Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 43: Life and death 1 line, I am 1 line day

The powerful true airflow turned to the inexhaustible spread of the fierce sense of crisis.

The feeling is getting stronger as the instinct continues to increase. At this time, not only the wood in which it is located, but also the surrounding spectators have similar feelings.

In their eyes, He Yiming, who was almost nowhere to go, suddenly turned into an ancient fierce beast. There is a dangerous atmosphere in his body.

They even have such a glimpse of what it seems to be preparing for a song. Once he is ready to finish, it is time for these two people to judge their lives and death.

At this point, everyone is nervous and the one who is most concerned and angry is Mao Liguang and others.

The identity of other innate powers is honorable but dead, and not many people will be in their heads. But these two people are different, whether it is Tuguo or Hengshan, they are regarded as the star of the future. Therefore, they have nothing to lose in two fair competitions. But if there is really a three-long and two-short, I am afraid that even Zhan Tianfeng will not be able to withstand the anger of these two forces.

As they said at the outset, these two forces can be tempted but must be controlled within a mutually acceptable range. If all of them lose their senses, then it will be a disaster for everyone. The eyes of several innate powers who are intentional or unintentional are all looking at the direction of Stephan Cong. To this field today.

Wood is also the most fascinating in the feelings of the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the ninth, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big, the royal family, the night, the god, the god, the throne, the devil, the world, the strongest Abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods and gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big, the week, the royal family, the gods, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the congratulation After Yiming’s change of momentum, he also understood that the next may be the real battle between life and death. A spine, he stood flat with one hand and gently squatted on the chest with one hand flattening out.

On his outstretched palm, there is a thick layer of white ice that shines in the sunlight. It is like a dazzling array of ice. It is because of this strangeness. The color of the eyes attracted everyone's gaze to the top, but no one noticed that the palm of his hand on the chest was holding a jade without knowing it.

When his hand held the jade from his chest to his hand, the intense chill of the extreme was suddenly stronger.

The surrounding air hardly fell again a few degrees, and even a few innate powers began to eat.

Unprecedented chills suddenly rushed up and even though He Yiming was a slight one, but it made He Yiming's brain towel suddenly flashed a thought. As if to be a blessing to the heart, He Yiming gave up the original plan without hesitation.

The instinct in his body is still running, but it is no longer the last horror of the five elements.

In the absence of other people's feelings, He Yiming's infuriating air has slowly converges inwardly, just as it is unable to withstand the chilly coldness of a little bit of retreat, and even finally was completely shrouded by the cold and invaded by these cold air. in vivo.

This change is absolutely beyond the expectations of everyone.

He Yiming’s horrible momentum that made everyone feel scared and suddenly disappeared completely in an instant.

Not only that, but his infuriating spirit is also like the water of the ebb tide. It is like a person who has opened the security door in the house and is afraid that the thief will not come in.

At this time, there was an incredible thought in everyone's heart. Is He Yiming just a disguised empty shell? Or he is already crazy, so he will make such a deadly thing.

At this time, He Yiming gave up the infuriating resistance and let the cold into the body. It was a thin hoarfrost on his body that was like a frozen statue.

However, under such a state, he still refused to stop. Standing upright with the stiff body, I rushed toward the wood. His legs are also no longer flexible because of the frozen relationship. Stumbling forward seems to want to use the stiff body to hit the opponent.

For He Yiming's practice, it is equally confusing, but such a great opportunity is put in front of him. He is willing to let go of his body shape and move. He has not waited for He Yiming to rush up. Has come to He Yiming's side.

Wood’s eyes finally flashed a fierce murder. Since the enmity between He Yiming and the enemies has been irresolved, they must fall one on each other. Now it seems that this downfall has already confirmed that his palm, which has been stretched out, has been flattened and has a hint of pity.

The seventeen-year-old genius has fallen here and a fallen genius is no longer a genius.

A slight noise came out in this cold winter-like range, but it was so crisp and sweet.

Everyone's eyes were concentrated in one place, and the hand that had been in the woods finally got his wish and pressed it to He Yiming's chest.

Shu Hsiao’s eyes almost didn’t fall to the ground.

He Yiming, but he took care of him to become the master of the country of Tianluo and he still has such a young and bright future. Even Tian Luoguo will benefit from him. But all this hope is shattered at this moment. Six is ​​feeling the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night god, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the young, the prince, the night, the god, the god, the throne, the sacred The most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night god, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the week. After the royal family reached the strength of the wood, even if he did not have any hope for He Yiming.

No one can withstand such a direct attack of such a cold air. It is a hundred days of He Yiming. Even if it is a strongman of the first-line, I am afraid that I will not let the wood shine on the chest.

Not only does he have this yin, but the rest of his face also reveals the expression of Xiangsi. Although there is already a congenital strongman before He Yiming. However, compared with He Yiming's age, it gives people a more intense sense of excitement. It seems that they have seen that a red sun has not risen completely since it has been fully embarrassed.

However, at this moment they saw "...

It seems that I’m aware of what’s incredible. He did not loosen the palm of his hand on He Yiming, but his face was faint, and even his body seemed to be shaking slightly. At the same time, the surrounding coldness seems to be even more cold. The strong cold makes everyone subconsciously step back.

Everyone in Lu Cong seems to have seen a strange scene. He Yiming’s face has been chilled, but his face has suddenly appeared a strange smile. It seems that this moment is not his own but he is working hard. The wood of the cold power is all day.

For a time, everyone’s heart was filled with a colder chill, but this chill was not from the outside temperature but from the deepest bottom of everyone’s heart.

The Hong Xiong engraved at this time, He Yiming has already converged all the breath and infuriating and deliberately introduced the outside cold consciously into the body. It is definitely a very risky thing to introduce this kind of power that is not his own. . If you change to a normal innate powerhouse, you will never make such a choice.

But He Yiming was different when the outside world was chilling and reached the top, but He Yiming remembered the dark green bottle on his body. When he touched the bottle, he was once frozen by the cold. And the situation is even more terrible than it is now.

The coldness on the bottle was ten times more violent than the current environment. Even when he was not prepared, he was instantly iced.

But the chill did not really freeze him, but was absorbed by his dantian and allowed him to use the insane and another choice.

It’s just that he’s really accustomed to using the power of the five elements of the enemy. After all, using unfamiliar forces to fight in the battle of life and death is not much different from finding a dead end.

However, at the moment he was about to explode his biggest card, he suddenly thought that since the power in Dantian can resolve the more chilly, then this chill is not even more arrogant. Cold gas is introduced into the body. Sure enough, this cold gas entered the body and there was some chill at the beginning. But when the arsenic of Dantian came out, all the coldness was suddenly digested by him. So He Yiming was completely relieved.

Since this chill is no longer helpless to him, then he is equal to being invincible.

Just when he wanted to reunite the infuriating battle with the other side for three hundred rounds, he unexpectedly presented another thing that made him ecstatic.

The cold that was absorbed from the outside world went through the conversion of Dantian and went to the three hundred and sixty holes in his body.

The growth of his power in his brows reminded him of the epiphany.

He Yiming did not think that he had mistakenly hit the cold and inhaled the body and it would have the equivalent effect of epiphany. This Italian state is enough to make him feel ecstatic.

His acupoints are already close to fullness and overflowing. At this moment, a lot of infuriating irrigation is possible, and there is a possibility that it will overflow at any time.

It’s just that he is very quick, although he has a lot of cold from the outside world, but he is able to break through the last level and really let all the acupoints reach the full level in the same time of the sword.

He needs more and more intense chills.

At that moment, he thought of the chill of the wood himself, perhaps only his own personally, to satisfy his needs at the moment. At this time, his face was covered with a layer of mint hoarfrost and even eyes. Can't see it clearly. However, his downs and downs have not been greatly affected.

He can clearly "carve all the movements at this time. When he hesitates, He Yiming screams in his heart and screams to come and fight me. For this reason, he simply gave up all defenses. It was so straightforward towards the wood.

Sure enough, under this seemingly savage provocative action, Wood never again hesitated that his palm was printed on He Yiming’s chest with the chill of death.

The unparalleled chill of the moment rushed into He Yiming's body without any hindrance and passed through the meridians directly into his dantian.

He Yiming's comfortable body snorted, although the sound was so low that it was inaudible, but the wood around him seemed to be aware of what it was.

His face was white but he did not believe that there would be He Yiming in this world, but he was not afraid of the cold, but he was in urgent need of cold to improve his strength.

It is necessary to know that these chills are not the ones that He Yiming cultivated, but the chills released by the woods and directly into the other side of Dantian. In this case, even if they are repaired with the woods. The law is also the only way that Dantian burst and died.

However, what makes Wood feel strange is that although he has done his best, the other side's Dantian is like an infinite ocean. No matter how much cold he instills in his life, he can't fill the bottomless pit.

The faint one seems to be that there is something wrong with the stove. As a master of the sky, the master of the yin is now trying to withdraw and freeze. But the shell is at this moment, he is now a good enough chest to seem to have a strong suction is firmly holding his palm.

If he retreats at this moment, then waiting for him will be a fierce and fierce counterattack. Under that counterattack, even if he does not dare to say whether he can survive, he has no choice but to insist on wishing He Yiming. The horror of Dan Tian can not withstand the impact of the cold and automatically explode. Perhaps this is the only way to get his 100% peace away.

For a time, two people fell into a real stalemate stage, but this kind of stalemate is definitely the first time in history. Even the innate powers who watched the group were watching the confusing and inexplicable. They only know that there seems to be a new change in the field, but what kind of change is that the monk of Zhang Er can't figure it out.

There is a vast temple in the northwest of the country. It is a residence other than the monks or the royal family dedicated to the summer in summer.

However, there is a courtyard in this monastery, but it is a forbidden place for everyone. Even the masters of the contemporary kings and masters of the masters did not dare to step in without any permission.

Here is the place where Zhan Tianfeng, the first master of Kailuan, has lived.

His face is not very old. If he is standing with several innate powers in the master hall, he is quite young.

At least the face of the elders in the Hengshan vein is more than the old one. Since he chose this place as his own residence 30 years ago, he has never left here. But even if he is sitting in the city for a day, no one dares to open a country.

For decades, he has been retreating in this room as if there was nothing in the world to touch him.

Even the innate powers of this day's city towels have released a strong atmosphere that seems to have produced some kind of turbulence that has a great impact. But even if Zhan Tianfeng does not want to intervene in the slightest.

Because he has strong confidence, as long as he shoots, he can definitely suppress it no matter what happens. This is a confident and one-line strongman's strong confidence in the sky.

But at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at a place.

There was a huge sigh of relief in the world like a tsunami. The feeling of this kind of sound was only one thought in his heart.

Could it be that the breakthrough has been made smoothly?

His figure disappeared like a ghost in the room. For the first time in decades, he left this courtyard like the world of the world. It was the first time that he ended his life like a **** and re-emerged as a mortal. The thing between the secular.

The chills that are engraved with charcoal into the body are more and more strong. The conversion degree of Dantian is getting stronger and stronger.

He Yiming's Dan Tian is still like a black hole, all the power is absorbed in a meticulous manner and passed through the meridians of each other into the acupoints. When all the acupoints have reached a certain balance, At the moment, He Yiming’s heart was also inexplicably calmed down.

He seems to have entered a new realm. At this time, he has forgotten everything. Even he is still struggling to support every chill that has been input into him to help him save his strength. The three hundred and sixty acupoints in his body were finally completely filled with infuriating and they released the excess power.

These insanely passed through the meridians of all the acupoints.

A little true air flow to a squatting hole is a little true air flow to another 窍 six. All the instinct that slowly began to pass through all the acupoints was connected through this overflowing instinct.

In this moment, the energy of Yiming’s body suddenly reached the point where all the acupoints in his body opened in an instant. Every acupoint seemed to become a force that Dantian was desperately absorbing.

Wood was horribly screamed by a huge and unbelievable force. He was exhausted and fell to the ground and looked at He Yiming’s eyes full of shock.

Everyone is so they feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big princes, the night sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment Zhouhuang martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The power of the earth is unimaginable. They all feel the tremendous pressure that can completely squash them. In this change of heaven and earth, they feel the same as the ordinary cultivators like the ants. The sound came from He Yiming’s body.

Within ten meters of his body, there was a deep sac. The white frost had long since disappeared. Only the one that seemed to be reborn was He Yiming.

He looked at him coldly and looked at everyone. His people who were opposite to his eyes were plain and had a sense of sorrow.

"He brothers, you are asked about the water-cooling Cui surprises. Among them, only he has the guts to ask him at the moment. Hehe screamed and shouted like a thunder in nine days.

"I am a line of life and death.........

Ps: The most urgent moment of the first-line monthly ticket is also a line of life and death.

Before going further, I took a step back and took a step back.

The 72nd squadron was chasing after him, please ask the cranes and the gods to push the cranes up. Thank you.

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