of the dreadful tiger.

At that moment, the multi-colored tiger flew backwards.

After flying over ten meters, hey ~~~

The head of the multicolored tiger suddenly burst open, and the body had died before it could land!


Seeing this sudden scene, countless people in the scene were stunned and shocked.

In particular, the old man with the surname Li was even on the spot.

As for the hedgehog-haired youth and others, they were violently shocked at the same time, and the whole body was rousing.

A pair of eyes looked at the direction where the fingers shot, and burst out, "Who is it?"

Under the gaze of everyone, only a rugged young man who was two meters tall and full of steaming spirits stepped out.

"Who are you? How dare you kill my mount!"

Seeing this rude young man stepping forward, the hedgehog's hair Zongbo looked stunned.

It felt like he was being stared at by an ancient ferocious beast, and his fierce pressure made him almost out of breath.

However, he relied on a lot of people, and there were masters of Zongmen supporting him, he just straightened his waist and burst into drink.

"Don't even know this son? Find something dead!"

Hearing Zong Bo's inquiries, the rugged young man's brows frowned, and then his eyes shot fiercely.

I saw him walking, raised his right hand, and bounced casually.

咻咻 咻 ~~~

Even with three jade-colored fingers, he shot out of the hands of the rude youth.

Seeing this scene, the blogger felt a breath of death rushing on his face and immediately tried his best to dodge, but he couldn't escape at all.

Bang ~

His two legs were hit with jade fingers and his legs burst on the spot.

The other finger hit his eyebrow, Zong Bo's eyes suddenly dissipated, obviously he couldn't live!

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