Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 120: joint

Into the air, the sun shines down, the hot red day is not in the air. Let all the life in the world share its warmth.

The east is above a huge plain. Megatron's eastern continent, known as the world's largest sect of the sect of the sacred temple, rang the majestic sound of the eighteen rings.

When the bell began to sway in the air in the city, the whole city seemed to be quiet at this time.

Everyone knows that this is the most distinguished welcome ceremony in the Temple of the Ghost. In the course of the year, it may not be possible to have a chance to ring.

The last time the eighteen bells struck. It was more than a year ago when Bao Lingzhu, the elder of the Shinto predecessor of the Lingbi Hall, returned. This mysterious elder, who has disappeared for more than 5,000 years, suddenly appeared under the company of the Lord.

This incident has had a great impact on the Lingbi Hall, but not many people can know the inside story.

The inside story of Iceland is impossible to preach, everyone knows, although in the end everyone will succeed in this. The huge crisis has been solved. But it is also made by the older generation of Shinto powers. Even if it is not to cause panic, it must be concealed.

Therefore, in the same way, the Shinto powers everywhere have never preached it out, and they really know that there are only a few core figures.

At this time, accompanied by the melodious bell. An imposing young man took a one-horned beast, accompanied by several old people, walked along the city avenue and walked toward the city center.

These old people are in the hall of the Lingbi Hall, and all of them are going to make the Lingbi Hall shake the peak of the three-point figure, but at this time they are next to the young man. But nothing is taking the initiative to take a step back. With a slight smile on his face, he was very respectful of his attitude.

Along the way, countless people bowed to them and looked at them with a hint of awe.

Most of the people living here are the disciples of the Lingbi Hall and their families, and the identity of these old people is naturally unfamiliar.

"Who is this? Can you let so many elders come to meet, and it is the highest etiquette of the eighteen rings, is he the ambassador of other sects?" After these big men passed . A resident who moved into the city in recent years pulled the neighbors and whispered.

The neighbor looked at his companion in surprise and said: "You don't even know him. He has a condescending arrogance in his tone. Let the interrogator accompany his smile."

"But this also blames you. The portrait of this elder has been widely circulated in the city a few years ago, but it has caused his dissatisfaction. So the lord of the lord ordered that all the portraits be collected, so you naturally do not I know it."

The face of the person who had previously asked for a slight change, exclaimed: "Is He Yiming a guest elder?"

A few years ago, the portrait of He Yiming, the elder of the Lingbi Temple, was flooded in the city. Later, he caused his dissatisfaction, so the temple of Lingbi was reinstated, and all the portraits were collected. This matter has not been experienced by him. But it was already familiar to you.

Once I knew that the person I saw was one of the most noble characters in the sect, the young Shinto in the world, He Yiming, his eyes suddenly shimmered, and I wish I could go up and take a closer look. Then show off to others.

This young man is naturally He Yiming who came from the northwest. This time he left Hejiazhuang to go to the Lingbi Hall. He did not take all the Shinto powers away, but let Yuan Lihuang stay. And transfer the control of Shinto shrine to her.

Yuan Lihuang has an artifact ice mirror, plus a sacred god, even if it comes to an old Shinto power, it may not be cheap, so He Yiming is naturally relieved.

At this time, he came to the Tongtian Pagoda, accompanied by several elders of the Elders, here. The masters of the Lingbi Treasures and the Shinto elders have been waiting for a long time.

Upon seeing both of them, He Yiming quickly stepped forward and repeatedly clenched his fists. He said sincerely: "You and the two are welcoming each other, forgiveness and forgiveness.

The two Shinto strong people in the Lingbi Hall looked toward He Yiming, and his face could not help but reveal a disappointment.

Because this time with He Yiming, there is only a white horse thunder and lightning, and they are very different from the situation of their imaginary Shinto masters.

He Yiming’s eyes turned and he knew what they were thinking.

The Lingbao Hall sent a golden battle not far away. Naturally, I don’t want to be alone. If it is possible, I am afraid that they will hope that all the Shinto powers in the world will gather together in the Temple of the Spirit and then go to the cave.

Of course, this is just a luxury. Whether it is the north-south or the northwest. It is impossible to blend in with it.

However, with the strength of the six great Shinto strong people in Hejiazhuang, there is only one person and one beast. This is indeed a bit of a loss.

However, how the two of them left the object, just adjusted the mentality in a moment, the smile on the face is amiable, and even a little bit of mustard can not be seen.

"He elders, this knife arranging from the northwest, we are uneasy in the heart, if the front of the fish to meet, I am afraid that people will be laughed at the number of rituals." Said.

Both sides smiled and entered the Tongtian Pagoda. Here is the real forbidden place of the Lingbi Hall. In addition to those who can truly trust. The rest are not eligible to enter.

After sitting down in the living room on the second floor of the tower, He Yiming opened the door to the mountain: "The son of the son. Bao brother, in addition to He Mou and Bai Ma Lei. The scorpion dragon brother, Bao pig is coming."

Bao Yanzhu and Zi Yan’s eyes flashed a surprise color. Bao pig is a powerful beast, and Zizi Long is one of the old Shinto powers. If they appear, they naturally have a pivotal position.

"He elders, where are the two of them now?" asked the child.

"They are with the hundred and eight." He Yiming said indifferently: "The war brothers said that there are some unusual people near the Lingbi Hall, so I did not let them show up."

Zizi and Cannon Bamboo nodded at the same time. They have already understood the thoughts of He Yiming.

From the northwest, four sects came together. Although it is a huge momentum. However, the effect is far less than the appearance of the two Shinto, but when it comes to the cave, it suddenly has two more shocks.

As for the unusual people who suddenly appeared around the Temple of the Ghost. Of course, it refers to the eyeliner and the doorman from Dongtianfu.

Although they can't see the place where the snakes are in the temple, but before these people have committed crimes or tore their faces with the help of Dong Tianfu, it is naturally impossible for them to order them.

The child snorted and snorted, saying: "Hundred and eight? But the one hundred and eighty who closed the passage?"

The face of the cannon bamboo is also moving. He is also one of the strongest people who opened the channel in the past. The understanding of this channel is far beyond that of Zi. Even the things that so many Shintos can't do are done by one hundred and eight people.

After these veteran powers got real news, they were truly grateful and awesome for the hundred and eight.

He Yiming was a slight amount, saying: "Yes. It is the credit of the hundred brothers to close the passage."

The two gods looked at each other and they now truly confirmed the news from He Yiming’s mouth.

"Since Mr. Bai personally came, for me, it is indeed a good news. Bao Yanzhu’s eyes are hidden in cash. He said: "If they read them, they will be arrogant and arrogant. It is impossible to regard Mr. Bai’s achievements. Ignore it. Hey, the banquet of the heavens and the blessings after January, the old man is really looking forward to it. He is nodding his head again and again. He asked in a deep voice: "He elders, Mr. Bai can close the passage. His martial arts repair is at least also a Shinto realm. Alright."

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse and touched the nose, but he was hesitant in his heart.

Since the recovery, he has not shown his strength, and if he evaluates his strength by the normal human or the beast, it is impossible. So now that he has a lot of power, he knows nothing about it.

With a wry smile, He Yiming shook his head and said honestly: "Hundred brothers have suffered a very serious injury in order to close the passage. Now, although the injury has been restored, it is not the younger brother who can determine the injury. It’s up."

The faces of Zi Yan and Cannon Bamboo are all showing a hint of pity, they sigh, but they really admire the hundred and eight.

He Yiming indulged in a moment and said: "Bao Xiong. I heard that Ma Rong will go to Dongtianfudi as a dissertation after one month. Is this certain?"

Bao Yanzhu smiled and said: "You can rest assured that I have met with Ma Rong twice. This old guy is the only pseudo-deity in the Eastern world except the Five Elements. In this kind of event that determines the future trend of the Eastern world. Before, if he could stand by and ignore it, it would be a strange thing."

He Yiming secretly shook his head and smiled. These Shinto strong people were able to work together when they were on the ground of death to many monsters, but when they left the terrible place. Returning to the human world. The contradictions between each other suddenly came Just over a year, the Eastern world is already full of winds and clouds, and the dark tide fluctuates.

Many Shinto powers are unwilling to be lonely, and they all debut, and they don’t know how they will end up.

"He elders, you are here for a few days. We are in the middle of the meeting with the head of the Gimafan, and go to the cave with the heavens."

He Yiming glanced at him with amazement and said: "Huang Quan's ancestors also joined hands with the Lingbi Hall?"

"The five elements are strong, and we are doing this" is also a last resort. "Zi Yu helplessly sighed.

The look on He Yiming's face is rather strange. As far as he knows, although the Lingbi Hall and the Nine Seas have always been peaceful, the relationship between them is definitely not how friendly.

However, it seems that Zizi is clearly an agreement with Jimo Fanshu to advance and retreat.

This shows that under the pressure of the powerful five elements, everything is possible.

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