Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 54: Exposure

The fifty-fourth chapter reveals that he is the one who owns the Kowloon furnace. ”

After seeing the expression of Zibo Rui and hearing his inquiries, basically everyone who knows a little bit will know the result.

Zibo Rui sighed and said: "The younger generation has never said it."

He Yiming was cold-hearted, although he did not say it, but what is the difference between this answer and the said.

"He Yiming..." Ma Yin sighed and said: "I can't think of the Kowloon furnace actually on his body, I really missed it."

In the eyes of the original, there was a flash of annoyance, but it disappeared in an instant. When they met He Yiming, their hearts were also very excited. This is the first time that the enemy has met with the strong outsiders in the past 100 years. It is enough to be able to find out the news of the various factions. The thing about the furnace.

Zibo suddenly remembered something, said: "Predecessors, you just said that you met a new Shinto, is it that He Yiming?"

Ma Lan slowly nodded and said: "Yes, when the old man meets this person, he has been promoted to Shinto."

"A new Shinto." He snorted and said: "Ma brother, who is there, who else?"

Ma Hao did not hesitate, and did not change his face: "The old man has never seen it, maybe he is alone."

The original look was slightly moved, but did not speak and refute. As for the white tiger, it is sitting on the ground, like a sculpture, not moving.

Zibo sharply smiled, and a new Shinto is naturally not in the eyes of Minhang, but for him, that is unattainable.

It seems that I saw the 敖博锐, c thinking, 敖闵行朗: "Bo Rui, you do not have to be discouraged, as long as you are here to practice, the experience taught by the old man will be understood, within six months, you will be able to promote Shinto."

Zibo Rui took a deep breath, and the feeling of loss that just got up suddenly disappeared. He said: "The ancestors are assured that the disciples will not live up to your expectations."

"Wu Zongzhu, who is He Yiming, who is from the party?" Ma said suddenly.

Upon hearing the name of He Yiming, Zibo Rui’s heart was filled with a strong sense of helplessness. He shook his head slightly and said: “Predecessors, that He Yiming is a descendant of the Tianchi in the northwest, and it is the first ever. As soon as you cultivate a genius and look at the past and the present, no one can give it to the right."

The brows are slightly wrinkled, and said: "Bo milling - why do you have to keep others motivated."

The more bitter the face of Zibo Rui, the more: "The ancestors, the disciples did not dare to have a word -" -

"Hey, is this talent of this child still able to pass this ancestor is not a success."

Zibo Rui took a deep breath, and after a long time, he slowly nodded and said: "I am afraid it is."

In the hole, it was a silence, not to mention the limping and the stables. Even the huge white tiger was round and seven eyes, facing him.

The name of the five elements of the ancestors is loud, no matter in humans or beasts, it is loud and unattached. Nowadays, some people are just bright and say that there are more powerful people than his talents. Of course, they feel deep. Deep and incredible.

After a moment of indulgence, he said with a gloomy face: "Bo Rui, what is this person really great, can he also cultivate into a flower of the five elements of the reincarnation?"

Although he still didn't believe in his heart, he knew that his younger generation could never deceive him in this matter, so he quickly calmed down.

Zibo Rui's eyes flashed with a hint of helplessness, saying: "Zu Shiye, He Yiming, he has not only cultivated into a flower of the Five Elements, but also repaired the darkness of the Western world.

The caves once again became cold, and the three horses looked at each other and could not conceal the horror of the eyes.

Zibo sharply licked his lips and continued: "Zu Shiye, this person has not only cultivated the most powerful combat skills of the two worlds of East and West, but also..." He sincerely said: "And this person is indeed an unprecedented practice. Genius, he is still less than thirty this year.

"What are you talking about?" The original screamed: "Is not satisfied with thirty?"

Zibo Rui slowly nodded his head, everyone stared at him, but after a while, they were disappointed, because there was no dodge in the eyes of Zibo Rui, that kind of frank enough Witness the truth of his words.

After a long time, Minhang snorted and said: "The public, the old man will also bring Bo Rui to the hole to experience, there will be a period." After that, he turned and left, Zibo Rui quickly nodded to the crowd, then followed up .

After the two of them stayed away, the horse sighed slowly: "That He Yiming did not even reach thirty. Did he start practicing martial arts without his mother?"

White, the giant tiger said: "It is impossible, the 30-year-old Shinto, even the blood of our beasts can not do."

The original 涓 摇 涓 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Bai Hujun smiled twice and said: "Sister, what are you going to do now?"

The original wrinkled her brow, and after a moment she sighed: "As long as there is a chance, I must let the Kowloon stove return to the original owner."

Although her tone is still unwavering, her two companions have already heard it, and her attitude has been much less than originally. If I heard that the Kowloon stove was in the hands of a person who had just been promoted to Shinto, then she would take it back by any means.

But at the moment, her words have subtle changes. It can be seen that after listening to the words of Zibo Rui, she has already had great taboos against He Yiming.

"Sister, if this is outside, I won't object. But here, we still take a step back." The huge white tiger said: "Don't forget, we all have a common enemy, if we are not concentric Together, but guilty, our world will become like ours because of our mistakes."

The original face's face changed rapidly, and finally it was a long sigh.

If He Yiming is really just an ordinary Shinto powerhouse, or they did not open this **** channel in the past. Then she didn't mind trying to put He Yiming to death and robbing his artifact, the Jiulong furnace.

Even if it is a powerful genius, it is time to grow. If you die on the way to growth, it is not a genius, but a fallen genius.

But in this special environment, if she does this, she will definitely be hostile, repulsive and even attacked by all.

Because for everyone, the safety of keeping that channel is the first, and all the life of the Shinto is the most important and irreplaceable.

The horse medicine suddenly said: "Tiger brother, you said it is good, we can't be strong, but there is no way to think about it."

I was overjoyed and said, "What do you do?"

Ma Xiao smiled and said: "Make this person the most serious face, huh, huh, if he met He Yiming, there will be some excitement." He paused and said: "If you walk and He Yiming There is a conflict between you, who are you optimistic about?"

The original hesitantly said, "He Yiming has an artifact, the Jiulong furnace, but there are also five elements of the artifact in his hands, and he has advanced into a pseudo-deity for four hundred years. One of the supernatural powers is one of the best among all. If the two of them play against each other, it is natural that they will win without defeat."

Ma Wei nodded slightly, said: "Yes, He Yiming first came to see, life is not familiar, there are two Shinto strong in the five elements, they will definitely find him trouble, as long as they have conflict, we have a chance. ""

The white giant tiger shook his head and said: "Brother, we can't beat it, and his five-ring ring is too powerful."

"We can't beat it, but if there is an artifact in our hands, then what about it?" Ma Ying said.

The original tears are bright, and said: "It makes sense. You are also the way to fine-tune the fire. A martial art repair is also a pseudo-realistic realm. If you use the Jiulong furnace and the Minhang, you may not lose."

The eyes of Ma Rong’s eyes flashed with a strange look. It seems that there is a bit of smugness and a bit of greed: "The tighter the persecution is, the more passive He Yiming is. We just need to be close to him, slow. Slowly gaining his trust, and one day, he will come to us."

The white giant tiger thought for a while and said: "The idea of ​​your human beings is really complicated, but I don't object."

Ma Xiao laughed and patted its body and said: "Tiger brother, your physical fitness is far better than our human beings. You can not care about artifacts, but we can't."

His laughter also has a strong helplessness, humans and beasts, even if they are the same in the realm will have a huge gap, if not relying on powerful soldiers or even artifacts to make up, human Shinto It is not the enemy of the beast.

The original sighed and said: "Can this be done?"

Ma Wei’s face was condensed and said: “If you want to let him go to He Yiming, we have to put a fire.”

The original eyes were slightly bright and said: "What do you want to do?"

"We will spread the story of He Yiming's burning of the Valley of the Gods. I want to let the dragons ride the tiger."

"Good." The original 洎 洎 。.

Hehe..." The white tiger snorted and said: "Only half a year is over, we still have to find some golden monsters, and collect some mouthparts. ”

The horse stoked and the three men walked side by side. After a while, they stayed away from the place and disappeared.

From beginning to end, no one on the ground was attacked by the poisonous fog. Because everyone knows that these two precious things have been completely scrapped.

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