Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 195: Phosphorus

1 idea was released almost at the same time, this is the idea of ​​He Yiming and others, in the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the **** of the throne, the sacred king, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the night God **** seals the throne, seeks the devil, respects the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the empire, the gods, the gods, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world After the most powerful abandonment of the Great Zhou Dynasty to a certain power from the night, they made the quickest response.

The next moment, these three ideas have been in contact with the power that has permeated the night.

There are no beautiful sparks, no wonderful collisions, everything is so dull, and even a trace of waves are not splashing.

A strange, huge force has already included their three ideas in an instant.

At this moment, He Yiming actually played a warm feeling of laziness from the bottom of his heart.

His intellect seems to have been confused by this power, his brows are slightly wrinkled, as if thinking about what it is all about.

In this power, it does not contain any maliciousness. It is a kind of peace, but it is as broad as the sea. When he comes into contact with this power and resonates with it, his mind will be involuntarily affected by the assimilation of this power.

There are countless broken pictures in my mind, and the past experience began to play back at this moment.

However, these memories are not complete, and the pictures that appear in his mind are some warm memories that make people feel relaxed.

When these memories are filled in one's mind, it will give people a feeling of happiness that is boundless.

The frowning brow slowly stretched out, and He Yiming’s thoughts and intellects were finally affected by these memories, and gradually relaxed.

In this beautiful environment, he has created a feeling of hoping to indulge in it forever, and no need to practice martial arts again.

In the darkness, between He Yiming and the two beasts, there was a little more green light.

It was like a phosphorus fire that floated gently in the middle of the three of them, and illuminated their heads with that faint light.

This light is very different, except for their head and face, there is no light in the rest.

It seems that these lights are wise and shine in a particular place.

It’s not just that He Yiming’s face reveals that kind of happiness, no expression of concern, even the face of Bao pig and white horse thunder and lightning have the same expression.

They are like unborn babies, lying in the mother's amniotic waters like carefree.

This phosphorescence is the soul power of the souls and beasts of the natural deaths of the past.

Throughout the ages, only the natural, calm and dead souls of the beasts can gain the qualification to enter the beast temple.

Once these unrepentant beasts are formed, they will give up their memories, but save the soul power in a special way.

In this soul power, there is no danger, no conflict, what is possessed is complete silence.

For the practice of martial arts, constantly in the fight against the strong humans and spirits, this calm is an extremely rare, almost impossible to possess feeling.

No matter how powerful the practitioners, no matter how hard they have cultivated their inner strength, no matter how they suppress and weaken, they cannot completely eliminate this feeling of calm completely.

Therefore, when they suddenly enter this peaceful environment, their own resistance will be weakened to the extreme, and the desire in the heart will be stirred up.

Of course, if you want the Shinto strong to be tempted by this feeling, you must have - far from his own powerful spiritual power, and this kind of phosphorus fire that condenses more than 20 souls and beasts is undoubtedly overwhelming. Power.

In the face of this power, He Yiming, Bao pig and white horse lightning were easily attracted, and they quickly fell into the feeling of being comfortable and not wanting to leave.

In the meantime, He Yiming’s faint feeling was felt. In his calm and peaceful world, there seemed to be two more sounds. This is a fairly familiar voice of two, and almost certainly is not with his own voice. The difference is.

However, the memory of He Yiming is no longer complete now. He is only a faint feeling of martial arts. The sacred king of the sacred king will kill the **** of the gods and the throne of the throne. He will be the most powerful and abandon the great Zhou Dynasty. India's throne seeks magic and pride the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 夜 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The strongest abandonment of the Great Zhou Dynasty has reached the existence of these two voices, but they can never remember their origins.

He Yiming’s eyebrows began to beat slowly, and the calm and peaceful world had been broken by these two voices. He desperately recalled that he wanted to find the source of these two sounds from the broken and gentle memories.

Numerous shattered pictures boiled in his mind, rolling and combining. The beat of his eyebrows became stronger and stronger. )) The body of the pig begins to tremble slightly. In this vast beast temple, which is enough for any beast to enter, the body of the pig is as small as an ant.

Its memory returned to its childhood. At that time, it lived under the blessing of the mother. Whether it was the totem or the main peak of the Tianchi, it was a place for joy.

In its memory at the moment, its mother did not leave, but will always be with him.

It is completely indulged in this beautiful memory, and enjoys the love from the mother. At that time, it was the fastest preparation...

However, just in this joy, it seems to have heard two non-network voices. "&t; ∽ These two voices do not seem to sound from the ears, but slowly release this from its heart What is it? The faint, Xiaobao pig thinks that these two voices are quite important to it. It has a small head and a serious memory. But in its memories, it seems that there are no two voices. Exist. Gradually, the little guy started to be confused...

The body of the thunderbolt is as straight as a javelin-like station.

Its body is elegant and full of beauty. After many times of tempering, the white horse is not as big as other huge beasts, but in its small body, the power is not Inferior.

At this point, the muscles on it were shaking slightly. In its mind, two groups of cliff-like figures wrap around it, and even it is not sure whether this is true.

From the day it has memories, it is a lonely life on a lonely island on that island, with plenty of food, but not many large beasts. So it grows safely.

For its parents, it has no real memory, only the impression that is passed down in the blood. It does not know why it was abandoned or the whereabouts of its parents.

All the power in it is excavated by itself.

For it, it has never really enjoyed the love of its parents. From the moment when it was young, it was only able to stand up, it was working hard for its own survival.

At this moment, it seems to be seeing its parents, the pair of white horses with the same appearance and the same talent.

Just as it slowly closed its eyes, it was necessary to completely indulge in this warmth.

Two huge sounds suddenly rang from its heart.

Its eyes trembled slightly, and its heart struggled constantly. It does not want to leave this world that is almost dreamy for it, even if it knows that the world is actually merely fictionalized from its memory.

However, the two voices in the heart are more intense, and even anxious. It was long and breathless, and a white breath sprang out like a real one. The image of the illusory beauty Taobao Women's Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter coat m broke and disappeared. At this moment, it abandoned the illusion of good warmth and chose the reality of coldness.

Its beautiful big eyes finally opened, and in this darkness with only extremely weak phosphorescence, it looked around for a while.

Its two partners are sitting calmly, and from their faces, there is a expression called happiness.

It seems to be hesitating, and the eyes of White Horse have re-firmed.

Facing the little phosphor that illuminates its face, it opened its mouth and made a long squeak from the soul...

A voice rang from his ear and slowly deepened. Gradually, in the whole world of He Yiming, what remains is that this voice is in this calm, He Yiming thinks... This is the sound of thunder and lightning, it is full of pride The self-confidence, the unyielding sound of all the memory fragments at this moment all disappeared ←, they completely burst under this force. Whether it is those gentle memories, or those things that he tries to recall, all disappear at this moment.

In his mind, a piece of black lacquer, because everything, has returned to the dantian within him, the power of light and darkness rushed up, and poured into the mind along the meridian.

His consciousness spread out and echoed the power of chaos in Dantian.

The two different forces of light and dark are constantly blending and sublimating He Yiming's spiritual strength is growing in an indescribable way.


In the mind, there seems to be something broken, and the force that banned him completely disappeared.

His power of thought seems to have absorbed all the energy after the light and darkness, and it has become magnificent and huge, and it is like the sea, endless.

He Yiming opened his eyes and it was a light glory.

He saw the faint phosphorescent light floating in front of his eyes. This light seemed to directly shine into his heart, giving him a sense of relief from the great realization.

He turned his head and immediately saw the beautiful big eyes of the white horse. In this pair of eyes, there are worries, joys, and unwavering strong confidence.

Yan Yiming cracked his mouth, and the hearty laughter passed from his mouth. "Little guy, wake up."

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