Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 154: Unbearable 1 hit

The huge literary grass suddenly illuminates in the sky for six moments. Samoth is filled with a heart-rending purple electric mans from beginning to end. The huge body that grows ten feet suddenly becomes dazzling and colorful. It’s like a lot of fireworks, it’s pleasing to the eye.

However, the only thing that makes people feel sad is that they are like a pig-like giant screaming from the bright optoelectronics. In that scream, they are full of anger, helplessness and humiliation. This dragon, from the Western world, has already hated He Yiming and others in this cut.

However, before it was shot, it was not thought that there would be such an end.

Although it faces a Shinto and two beasts. There is also a strange guy who can't see through the depths, even the breath and the breath of life.

But before the real fight, it is still full of confidence.

A few of the young guys who have just been promoted to Shinto for a few years want to challenge the so-called gods that have been promoted to the pseudo-deity for thousands of years. This is absolutely not self-defeating.

But at this moment, it knows that these little guys in front of us are definitely not ordinary new Shinto.

He Yiming's hot field, white horse's lightning attack, Bao pig's strange giant claw force, and the most amazing, can estimate its instantaneous movement point. If it is any one, or two scares, join hands, it will not be on the mind. But when the four of them joined forces. The power that has been thrown out, even if it is also a big loss.

The proud heart finally got a strong setback. Falling from the high sky.

In the eyes of Samad. The combination of these four guys is no longer seen as a normal virtual reality. Instead, they are seen as having a strong real strong enough to fight it fairly.

Its wings flashed violently and the body disappeared instantly.

But this time it is not teleporting in the direction of He Yiming, but to avoid the far rear. With its teleportation, although it is impossible to get through the attack at the time of attack. But if you want to escape, it is still unparalleled.

however. When it came out of the void, the pair was still flashing thunder and lightning. The eye that makes it a little vague is abruptly rounded.

What did it see?

The white horse thunder and lightning, the pig and the hundred and eight are actually in the same place, like flying away from far away.

Behind them, He Yiming is also flying back. It wasn't until the hot area of ​​his body that he was a hundred feet away from the other three, and the guy stopped.

Among them, the hundred and eight degrees may be the slowest, but his eyes are the most poisonous, just when the magical power of the giant pig using the giant claws began to attack. He is already beginning to move outwards, so when the space field of Samad is separated. He has come to a safe place when he is in the hot field.

The degree of white horse lightning is undoubtedly the fastest. It is only a leap in the air, and it has successfully escaped from the hot field of red.

Only the degree of Bao pig slowed down. Its buttocks suddenly had a red big print.

They were scared and gathered together. It is able to sway the enormous power that can't be imagined, and even the beasts of the pseudo-deity can only retreat. but. When the hot field lost its containment and integration in the space field, their joint forces suddenly split and collapsed and ceased to exist.

A heavy breathing sound echoed in the sky, and then came the incredible voice of the Western **** Dragon Samod: "You" can't control the power of the field? ”

There is deep doubt and a more humiliating tone in this voice.

After seeing the performance of He Yiming and others. Wisdom has been told for thousands of years. He Yiming simply could not control the power of his field. Therefore, this kind of situation between the enemy and the enemy will not be caused.

He Yiming’s figure was suddenly one of the best, and the joy of getting everyone to get the upper hand disappeared without a trace.

In the horror, his mind flashed a sentence when he taught the flash.

"The power of the field is very powerful, but if it is an uncontrolled field power, then in the face of the real field powerhouse. Still the book is vulnerable."

This sentence is still in the ear, so that He Yiming’s heart beats more and more.

Samod raised his head and it made a deafening roar. The sound waves spread far and wide, and the whole sea was suddenly waved and the waves were soaring.

It is like a sharp blade in its heart, **** cut, let it have unlimited humiliation.

The guy who has been fighting with it has turned out to be a guy who can't really master and control even the field. Although the power of this guy's field is exceptionally powerful. Even more powerful than most of the artifacts, even if compared with the power of its space, it will not be much less.

but. He Yiming was not able to control freely as he pleased.

No wonder He Yiming's domain is always up and down, unless there is contact with its space, there will never be any active changes. No wonder He Yiming’s field strength has always been maintained. The strength of the limit is small and it is still so strong and strong under the sea. All this is not that he is demonstrating to himself, but that he simply cannot control the power of this powerless field.

And it, the great Western **** dragon, the first strongman, Samuel, will not see through this, but instead hurt under such a guy, this is definitely a great shame that can never be erased.

The roar of anger and anger came out of Samo's mouth, and the field in it was so strong.

But this time that strong ※

Ming did not extend the Baizhang as before, but quickly reduced the number of people around the river. At the same time, the power in this field is huge and unbelievable.

He Yiming’s face suddenly changed, and the idiot knew it. When the power of the field with a range of up to a hundred feet is compressed ten times, its power will definitely have an overwhelming and incredible enhancement.

The huge wings waved and Samod immediately disappeared.

The next moment is within the space of He Yiming's hot field. Samoth has flashed out like a ghost. It has not been sent to He Yiming once, because it has only ten feet in the field at the moment, so the ultimate transmission distance is only ten feet.

He Yiming’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He clearly sensed it. The spiritual sensory that prides itself on the field has lost its usefulness.

When the power of both sides is released to the Baizhang, once the field is entangled, both sides can clearly sense each other's every move. Of course, before the space field was not encroached and completely suppressed, He Yiming could not sense the direction of the moment of Samed. But even so, its ordinary actions are still well known.

This is also the biggest reason he can cooperate with Bao pig, white horse lightning and so on to hurt Samed.

However, when Samoud compressed the power of the field within ten feet, He Yiming suddenly became a blind, blind person, and became blind. Deafness in both ears. He can only sense it. In his hot field, there is an extremely powerful field force. But he is ignorant of any changes in the power of this field.

Bao pig and white horse looked at it all anxiously, but they couldn't get into it at all. If they enter the scope of the field, I am afraid that most of the energy will be spent on the hot field, and it will not be able to compete with Samo.

One hundred and eighty silently looked at him, his heart seemed to be calculating what, a pair of eyes quickly lit up.

A huge force was released from that space and rushed toward He Yiming.

He Yiming’s hands were thrown. The five-line ring and the Kowloon furnace rise at the same time, and the wind is long in his body. It became two. The existence of the Big Mac level of up to three feet.

His figure hides behind these two artifacts and is manipulated with powerful ideas.

The five elements of the ring trembled fiercely, and more than a dozen huge multicolored lights illuminate the area. They rolled in the direction of Samad as a torrent.

However, at this moment, He Yiming’s eyes are round.

The power in that area has in vain. It’s like a person clinging to the palm of your hand. It became a fist.

This force pierced the obstruction of those colorful lights in an instant. They can even be penetrated by this force even if they can't even block it. And came to the sprint of He Yiming.

The power of strong and unbelievable shocked in this most fierce way. At such a close distance. There is such a strong power. So fast.

There is no room for any evasion and there is no room for retreat.

He Yiming's body week. There seems to be an indescribable force that blocks all his way. He is stunned, this is not the strength of the other space, but the power of his own hot field.

In this moment. He Yiming finally thoroughly understood the meaning of the words that taught the flash.

The power of the field is powerful, but it is a force of interaction.

The Shinto power is in the release of the field. The field has also become the shackles of the Shinto powers.

Once the power of the field cannot restrain the enemy, it will be the most miserable nightmare for the users of the field when it is used by the enemy.

If He Yiming's field power can be controlled as he pleases, then he can use various combinations of changes to bait and defend against the condensed space of Samad.

However, at this time he could not control the field. An area where there can be no change, in the face of the real field powerhouse, is really vulnerable to vulnerability.

The huge body of Samad is looming. Two huge claws came out of the air and one grabbed the huge Kowloon furnace. The other one is gently holding the five-row ring on the top of He Yiming's head.

The two giants of the giants were actually suppressed by the dragons at this moment and could not move.

Then a large mouth full of giant teeth opened, and the lightning-like wear between the two artifacts. And he slammed into He Yiming.

Although the size of the two is far from the distance, at this time, Samad gives a feeling of being as light as a fox, and people can't help but forget its tall and tall body.

At this point, its heart is full of anger. The feeling of being played has made it lose its normal heart.

In the attack of the Western Dragon. The bite force of the teeth is undoubtedly the most powerful. Although He Yiming is a human Shinto, how can the human body compete with the giant tooth of the dragon when the two artifacts are lost.

White horse and Bao pig roared, and at the same time turned into a flash of lightning into the hot field.

They are already ignored. Discard everything,"

however. A dazzling light lit up.

Everyone’s ear clearly heard a huge “crackling” sound. It seems that something has broken from it!

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