Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 80: Angry dragon

Ming Pingping stretched out for a single year, and in his five-finger households, he buckled the heart. "There are human cultivators who are coveted by the top three beasts."

Moved the palm of your hand to the Kowloon mouth. He Yiming gently shot, these four Nei Dan suddenly turned into four meteors, hit the five-row ring in the furnace. Just in this mysterious, the five elements of the ring seem to let go of the hidden five-line world, so that these four inners are instantly embedded in it.

In the feeling of He Yiming, the five elements of the ring have produced dramatic changes, and the five different forces in the five elements of the world have begun to converge. They seem to have some kind of consciousness, or are instinctive, and start to rush toward five points in the five elements of the world.

When these four Nedans entered the world of their respective attributes, the inner lining of the wood system also emerged in the void.

In an instant, these five different sizes, but the inner strength of the same is the same, Nedan began to sway in the same place.

Just between the breath and the sucking, the enormous and unimaginable power of the heavens and the earth suddenly disappeared. These five inner Danes are like five deep black holes, trying to absorb the power of heaven and earth. It seems that I want to fill in all the power of the heavens and the earth.

"Be careful, the sound of the dragon suddenly rang: "I am responsible for absorbing the power of the heavens and the earth. You should enter them into the five-line ring, and you must keep up with its demand. Otherwise, it will fall short." ”

He Yiming quickly sighed, and then he sensed it. It was also a huge unimaginable power of the heavens and the earth that rushed toward the Kowloon furnace. This kind of speed, strength, even he is not as good as himself. .

At this moment, He Yiming's heart is very fortunate, his choice is completely correct, if no one helps, but only by one person, then it is simply delusional to want to successfully forge the five elements.

Artifact, when this thing is promoted, the power of Xu Yun is too large. Even if it is a Shinto power, not everyone can absorb such a large amount of power in the sky.

He Yiming can't do it by himself, and even if Liu Mu takes the shot, can he maintain such a large amount of power in the world for a long time, that is also a matter between the two.

After all, human beings have a certain gap with the beasts in this aspect of feeling and accompanying the power of the heavens and the earth.

The beast is completely dependent on instinct to do this, and after exercise, the effect achieved is far better than the human Shinto. Therefore, unless there is a difference in the realm, or a hand-held artifact, human beings are often inferior to powerful beasts in the same level.

At this time, the power of the heavens and the earth gathered by the dragons has reached a huge point, although the power required by the five elements of the ring is also endless. But it made He Yiming feel a sense of ease. However, his eyes are slightly bright, high-pitched: "The dragon and the dragon, the five elements of the ring seems to need more powerful power of the heavens and the earth, can you live with it?"

The cold sound of Shenlong sounded up: "You can give it a try."

In this voice. There is a rather unpleasant feeling, and Shenlong adults feel quite angry about He Yiming's problem.

He Yiming quickly said: "Then please ask the gods and dragons, the younger generation concentrates on the refining device."

He closed his eyes and sat quietly on the sand in front of him. The body's power surged, and the mouth of the Kowloon furnace was suddenly closed, and his idea was put into the Kowloon furnace.

At this time, under the five elements of the ring, the fire was shining, and the colorful light had already illuminated the upper part of the Kowloon furnace. However, in the middle of the Kowloon furnace, the lower part is still black and lacquered. It seems that there is some kind of power underneath that is releasing the same powerful power as the five elements of the ring, blocking this colorful light.

Among the blacks, the more rapid the rotation of the mysterious tortoise shells, under the burning of the stove, entered a certain state of mind.

After the huge force of the heavens and the earth poured into the Kowloon furnace, not all of them were absorbed by the five-line ring. Instead, under the control of He Yiming, they entered the five-row ring and the tortoise shell. These two soldiers are like games. They absorb as much power as possible from the heavens and the earth. Even with such a huge input of power, they are gradually unable to make ends meet.

He Yiming’s heart was shocked. It’s really different to exercise an artifact and two artifacts. The power of the heavens and the earth is more than double that of hard life.

But the more so, the more admired and jealous he is about the power of the dragon.

It is because he is manipulating the Kowloon furnace, so it is very clear how powerful the force of the heavens and the earth that flows into the furnace every second. If you simply rely on the absorption capacity of the Kowloon furnace itself, then you cannot support this. The promotion of two **** soldiers. Although Shenlong’s temper is not good, it does have real talents. If it is easy to get along with, He Yiming has a self-knowledge, and he can actively absorb the power of the heavens and the earth in the same time, even less than the other’s two. One of the points.

This is the real gap between the gaps and the strength of each other.

He can use the power of the five elements of the reincarnation to defeat Wei Jinshun in the pseudo-deity, but in this kind of real gathering of the world, one or two, he is far less powerful than a pseudo-deity, not to mention. In the old days of Du Yikou, it was still a pseudo-deity.

Slowly, He Yiming’s face changed slightly, and the black turtle shell and the five-row ring in the stove absorbed more quickly, but the force of the heavens and the earth that poured in from the outside could not keep up. The rotation of the two soldiers can only be maintained at the current level and cannot be accelerated again.

And gradually there is a tendency to slow down.

He Yiming suddenly opened his eyes and said: "Dragon God, the power of the world you are gathering is not enough."

Shenlong was shocked. Although it wanted to sense the situation in the Kowloon furnace, it is a pity that the Kowloon furnace is not a fake artifact, but a real powerful artifact.

For the five elements of the pseudo-artifact, its mind and power are free to enter and exit, but in the face of real artifacts, it does not have that ability.

Of course, if you force the power to break the power of the artifact, you can also achieve this goal. But at this time, He Yiming is using the Jiulong furnace to forge artifacts, and the Jiulong furnace is not subject to any harassment. Shenlong certainly will not do this.

It was angered, and the degree of concentration of the heavens and the earth around the body suddenly increased, even a third faster than before.

He Yiming secretly breathed a sigh of relief, admiring the abnormality of Shenlong’s unfathomable strength. At this point, he has faintly understood, fortunately, there is a dragon helper at this time, if he is alone, then do not say that at the same time forging two artifacts, even if only one is also more than enough.

The artifact is not forged by the weak gods. If there is no false gods, it is best not to touch.

After a while, He Yiming once again said: "Dragon, how can the power of heaven and earth be faster?

The huge eyes of Shenlong swayed, and there was a lot of doubts in it. It looked at the huge stove that had reached a few feet. Although I saw this thing getting bigger and bigger, I knew that only artifacts have such magical ability. But it is still suspicious to ask: "He Yiming, the stove you use, is it really a Kowloon stove?"

He Yiming vowed to say: "If you change, you will not be deceived. This is definitely a Kowloon furnace."

Shen Long’s mouth sighed and swayed from it’s body, and the power of the heavens and the earth swayed. In the blink of an eye, this force has already filled in, and the sound of screaming like a thunder is heard in the surrounding space. Then, the power of the world of madness has become more and more uncontrollable.

It was such a short moment that the power of the heavens and the earth had increased by nearly 50%, and such an appalling degree and ability was enough to make anyone scream.

He Yiming was shocked and happy. He sent all the power into the Jiulong furnace and evenly divided it into two.

But, very quickly, he has a rather weird thing.

The light of the five-ring ring and the black light of the black-shelled turtle shell were originally incompatible with each other, but after absorbing the power of the heavens and the earth at the same source, there was a hint of integration.

Of course, it is only a fusion of several gods, and the two artifacts are like two different kingdoms. They can trade with each other, make friendly visits, and conduct hostile attacks, but in the current situation. But there is absolutely no possibility of melting into one.

However, even if it is part of the integration, the demand for the power of heaven and earth is more and more eager.

"The dragon and the dragon, the power of the heavens and the earth, He Yiming, quite awkwardly shouted. The huge body of the dragon shook a little, and it roared: "What is this broken stove, how can it be so powerful to forge a five-line ring? ”

"This is an artifact. Forging artifacts may need so much... He Yiming is not shameful."

"Nonsense" Shenlong screamed. However, it does, the power of the heavens and the earth in the Kowloon furnace is like a stone and the sea is generally gone ~ ~ and the suction inside is not full of feeling.

Although Shenlong is well-informed, it can't be imagined anyway. In this Kowloon furnace, it is not forging an artifact, but forging two artifacts directly.

Such a daring thing, I am afraid that only this young Shinto can make it.

A huge savage, suddenly the heavens and the earth changed, the wind was raging, and the power of the heavens and the earth, like the vast waves in the sea, swarmed in, and the horror of He Yiming poured into the Kowloon furnace.

At this time, Shenlong cursed in his heart and released the true power that had been suppressed.

The tremendous strength is abundant. At this moment, the power of the heavens and the earth that Shenlong has gathered has surpassed the sum of two artifacts.

He Yiming converges on the mind, throwing away the fear of the dragon, and devoted himself to forging.

After a few days, the light in the Kowloon Furnace is more prosperous. Two different ideas seem to emerge from nothing, slowly emerging.

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