Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 125: Field power

In the sky, the number of light and shadow swept past the sky. They are flying in the same direction.

Ordinary people on the ground accidentally look up and see this magical scene, they will be stunned, and even sorrowful. For ordinary people, these powerful people who can fly in the sky have no doubt with the real gods.

In fact, these people, even in the world of practitioners, are also known as the gods.

Bao Yan's bamboo chair is controlled to a certain extent. He is not particularly close to the front of He Yiming and Aide Wen, nor is it the three strongest players who are deliberately falling behind.

He sighed: "The crowd, the situation of the elders seems to be wrong."

The smart people who can come here are naturally understand the meaning of his words. Within the valley, He Yiming turned out to take the initiative to take Adevin's sword. He seems that he should not do this from any angle.

The ear dragon also nodded slightly, said: "I also feel strange, but He Yiming's mentality is clear, has not been affected, so ..." He Dun guided 蒴i, said "I guess he is ulterior motives o .

Ma Hao smiled and said: "We can discuss what we can discuss even if we are negotiating. It is better to wait for them to ask after a battle."

The scorpion dragons nodded slightly, but their hearts were still quite worried. Instead, the horses had no desire, and the relationship with He Yiming was not very good, so it seemed to be the most calm.

In the distance, there was a wave of waves hitting the rocks, and He Yiming’s eyes were bright, and they had already reached the edge of the sea.

But when he got here, he still didn't have any signs of stopping, but the faster he flew. However, from his body, there is a faint sigh of relief like the waves below.

Edwin’s face was Shen’s face. After sensing the breath that the other party deliberately released, he already understood that He Yiming’s hands-on golden light was flowing around his body, and it was actually thick and solid.

Although he has been promoted to Shinto, even if he does not use the flying of the gods, he can definitely follow the degree of He Yiming and others. But surrounded by so many Eastern Shinto powers, he chose the safest method to wrap himself in the light of his own artifact.

Finally, after deep into the sea, He Yiming’s body suddenly stopped.

Looking down from this high sky, it is a vast sea, and even a little island can not be seen, and this is the real reason why He Yiming stopped.

Although the Shinto strong is powerful, it is able to open a mountain and crack the rock. But there is always a limit.

In the special environment above the sea, in addition to the marine life below, the other environmental impacts are minimal.

"Lord Adevin, the scenery here is very good." He Yiming said with a smile: "You should also be ready."

Aidevin’s sword in his hand waved, and a golden light flickered and floated out: “I’m already ready, please.

When he wanted to come, He Yiming even joined forces with White Horse Thunderbolt, but he had an artifact sword, and more importantly, he gained the inheritance of knowledge and experience, and was able to excite the real power of the artifact, so even if it was One enemy two also has a great win.

He Yiming made a gesture to the white horse. The beast was dissatisfied with a sigh of relief, but it did not violate the meaning of He Yiming, but slowly retreated.

Edwin said, "Why don't your accompanying beasts shoot?"

He Yiming laughed and said: "When you beat me, it will naturally shot.

Edwin’s eyes flashed a fierce and angry light. Instead of talking, he waved a big sword, suddenly a golden light, and spread to He Yiming.

The smile on his face has long converged. He Yiming refused to accept the loss, but in the face of artifacts, especially the artifacts with such power are more taboo.

The wrists trembled, and the five-ring ring had already appeared on his hand. During the gentle waving, the multicolored light also spread out, like treating the most intimate lover, stalking the golden light.

However, the golden light released by the Great Sword has an unimaginable power. He Yiming's colorful light is powerful, but he has been greatly overcome when he comes into contact with these Golden Mantons.

Just like a locust accidentally hitting a spider web, how can it break free?

The huge force of one stock has continuously impacted the power of He Yiming's five elements. This power is no stranger to He Yiming. This is the purification power of the light system. The field released by the sword in the other hand has restrained the power of He Yiming and continues to weaken the light of the Five Elements with its special ability.

The brow was slightly wrinkled, although in the land of death, He Yiming saw the power of the field more than once, and he himself had condensed into a field power in the second chance. But that was only a matter of chance success, even if he wanted to come out 100%.

What's more, he is the first time he has played against the real powerhouse with the power of the field, and it is only the experience of this power.

Under the power of the other party's special field, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will not cause any substantial harm to the other party. Because within the opponent's field space, the enemy's power will be greatly weakened. Unless the field is broken or has the same level of power, the battle between the two sides will be an unequal battle.

In the past, four people in Minhang will be able to resist the impact of millions of golden death creatures, and rely on the special strength of the field. If they rely solely on the power they have, "though even ten times more powerful, they will die under the infinite endless monsters."

Edwin sighed and slammed the sword in his hand and lifted it high.

As he moved, the space around him became more and more turbulent, and he spread out with a hint of golden light power.

Edwin stared at He Yiming with a double eye, as long as the golden light field he released was able to break He Yiming into it, then he would win the battle.

However, He Yiming’s body is as smart as a fox. When he sees the other’s field begin to spread, he immediately withdraws without hesitation. After real experience of the power of the field, He Yiming can’t really enter each other. In the field. His shape in the air is getting faster and faster, just like a whirlwind, and he uses various means to attack within the scope of the shackles.

Although Edwin has a field, this power is obviously not his own. If he wants to maintain this field, he will use at least twice as much power as he usually does, so He Yiming has a plan to consume war. He wants Everyone's strength is squeezed out.

He Yiming’s movements are getting faster and faster. He seems to have really turned into a wind. Under his rotation, the space around him has also undergone a strange change, and a huge wind gradually It emerged and began to wander around Aidewin.

This is a tornado, a **** of heaven and earth visible by human beings.

When He Yiming gathered this tornado to a sufficiently strong level, his wrist shook and sipped, "Go.

The tornado is like a pair of eyes, turning towards Adevin.

Seeing the achievements of this world, Aidewen should be shrouded in it, but he saw him gently waving a big sword, and the golden field above suddenly rose. He stabbed a sword and even smashed from the middle of the tornado.

At that time, the forces belonging to the bright field suddenly exploded, and the huge tornado was missing from the middle.

The powerful light power actually purifies this part of the tornado in an instant.

Half of the tornado that was missing from the middle, after a moment of whistling, finally disappeared completely. The residual power was blown to Edwin's body, but it could not have any effect on him.

He Yiming's eyes are twinkling, and the power of the field is so powerful that even the power of the heavens and the earth can't get any benefit in front of the field.

As long as it enters the golden light field, it seems to have come to the world controlled by Aidewin. Any powerful force will be easily resolved by him if he has not been able to withstand the golden light field.

Deeply suffocating, He Yiming’s body suddenly became cold and boneless.

The powerful cold power was thoroughly waved by him at this moment. On the five lines of He Yiming, a purple light replaced the colorful light, like the golden light on Aide Wen’s sword. With.

The more enormous and unbearable momentum rushed out from He Yiming's body. This momentum is actually more and more concise, just like the real essence.

Aidewen feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth, the most powerful, the abandonment乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神Change His face is finally really dignified.

There are a touch of stunning colors in the eyes of Zhai Zilong and others. He Yiming’s powerful strength makes them look different.

"The field, the field of ice..." Edwin whispered, looking at He Yiming's daylight with a thick unbelief.

He got the inheritance of the knowledge and experience of the mysterious mask, so he was able to grasp and swing the field above the big sword. And how can He Yiming release the field?

With a sigh, Aidewen couldn’t hold back, and the big sword in his hand was a roll. The power of gold flew toward He Yiming and burned the past.

Raised his hand, and the purple, bright and beautiful field suddenly patrolled. There is no confrontation, and there is no violent explosion, all of which seems to be done silently.

The collision between the two major areas is like this.

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