Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 134: Unexpected joy

After an hour, Minhang and He Yiming finally finished the long embarrassment; i1 returned to the outer palace.

At the moment when the door of the inner palace was closed, he smiled and said: "He brother, Mr. Bai, two gods and brothers, the inner and outer palace gates have been closed, it takes three months to open again. There are several here. Room, everyone chooses a retreat."

He Yiming said slightly, "Remove here?"

He was very happy. He laughed and said: "Whether he is willing to retreat, he is completely aware of the respect. However, if it is really closed, then please wake up after March, otherwise you will delay me." The time to go out."

He Yiming nodded slightly, but he was not worried that the two would leave themselves and others here.

If they really do this, then if they can't get out of it, they can destroy the crystal cave inside, and this loss is definitely not the five elements that can withstand Bo.

Minhang nodded to the crowd and entered the room with Yan Bo Rui.

He Yiming and so on clearly saw the color of the flash of flash in the eyes of Zibo Rui, they immediately understood the intention of the words.

It seems that the old man is planning to let Zibo Rui take the medicinal herbs here.

Looking at the stone door slowly closing, He Yiming indulged, saying: "We don't want to separate, we live in a room."

Although He Yiming can be sure, Minhang absolutely does not dare to work with them here, otherwise under the full force of so many Shinto powers, the possibility that this Crystal Palace can be completely preserved is absolutely small.

But the heart of the defense is indispensable, so he still brings everyone together, so that it will not be broken by everyone.

They found the largest room and everyone entered it. After closing the door, He Yiming elaborated on the purpose of this trip and the passage into the inner palace.

At this time, the medicinal herbs have already arrived, and everyone is in the Crystal Palace. Unless they want to die together, there is no way to play.

One hundred and eighty did not have any interest in Shenyin Xianye. On the contrary, the white horse thunder and lightning rounded up the beautiful big eyes, and He Yiming was a little scared.

He took out the jade bottle and opened the bottle, and the magical medicinal liquid suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Although it is not the first time to see this thing, He Yiming is still almost lost in this indescribable power.

This kind of heaven and earth is just a matter of using the eyes to watch. It already has a powerful effect of washing the soul. If it is really swallowed in, the effect produced will not know how amazing it will be.

With the status of Zibo Rui, it will be so excited, it can also prove the true value of this thing.

One hundred and eight, the jewel-like eyes suddenly shot two strong lights. The two lights were scanned on the jade bottle. He slowly said: "I can't analyze the composition of this thing, but it should be like this to you. Life has only great benefits."

He Yiming laughed awkwardly and said: "That is for sure, but it is a pity that it is only this drop." He indulged for a moment, his body suddenly swayed with colorful light, and instantly spread out, filled with the whole Every corner of the room.

In doing so, he naturally protects the entire room with his own five elements. After doing so, even a false **** can not have the risk of eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Hundred brothers, I want to trouble you one thing." He Yiming eyes and eyes, said.


"You should have a way to remember the specific location here." He Yiming asked tentatively.

Here, I am afraid that only one hundred and eight will have such an ability, because the ability he has mastered is completely different from the world. Only this kind of thing that has never been revealed in the world can be highly knowledgeable. Minhang.

One hundred and eighty silently glanced at him and said: "I have left a mark before entering this place. As long as I am on this planet, I will not lose my way."

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse, and a flash of surprise color appeared in his eyes. "How can you think of leaving a mark here?"

One hundred and eight eyes flashed a bit. He seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

He Yiming is inconsistent with the pigs of the year and the white horse. This answer is too unexpected.

The light in the eyes of the hundred and eight eyes suddenly condensed, as if suddenly thought of something, said: "My mark is left for you."

He Yiming opened his mouth and his face gradually became excited. He looked at him eagerly. "Why: "Why? ”

This problem seems to be stumped. For a living body that explains everything with data, such a move does come beyond what he can explain.

Suddenly, the body of the hundred and eight sides froze, as if losing all the power, and suddenly fell to the rear.

He Yiming's face changed, and the body had already arrived behind him, holding his body and placing him flat on the ground.

"What happened to him?" Bao pig asked cautiously, and the blind eye that had lost its luster suddenly brightened again. In this s1, his eyes seemed to be agile, instead of Then it is so sluggish and rigid.

When his gaze swept through He Yiming and others, He Yiming’s heart even had a strong volatility. He recognizes this kind of gaze and can never forget it.

In the land of death, before the departure of the hundred and eight, He Yiming once saw this kind of brilliance in his eyes. This is a kind that contains a name called Magnetic. The feeling of love is very different from the mechanical rigidity.

However, just after a moment, the agility in the eyes of the hundred and eight eyes suddenly faded away, and disappeared without a trace. Instead, it was a wooden look, and he sat up and stood upright.

"What happened to me?" asked one hundred and eight.

He Yiming was deeply sucked, and his face was filled with a smile. He reached out on the shoulders of the hundred and eight, and slowly said: "Nothing." He stared at the wooden eyes, as if It’s an oath. The word of the word = "You will think of it, 1111, 1101"

The white horse thundered a long sigh and seemed to be responding to He Yiming.

Bao pig’s small eyes twitched a few times and said: “I have just had a good thing.

He Yiming took back his gaze and looked at the past with a look of hope. He said: "What?"

What can be seen by the pigs is absolutely impossible. The only thing that worried about He Yiming was that it couldn’t be taken away from what it looked at.

"I don't know." Bao pig looked at his head. It seemed to be thinking about something. After a long time, he said: "In there, there may be a sea bowl in the crystal wall."

He Yiming was slightly stunned, and then he suddenly stood up. It was difficult to cover up the shocking colors in the two days, and even the colorful light curtains in the room began to shake.

After a while, he barely converged his mind and said: "Bao pig, you are not mistaken."

"It should not be mistaken." Bao pig said with a small eye.

Although He Yiming believes in Bao pig, this Kui is really too important. If there is a sea bowl in the crystal stone wall, it is not that there are more Shen medicine fairy liquids left there.

If these things have already been taken, he certainly can't play the idea of ​​the pseudo-virtual powerhouse. But if there is a tear of crystal that I don't even know about it, that is the real thing of the Lord, not taking it.

Of course, this process of taking is absolutely impossible to let the five elements know, otherwise Minhang and others will definitely fight with them.

After a moment of indulgence, He Yiming said: "Bao pig, how did you get it?"

Bao pig swayed a long nose and said: "I smell it."

He Yiming brows slightly wrinkled, said: "The **** medicine fairy liquid does not have any taste, how can you smell it.

Bao pig wrinkled a small nose, and its appearance was quite cute, but after considering it for a long time, he still shook his head: "I don't know, but I can smell it." It squinted at He Yiming's body. Road: "I can smell the Kowloon stove, the mysterious turtle shell and the five-line ring on your body."

He Yiming is a complete metaphor. It seems that this is the talent of the treasure pig, there is no way to explain it.

Slowly nodding his head, He Yiming's mind began to turn quickly.

The pigs came together and smiled and said, "You can open the door in three months, and we will go in again."

He Yiming waved his hand in a bad mood and said: "Nonsense, after three months, "I will definitely go out with us, if you can’t fight the **** medicine, if you really find it. Extra God medicine fairy, hey, can we still go out safely?"

Bao pig’s head suddenly pulled It snorted a few times and said: “What should I do? He Yiming said coldly: “Since the hundred brothers can find this place, we naturally have time. Come and take. He paused and said: "But within a year, we better not come over, ka is free to scream." ”

Bao pig’s small eyes turned a few times and finally recognized He Yiming’s words. It’s only a year away and it can afford it.

"This time I got good things, we have four equal shares." Bao pig said hi.

"Okay, let me keep it." He Yiming said without thinking, a serious saying.

Bao pig's small head moved in a row, and a pair of eyebrows smiled. The white horse thunderbolt turned his head, his mouth faintly split, and it seemed to be snickering.

After Bao pig found the treasure, it was handed over to He Yiming, but in the end these benefits were mostly not on the head of the pig.

This is true whether it is the artifact Jiulong furnace or the Lei Zhenzi.

However, from the beginning to the end, Bao pig has never had any complaints. Perhaps this is fate, an unexplained fate.

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