Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 40: teach

Some fingers were stretched out, and the sound of the dragon was so bitter: "This...the flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation and the light and darkness?"

He Yiming seriously nodded his head and looked forward to watching the dragon.

Although he knows that the salty energy he owns will definitely speculate on the dragon, but the other party is a veteran Shinto who has nearly a thousand years of experience, and gives him some completely feasible advice. It should be without any problems. .

After a long time, the scorpion dragon sighed with a long sigh, and from this voice, he revealed an unspeakable feeling of emotion.

He looked at He Yiming seriously and smiled bitterly: "He brother, I am still too young to see you." He blinked at the beggar around He Yiming and said: "Don't say that you have this Shinto help, even if it is You alone can definitely kill the golden monster easily."

When he knew that He Yiming had not even reached 30, Kuidu had already made some slight changes, and he completely placed He Yiming on his equal status. But this time, he realized that He Yiming not only had a bright future, but even his current strength is not what he can compare.

The flower of the five elements of the reincarnation and the light and darkness!

This is two shocking powers, even if they only have one of them, it is enough to claim invincible existence in the same order. If both of them appear on one person, one by one, one by one.

The scorpion dragon scorpion seedling has such a feeling. He seems to feel that He Yiming is very likely to become the third absolute strong figure in the legend to reach the true state of God.

He Yiming smiled and said: "The brothers have won the prize." The wrists shook, and the two different light wheels in the air disappeared without a trace. However, there is another **** soldier in his hand. It is his five-line ring of his life. Taking out this soldier, naturally I want to ask for a good idea.

"Brother, this is the younger brother of the gods. How do you see it?"

At the moment when the two light wheels appeared, the space here was filled with strong pressure to the extreme. This kind of pressure was so fierce and strong that the dragons could not stand it. So he was able to determine the origin of these two light wheels.

At this time, the power of the **** of He Yiming was collected, and all the pressures suddenly disappeared and disappeared. As for the pressure brought by the five elements of the ring, for him, it is not stress at all.

Scorpion Dragon sighed in his heart, and He Yiming’s use of these forces was so skillful that it was unimaginable. Is he really a new Shinto powerhouse?

However, he did not know that He Yiming had successfully absorbed all the power of Shinto into the Chaos Dantian before he was promoted to Shinto.

So after he was promoted to Shinto, there was no problem with his manipulation. But this kind of thing is not what the scorpion dragon can imagine. After all, before He Yiming, there was no such thing as a metamorphosis in the world.

Staring at the five-row ring, the brow's brow wrinkled tightly, and his mouth squirmed softly, as if he was whispering something.

The cold wind continued to drift, and the hunting of his long gown was screaming, but he did not feel a little. At this moment, he has put all his energy into some kind of thinking.

The shock that He Yiming brought to him is too big, and more importantly, He Yiming’s attitude is very good. It can be seen from his movements and expressions. It is definitely sincerely asking for advice.

For such a young and strong Shinto Shinto who has two major schools in the East and West, the Scorpion Dragon is quite optimistic, and in addition to jealousy in his heart, there is also a faint contending heart. I am better than you in martial arts, but I am qualified to point you to the understanding and application of space.

This is the only thought in his heart at the moment. As for He Yiming, it is actually a rookie problem that has just advanced into Shinto. He has long been thrown into the clouds.

After a long time, Yan Zilong's eyes faintly lit up, he was slightly excited: "He brothers, if the older brother is not bad, within your five elements, you should have a unique space.

He Yiming nodded slightly and said: "Yes, there is a five-line world in it." Although he did not hide it, he did not leak the existence of the Kowloon furnace.

The eyes of Nianzilong are getting brighter and brighter. "The harmony between the five elements of the East and the light of the West has always been the most powerful force in the world. Even the power of space is the same. Although no matter which force is used Building space can achieve excellent results. But if you can combine the two into one, then it is the real world."

He Yiming stunned, and the look in his eyes was a little weird.

Of course, he understands the power of these two exercises, and he has already produced the idea of ​​wanting to consolidate. But what is very sad is that these two forces can't be smelt even if his chaos Dantian.

They formed two completely different reincarnation systems within Dantian. Basically, they did not commit crimes. If He Yiming forced the use of both forces, the only result was

* Just the same, each hand uses a kind of reincarnation. As for the good thing that wants to combine the two reels, it is not necessary to think about it.

Scorpion Dragon smiled and said: "He brothers, I also know that these two forces are the top strengths at that time. It is quite difficult to put them together. But it is because of their success. The salty energy that it possesses should be even more incredible." He licked a faint, dry lips and said: "Maybe, when the two merge into one, it is time for you to successfully promote the true state of God." ;

He Yiming's heart is moving, although he also knows that it is not difficult to combine these two top-level exercises. He is also convinced that if it is really successful, then the harvest is definitely not a small matter.

As for what is promoted to the true state of God, it is too far away.

Even if these veteran powerhouses have been killed here for more than five hundred years, and no one can be promoted to the true state of God, they can know that the realm of this realm is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Scorpion dragon put a hand and said: "He brothers, this thing is not going to say it for the time being. Anyway, you have the space that the five elements are in hand to guarantee, and you don't need any space accessories. He paused and laughed. : "Old brother, I have a little bit of experience in the use of space technology. I don't know if the brothers are willing to listen. ”

He Yiming and the giants were overjoyed. He never thought that he really met the nobles today.

A deep sigh of the scorpion dragon, He Yiming sincerely said: "Please ask the brother to give pointers, the younger brother listened.

Scorpion dragon nodded with satisfaction, he whispered: "You are optimistic.

In his body, there was a strange wave of power fluctuations. This kind of power fluctuation is the earth power in his body, but the frequency of the fluctuation is quite weird, and it has already attracted the power of heaven and earth in the next moment.

He Yiming's face changed suddenly, and his heart was suspicious.

The success of the heavens and the earth caused by the scorpion dragon is not released outwards, but rushes toward the inner.

At this moment, He Yiming couldn't guess what his mind was. Did he want to use the flesh to counter the burst of the heavens and the earth?

Just at the moment when this thought flashed, He Yiming’s sudden awakening, the breath of the dragon’s body changed.

This is a rather strange change. The body of Xinzilong seems to be an unfathomable black hole. The power of the vast world cannot seem to fill the black hole no matter how much power.

He Yiming’s brows shook slightly, and his heart was amazed.

The power of Shinto is really inscrutable. He knows that this is definitely a magical way for the scorpion dragon to perform, so that this effect can be achieved. Otherwise, even if it is the body of the Shinto to resist the success of the heavens and the earth, it is absolutely unwise.

The central black hole began to spin up quickly, and the speed seemed to have climbed to the peak of the peak at the beginning.

Afterwards, a large number of heavens and the earth were scattered and scattered, and in this way, the hard-earned personality disappeared.

He Yiming looked at the scene in front of his eyes, his ears swayed "to listen to all the movements nearby."

He has a feeling that the scorpion dragon has used a special method for spatial transmission, which is similar to how Shenlong sent several of them to different places.

However, the scorpion dragon will never be transmitted to such a distant place, and will definitely rush back to the hustle and bustle.

Sure enough, after a while, a familiar sigh of breath came from afar. With a hearty long laugh, the dragonfly flew far away. He Yiming's eyes flashed in the eyes, and he was convinced and convinced: "The brothers and gods, the younger brother admire.

Scorpion dragon shakes his hand Road: "He brothers, in fact, this space is not complicated, you have the flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation, you can definitely cultivate, just how much power can be swayed, The distance that can be transmitted depends on your own talent and luck.” He paused and said: “This special space technique is not something that all Shinto can have. It is essential, and if you still have the wind power, it would be better.

He Yiming’s heart was dark and happy, but on the surface it was quiet. He listened carefully, and under the unreserved explanation of Xunzi Long, there was a feeling of being tempted.

After a whole hour, the scorpion dragon stopped, and he looked very dignified: "I have said that I have said that the biggest difficulty in using this technique of transmission is the conversion of the instantaneous power attribute. You usually You can try a lot. Once you can grasp the frequency and characteristics of the momentary conversion of divine power, you will basically be able to pass through.

He Yiming nodded heavily, and he closed his eyes, seemingly digesting everything that the scorpion dragon explained.

Scorpion dragon nodded with satisfaction. Although this little guy has an incredible talent, "but above the martial arts practice, there is enough pious heart, and the future achievements are absolutely limitless.

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