Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 164: West Dragon Valley

West. The area of ​​the continent occupied by the world is not much smaller than that of the East.

Here, countless Shinto powers have also been born. Both human oracles and the number of beasts have taken a heavy part in the whole world.

A few years ago, the power of heaven and earth returned to normal. After the return of the three Western Shinto powers, the entire Western world was completely smoothed down. The undercurrent caused by the fall of the two great humanity peaks of the temple and the dark parliament surged in front of the return of the powerful Shinto, and was instantly defeated and disappeared.

Below the Shinto, they are all ants.

The ambitious human powers of the Western world once again experienced the true meaning of this sentence at the expense of life. It seems that everything has returned to calm and embarked on a smooth path.

At this time, there was a cloud of white clouds in the sky. This cloud was like a soft cotton. With the wind blowing, it constantly changed its appearance.

Just, no one noticed. No matter how the wind direction changes, the direction of the clouds is always stable.

Among the clouds, He Yiming, Bao pig, Baima Thunder and Hundred and Eight are hiding.

They lay on a huge blanket, which was covered with the power of He Yiming. In this way, the people are carried away in a certain direction in the sky.

Around the blanket, there is a thin layer of mist, which is a subtle use of water power. It is because of the existence of this force that this group of white clouds will surround them and will not be surprised by the people below.

They are not the Western gods Samad. After entering the world that belongs to the West, they immediately concealed their whereabouts. The use of water power to attract airborne clouds, and thus the way to fly from the sky, is also a hundred and eight recommendations.

From the effect of the day before, they did very well. at least. There are no Western Shinto powers who notice their existence.

Of course, this is also because He Yiming and others deliberately slow down, basically because of the strong hurricane in the sky. In the case that the power of God is basically not released, the probability of wanting to attract the attention of human Shinto or the beast. It can be said to be minimal and almost negligible.

During the flight, Bao pig swayed a few long noses from time to time, but pointed to the specific orientation.

For the tracking ability of Bao pig, He Yiming is admiring the five-body investment.

The Western Shenlong Samoud flew away in the sky, the seemingly calm in the sky, but it is not the case. The fierce hurricane, the unpredictable airflow, is enough to make any strong person have a headache.

A beast flew from here to the past. Not to mention that it took a few days and a month, even if it was only half an hour, it was enough to completely erase any traces. These traces also included traces of smell.

However, all these laws do not seem to exist for Bao pig.

Its little nose spirit is unparalleled in the world. Just need to pump * to move the nose immediately to tell if Samoth's dragon has passed through this place, and in which direction.

Although they have not found Samoud so far. However, He Yiming and others have extremely strong confidence in the ability of Bao pig.

However, according to Yi He Yiming, Bao pig clearly distinguishes Samod as an invaluable mobile treasure house, so its nose will be so sensitive and unbelievable.

I don't know how long it has been. The cynicism of Bao pig’s small eyes suddenly disappeared.

Its body is slowly tightened, and a faint, if powerful, momentum is released from its body.

He Yiming and so on are all in the heart. He was even more fragile, came to the side of the pig in front of the blanket, gently slammed the Bao pig trail: "What is it?"

Bao pig turned back and the long nose was pumped again*. Only said: "Our luck does not seem to be good.

He Yiming frowned slightly and said: "You can't find Samoth's breath?"

When he wants to come, unless it is the loss of Samad's breath, it is absolutely impossible for Bao pig to be so ruined.

Bao pig shook his head. Road: "The breath of Samad has not disappeared, but its breath has increased.

He Yiming was slightly stunned, and his mind was turned around. He immediately understood what it meant, and his face was immediately dignified.

"There are a few dragons."

The breath of Samad is belonging to the Western Dragon, and Samod once said that it was invited by the Dragon King to enter the Eastern world, so there must be another dragon in the West.

If those dragons are below Shinto. He Yiming is not too concerned about it.

Although Shenlong is powerful, as long as there is no advanced Shinto, it is not enough. However, if these dragons have advanced to Shinto, then even if it is He Yiming, it will be a big headache.

Those who have just been promoted to Shinto in humans, without the help of artifacts, will not cause much harm to He Yiming who now has the power of the field. But the beast is a little different. Especially with a name on the name. The purpose of the word "dragon". Whether it is the East or the West, the home treasures that are not to be underestimated are forced to move a few noses. "One, but this Western dragon has a strong breath and has something similar to Samoth. feel

He Yiming was stunned, his eyes flashing with doubts.

One hundred and eight out of the way: "This dragon also has a space field?"

Bao pig shakes his small head like a rattle. He said: "Not necessarily in the space field, but there should be similar talents.

He Yiming looked at Bao pig's eyes suddenly a little more surprised, this little guy's nose ability is really unparalleled in the world, just relying on the sense of smell has reached this level of horror.

But think about it too, if you don't have the ability to do this, how can it tell the world? The ability to find the little guys such as the Kowloon Furnace is just a matter of strength.

“Two Dragons” He Yiming thought quietly and said: “We continue to chase.”

The degree of white clouds in the sky seems to be getting faster. After getting the news that Samod is in harmony with other dragons, He Yiming’s mood is also a little impatient.

A few days later, the more the pumping of the long nose of Bao pig, the more ugly the look. "There are a lot of Western dragons here. At least there are more than a dozen treasure pigs worried: "The farthest will not be over a hundred miles, they must be living here for a long time. ”

He Yiming’s complexion changed and said: “Impossible, even in the old Shinto era, it is impossible to have so many Western dragons. Unless they can get a lot of Shenchong, it is impossible to cultivate so poisonous. Shinto strong. Small

Bao pig licked two small eyes and said: "I just said at least ten Western dragons, not the Shinto strong.

He Yiming was relieved. If there are more than a dozen Shinto strong people here, then his only choice is to leave immediately, and also pray that they will not be noticed by these dragons, otherwise there will be so many Shinto powers. Under the siege, I was afraid that apart from the hundred and eight, they could not escape.

In the body of Shenlong, although the blood flowing is the noble and pure blood of the beast. But in the East and West. It is not that every dragon can be promoted to the beast.

When these guys are grown up, they can reach the peak of humanity. But whether we can go further and even reach the realm of the beasts depends on their degree of luck and effort.

Without the hardest effort, there will never be the best gains. The descendants of the beasts of the beasts. Although the starting point is much stronger than others. But it is not necessarily possible to advance to the beast.

However, at the time when the Eastern Dragons are dying, the Western Dragons have a minimum of more than ten heads, which is really enviable.

Gently patted the head of Bao pig, He Yiming said: "How many beasts are there.

Bao pig struggled for a while and finally opened his eyes. Road: "There should be three beasts, the most powerful of which is Samud. The other two dragons are obviously inferior." Xiaobao pig patted his chest and said: "Give them two and mine, sure. Can knock them over."

In the body of Bao pig and white horse lightning, the blood of the oriental dragon is also flowing, so they do not have any good feelings for the Western dragon.

He Yiming indulged for a moment, and his eyes flashed with a stern color, saying: "Only three dragons are gods, small."

Bao pig screamed: "There are a lot of three beasts.

He Yiming smiled and said: "There are many three beasts, but they are not the dragons of the beasts but more

Bao pig stunned and said: "What are you going to do? The little guy's eyes are shining, obviously interested in He Yiming's He Yiming's mouth is stunned A cold smile, said: "I want to kill Samod on the spot. It’s still not very safe for me to work with my hundred brothers, but if I add the help of lightning, then I’ll be a lot bigger when I’m not surprised.

Bao pig nodded again and again, but when he heard the last sentence, it seemed to be a shock. It is incredible: "You three are dealing with a Samoth, then what do I do? I want to pick one."

He Yiming suddenly smiled: "You don't have to live with them, just drag them."

Bao pig tried his best to turn his eyes and said: "They have two dragons of the god-beast level. I don't think I can hold two at the same time.

He Yiming’s face flashed a trace of fierceness. He calmly said his plan.

Bao pig and white horse thunder and lightning are all half a box, they seem to be infected by He Yiming, and the eyelids are gradually becoming red and excited.

Only one hundred and eight in the side are indifferent, it seems that all this has nothing to do with him.

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