Martial God

Vol 8 Chapter 263: Intercept

The action of the seal beast suddenly became stiff, and a noticeable goose bump was splashed on its body. However, its eyes are becoming more and more fierce in an instant.

Almost instantly, it has understood where its opponents are coming from.

"Are you very alert?"

A smile-like voice came from another direction.

The seals of the seals suddenly condensed, and there was a strong horror to the extreme.

This voice, although it has only been heard a few times, but it is absolutely impossible to forget.

At this moment, the strong breath that came from behind was not so terrible. It slowly turned the stiff neck to the past. That party, standing with a human being that it is very familiar with.

However, in its memory, this human being is dead, and still dies in a way that can't die anymore.

However, at this time, this person once again appeared in front of it, so that its spirit suffered an unparalleled impact at this moment. Its mouth cracked, and it was a weird one, and even it didn't understand the sound.

As a great beast, it is natural to have extreme pride and dignity as a beast. No matter what environment you encounter, it is unlikely that this situation will occur at this time.

However, all the sacred beasts of the beasts have been thrown into the clouds at the moment they saw this dead and resurrected person.

The round eyes of bronze bells, the seal cried in an incredible tone: "No, impossible... how are you still alive?"

He Yiming’s face showed a hint of deep smile, but this smile appeared in the eyes of the seal, but it was evil like a devil.

"Sea Seal, you are not saying that you want the inner horse of the white horse." He Yiming said: "Now the white horse is behind you, you can take it."

The seal's head shook a little and slid toward the rear.

Sure enough, it is the white horse thunderbolt that is locked with a gas machine. At this time, it was high in the neck, and there was a faint purple glow on the body.

Although the power of thunder and lightning has not yet been truly released, no one knows that it is ready, and will release the most powerful lightning power at any time if it is willing. After all, seals are powerful beasts, and the wisdom they possess is definitely not inferior to the best in human beings.

After seeing the smiling He Yiming and the white horse thunder that was waiting for it, it suddenly understood many things. However, the only thing that it can't understand is who is manipulating the three artifacts under the siege of the six great Shinto strongmen and eventually dying.

He Yiming has a double eye and said: "Hemou wanted to send you on the road soon, but I didn't expect your sense of sensation and vigilance to be much higher than that of the armored dragon. But..." He patted Hands, it doesn't matter: "You still can't escape, at most, let us spend more time."

He said this in his mouth, but it was a pity in his heart.

This seal is indeed too sensitive, and the idea that he wants to kill in one fell swoop.

However, He Yiming did not think that the reason why the armored dragon was not aware of him and Bao pig hidden behind it was because it put all its energy into the white horse thunder, and suddenly thought that there would be other Shinto The strong ambush on the side.

The seals are different. In the absence of waiting for the white horse, the spirit of the seals is always highly concentrated, and the spiritual thoughts are constantly being explored.

It is not only guarding against white horse lightning, but even guarding Rioport and others who have just fought alongside it.

After all, the **** beast is too precious. In the face of the beluga whale, Rio Potter and Luke may not **** it, but if it is allowed to appear on its own, then the two human gods of the pseudo-deity will not necessarily turn a blind eye.

However, the seal did not think that it was not the current Rioport, but it was more terrible than the humanitarian power of the two pseudo-deities.

The seal of the seal suddenly said: "Wait a minute, respected He Yiming, I don't have any intention to be enemies with you."

He Yiming laughed and said: "You don't want to be an enemy of me? So who is the beluga to expel the North Sea monsters, who wants to get the lightning inside."

The seal's body was cold and sweaty. It immediately said: "That is the beluga. It found me and let me join its rank. If I don't agree, then the beluga will deal with me first."

He Yiming’s mouth is a slap in the face, mocking and laughing: “So, you are embarrassed.

The seal immediately shouted: "Yes, dear He Yiming, I am indeed awkward. When it comes to this, it pauses and says: "To make up for my sin, He Yiming, I can fight for you. If you want to deal with them, I can fight for you. The seal's tone is rather rapid and is getting higher and higher. However, He Yiming’s eyes are still cold and ice. If it was before, He Yiming certainly could not distinguish the authenticity of its words, but after experiencing the epiphany before the Ice Palace, He Yiming had a new understanding of the power of the soul.

So he can be sure that the seals and voices of the seals are quite sincere, but in fact they have no sincerity.

This is what he inducted from the soul of the other party. It is much more real than distinguishing the truth from the conversation.

The eyelids hang down gently, and He Yizhen seems to be thinking about something.

The seal’s heart is overjoyed, as long as it can speak this person, then it has a way to live.

And it has made up its mind, as long as this time can be properly left, then it immediately moved.

The vastness of the North Sea is almost endless. As long as it leaves its own nest, even if the White Horse Thunder wants to search for itself in the North Sea, that is impossible.

However, just as it raised its mouth and wanted to put down the skin of the beast, when it was once again for mercy, it saw the flash of a fierceness in He Yiming’s eyes, including the brilliance of the murderous machine. It screamed in his heart, and suddenly felt the power from behind. This is the power of thunder and lightning, the power of death released by White Horse.

The seals complained in their hearts. It did not understand where they were leaking. It made He Yiming’s sudden killer, and he was not willing to give it a chance to distinguish.

However, since the two sides have already played against each other, then it will not care much about $.

The instinct of the whole body suddenly rose up, and the seal's body instantly disappeared.

With a powerful thunder and power, the seals are fast in the sprint, and are among the best in the North Sea.

Especially in short-distance disguised sprints, no matter in the water, on the shore, or even in the air, no beast can catch up with it.

In the past, many sacred beasts in the North Sea gathered together to attack He Yiming and others. In the end, when they were stunned by the sacred sacred sacred wars of the heavens and the earth, it escaped the catastrophe with a slap in the face.

At the moment, its heart is still full of confidence. Just let it wave out, then there should be no problem with the escape.

However, it just flashed off the attack from behind, and felt a powerful blast. The corner of the eye turned to the side, just to see a white figure. What makes it amazing is that this white figure is faster than it is faster than it.

It reminds me of the fact that the enemy that I have to face this time is not an ordinary human or a North Sea creature, but a white dragon horse that also has the power of lightning and looks more powerful than itself. The violent sound of the air whizzed, and the purple electric awn was released from the unicorn of the white horse's electric head. Powerful, powerful...

It’s just a moment, the seals already know that the degree they are proud of is better than lightning.

The fierce light in his eyes flashed past, his mouth opened wide, and a white electric awn was released, entangled with the white horse's purple thunder.

The powerful beasts with the same thunder and lightning properties at both ends finally started the strongest confrontation at this moment.

What they want to kill is not only the life of the other party, but also the name of the world's first thunder and lightning beast.

The talent of thunder and lightning is a rare one. In an era, it can be a valuable thing to be able to appear on two beasts. If today is divided into life and death, then their power will be unique in the world.

The impact of two different colors of electric awnings seemed to be the same for a moment, and then burst into bursts.

The white horse's body is covered with a layer of purple light, blocking all the electric light. On the contrary, the seals appear to be a lot of wolverines, and their bodies suddenly recede. The purple light shining on the body has but still can see the little left on the fur. Xiao Yan.

The white horse thundered and slammed, and the body shape rushed up like an electric power. It seemed to catch up with the seals, but turned around in the air. The pair of heels seemed to be filled with a thousand pounds of gravity, and the heavy kicked back.

There was a hint of joy in the seal of the seal.

Its power in lightning is indeed inferior to white horses, but if it is about individual strength, it has absolute confidence.

Seeing that the white horse is swaying and avoiding the long distance, it is actually trying to fight with it. It is immediately a hundred times more spiritual.

A pair of huge claws firmly clasped the ice, and a force was passed out. The huge force made the ice unable to melt. Subsequently, a pair of seals of the seals collided with the heels of the white horse.

Far more powerful than just the sound of the explosion, the original confident seals came out with an incredible roar, and its body could no longer hold it, so it was so hard to be caught in the sky by the white horse. To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in to the chapter more, support the author, support genuine reading!

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