Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 207: Shiden Ranbu

He Yiming smiled and said: God Dragon, our luck is still relatively good. The dragon shook his huge head, and the breath on it was no longer as fierce as fire, but began to slowly converge.

Hidden, He Yiming secretly breathed a sigh of relief, because he knew that Shenlong had given up the intention to continue the attack. However, this is also expected. If He Yiming took the final housekeeping skills and Shenlong was not satisfied, then he did not know how to deal with the next attack.

Swinging the huge body, the dark clouds in the air began to slowly gather toward it, and it seems that there is a growing trend. And when the density of the dark clouds reaches a certain level, there is even a faint glimmer of electro-optic light.

This is the power of thunder and lightning, but it is not the call of the dragon, but the aftermath of the heavens and the earth. Of course, this amount of lightning power for He Yiming, he is, it is insignificant.

The hot field slowly gathered, and eventually turned into a little red light into the Kowloon furnace. The power of thundering lightning in the field is disappearing without a trace.

Seeing that He Yiming is so easy to gather the power of the field, Shenlong is also secretly nodding, very satisfied with this.

It stretched out a huge claw and clicked in the direction of He Yiming. The space there suddenly split, and the two round beads slid and flew out of the crack.

The eyes of He Yiming, Baima Leidian and Bao pig lit up at the same time. Although they were far less exaggerated than the ones in the hundred and eight, they were filled with the excitement of excitement.

At this moment, the words such as the stability of the Shinto powers and so on have been thrown into the clouds.

In order to make up the whole set of Haotian, He Yiming, they have tried their best, and it is also good luck to get home. Now the last two Lei Zhenzi are in front of them. If you don’t waver in your heart, then it’s completely wrong.

Shenlong snorted, and the cracked space had been re-closed, and the two Leishangzi flew to He Yiming.

With one hand in hand, the two treasures have been taken in the hands. However, He Yiming's gaze turned to the closed void and glanced at the five-body cast of the dragon's space control.

The ability to lift the space in such a light manner, its understanding and accomplishment of space is absolutely above the Shenlong Samud. However, there is a thought that always lingers in He Yiming’s mind.

This dragon is obviously a congenital five elements, and why it can use the technique of space "and it is still so skillful, it seems to have come out of his understanding.

"He Yiming, I have already given you Lei Zhenzi." The voice of Shenlong was picked up in his ear: "You are here to let the white horse smelt the sky, the environment here is the best occasion for the power of thunder and lightning." It is."

He Yiming’s heart is instigated, and he has already understood that this dragon has made a fortune to make this dark cloud layer in order to imitate the power of Adevin and Elbrera as much as possible, but also to let the white horse thunder The smelting of the whole set of plans. It seems that in order to win himself, he can also be said to be exhausted and unscrupulous. Deeply looking at the dragon. He Yiming said, "Thank you." Shenlong nodded his head and finally looked at him deeply. He said, "Don't let me lose it. The sound is getting smaller and smaller, and eventually disappears. He Yiming looks at the dragon disappearing. The place has a thoughtful expression on his face.

Hundreds and eights were holding the pigs and flying over them. Although they knew that the battle between He Yiming and Shenlong was only a matter of discussion, the two of them still evaded far.

After all, the strengths of both sides are very powerful. If they are close to the disaster, they will cry. "You can rest assured that it should be no malicious." One hundred and eight slowly said.

He Yiming’s heart also sounded the voices of two great beasts, and they agreed with the view of the hundred and eight.

With a wry smile, He Yiming said: "I also know that it is for the sake of the East to win, but the question is, how does it know about Edwin's situation?"

Bao pig and white horse thunder face each other, the little guy with small eyes, uncertain guess: "Dragon Dragon will not be personally where to peek."

With the identity of Shenlong, the first beast of today, if you really did such a thing, I was afraid that everyone would be surprised to drop the chin. One hundred and eighty eyes brightened, said: "It is very likely that He Yiming's face has changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Hundred brothers, don't talk." "Hundred and eight but shook his head and said: "You can rest assured that it has left. "Are you sure?" He Yiming asked suspiciously. In this dense black cloud layer, even He Yiming did not know whether the dragon was far away.

One hundred and eighty made a gesture that made him feel relieved, saying: "A creature that is monitored by me will be noticed by me once I get close. At this time, it is already hundreds of miles away." He Yiming was relieved. Quietly relieved.

Baozhu’s eyes turned and said: “Since the dragon dragon can teach us to use this method to win, then it goes to the West, it seems that there is nothing big or not-”

He Yiming suddenly silently, watching the performance of Shenlong today, one hundred and eight of their guesses are already in the air. The white horse thundered and slammed a long sigh, and He Yiming looked at the pig and smiled. They knew that the script could not wait.

Putting two Lei Zhenzi to the top of the white horse lightning, He Yiming made a look to the hundred and eight.

One hundred and eight nodded slightly, turned and flew outside the clouds.

Today, He Yiming and Bao pig and Baima Thunder have become like one. Naturally, it is impossible to fear the thunder and lightning of it. But if it is affected by too strong lightning power, I am afraid that there will be some damage. After a quarter of an hour, it is estimated that even if it is tempered, it will leave the bird cloud.

He Yiming gently patted the neck of the white horse, although he did not say anything, but the white horse lightning that had already been prepared was well known. It was arrogant, and there was a long voice that rang through the friendly land.

This long snoring sounded like a spring thunder, and it rang in the central area of ​​the dark clouds and spread out in all directions.

Over the sea, the dark clouds of the ten-mile circle suddenly swelled, like a myriad of monsters stirring in the clouds, making the whole dark cloud layer more horrible)) outside the cloud Many of the Shinto powers stand in the air.

For the strong people of the realm of the Shinto, as long as it is necessary, there is no problem even if it is standing in the ten days and ten nights.

Suddenly, a figure broke through the clouds and appeared in front of them.

The eyes of everyone were so bright that they immediately saw that this person was one hundred and eight.

Yuan Lixun immediately greeted her. She first glanced at the direction of the bird's clouds, but she did not see the second person coming out, and in her mindfulness, there was no one. After hesitating, she asked: "Hundred brothers, have they not come out yet?" One hundred and eight did not hesitate: "They can't come out temporarily."

Liu Mu and others also greeted him. Everyone here has an indescribable feeling of gratitude and gratitude.

If this strong man who is proficient in the calculation of the gods closes the death channel, then they will not want to come out of it again in this life.

Although these veteran Shinto masters have known the truth of the land of death, they have set a mortal heart. But whenever possible, no one wants to fall into that ridiculous land.

So in the face of the hundred and eight, they are indeed looking at each other.

"Hundred brothers, brothers, are they still fighting with the gods and dragons?" Liu Mu asked quietly.

Hundred and eight slowly shook his head and said: "The battle between them is over.

Liu Mu and others breathed a sigh of relief and were waiting to continue to ask, but they suddenly heard a long scream coming from afar. The dark clouds in front of me seem to be spurred by this loud noise and become boiling.

For a time, the whole dark cloud even began to spread. The overlapping clouds of black clouds slammed up and down, slamming the world, and hitting them like mountains and mountains.

One hundred and eight ones took Yuan Lixun and rushed to the second. He looked at his appearance and seemed to be quite jealous of the dark clouds behind him.

Everyone was a glimpse. After hearing the long snoring of the white horse thunder, and the clouds violently tumbling, everyone’s eyes suddenly turned to the dark clouds that could not be seen at the end.

They all know that the day when Shenlong came here is to test the martial arts of He Yiming, and he is sure that he will bring considerable benefits to He Yiming. The most likely of these is to send Lei Zhenzi to the white horse. Because this is the best, fastest, and safest way to improve the strength of their portfolio. So when I saw the cloud rolling scene, they had already faintly picked up J! -phase.

However, what they did not expect was that the response of the hundred and eight was so exaggerated, pulling Yuan Lixun, like a dog of a family, fleeing in the direction of the land. It seems that there are wild monsters in the dark clouds behind him that are chasing the general.

When I watched the moment, I had already passed them. The hundred and eight who flew farther away and the helpless face, Yuan Lixun, who was dragged away, everyone shook their heads slightly. I felt that there was a loss of power in this way. identity of.

The rolling clouds are extremely fast, and they have already arrived at their side and put them into it. Haha laughed and said: "Let's go, let's go."

Everyone is smiling and nodding.

However, at this moment, the entire bird cloud is suddenly abrupt.

Without any reaction time, it is such a sudden, the whole world has turned into a purple.

Fast one by one, one, one, one

In the dark clouds filled with water vapor, the purple lightning is so fast that it can't be evaded at all, or it is the use of divine protection. "嗷一11一一一"

The screams of screaming blew out from the edge of the clouds, and the screams of the road echoed in the vast horizon.

Yuan Lixuan in the distance couldn’t help but sneak a chill, and turned to look at it. It happened to see a group of black faces and heads straight, and the humanoid monsters who were all in the purple snakes’ electric madness danced out of the air and instantly crossed her. And one hundred and eight, rushing away to a farther place. Pa: There are still the last four days, don't say anything, express it with practical actions. The difference between the front and the back is only a few dozen votes. The white crane goes to the fourth chapter.

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