Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 64: Shinto gathering

The sixty-fourth chapter of the Shinto gathering Liu Mu deep nodded his head, his eyes filled with the color of gratification, after a long time, his face suddenly changed, said: "Yi Ming, this is for you to forge.


"The power inside does not seem to be pure light."

"The power of pure light inside has been led out by the disciples. Now it is sealed with the power of light and darkness." He Yiming said with a deep voice.

However, his sentence is also ambiguous, just saying that the power of light is guided out, as for where to lead, it has been blurred.

Liu Mu and others naturally thought that he would lead the light to the outside world, but he could not think that he would inhale this power into the Dantian and store it.

"You... have mastered the old West. What is the power of the secret?" Liu Mu asked with a pleasant surprise.

The scorpion dragon smiled and said, "Liu brother, you are too young to see the old man. He is a genius in history. Not only is he good at the power of the darkness of the West, but even the true card of the East. The flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation have been cultivated."

Liu Mu took a sigh of relief and looked at He Yiming seriously.

He smiled and nodded. He Yiming naturally would not deny this.

The mouth of the scorpion dragon moved a little, and naturally told He Muming at the time of this time to tell Liu Mu. The Shinto powerhouse in the northwest of Tianchi, after a slamming sound, said four words: "The successor."

The scorpion dragon looked at the heat in the side. He shook his head slightly. As a distraction, the possibility that he wanted to get such an outstanding disciple was almost infinite, so he gave up this irrationally. Actual thoughts.

He Yiming hesitated a moment, said: "Zu Shiye, the situation outside is quite complicated now, please let the disciples detail the report." He did not wait for Liu Mu to open, he has already said the most important time variability and general situation.

Although Liu Mu is a determined person, he is also stunned at this moment, much better than others.

Although they have been trapped here for five hundred years, then the outside world, whether it is five hundred years or five thousand years, has little effect on them, but in fact, the first time anyone who heard this news has a An incredible sense of absurdity.

Of course, Liu Mu does not think that He Yiming is lying. After all, there are a large number of people who have entered this place. These people are high-spirited human-powered peaks. They must let them lie at the same time. Basically it is impossible to give birth.

Another shout in the distance came, and then one person flew quickly. This is a veteran of blushing, the clothes on his body are shining, and there is a strange light shining between the fast flying. He Yiming recognizes at a glance, this dress is definitely a treasure of God.

He recalled the process of meeting these Shinto powers. It seems that except for the scorpion dragon, the rest of the people are basically dressed in sacred treasures. It is for this reason that these clothes can only go through five hundred years without rot.

He sighed in his heart that the Shinto powerhouse with the sect of the sect and the sacred power of the one who is alone are really two different levels.

"He brothers, this is Bao Yanzhu of the Lingbao Hall." The scorpion dragon looks quite admired: "The old Lingbi Hall is just a newly emerging sect with a Shinto power, but after five thousand years, It’s incredible to replace the Five Elements to become the world’s largest sect.”

He Yiming’s heart is moving, and the 5,000-year-old sea sangtian does not know how Hejiazhuang will become in the future.

The martial art of Bao Yanzhu did not reach the pseudo-deity, but squatted in the virtual state. When he learned the news from He Yiming’s mouth, it clearly revealed a kind of joy. Mad color.

Although these people are martial arts repairs as a powerful and incomprehensible - Shinto, but after 500 years of closed life in a place, suddenly got the news from the outside world, naturally inevitably missed the heart, become a little happy and sad. .

However, their restraint ability was quite powerful, and after a while they recovered from that crazy surprise.

When he also tried the power of the mutated rifle, he immediately agreed to He Yiming’s request without hesitation. As for the one-tenth reward of the scorpion dragon’s self-assertion, it’s not a wrinkle. agreed.

Subsequently, several people came in succession. In addition to the Ma Ying couple and the double-winged white tiger, there are two other strong Western strong.

At this time, Bao Yanzhu already knew that He Yiming was the guest elder in the door, so his attitude towards him was very different. After seeing the two men, they said softly: "He elders, these two are the Western Dark Council. Speaker Luke, and the Western freedom fighter Sidney."

He Yiming’s eyes turned slightly, and the speaker’s adult was tall and tall, and his face’s hook nose was particularly straight, and his body was repaired to a level of pseudo-deity. As for the free warrior wearing a set of face squats, although he could not see his face, the face of the scorpion dragon revealed from him became quite ugly, and he whispered: "He brother, The situation is not good."

He Yiming Daqi, although his time with the scorpion dragon is not long, only four months, but the two people have the same temperament, but they have a sense of confidant. Seeing that he was so cautious in his speech, even He Yiming was a bit worried.

"What's wrong?" He Yiming also lowered his voice.

Scorpion dragon's gaze looked around and said: "The human oracle of today has come seven, and three have not yet arrived."

"so what?

Scorpion dragon smiled bitterly and said: "The younger brother does not know. The human Shinto here is only ten people. There are five pseudo-deities in the a\\, five in the virtual world. At the moment, seven people have arrived. The other three are the Western Temple Pope Rio Porter, the Five Elements of the Minhang and Wei Jinshun.

He Yiming's double eyebrows made a jump, only to know that the remaining three can be said to be their own enemies.

There is a bitter taste of bitterness in the eyes of the dragon, and he said: "He brothers, have you forgotten that before we came here, you have also felt that there is a virtual godland that has broken through to the false gods. The situation is over."

He Yiming finally understood the meaning of the other party. His heart beat vigorously, and he felt that his mouth was in jeopardy.

"Oh brother, you said that the promotion to the pseudo-Zhan is the Wei Jinshun of the Five Elements?"

The scorpion dragon slowly nodded, and both of them were filled with helplessness.

At this time, Liu Mu was introducing the effect of the mutant stun gun to other people. The minds of all people were concerned about this level of soldiers, and did not notice that their faces were unpredictable.

He Yiming thought about a turn and said: "Why, how can there be only ten Shinto strong people here, the Totem family, the Beihai Ice Palace, and the former great powers of the great families?"

Scorpion dragon shook his head, his tone was infinite: "Five hundred years, the number of people we have fallen is already halfway. If this newcomer does not appear again, we will not last long."

He Yiming’s face has changed, and it’s no wonder that the dragon will be so excited when he sees everyone, even if there is no Shinto person, it’s really lacking fresh blood.

There were a few roars in the distance, and the sky was suddenly covered by a shadow.

Everyone stopped talking and looked up.

Two huge black shadows appeared in the air, and they swayed against each other and slowly descended.

He Yiming's eyes are slightly bright, this turned out to be two beasts, but one is the oriental beast white dragon, and the other fat body has a pair of great wings, it is the Western **** beast dragon.

Scorpion Dragon smiled bitterly: "This pair of guys is eager to win, but after entering this place, it is never a separation, it is a miracle."

Above the earth, it suddenly vibrates and is shaking at a fairly stable frequency.

He Yiming’s face changed slightly, and his eyes flashed a trace of doubts and colors. It seems that a big guy with a heavy tonnage is running towards it.

A moment later, a golden giant python flew from far and near.

Although it did not fly, but it was fast, but it was not under the flight of human Shinto. Once the legs were moving, it instantly crossed the distance of ten feet. Its size is huge, but the movement is flexible and unimaginable.

After seeing this beast, even if He Yiming is also a slight surprise.

If he is not mistaken, this should be the legendary **** and beast that has disappeared in the West.

"The five great beasts are all together." The scorpion dragon whispered: "They are still coming faster than ours."

He Yiming is slightly Road: "Hey brother, is there only five great beasts here? The scorpion dragon is swallowing his head, and there is no joke on his face."

He Yiming’s face was suspicious and said: “How many gods and beasts have you entered this place in the past?”

The life of the beast is much longer than that of the human oracle. In the five hundred years, there may be some human gods coming, but it is absolutely impossible for many beasts to fall because of the problem of life.

The face of Zhai Zilong glimpsed and said: "The number of human Shinto and the beasts that entered this place is almost the same, all of them are thirty." He sighed and said: "This is all the Shinto in the world, except the outer sea. Among the rumors, the island of God, which has never been seen by anyone, has been brought to life, regardless of human beings or beasts."

After He Yiming listened, his face flashed a color of laughter and laughter.

A big lie of the past, a long-lived lie, even the whole world of the Shinto has been wiped out, this has to be said to be a huge sorrow.

However, if it is easy to get along with, even He Yiming is not sure whether he can refuse this person-level temptation.

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