Martial God of Myriad Realms

Chapter 989: Lurkers attack

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Chapter 1989 The Lurkers Attack

Those five divine thoughts apparently come from the five masters of Yutuo Rudeng who ascended to heaven.

The five of them had a very old experience, and in a few words, they inferred the reason why the undercover man killed the emerald flute warrior.

As a result, the five of them made a brief exchange and prepared to conduct a rigorous search on the area where the emerald flute fighters died.

But at this moment, hum ~~~

In Qianhe Island area, seven or eight hundred miles away, suddenly a sword rushed into the sky.

The sword was overbearing, with a taste that could cut through the sky.

The only intention of the knife is exactly the same!

"The only knife !?"

Sensing this knife, the five people of the fish extension rudder suddenly changed their faces.

"In the area of ​​Qianhe Island, the only intention of the knife appeared?"

A strong ascendant asked, "Yu Tuo, don't you say that the only knife that has slipped out of the Qianhe Island area, what is it now?"

Another strong man who ascended the heavens said: "Today's Qianhe Island area, there is no longer any strong sect of religion, it is bound to make the sword the only escaped birth day.

"You, this is a problem."

Yu Tuodu said: "The only thing that the sword slipped out of Qianhe Island was Xiao Yun, the close disciple of the Eighth Guardian. It was determined by the soul-locking disc.

"Moreover, if the only sword is really on Qianhe Island, then he will just run away quietly, will he deliberately let go of the sword?"

"Nine out of ten, it is the misunderstanding of the right path, and the intention is to divert five of us away, giving the real knife the only chance of escape."

Hearing this analysis by the master of Yutuo Rudder, the other four ascendants to the heavens all frowned, feeling some truth.

But just then.

The evil fighters of Qianhe Island suddenly sent a message.

Dayi is the only middle-aged man who resembles a knife. He urges Dayi to hack and kill a master who is on the top of the broken state of Qianhe Island, and then flees away.

Urge the master of the fish extension rudder, and go to catch!

"Not right."

After reading the information, one climbed into the heavens and frowned: "I feel that we have come here to be on the right path."

"The only real sword is definitely the one who fled at the moment."

"Oh?" Master Yutuo and others listened.

"This post speculates that the so-called 'single sword' found by Xiao Yun is a spy posing as a spy."

The name said: "Once we are taken, everyone comes to hunt down the only counterfeit knife, and the real thing hidden on Qianhe Island can easily escape."

"It should be noted that the emerald flute in the hand of the dead disciple just now can only sense the fluctuation of dragon power."

"The only thing the sword is is the strongest ascending the heavens. There can be no such thing as 'Dragon Force'!"

"Xuanting protects the law to make sense!"

After listening to the analysis of Xuan Ting's law protection, the other three ascendants to the heavens nodded.

Even the master of Yutuo has nothing to say.

Because, as the guardian of the Xuan Ting said, the emerald flute sect martial arts can only capture the fluctuation of dragon power.

If the person hiding here is the only sword, what is the explanation for the fluctuation of dragon power?

So that the master of Yu Tuodu and others ‘OK’, the only knife is still in the Qianhe Island area.

As for the "knife only" here, it's just undercover posing, not to mention.

After confirming the only real hiding place of the knife, the five masters of the Yutuo Rudder said nothing.

When a divine power was evoked, he broke through the clouds and galloped towards Qianhe Island.

"Master of the rudder, guardian of the Xuanting ..."

Dozens of miles away, Xiao Yun, who was busy, saw this, and his face was full of mistakes.

He looked at the back of the five masters of Yu Tuo and shouted loudly, but none responded.

The flames flew wildly towards Qianhe Island.

"What's going on, what's going on !?"

Seeing the five people of Yu Tuo Rudang, they went away without looking back. After Xiao Yun's mistake, Xiao Yun directly stunned: "Yu Tuo Rudang, is it possible that the brain is flooded?

Just when Xiao Yun was aggressive.

About a hundred miles away from him, Cheng Feng looked dignified.

He had already guessed the reason why the Lord Yutuo and others suddenly left.

It must have been caused by the strong blade just now.

Cheng Feng knows that the sword is not the only one issued by the sword. Often, it comes from the right martial arts lurking inside the blood **** religion.

The purpose is to steer away from Yu Tuozhu and other people to give him escape opportunities.

"You humans are not all intriguing."

Seeing this, Long Aotian's heart was touched: "There are also many **** warriors who are willing to throw their heads and sprinkle blood to help similar people!"

The samurai warrior must have failed this time.

The sword intention he issued is estimated to be the only sword intention rune made by the sword.

It repairs itself, at most it is only the peak of the broken realm. Once it is caught up by the five people of Yutuo Rudder, it will undoubtedly die.

But the man resolutely sent out a sword rune, which is his insistence!

There is an old saying that a person's inherent death is either lighter than Hongmao or heavier than Taishan!

These lurkers hidden in the darkness are the clearest portrayal of this sentence.

Their death is worthless in the eyes of evil martial arts.

But to Cheng Feng, to the entire righteous camp, it is much heavier than the dozens of Dayues combined!

"Your blood won't flow in vain!"

Looking at the direction of Qianhe Island, Cheng Feng's hands clasped, and his nails were embedded in the flesh: "As long as I am Cheng Feng alive, I must drive out the invasion of the blood gods and out of the feathered god!"

Cheng Feng knows that these righteous warriors who are willing to lurk in the evil faction have contributed their lives without saying a word, not only to save someone, but to save the entire feathered gods and save the world surname!

Such people are even more respectable!

"Go!" Cheng Feng finally glanced at Qianhe Island.

Immediately turned around and flew towards the underground tunnel two hundred miles away.

Because with the departure of the five people, the scene suddenly became confused.

Most of the evil warriors thought that something had happened in the direction of Qianhe Island, and then searched for the only trace of the sword and made a mess.

At this time, it is the best time to escape and you must not miss it!

嗖 嗖 嗖 ~~~

Without the exploration of the gods' minds to climb to heaven, Cheng Feng can be said to be like a fish.

Although there were many evil warriors around, Cheng Feng was not aware of it at all.

Even when Cheng Feng passed by several true dragon-level warriors, the other side did not react at all.

In this way, in just a few minutes, Cheng Feng drove from two hundred miles away and reached the underground tunnel dozens of miles away.

If you open the eyes of the God of Fortune, you can see the tributary of the Yucang River where the underground tunnel is located.

"My God, it's finally about to be safe."

The underground tunnel was already in sight, Long Aotian took a breath, and the tight dragon body relaxed slightly.

But Cheng Feng's brow froze ...

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