Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 107: memory

The distance from the river to the sea is not very deep. It is only about two hundred feet. The white stone is not in the sky, and it is suspended in this water level.

He Yiming hesitated a moment and let go of the mini version of his hand.

Sure enough, the small one hundred and eight immediately swam over and clung to the white stone.

He Yiming's heart beat vigorously, his face became very ugly. Hidden, he has already guessed the reason. Hundred and eight did indeed use the power of White Rock, and smoothly closed the channel, but at the same time, it must have paid an unimaginable price.

The power of White Rock is indeed quite horrible. Just a little bit is enough to restore the strength and injury of a top sacred beast.

Even less than one-tenth of the power can be achieved to achieve five Shinto powers.

Then, when the power in the whole white stone is led out, how powerful power will there be.

I want to induce and manipulate this level of power. In the feeling of He Yiming, perhaps only the unfathomable dragon has this posture.

But obviously, as a beast, they can only swallow the white stone at most, to improve their ability or to recover the injury, but if you want to completely extract the power, then you can reach the limit that the beast can reach. It is.

At this point, He Yiming has been able to affirm that the use of a very special method to guide the power of the white stone, but eventually cracked, I am afraid that his body also completely dissipated with the collapse of white stone.

Reaching out gently on the white stone. An unspeakable sense of grief has flooded my heart.

Hidden, there is a strange picture in his mind.

The body of one hundred and eight is gradually integrated into a huge white stone. At this moment, He Yiming seems to have received some information left on Baishi. He seems to have experienced the original one. That feeling.

In the world of one hundred and eight, if you want to release the white stone, you must use some special machines. But here, it is impossible to have such a machine available to him.

Therefore, the last method was chosen. He used the body as a guide to release energy.

Although this is indeed the only way to excite Bai Shi energy in the current environment. But when the body of the hundred and eight is subjected to such a huge energy shock and baptism, everything that belongs to him will be completely erased.

His memory, his body, and even his ability, all of this will be integrated into the White Rock and can no longer be divided. When the power in the white stone is basically exhausted, the separation finally collapses and falls into the sea. And the body of the hundred and eight is also completely dispersed into countless copies, and scattered in the North Sea.

Although the hundred and eight are themselves undead. But when his body was divided into countless copies. And after losing energy, he can't recover again.

The lips shook slightly, and I really understood the passage.

This is the last message left in the world, and the only one who can accept this letter is He Yiming who has been with him for many years.

Perhaps this is the final explanation given to him by 108.

I don't know when He Yiming's hand has slowly left Shiraishi. In his mind, he flashed a scene that was unforgettable.

The first time I met with the hundred and eight, the doll like a sculpture.

At the foot of Hengshan, one hundred and eight shots help each other, and in the future, the totems will be repelled, and as he pursues thousands of miles, the totems and the wolves will be killed.

The main peak of Tianchi, one hundred and eighty, with its own unique charm, seduce the pig down the mountain and he eventually became the biggest beneficiary.

Within the hall of the Lingbi Hall, one hundred and eight attracted the attention of the Golden Campaign. Became his substitute, which allowed him to successfully sneak into the Tongtian Pagoda and steal the book of Shinto. It was because of the help of the hundred and eight that he was able to preserve the book of Shinto in a special way forever.

In the Great Plains of the East and West, Ghost Cry Ridge, under the gaze of the ear of eight thousand miles, He Yiming noticed the conspiracy of Hao Xue and others, and eventually promoted to the Supreme.

Penglai of the East China Sea, Da Shen Yujia, and even fled the Huangquan ancestors. Going to the trip to Liuli Island in southern Xinjiang, Hundred and Eight have always followed him, and silently dedicated everything to him without regrets.

Even after He Yiming was promoted to the humanity Hengfeng and entered the land of death, Baihua finally helped him the last time in this way.

He Yiming's heart is jumping faster and faster, his eyes have gradually become red, and there is an unspeakable depression in his heart.

In his body, the temperature of the sea was slowly increasing. His body was like a big stove, and the huge heat was released unconsciously.

He Yiming’s double fists are clenched, and his heart is full of hatred.

Death creatures, if there are no such dead creatures, it is impossible to damage the passage because of the closure.

His eyes are getting redder and his heartbeat is getting faster and faster. An unspeakable murderous air filled the air.

Here, the nearby marine creatures sensed the killing, and they rushed toward the distant side of the peace. This strength Mu Xiaolian used the body-injured creature because he could not stand the murderous oppression and directly smashed.

Although the large creatures and spirits here have long since fled because of the appearance of the beast, there are still many unintelligible marine life living here.

It was only after a quarter of an hour that the surrounding sea water suddenly became a faint red color.

He Yiming’s body trembled a little, and his faint feeling was a bit uncomfortable, but he could not control the inexhaustible killing in his heart.

If the channel is still there, then he will definitely return to the channel without hesitation, and enter the monster group to kill all the monsters with the greatest power. Until he was exhausted. Or it is swallowed by monsters.

but. His reason tells him that the passage has been closed, even if he has a magical power, it is absolutely impossible to open it with one person.

Moreover, even if it is opened, it may not be able to return to the terrible place of death. Therefore, the hatred in his heart is already doomed to be vented. It is precisely because of this that He Yiming's body killing is getting more and more concentrated. At this moment, there is actually a control that can't control himself or even want to destroy together.

Suddenly, a cold body behind him.

He Yiming’s mind is full of killings. However, his movements were not slow, and he reached out and pushed forward. The evil fire on his body was already a lightning-like catharsis.

Behind him, a powerful ice power swarmed in, and all the water touched by this force instantly condensed into thick ice. However, when this force came to He Yiming's side, it completely lost its effectiveness.

Because the temperature of the sea here is too high. At the side of He Yiming, the strong high temperature is enough to make the sea water boil, if it is not deep in the North Sea, but above a stream. Then you can see the whole stream being boiled and rolling.

When He Yiming’s palm was shot, a lot of heat waves rolled down, and suddenly the black ice was broken without any suspense.

The frozen gas behind it suddenly retreats away, seems to want to escape, but He Yiming, who has already angered and attacked, can easily let go.

His body is like a cannonball. He slammed into it, and in his body, he was covered in a flaming color.

Both degrees are quite fast. Just a moment, He Yiming had already rushed out of the sea floor, broke the ice layer and came to the ice.

There was a bright light in front of me, and the sun in the sky swayed down, and I immediately lost him.


His surroundings were chilly, and the moisture in the air was instantly condensed and formed into a huge ice cube, which was frozen into his whole body.

All the movements of He Yiming stopped in vain, and the powerful freezing air rushed into his body, seemingly wanting to freeze him into an ice sculpture.

If the average person has reached such a cold, then the only end is to die on the spot. But He Yiming is different. At this time, his body temperature is extremely high. This feeling is like when he was burning a monster's lair. Because he absorbed a lot of heat, he felt like a hot field in his body.

Of course, the evil fire caused by He Yiming's anger is incomparable to the real hot field.

On his body, only the body is hot. It is not the power of the field.

So when this cold air poured into the body, He Yiming was covered in a shackle, like a sudden shower of ice water baths, with a hearty and intense pleasure.

Later, he sensed that several familiar breaths were staying beside him.

Slowly, in this sunny world. He Yiming’s killings faded a little, and reason gradually returned to him.

Shake his head He Yiming's blood in the eyes is faded.

He reached out for a slight movement, and the ice on his body suddenly creaked and burst into tears. Feel free to wave your sleeves. The ice was thrown into the hole in the ice layer like a long-eyed eye.

The sparkling ice cubes float on the water and reflect the radiance of Tianyang, splashing a brilliant brilliance.

He Yiming raised his head. In front of his eyes, Yuan Lihuang was worried.

Pulling his mouth, He Yiming said with a strong smile: "Thank you."

Being able to use the ice power to freeze him and cool down, I am afraid that she is the only one.

Yuan Li’s eyes flashed a glimmer of joy, saying: “Yiming, it’s the predecessors who said that you are evil and attacking the heart. If you don’t rescue as soon as possible, I’m afraid I will go into flames. So I will freeze you with an ice mirror.”

He Yiming gently sighed, grateful to the scorpion dragon. It’s just that at the moment his heart is no longer crazy, but it’s still very confusing, and his mood is low. He really doesn’t want to talk.

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