Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 213: Shinto confrontation

Many Shinto powers are sullen and do not speak. The same gas is a legendary special martial art. It is a martial art that is specially designed for the cultivation of twins with special physique. Although it is difficult to practice at the time of cultivation, one hundred pairs of twin brothers may not be able to cultivate successfully at the same time.

However, once the cultivation is successful, they can cooperate to express their own powerful power.

The Qilian double devils are not only twin brothers, but their cultivation talents complement each other, so when they cultivate this skill, they can not only light the soldiers, but also have the power of the five qi, and also like a congenital five elements. In the same way, the true five elements of light are released.

Li Yajing suddenly screamed, and a handful of shots, the seven fire dragons hovering overhead, suddenly flew up, with a rolling heat wave toward the Qilian double demon brothers.

However, the brothers and sisters were not afraid, they opened at the same time. Spit out three tangible flowers.

In an instant, the six tangible flowers are combined, and the two metallic flowers are merged into one and become the flower of the five elements of the reincarnation.

Although the power of the dragon is powerful, it is only a replica of the artifact. Once it encounters the flower of the big reincarnation of the five elements, it loses most of its power.

They hovered around the flowers of the Five Elements, but they simply couldn’t threaten the Qilian doubles who were guarded by the flowers of the Five Elements. The two brothers looked at each other and the big magic hand waved, and the half moon shoveled and disappeared.

A flash of light flashed through the air, and immediately flew around Li Yajing, knocking on the imitation artifact Jiulong furnace, and a pleasant knocking sound.

Li Yajing's face suddenly became quite ugly, she knows, this is the Qilian double demon brothers.

Otherwise, the half-month shovel will not hit the imitation artifact Jiulong furnace, but will hit on her body.

The big magic finger shook slightly, and the half-moon shovel flew in the void in an incredible degree. It was only a moment, and it had already played a trick with the six sages on the ground. Although he did not care, but many Shinto powers have already seen the mystery. The child sighed and sighed, saying: "The battle, come back, we admit defeat."

The muscles on the face of the Golden Battle were pumped twice. They looked at the Qilian double demon in the air and then turned around and never lost their love.

Although Liu Changju and others are unwilling, they have not lost their minds and have recalled the doormen. Just looking at the Qilian double demon, the eyes are quite complicated.

Luke said with a dry voice, "Mr. Hey, you have a big talent in the five elements, and they are very hopeful in the future."

The face of Minhang flashed a smile that was difficult to conceal, saying: "Luke's Speaker has won the prize, and whether he can advance the Shinto, but also look at their two future operations."

Although his mouth was modest, his expression on his face was clear and unmistakable to everyone, and he had great confidence in it.

Indeed, once the same with the gas, it can not only be extremely cheap when it is against the enemy, but even at the time of cultivation. In contrast, even the totems of the totems of the human beings and animals are inferior.

Coupled with the five elements of the Qilian double demon brothers and the heavenly treasures that the 汨-天福地 possesses, if the two of them can not be promoted to Shinto in the future, then the difficulty of others to advance is more than several times. .

The huge roar was once again called out of Elbera's mouth. The dragon spit with a breath of sulfur, and stared at He Yiming and his white horse thunder with hateful but cold eyes.

Leoport exchanged a look with Adevin on the back of the dragon. He went forward and said, "Everyone, since the Qilian double demon brothers from the Five Elements have already won this battle of the Sayādaw, and we The sea boat should also leave the dangerous land, let A Devin and He Yiming's duel begin.

The smile on the face of Minhang suddenly converges, and many of the strong men slowly retreat, and by the way, their respective doors are brought around to protect them at any time.

Bao Yanzhu gently shot on the shoulder of the Golden Campaign and said: "The kid, this is the battle of the Shinto, optimistic, will help you in the future."

The Golden Battle quickly rushed to collect the mind, and the frustrated scorpion was completely thrown out of his mind, and he was engrossed and waiting.

The rest of the sages were also under the guise of their elders, and they all gathered their minds and concentrated their attention.

In fact, this time many of the Shinto powers brought them, although they want to fight for this honorable person, the good place. But more importantly, I want these best seedlings to watch the life and death duel of the Shinto strong.

This is a rare opportunity, especially for those who are expected to hit the realm of the Shinto in the future, it is even more to be missed. Seeing the crowd - the people have stepped back, and He Yiming glanced at Bao pig.

Bao pig shook his body, and the huge body suddenly disappeared like a leaking ball. Just a moment, it returned to the original cute little pig, and suddenly jumped to the hundred and eight.

But at this time, no one has ever dared to look down on this little pig, especially in the eyes of those who respect, the image of the pig is even more terrible than the dragon.

After all, Elbera's power and horror are on the bright side, while the pigs are very different. If someone is small because of its size, then it will definitely suffer. Hundred and eight holding the pig, walking in the direction away from everyone.

Minhang and others looked at him with amazement and understood that he did not want to stand with everyone. Although I don’t know why I want to do this, no one has ever asked.

One hundred and eight of the arrogance is definitely a special case among them, and no one is willing to pull him easily. He Yiming gently patted the white horse thunder and lightning, and it immediately came to the middle of the venue with an elegant pace. "Booming one by one, one by one, one by one"

The dragon, Elbrera, moved with huge claws and walked toward the center step by step. Every time he walked, the whole ground seemed to tremble.

The huge momentum began as the first step of its movement, and it was already boiling like a volcano.

When it came to the end of He Yiming’s ten-foot stop, the island of the shim was filled with the horror of the dragon on Elbola.

The Golden Campaign and others are all faintly white. Although they all know the horror of the Shinto strong, they have also seen the power of the Shinto strong in this door.

But those who are either hearsays or elders do it, but now they are the battle between life and death among the powers of the Shinto. What they can sense is naturally very different.

Especially in the feeling of martial arts, the sacred king of the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big, the princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After the release of the power, their hearts are madly beating, trying to resist this incredible pressure.

The power of the Shinto powers is really unpredictable. It is only the release of its own pressure, which makes these new generations of the Sayādaw unbearable. However, their elders did not take relief, but instead looked at them. At this point, the pressure on them is greater than one point, and their future achievements will be even higher.

Of course, many Shinto are also careful to pay attention, if someone can't hold on, then they will save. Otherwise, I am afraid that someone will be crushed to death by this huge pressure.

He Yiming rode a white horse and looked up at the tall behemoth, which was almost covered by the sun, but his heart was fearless and fearless.

Although there is no power in his body that can be compared with the other side, but inexplicable, even the ordinary sages such as the Golden Battle can feel it. These two pairs of bodies are seriously asymmetrical, and they are simply rivals with far differences, but they have considerable strength.

Elbrera's body slowly bent down, and the eyes were full of fierce murder. The atmosphere in the field suddenly solidified, and almost everyone could not even breathe.

Suddenly, the dragon opened a huge mouth, and a red breath that had already been prepared was sprayed out.

There is no conversation, any humility on both sides, and once the two sides are close, they are immediately the battle of life and death.

The fierce fire column had already come to He Yiming in an instant, and passed through his body without any hindrance, burning a deep crater on the ground.

The face of the Golden Battle instantly became extremely ugly. Under the pressure of resisting tremendous pressure, I suddenly saw this scene, and almost lost my mind.

But then he knew that it was wrong, because the dragon did not have any color, but instead slammed, the huge wings raised shot to a certain place in the void. At this time, the body of He Yiming, who was penetrated by the fire, suddenly disappeared into place.

The battle of the Golden War was shocked. It turned out that He Yiming had left with the White Horse Thunderbolt at the moment before the fire was added. The breath that was breathed through was nothing but the afterimage left by him.

It’s just that the white horse thunder is too fast, and it’s almost impossible for the sages such as the Golden Battle to see clearly. Deeply sighed, the heart of the Golden Battle was awkward. It turned out that he really reached a height that he would never have been able to reach...

A horse-sounding sound that rang through the sky suddenly sounded from the sky, and then Elbrera's wings swollen, and a huge wind blew on the island, and the same flight into the sky. For Shinto, it seems that the sky is their field.

On the vast, unmargined sky, the difference between the white horse and the dragon's body does not seem to be conspicuous.

The dragon's crazy roaring ping-pong - and the white horse's thunderous excitement of the long screams are intertwined with each other. The power of the two great Shinto powers produced the most direct collision at this moment.

Between that, the wind is rolling, the world is changing...

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