Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 40: Vow not to give up

Wu Meng is proud of this moment: the swindler head brakes the command of the many attendants and let them lead the order.

Stephan Cong immediately fled after hearing the violent drink but he could not do so.

Although he also guessed that the person who was provoked by the door must be related to the carriage of today, but did not expect the owner of this carriage to dare to run here so daringly.

To know that there are a full eight innate powerhouses. Even if it is not all shots, the rest of the people can't turn a blind eye.

However, just as he thought he was as good as Mount Tai, he suddenly felt a cold chill that rushed up the spine.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the feeling that he had been pegged by a huge beast in the jungle when his time was not yet great.

It is a kind of breath that represents death and seems to kill him on the spot.

And it is because of that time that he died of danger that he can cross the limit barrier and become the most ten-layered inner master of the day after tomorrow.

At this moment, he once again had this feeling and even more terrible. This time, the feeling was particularly strong and even far more shocking than that one.

His body became straight in an instant, although he tried to relax himself but he didn't know why he couldn't do it. Because under his strong pressure his body has reacted naturally, it is an instinctive choice, even though he can't adapt in a short time.

Slowly, he twisted his neck in a strange way and immediately saw two extremely conspicuous young people in his eyes.

His eyes suddenly expanded and everything was clear when he saw the faces of the two men.

There is no longer a single thought in his face. How can he meet this person's family?

As a guardian of the four emperors, Stephan Cong, he is no stranger to He Yiming.

A fierce person who has been promoted to a congenital at the age of fifteen does not say that his strength at this moment has been recognized by the master of the woods. Even if he is a strong person who has just entered the innate, it is a existence that no one can ignore.

With his age, he knows where he can grow in the future.

At this time, the ambassadors of the Shu Kingdom went to the Kailuan country to know that even if they were offended, Zhan Tianfeng, the patron saint of the Kailuan country, must not offend this young innate power.

But now the incomparable bitterness of Stephan’s heart seems to have foreseen the unfortunate consequences.

If he is told that he already has a congenital strongman who is about to die, then he is afraid that even his suicidal thoughts will be there.

He Yiming stepped out of the way who was in front of him, whether it was a song or a waiter, was pushed away. However, even in the anger, He Yiming still did not anger others. The ingenious use of the genius seems to leave people far away, but when they land on the ground, they are at most a little painful and never really hurt.

In an instant, he has already crossed the distance between each other and came to step Rong.

Looking at the other party's strong fear and overwhelming appearance, He Yiming's eyes re-emerged with a strong violent color. His face rarely showed a sneer. At this moment, the young and powerful, like a good old man, finally revealed his awkward side to let his killing and all negative emotions be released.

"Do you know why I am coming?" "Know." Stephan subconsciously nodded under the momentum of He Yiming, he had no room for rebellion and even his thoughts had a slight pause.

"Where is Bu Yi Cong?" He Yiming continued to ask.

Stephan’s gaze looked in a certain direction and there was a very conspicuous tall building. Just look at that direction and you will definitely notice.

Although the murderousness of He Yiming’s body is fierce, the depression in his heart has already dissipated most of the two innate powers.

After all, Yuan Lihuang was only a face-breaking injury, but he was struggling to hit the 36-year-old mountain when he was attacked by many congenital powerhouses, but it was a powerful force to put people to death.

The Soviets avoided the key points.

But the old man’s injury is no more clear than him. Even if the pharmacist personally shot it, it would be difficult to save his life.

The life of a human being and a living innate power is thus dying. Even if he is in a hostile force, He Yiming will feel a little emotional.

However, he did not give up until he saw the true murderer for Yuan Lihuang to get back to justice.

He sighed with a sigh of relief: "Helping you to die for the crime of dying is inviolable." He said that he took a foot out of the middle step and won the field.

Step Geng slammed out and flew out. When he flew a few meters and fell to the ground, he was already dying.

Although He Yiming did not take his sexuality, this foot lost all of his enthusiasm for destroying the hardships of tens of years of hard work. And even more tragic is that he will become an ordinary person from now on, even if he wants to rebuild the internal strength is impossible.

His eyes are confused. When a warrior suddenly falls from the position of the peak of the day after the fall to a position that is inferior to an ordinary warrior, his mood will inevitably rise and fall.

Looking around, everyone around me had stopped the flustered movements. They seemed to have a complex color in their eyes. He is also attached to the color of excitement and joy from the eyes of two people. Although this color is hidden deep, but how can it be able to win his eyes? The two men are the inner strength of the nine-layer master. It is second only to his guard once he is abolished. Then it is their world in the future.

It seems that he has seen the future from the eyes of the crowd. He laughed and screamed in the sea and suddenly emerged those who had been hit and killed by him.

From an ordinary practitioner to rely on his own efforts to advance to the inner ten layers in the process, countless people have become his stepping stone. He has stepped on countless people to rise to the present position.

At this time, he actually had such a feeling that he has now become a stepping stone and a broken stone that is not as good as a stepping stone.

From then on, all the wonderful prospects of glory and prosperity are no longer with him.

He suddenly burst into laughter and laughed and couldn’t tell the pain. Then, with the rest of the people stunned, he stood up and jumped from the pavilion and slammed into the rockery and suddenly fell into the brain.

There was a sudden scream of the crowd in the pavilion. The singers were vomiting one by one.

The two masters of the nine-layered inner strength look at step glory is still some of the corpse of fishing. Their hearts are equally cool. The joy of being ruined because of step glory has been retired.

Today's step glory may not be able to point to them in the future or dim or He Yiming naturally can not know what happened behind him. His mind is looking for step 悻 Cong.

However, when he was rushing to the tallest building in the manor with his brakes, he stopped suddenly.

He raised his head and looked seriously ahead. His face had an unprecedented dignity.

"What's wrong with your big brother?" Xie Mingjin's spirit is still in a state of extreme excitement. Today, he followed He Yiming to kill him. He witnessed the powerful strength of He Yiming not only the inner strength of the ten-level peak of his master. The hands of the ants are as fragile as the real innate powers, and under his hands, they are as hard as a chicken.

All this made him see that the eyebrows danced in his heart. He Yiming is already tall and incredible. If anyone can stop He Yiming, then he is the first to believe.

He Yiming turned his head and looked at him with a slight smile: "There is nothing but a pass in front of it." His voice is full of self-channel: "As long as this pass is over, you can clear it." "After that, he strode through the bridge and walked through the garden lawn and finally came to the tall house."

There is a practice area of ​​hundreds of square meters in front of this house.

There are no decorations other than the empty, clean muddy land here.

But on the mud land, there are a few people standing quietly. They seem to know the whereabouts of He Yiming, so they will choose to wait here.

When He Yiming appeared, what he saw at first sight was the one who was the first strongman in the middle of the world.

At this moment, he looked at him with his hands in his eyes and did not seem to know that He Yiming had come here.

And there was a white old man lying in front of him. Unfortunately, the old man’s breathing was completely still.

Behind the woods, the Soviets and another innate strong man looked at the big step forward with a complicated look. He Yiming Although their eyes are full of grievances, they are more fearful and terrifying.

If they let them fight with He Yiming at this moment, then they will definitely learn to escape from the inferiority of several other innate powers.

He Yiming came to the practice field and his footsteps finally stopped and his eyes fell on the innate powerhouse who had passed away.

Wood shook his head and said: "He is the master of our country, you should not kill him." He Yiming said with a smile: "If I stayed, then the person lying here is me." "The wood is silent, he has heard that he has heard the situation of the Soviets." With one person's strength, even in front of the seven masters of the same level, it is also a disagreement to take the initiative to provocate.

This courage is even worse than that of him.

However, no matter how much he appreciates He Yiming, there is no retreat between them at the moment.

Lifted the head wood and said: "You came to find Cong Cong? He offended you.

He Yiming's double smashing is like a murderous gas that has been touched by the scales. He suddenly hurts his wife's face and hurts how to say what should he do? The face of the wife’s face, which is almost a face-to-face, was born in He Yiming’s body. It’s no wonder that he rushed to thunder and desperately came here to seek revenge.

A long sigh sighed in the woods: "You can come out with your four emperors." From the house behind him, Stephan Cong walked out slowly. At this time his face was equally pale and there was no more on the street. There are no obstacles. Seeing this person Xie Mingjin’s eyes also showed a hateful sigh: "Big brother is that his nephew had already let the road open, but he still waved his whip towards the surname. He is absolutely deliberate." When the words were heard, Xie Mingjin gnawed his teeth and cut his eyes. The eyes were filled with the anger of the cloud.

He Yiming was the first to hand over to him but it was because the **** prince caused him to do things. This feeling of depression is by no means acceptable to anyone.

The muscles on the face of Stephan Cong's face are also regretted. If it is known that the ether wraps the whip, what is the sixth is to engrave a whip and die with the powerful innate power of He Yizhen. The cost of hatred and even the fall of a native innate master is too great.

Wood looked at him with a cold look and sighed: "I came here with him this time to let him broaden his horizons and lay the foundation for the future battle for the throne. But I was wrong and he lowered his head on the ground. The old man’s body looked at it: “On the sin that he let a congenital master fall, he will never again think of the position of the king of the country. "The Soviet army and another innate old man flashed similar colors in the eyes."

After today's events, they are already resentful to Stephan Cong. If it is really the person who inherits the throne in the future, then these two innate powers are afraid that they will immediately leave the country.

Moreover, the emperor has no more to regenerate. Today, the members of the royal family have been inherited for nearly a thousand years. But the number of innate powers can be extremely limited.

A prince was provoked and blamed for the death of a congenital strongman. So no matter what the reason, this prince can no longer be recognized by everyone, and since then has nothing to do with the throne.

For a prince who is very self-satisfied like Stephan Cong, this is a great event to record his life.

It was after the words that had been heard all over the woods, and then Cichong was standing still on the cold ground.

At this moment, he clearly tasted the painful feeling of the ear falling from the sky to the ground. However, he did not have the courage to commit suicide on the spot.

However, He Yiming’s more cold sound sounded. "Mu brother. You want to maintain with him." Stephan Cong a stunned him suddenly stood up and raised his head and looked at He Yiming with horror. Is this person who has recorded his inheritance rights not enough for his life to take away?

He only cares about his resentment but he never thought that if he was mad at the street and casually wounded, he could have this kind of life.

Wood’s gaze fell back on the ground at the corpse. He said coldly: “If you say that I am covered with him, we will have a fight between us. If I lose, it’s the whole of the four emperors. He Yiming screamed and said: "If I say it is good, I lose." His face suddenly became awkward: "Then I will run back and go back to practice until I can beat." After you defeat all the people who are blocking me, I will take his life again." The viciousness of his words is full of endless taste.

Stephan Cong finally fell again on his lips and groaned slightly. The gaze filled with a gray-like color disappeared and there was no masculinity.

The Soviets and another strongman looked at each other and they finally understood how important the woman was in He Yiming’s heart. At the same time, they are resentful of the enthusiasm of the shackles of the upper body.

Wood's face is also slightly changed. He Yiming's answer is completely out of his expectation.

His face was a little sullen: "He brother, you are so rogue, isn't it true that I am coming to the country's masters?" He Yiming ridiculed and laughed: "Tu Yiguo? Mu brother, I know that you are willing to go. The first-line masters sit in the town. But He is not only a master of Tianluoguo or a disciple of Yokoyama. I also have a line of elders in Yokoyama.” Wood’s face is gloomy but never What are the threats?

Among the three great powers in the northwest, there are strong people in the first line. If there is no support from Yooyama in the back of He Yiming, then the first-line powerhouses in the country will kill and kill.

However, since he has the same level of strong support behind him, then the strongest players in the three major powers will never dare to act rashly. If the revenge of the first-line powerhouse is attracted, then the consequences will be It is even more serious.

The body that was deeply smothered with gas was finally exposing the same powerful momentum and fierce murder.

Since the hatred of both sides is already endless, it is useless to say more.

At this time, this brake may only be able to kill this young genius.

As long as He Yiming is not dying from the hands of the first-line tyrants but dying under the fair battle, then the elders of the dynasty can't rush to the map to retaliate.

Wood thinks so in the heart of the sky, but he suddenly looks up and looks into the distance and reveals the extreme color of surprise.

From the distance, there are eight powerful breaths. This is the innate powerhouse and it is a whole set of eight such masters. They have a strong atmosphere and their hostility is overwhelming.

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