Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 216: Mask man

There was an exclamation on the island. After seeing the sharp blows of Adevin and Elbrera, and the fact that he was in the same place, it seems that he was already overwhelmed by He Yiming, and several of the sages were in a big heart and difficult to be themselves.

Although the battle between He Yiming and Aidewen is only a short period of time, the power of the power they display is indeed an incredible realm.

For the Golden Campaign and others, although it is impossible to see through it, it is only a matter of feeling that the strong change of the air to the extreme has already made a great gain.

However, some of the most basic things, with their hundreds of years of cultivation, can still be seen.

At this point, it seems that Edwin and Elbera appear like a ghost in the face of He Yiming, and it seems that the next moment they can put He Yiming under the sword, their heart is really difficult to use. Words are described in case.

The Eastern Supreme, such as the Golden Battle, is naturally frightened, and the Western Supreme, such as Greenton, is eye-catching.

Especially Greenton, watching Adevin in the air, his heart is already mixed, faint, in his heart, a silent roar, why did you get the inheritance of the true God... not me? The dazzling brilliance accompanied by the fiery breath, has already reached the body of He Yiming.

The spirits of Edwin and Elbrera are extremely exciting, because they actually feel that this time they are hit, not an illusory figure, but a real entity.

That is to say, after they exhibited the crown of light and perfectly combined and increased the power of space and light, they finally achieved the final victory.

In their hearts, there is an ecstasy that can't be concealed. Under the cover of the power of light, the space teleport can really be unpredictable.

Although He Yiming had seen the space teleport of Samoud before, but in this, it seems to be powerless.

Although the two sides actually have a very short time to fight, they are already doing their best. The bright field, the space power, the hot field, and the violent thunder and lightning have all been staged here. At the same time, Edwin and Elbrera’s heart finally ended.

However, just at the moment when their thoughts just started, they faintly felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the night god. India's throne seeks magic and pride the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 夜 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty is a bit wrong..."

The deafening loud noise rang in the intersection of the bright sword and He Yiming's back, and the fire-like breath of power completely disappeared at this moment.

Under the astounding eyes of Adevin and Elbrera, He Yiming returned to his head. His body, with a tortoise shell, holding a Kowloon furnace and a five-ring ring, where the eyes are splashed, where There is still a bit of a faint color.

At the same time, the five lines of his hands stretched forward, so that the light sword behind the hand was just right.

In an instant, the multicolored light and the light power burst at the same time, and the two sides were tightly intertwined, and it was difficult to understand each other.

Edwin threw the light of the Holy Sword directly, and that is the heart that must be killed. But I did not think of it, this will kill the game turned out to be a sudden turn.

At this time, Edwin and Elbrera were in a big mood. Anyone who suddenly succeeded at the moment was not as successful as his prep, but fell into the trap set by the other party. There will be a moment of loss in my mind.

And at this moment, a purple light suddenly appeared, and in a moment filled the entire space. At this point, Edwin and Elbera are now available, He Yiming and Baima Thunder have been separated. "Oh..."

A purple-gold ball that is a big fist is floating above the unicorn of the white horse, and it is really unimaginable.

The huge and hard-to-treat thunder power surged out, and it was a metaphysical artifact, which condensed the infinite power of the twenty-four thunders. Elbrah roared and his body twitched desperately.

The huge body became the biggest burden at this moment, and the scales on the body became darkened in an instant. It wants to use space to escape, but it is sad that all the space power has failed. Under the bombardment of such incredible lightning, the power of any field was instantly crushed.

Edwin’s mouth overflowed with a trace of blood. Although his body was also thunderous, his bright crown was full of guardian power, helping him to withstand most of the lightning attacks.

However, he later said that Elbera’s situation was quite bad. Under the attack that the other party had reached the incredible power of lightning, its life was weakened, and it seemed that the wind was in the wind. It will be extinguished.

Inexplicable in my heart, there is a sense of sadness that cannot be described by words. The sacred dragon knights in the West are as associated with the totems. The dragon knight and the dragon are also connected by mind and connected with each other.

A human being can only form a dragon knight with a dragon in his life, and a dragon cannot be a mount of two knights. They are like He Yiming, like Baima Thunder and Bao pig, under the connection of mysterious power.

In the eyes, there was a flash of a decisive color. A Devin took the crown of light on the top of his head and pressed it onto Elbrera’s head. He whispered in his mouth: “The shelter...Open!”

In an instant, the space in front of me was split, and the huge body of the dragon, Elbrera, flashed and immediately broke into it.

Edwin’s eyes were all red, and he screamed, and he turned his feet to the void and waved toward the bright sword.

In his body, the power of the huge thunder and lightning is still madly raging, and he has lost the artifact guarded by his skin, and even the skin is split. But he did not care about it, but concentrated all the power of his thoughts, calling for God desperately.

The power of light finally burst, and the Light Sword flashed a bit, breaking free of the five-ring ring and flying to Adevin.

The eyelids stared at the flying bright sword, and Edwin’s black body shook slightly, and his eyes had the last hope in despair.

Even the body of the beast can not directly counter such a huge power of lightning, can withstand the impact of this force, but also the same powerful artifact.

The power of the Bright Sword may not be as the purple gold ball on the white horse's unicorn, but under the protection of the artifact, it should be able to give him enough blessing. He Yiming, the emblem, the more powerful the killing in the eyelids, the more substantial it is.

The amount of lightning power contained in the white horses of the white horses is indeed vast and far superior to the rest of the artifacts. When the power contained in it is released, even the body of the beast can't bear it.

However, even before the day was completely controlled, even the white horse had only one ability to release.

Therefore, before this war, He Yiming tried his best to take the opportunity to take advantage of the fleeting fighters and to maximize the role of Haotian.

In that s1, Elbrera, who has no artifact guardian, is almost certain to die. As long as this red dragon is proficient in space teleportation, He Yiming and Baima Thunder and Light will definitely be able to Edwin is under the horse.

But Adevin was decisive, and he saved Elbrera with the crown of artifacts, and he tried his best to recall the bright sword.

At this time, if they are allowed to get through the two, then the layout of He Yiming’s wife’s painstaking efforts will be exhausted.

He Yiming, who lost his power in the days, no longer has the absolute certainty to be able to kill this person on the spot. Between the mind and the electric turn, He Yiming screamed, and his wrist waved. The five-line ring was already out of the hand and the colorful light instantly replaced the five elements. At this moment, the five elements of the ring became a pure water power. Red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, the three-needle form of the water system burst at this moment.

The five-ring ring is like a quagmire, and it is like a woman like a water. Intimately wrapped around the sun-filled bright holy sword, it instantly stops.

Edwin’s body was constantly swaying, and the life in his eyes began to slowly dissipate.

He opened his mouth, it seemed to be a fish that had surfaced, and desperately wanted to breathe oxygen, but at this moment, he was unable to get his wish. The eye of Rioport on the island collapsed, and a tiny drop of blood penetrated. He screamed and he was desperate to shoot. At this moment, he has completely thrown his face and thousands of years of self-respect to the back of the brain even if it is the humiliation of this duel ~ ~ also to keep Aide Wen's life.

As long as the youngest Shinto powerhouse in the history of the temple can live, there is hope in the future of the temple. However, his body shape stopped immediately after a moment of movement.

Because he saw it, in the sky, like the purple giant python flying on the edge of the thunder, a sudden increase in one person. This is a person wearing a mask and not seeing the truth.

Here, no one knows his identity, and no one sees when he appeared. Even if He Yiming, who still releases the hot field, and the white horse that controls Haotian, don’t know where this person is from. Come.

The man raised his foot from the edge of the thunder and lightning field, and as such, stepped on the road to the center.

All the lightning, all the heat waves seem to be gone, and all the places he walked through have become calm.

He came to Adevin's face and reached for a hand. The bright holy sword suddenly broke away from the entanglement of the five elements and flew into his hands. Then he raised his hand and swung a sword. In the sky, suddenly, there is no other color...

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