Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 45: Northern Tiger

"The old man has found a good place to live here. If the brother is free, please come to the humble house." Zhan Tianfeng smiled and invited.

He Yiming was only slightly indulged and immediately agreed. However, before he left, he gently nodded to the water, such as Cui Chui and Ting Shiguang.

Although they did not really help him in this way, but with this intention, it is enough to let He Yiming appreciate.

It seems that I understand the meaning of He Yiming's eyes. Shui Xuan and others are overjoyed. Two of them are originally in the heart, hesitating, and they are overjoyed. They are all fortunate, but fortunately this time with the big flow, otherwise it will not be able to continue to make a congratulatory - Ming, but will offend this promising strong.

Under the guidance of Zhan Tianwei, He Yiming left and left.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, everyone is mixed in their hearts. In particular, looking at He Yiming's gaze, all with a bit of burning.

It is clear that half a day before, the people are still the same masters of the same age, but this is the time when the wind is rising, and He Yiming’s status has come to an incredible change.

The first-line powerhouses, from then on, compared with them, one is in the sky, one is in the ground.

I don't know how long it took, these innate powers watched each other silently. However, from beginning to end, no one has ever glanced at the body of Stephan Cong, even if it is the same.

It is not that he is slow in life, but that the fruit caused by Shui Congcon is too bad. In this case, even if it is a well-nourished person, it is impossible to accommodate him.

Mao Lie Lao was naturally acting as a peacemaker and persuaded between several innate masters on the two sides.

At this point, everyone knows that this matter has come to an end, and no one has any interest in continuing to pursue it.

When the next servant was called, everything was cleaned up, and after all the squadrons and the unfortunate innate strong corpse were all rounded up, it was already after two hours.

Although the look of the wood is bleak, the color is not good, but no one dares to succumb to him.

Although he did not break through to the front line, but with his cold and cold, it is still invincible in these hundreds of days.

When everything was properly packed, Mao Lieguang coughed and said: "The crowd, the master trade fair that we originally agreed to, is it still going to be held as scheduled?"

Everyone’s eyes were cast on the woods, and only him could be the master.

Wood gave a little hesitation, and immediately said: "Of course it was held as scheduled. You don't have to be jealous for the things of Sui Cong." He paused and solemnly said: "The friendship between Tuyu and Kairong. It will definitely not change as a result."

The water brows brows slightly, he snorted softly, although the sound is extremely light, but can stand here, except for the ignorant Xie Mingjin, which one is not human fine.

Wood screamed with pain and added: "It is my negligence. The friendship between Tuoguo and Tianluoguo will not be affected by this small matter."

After the water was dazzling, he nodded his head and got the promise of Wood, he was really relieved.

Like his commitment to the innate powerhouse, it is far more effective and more reliable than the promise of politicians.

Mao Liguang’s brow is a slight, unrecognized wrinkle.

This sentence of the woods is actually the same as the Tianluo country. It seems that these two countries are already on the same level.

Whether it is wood or not, or unintentional mention, it will not be a good sign.

When the people agreed on the specific time of the master trade fair, they would have to disperse. Only suddenly, a burst of laughter came in from the door.

"Teacher, you have finally succeeded. If you let the master know, you will be very happy."

This "voice" is like Si Donglei, although it is not very big, but everyone who hears has a feeling of stunned.

At this moment, everyone thought of the same high drink of He Yiming.

Subsequently, a big man appeared in front of everyone, this person looks like middle-aged, a face of a beard, is a typical image of the northern Han.

As soon as he appeared here, his eyes fell on the woods. Then, the smile on his face slowly solidified, and finally the eyes sparkled with amazement.

"Teacher, what's the matter? You didn't even have a breakthrough. Who was the one who broke through the ice power, and who was injured by you? Is it Zhan Tianfeng?"

His words are like a firecracker, one by one, plus his special northern Xinjiang. Sound makes it hard to understand what he is saying.

However, Wood seems to be with this person for a long time, he can hear clearly, if he laughs: "Zhuo brother, everything is Moti" The younger brother is not injured by Zhan Tianfeng. ”

Master Zhuo smashed his big eyes. He said with a puzzled face: "In the country of Kailuan, besides Zhan Tianfeng, can anyone still hurt you?" He suddenly looked round and said: "Is it true? I just broke through that person."

Wood slammed his lips, and he suddenly asked: "Zhu, brother, why are you here?"

Zhuo’s brother smiled and said: “I took the command of the master to protect you.” He arched his hand toward the north and said, “Master said, now that you are at a tighter level, you can break through at any time. A line of days, so I want to follow you far away. If you feel any change, you can always protect the law for you."

In the eyes of the wood, the gratitude of the eyes reveals the gratitude and the deep breath, the mouth and the face of the north ※, the shark, worship, although he did not say that Li Ke but his pious attitude has already revealed his mood It is.

Mao Lieguang changed his mind a few times, and hardened his head and said: "Mu brother, this predecessor is"

From Zhuo's brother, they all felt a powerful atmosphere. This horror of breath is definitely not under Zhan Tianfeng and He Yiming who has been promoted to the first line.

Since he understands the strength of the other side, Mao Lieguang certainly does not dare to neglect.

Wood nodded slightly to him, saying: "This is the younger brother is the same door brother Zhuo Wanlian."

"The Tiger of Northern Xinjiang?" Mao Lieguang suddenly exclaimed, almost like being intimidated by the name of this person.

When I heard the name, the water and other people thought of a person at the same time, and they could not help but change their face.

They understand that the original wood is actually a disciple of this person, and it is no wonder that it can reach the peak of the sky in the 120s or so, and has the strength to hit the sky at any time.

Zhuo Wanlian faintly glanced at Mao Liguang, he did not put this person in his eyes, and the Secretary was too lazy to pay attention.

"Teacher, I used to punish a beast in the past few days, so I went into the mountains to pursue the killing. I rushed in today, but I felt the chill in the hundred miles. It seems that all the cold in the heavens and the earth has condensed. Here is the place. This is clearly a sign of the first-line days of the cold power." His face was dignified: "My brother, I am slow to catch up, or a step later. Since it is not your advanced line, is it still here? Is there another hundred peaks in the practice of the cold system?"

Wood is full of bitterness, he does not hide, and he and his party have been told about it. Finally, "Sister, that He Yiming is only 17 years old this year, and it is fifteen. The age of promotion has risen to the sky."

Zhuo Wanlian’s eyes didn’t know when it had been rounded up. His lips twitched and moved a few times. “Is the fifteen-year-old innate? The seventeen-year-old line?”

Wood nodded all day long, and his eyes also had a certain complex feeling.

Zhuo Wanlian took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly splashed, and then stared in a direction.

There, it is the direction in which He Yiming and Zhan Tianfeng left.

"In two years, I can break through to the first-line days. How can I not see this interesting person?" Zhuo Wanlian whispered in his mouth.

He was a big singer who was born today. Even when he asked about the wood, he did not have the slightest reduction in volume, but at this time, he was the first to lower his voice.

Wood has changed his face slightly and said: "Senior brother, I have already promised the Lord, no longer pursue the matter of Stephan Cong, please do not intervene."

Zhuo Wanlian snorted and said: "Which prince you have, since you have the courage to provoke a line of days, it is to find a way to die. For the brothers, there is no such time to work for him, but since He Yiming has injured you, Brother naturally can't stand by, otherwise how to explain to the master."

After all, he was already leaping out.

Wood's face was unpredictable, and he quickly called: "Senior brother, heart."

A burst of laughter came from afar: "The younger brother is relieved, how is a first-line sky that has just been promoted, and how is it my enemy."

Wood has opened his mouth, and He Yiming is a first-line sky, but his skill is extremely strange. Not only is he good at the five elements, but even the cold power can not cause any damage to him. So at this moment, his heart is awkward, and there is always a feeling of uneasiness in the vagueness.

Number performance is invalid

He Yiming walked with Zhan Tianfeng, but for a moment he came to the temple where he lived.

The courtyard where Zhan Tianfeng lived is actually not big. The furnishings and decorations in it are very ordinary, and they all look quite old. He Yiming can even present some slight cracks in some places.

He was surprised to blink Zhan Tianfeng, if it was not from his body, he felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the big prince, the night prince, the **** of the gods, the throne Proud of the world's most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts will be the night of the gods of the gods of the throne to seek the magic of the world, the nine strongest days, the strongest abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The Great Zhou Dynasty has a stronger power than himself. He really has a hard time believing that the first-line masters will actually live in this place.

Not to mention that this is one of the three great powers in the Northwest, even in the middle of the mountain, the place where there are serious lack of various building resources, the houses of several elders are much better than here.

Zhan Tianfeng turned a blind eye to his gaze, just smiled and said: "The old man is here. He stayed in the yard for several decades. Today he is still going out for the first time. But since there are guests coming to the door, the old man naturally has to be hospitalized."

He took the lead and walked into the backyard, and He Yiming’s eyes became more and more amazing.

In the backyard, there was a green vegetable field. This vegetable garden is not a medicine garden on the Hengshan Mountain, nor a rare herb.

Planted on top are some of the vegetables that are usually visible.

Zhan Tianwei got off the field, and in this way, in the eyes of He Yiming’s surprise, he picked some vegetables that were not varieties.

He Yiming’s heart has a very strange feeling. He couldn’t help but ask: “Zhan brother, are the vegetables here grown by you?”

Yes, all the dishes here are selected by the husband himself, planted in the ground, watered and wormed. "Zhan Tianfeng's face has a smug smug," said: "I promise that the taste of these vegetables is good, you have never tasted it." ”

He Yiming wants to stop and say, although he does not agree with this in his heart, but when he thinks that the innate powers of the sky have their own unreasonable hobbies, then as a front-line person, even if the hobby is a little weird. It is also extenuating.

Zhan Tianfeng washed the vegetables and went straight to the kitchen.

If there is something in the throat that is different from the Pu Li family, there is no doubt that there is only a visit.

Here, there will always be an ordinary servant who will not be motivated. Their only task is to ensure that the fire in the kitchen is not extinguished and that Zhan Tianfeng can be used at any time.

And Zhan Tianfeng also took the quick out, Ma Li's washed vegetables in his hands, cut, and cooked.

His movements are as natural as his peers. He Yiming has only seen at a glance that Zhan Tianfeng is not a show, but does not know how many times he cooks, so he will have such a natural feeling.

The cooked dishes were taken to the outer hall and the two sat down. Zhan Tianfeng took out a jar that was the size of a human head, gently uncovering the arm cover, and suddenly a fragrance came out.

"Drink, eat..."

After Zhan Tianfeng finished these two sentences, he no longer cares about He Yiming, but enjoys himself.

Hehe hesitated a bit, drank a bite of wine in the altar, only felt that the entrance was sweet, slippery and throaty, and took a bite of food, it seems to have a different flavor.

It’s just that he can’t be sure that the quality of these dishes is different, or because the people they cook are different, so that this kind of strange feeling will be made in his heart.

"Zhan brother is really good Yaxing." He Yiming said with a smile, although he does not recognize this kind of life, but he does not mean to interfere.

Zhan Tianfeng smiled two times and said: "He brother, the old man is practicing the way of water and wood.

Since the first day of the line sixty years ago, there has been no progress in decades. However, thirty years ago, the old man accidentally came to this place, and he felt something in his heart. From then on, he stayed here and did not ask about foreign affairs. In the past 30 years, the old man lived here. Everything was done by himself. Everything is not the hand of others. It is occasional. ”

He "hey, this is something moving. He thought for a moment, and finally stood up and turned to Zhan Tianfeng deeply." He said: "Thank you for your guidance."

The Five Elements, this is the way of nature. Zhan Tianfeng relaxed his mind in the case of no cure, and opened up a small, heavenly and earthly way to integrate into nature. If it can’t be accomplished, then it’s called Nothing to do.

However, this practice is not suitable for the young man He Yiming.

Zhan Tianwei waved his hand slightly and said: "This is a small path. Although it is useful, if it is compared with the brother-in-law, it is a world apart."

He Yiming’s face was slightly red, and he knew his family’s affairs from his family. Whenever people praise his talent, he does not know how to respond to each other.

Zhan Tianfeng drank another glass of homemade rice wine and said: "He brother, do you know the origins of wood?"

He Yiming was awkward and said: "The wood is the master of the country, and the first person below the first line."

Zhan Tianfeng said with a smile: "The wood is indeed the master of the country, but his teacher is not the northwestern one."

He Yiming listened to his solemn mention, and his heart was also somewhat clear. It is estimated that the origin of the wood is so taboo.

Zhan Tianfeng looked at the north and said: "When the old husband was young, he once traveled to the world. After entering the northern Xinjiang, he and the powerful of the pulse. The strongman of that vein was living in the cold environment of northern Xinjiang for a long time. It is not the basic five elements of the practice, but the special ice and cold."

He Yiming immediately thought of the situation at the time of fighting with Wood, but when it comes to the strength of the ice cold, the wood is obviously worse than the liquid, which is far less effective than the liquid in the green bottle.

If Wood knows how He Yiming will practice his cultivation, and compare it with the natural Wannian Ice Yi, he will certainly be mad at three liters. Moreover, if the news of this thing is leaked on him, then it is guaranteed that the masters of Northern Xinjiang will also rob them at all costs.

"Zhan brother, you specifically mentioned this matter, is it that the door of the woods is so powerful?" He Yiming asked quietly.

"Yes, his division is really strong, and it is still the first martial art in northern Xinjiang." Zhan Tianfeng said awkwardly: "You have overcome this person today and promoted to the front line, even if he has not blamed you, but the master in his division. If you don’t have the core, you will have this conservation. If you come to take revenge, it is also a troublesome thing."

He Yiming’s heart has turned a lot of thoughts in an instant. He is not worried about himself, but his own relatives. If you come to a strong person that you can't resist, and go to Hejiazhuang to kill the ring ~ ~ then he will regret it.

It seems that he saw his mind. Zhan Tianfeng comforted: "He brother, in fact, you don't have to worry. Although the North Monkey is strong, it may not be able to outweigh our northwestern countries, and it is impossible for this. Take a big move. As long as you don't easily set foot in the North, you can sit back and relax."

He Yiming was only slightly relieved, but suddenly, both of them had a slight change in their faces.

Because they were sensed by the division, in the distance, a cold wind rose.

That is the power of homology with Wood's mastery, but in comparison, it is much stronger.

He Yiming looked at Zhan Tianfeng's eyes with a bit of suspiciousness.

The old man's face has become extremely ugly. He just said that he can sit back and relax, but the voice is not falling, some people come to the door, and the skin that is attached to him is doubled. At this moment, the old face is slightly red, and it is difficult to justify it. .

Ps: When the public saw this chapter, it is estimated that Baihe is in the interview of Sanjiang, and interested friends come to give Baihe a place to play.

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