Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 104: Change talent

In this world, let alone the beast, even the holy beast is rarely willing to obey human beings, and become the guardian holy beast of the sect.

Although the southern glazed island is extremely powerful, this martial art does not have a mountain sacred beast, so when the white tiger is willing to go with the original scorpion, it is undoubtedly that a big pie has fallen from the sky, enough to stun people. Novel network.

"Liu Zongzhu, I want to go back to Liuli Island, what do you mean?" The original 涓 smiled and asked.

Although the strength of the original at this time is far above Liu Changju, her attitude is different from that of Minhang. At this moment, she respects Liu Changju’s contemporary glazed island lord.

Liu Changju was overjoyed. He immediately went forward and took a deep look. "The original elder, if you come to Liuli Island, you are the sect of the sect, and your ancestors bless."

Ma Hao, he laughed, and gave a fist to everyone, pulling the original hand and turning around.

In the land of death, they once wanted to seek the Kowloon furnace in the hands of He Yiming, but after seeing the strength and potential of He Yiming, and the fact that Shenlong left him alone. They have already understood that this wishful thinking is not playing.

In this case, they will not. Entangled, but chose to take away and retreat, this decision is free and easy, and not everyone can do it.

The white tiger slowly walked away, its movements did not look fast, but in fact it was like lightning, and it was not seen in a flash.

Liu Changju sue a sin to the people, and he followed up.

Minhang shook his head slightly, although he also wanted to pull a beast to go to the Five Elements, but he knew that this was basically impossible. Only one long sigh, with Wei Jinshun and Zibo Rui turned away.

After the three people left, there was a lot of time here.

Qiu Chennu took a picture of the big head of the unicorn beast. This top sacred beast was promoted to Shinto. It was definitely an unexpected surprise. He looked around and said that he left the crowd. However, in his mind, he made up his mind. Once he returned to the totem family, he immediately closed the mountain and refused to go out.

Nowadays, the world is already a sudden change of the situation. Many of the Shinto powers are in the world, and it is no longer the age when the old human peaks can be used.

Before he and the Kirin beast were promoted to a pseudo-deity, they would never come out to take the initiative.

Bao Yanzhu and Zi Yan looked at each other and their eyes were faintly worried. But what they worry about is hard to open.

Zizhen squatted forward and said: "He brother, are you still willing to be the guest elders of our Lingbi Hall?"

This sentence is very useful. He stared at He Yiming tightly, but his heart was quite tight and he laughed and said: "My brother, I am brothers with the battle, and Elder Hao Hao is also with me. There is grace in the first place..." He gave a slight meal, and he said: "He is not a villain who forgot to be ignorant."

Zi Yan finally put down his mind, and his face flashed a smile, saying: "So the old man is relieved."

Bao Yanzhu laughed and said: "He brothers, if you are free in the future, you may wish to sit in the Lingbao Hall. It is not unfamiliar for the two to move around."

He Yiming said a little bit, said: "Bao brother did not forget, Hemou is also a guest elder of the Lingbi Hall, how many are half masters, how can not be considered two families."

Bao Yanzhu took a forehead and laughed a few times. He pulled the child and turned away.

Gima Fanshu is a very unique person here. He went forward to the crowd and went away without a word.

Although he has now been promoted to Shinto, but in this world, his status can not be compared with the past.

In the hundreds of years after the nine secluded land and the totem family, it is estimated that the i1 will no longer participate in the dispute.

Bing Futian smiled and said: "Ritual, you are returning to Zongmen with me, or go to the northwest to visit relatives first."

Yuan Lixun hesitated for a moment, said: "The lord of the lord, Li Xun wants to go home first to see his parents."

Ice laughed and nodded, saying: "You haven't seen your family for many years, and you are also a human being. But you have already gained the recognition of the artifact ice mirror, so you must not slack off in the cultivation of the martial arts, and strive for an early advanced pseudo-god. The situation is."

Yuan Lixun responded softly, and the ice mirror twirled on her body and then fell into the body.

Ice laughed and nodded, and left to leave. In the past, the Shinto strong in the land of death also has the Shinto elders of the Northern Palace Ice Palace. But now it has fallen, but since Yuan Lixun has been recognized by the artifact ice mirror, and has the strong support of He Yiming, in the future, the Northern Palace Ice Palace is also a hegemony, not tolerable.

Shenlong once again snorted, and the other three beasts looked at each other and made a deafening scream and flew away.

But what surprised He Yiming was that the Oriental White Dragon and the Western Dragon were actually heading in one direction.

In the land of death, these two beasts are in a tit-for-tat, but after leaving the ghost place, they are greeted. Going to the south, I don’t know which one to go to. Of course, after a long period of five thousand years, the places where they used to live are estimated to be invisible.

The body of the dragon snake squirmed a little, slowly retreating toward the rear, and finally fell into the ice sea, and so swam silently.

After it was promoted to Shinto, although it was fierce, but in the blink of an eye, there were so many Shinto strong, especially the last dragon that came out, the more it made it feel a sense of trepidation.

Snake is yin, and it is also true after being promoted to Shinto, so it is secretly lurking after most Shinto leaves.

Because its instinct and spirituality tell it, the dragon is dangerous, the farther it is from the better.

In the blink of an eye, most of the Shinto has left, and there are Tianchi Yimai, Zizilong and He Yiming. And the dragon is as high as the emperor, and he doesn't know what it is thinking about.

After a long time, it conveyed its head and stared at the body of the pig that was more than ten feet long.

Bao pig is a beggar, although it is also advanced in Shinto, but the natural timid and cautious character is difficult to change. If you are faced with a guy who is not very capable, it will certainly not be afraid.

But in the face of this unfathomable look of the dragon, it has a feeling of being seen through, and through the heart.

As soon as the body swayed, it was habitually hiding behind He Yiming.

However, the body of Bao pig is now a lot bigger, so its hiding does not play much role at all, and it is still firmly stared by Shenlong.

He Yiming was surprised to see the dragon. In his feelings, Shenlong did not seem to be malicious to Bao pig. The light that appeared in those eyes was only of some interest.

His heart is slightly moving, this little guy of Bao pig has always had a good and good luck. Whether it is a dragon snake or a unicorn beast, they all look at it differently. Is it true that the dragon is not so?

"Dragon Dragon, this is the friend of the younger generation, you have seen it." He Yiming made a smile and said: "It has just advanced the Shinto, nothing is wrong, if you can get your advice, it will definitely Feeling inexhaustible."

Shen Long’s smile seems to have seen He Yiming’s thoughts, but it’s sinking for a long while, and finally said: “Well, if you look at this little family, you can only help it.”

A shrine condensed from the forehead of the dragon, and then the light and shadow flashed, and came to the front of the pig in a lightning bolt.

Although Xiaobao pig tried hard to escape, the degree of light and shadow was too fast, and Xiaobao pig obviously did not adapt to the current huge body, so the movement was slow, and it was hit by the light and shadow. Forehead, and did not enter it.

The white horse thunder snorted, and the faintness had a hint of envy.

The huge body of Bao pig suddenly froze, and its big eyes squinted in front of it, but He Yiming is now, there is no focal length in its eyes.

It seems to be a wandering thing, and it is like a stupid stay, but everyone knows that once it wakes up, it will definitely have great benefits.

Sure enough, after only half a ring, Bao pig’s eyes began to slowly move.

A trace of joy filled the eyes, and it was clear that it had already understood something, and it made it feel quite happy.

From its body, there is a huge force of heaven and earth, and the surrounding forces are madly swarming toward its body.

He Yiming and others looked at it with great interest, not knowing what kind of ability it had gained in this short period of time, or what magical skills it had learned.

The surging force of the heavens and the earth is becoming more and more crazy, and the body shape of Bao pig has undergone tremendous changes.

The huge body of more than ten feet under the convergence of the power of heaven and earth actually began to slowly shrink, although this degree is not fast, but also gives people a clumsy feeling, but no The denial is that it is indeed shrinking.

He Yiming and others looked at Bao pig with stunned eyes. Although there are already many gods and beasts in the world, it seems that only the Shenlong is the only beast.

In addition to it, even the remaining four gods who have reached the pseudo-deity can not freely control the size of the body.

This is a gift, an extremely rare talent even in the beast.

And Bao pig undoubtedly has such a talent, but with the help of Shenlong, he mastered it in advance.

Soon, the pigs continued to shrink, and the huge body that grew up to ten feet slowly became only ten feet, five feet, and finally turned into the original appearance.

He Yiming and Yuan Lixun’s surprise look at each other. Today’s Bao pig, apart from the extra antlers on the head, is no different from the past.

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