Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 35: North overseas

Chapter 35—Northern Overseas “哗啦啦......”

The sound of large pieces of ice shattered in the vast world. When the millennium of Iceland came out and smashed, there was no North Sea creature with the guts to get close to it except for the sacred kings.

This time, under the attack of the double world of Shinto coagulation, the kings of the sacred beasts were scared, and it was almost how far they fled, and they did not look at it.

Therefore, when Yuan Lixun, Bai Ba Ba et al. emerged from the emptiness of the air, the s1, in addition to smashing a huge pit on the ice, never encountered any living creatures.

Yuan Lixun’s gaze turned, and immediately the sun was firmly locked in the body. "Bai Xiong, can you really do it?" Although she believed in her heart, she couldn't help but ask again once.

There is no slight fluctuation in the expression on the face of the hundred and eight, saying: "As long as you can meet my requirements, you can do it."

Yuan Lixun's eyes are faint and bright, saying: "What requirements."

A roar of screams rang from their side, and the unicorns opened their mouths, and a huge ray of light sprang from its mouth, slamming into Iceland.

However, even without the guardianship of the light of the artifact ice mirror, the attack of the Kirin beast could not cause even a little damage to Iceland.

"A dead dragon, I have known for a long time that the dragons are a group of arrogant, despicable guys." The angry screams of the unicorn beast echoed over the North Sea, and even the ice on its feet was slightly awkward.

Yuan Lixuan looked back, Baima Leidian and Bao pig were also staring at it. This honestly, the Qilin beast, which did not leave most impressions, was turned out after being expelled from the space. So violent and excited.

Xiaobao pig shrunk his neck and screamed, but its reputation is not very big. It is far from the exaggeration of the other party. The Qilin beast seems to be stunned. It has a glimmer of color in its eyes. Bao pig, you know, I am not talking about you."

Bao pig snorted and screamed, but there was a smug taste in this voice.

The 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑 浑

"What do you say? You have a way to close this channel, that's impossible." Kirin beast said: "There are no ways for them to do, how can you do it?"

The little four-hoof of Bao pig has been slightly forced, and it has already jumped to the hundred and eight grids. Its snoring is more and more proud.

The beast looked at one hundred and eight with a suspicious look. For this mysterious guy, it was quite jealous, and the heart was also faintly giving birth to a glimmer of hope.

Perhaps this guy is really able to fulfill his promise.

One hundred and eighty look at the unicorn beast, in his eyes, this powerful top beast is like the most common poultry everywhere.

"If you want to close this channel, you need to have six places at the same time." The sound of the hundred and eight is calm and slow: "I can be responsible for the most central point, but the other five auxiliary points must have the equivalent of the Shinto strong. The power can work with me."

Yuan Lixun’s face color emblem has changed. If even the auxiliary points need the power of Shinto, then what powerful power is needed at the most central point.

If you don't know that Hundred and Eight is definitely not a person who believes in the mouth, then Yuan Lixun absolutely does not believe.

The eyes of the Kirin beast are more rounded. It is incredible. "Respected human power, are you kidding?" It hates the iron: "Since you have this method, why not just say it." If that is said at that time, perhaps the dead dragon will believe in you, and will take out five Shinto powers to help us..." It said that it seems to be thinking of something, suddenly turned and looked to the rear, face The expression on the infinite tends to be desperate.

Because behind them, the Iceland has been restored to its original state, and it has completely turned into an iceberg. The black hole that He Yiming and the Shinto coagulation team jointly opened up in the west has disappeared.

One hundred and eight slow and long way: "You don't have to look at it, they figure it out, and it doesn't meet my requirements."

After Yuan Lixun came out, he has been trying his best to restrain his emotions. At this time, he has gradually calmed down. He said: "What are you going to do?"

"I need your help." One hundred and eight non-examinations simply said: "Not only you, but the snake of the ghostly crying. Only if you completely obey my words and meet my requirements, I will be able to close the passage. ""

The head of the Kirin beast shook his head and said: "That is impossible. We have no problem, but the temper of the dragon snake is almost the same as that of the dragon. It is impossible to help us."

"It will." One hundred and eight Muran's eyes fell on the body of Bao pig and Baima Lei, saying: "You two go to a ghost and cry, and tell the dragon snake a word."

Bao pig snorted on his body, his eyes filled with curious look.

It wants to know very much, and I think that I am sure I can touch the big snake.

"You tell it, as long as it can help me close this channel, I will first promote it to beast.

Yuan Lixun: "...

Three heads and beasts: "...

The yellow sand in the sky is filled, even the sight of the Shinto strong is greatly affected.

However, for the Shinto people who are powerful in their minds, the range of their use of mind sensing is far more reliable and vast than the eyes.

He Yiming took the Shendao coagulation person and slowly flew in a certain direction. He was able to clearly sense that he would follow this direction and must be the old man of the dead creatures.

According to the dragon's words, the rest of the Shinto powers are hunting the dead creatures in all parts of the world, although they all know that this does not reduce all the monsters, but they can kill them. How much is the mentality to do and never give up.

Along the way, he has also encountered quite a lot of death creatures of various levels. In the face of He Yiming who was just promoted to Shinto and is planning to adapt to his ability as soon as possible, these dead creatures were completely destroyed by him, and even one did not. escape.

But even if He Yiming is working hard, he can only kill all the monsters flying in the sky, but for the lowest-level monsters that pop up from time to time on the ground, there is nothing to do.

The number of these things is too large, and every time he releases a light power, the swell of the light is enough to make all the monsters in a large area retreat. Even if he wants to kill at all costs, it is impossible.

Suddenly looked up - look towards the left front.

The faint, He Yiming's sudden induction, there is a strong wave of heaven and earth in front.

His eyes are bright, and now his strength is not the same, he has already sensed it in a flash. This is definitely the power of a certain Shinto strong man to release the world, and this time the release is not only once, but that a continuous release.

Needless to say, it is certain that a Shinto man has encountered an adversary, and is still a powerful opponent who can compete with it.

He Yiming’s heart is not shocked, he has long known that among those monsters there must be a guy who can compete with Shinto. If not, more low-level monsters are not enough for the massacre of all Shinto powers.

The evaluation of the dragons by the dragons made He Yiming dare not have a slight negligence.

Now that he has the opportunity to see such a monster of this order, he certainly will not miss this opportunity.

It is the so-called knowing oneself and knowing each other that you can win every battle.

His degree has improved rapidly, and so is the Shinto behind him. The two men turned into a ray of light, flying toward the front with a meteor like a moon.

On the way, I naturally encountered some monsters blocking, but at the moment, He Yiming will put these monsters in my heart. He dances with his hands, which is the power of Shinto. The power of heaven and earth is guided by the power of God. Naturally, the compression release makes it easy to kill a **** road. As for the sporadic monsters that have been destroyed by the main force, He Yiming has no interest anymore. He presses the degree to the extreme and moves closer to the front as soon as possible. .

Because he can sense that the power of heaven and earth there is more frequent and intense.

If it is not that the Shinto power is in trouble, the battle is coming to an end, and the two are undoubtedly a scene that He Yiming does not want to see.

The degree has been raised to the extreme, and it seems to be like a light flash in midair. Fortunately, the Shinto behind him is very powerful, and the Shinto relic leads the 107 revered Dali, in He Yiming. After the strength of the advanced Shinto, the power will be released completely, so it can keep up with his limit and will not be far away.

Finally, He Yiming was close to the place where the power of the land was insane.

His face changed slightly, because he has seen it faintly, within a vast area There are three humanoid creatures that are fighting fiercely.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to use one person and two monsters to describe it.

He Yiming did not see the face of the man, but it was clear to both monsters. Because they shine like gold on their bodies, even if you want to pay attention, it is impossible.

A little pause, He Yiming's face changed slightly, the strength of the two golden monsters is really great. Even under the attack of the gods and gods, they still seem to have a sleek look, and in their bodies, the faint golden light swaying, forming a circular shield, they are The body is covered.

The power of this layer of shields is quite powerful. When the heavens and the earth are bombarded on the top, they can only be forced to repel them and cannot be wounded. This is the biggest cost of their ability to deal with the power of the Shinto.

He Yiming’s heart is eager to move. He wants to try it. I don’t know how this level of monsters will behave when they face the power of light.

The stronger the body, and the more intense it becomes...

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