Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 51: condition

Yan Yiming took the second year of the year and had a state of mind to ask for a towel to study the things in the cage. But thinking about it but always can not erase this face.

Although his heart is not moving, he does not know it, but he is not ignorant. I thought about it, and I thought about a thought.

Road: "Mu brother heard that your teacher is not in the northwest.

Although the wood is full of wonders why he talks about this unrelated thing, but still patiently said: "It’s good that my teacher is in the distant land of northern Xinjiang."

He Yiming nodded slightly: "I heard that there is a strange fruit in the land of the north of the plate. It only grows in the ice and has a beauty effect.

Things? ”

There is indeed this thing. "The wood is full of heaven: "This thing is called the fruit of ice. Although it is rare here, it is not a thing in the territory."

This object can only be preserved on the northern front of the ice sheet. If it leaves the ice sheet, it will melt away unless it has a mysterious ice device or a more rare space world.

He Yiming’s heart is a big move for Xuan Bing, of course he knows a little. This kind of device is placed in the crater and will not be melted by heat. Just mysterious ice

Seeking to get and make a scorpion seems to be even more rare. However, the so-called space world, he never heard it, he asked.


What is the space world that Mu brother said? ”

Wood looked at him with amazement and looked at him: "I heard that Hexi is a long-term elder of Hengshan, and this thing is not known?"

He Yiming yelled at him, although he was an elder of Yokoyama, but he stayed in the horizontal evening for even one year, and he did not mention it to him.

Nothing to know.

He shook his head and He Yiming was right. "He did not know."

Although the wood is doubtful in the heart, it is still the same: "In fact, the space world is a magical thing. It is said that it has different forms and contains

A small world in which a single worker exists.

It’s incredible that He Zuming’s eyes flashed through a fine world.

Have you seen this thing? ”

Wood did not hesitate to say: "I have seen such a treasure in the hands of my home teacher.

He Yiming was amazed but did not go to plunder.

Since people are willing to meet in person, then this incident will not be a big secret.

Moreover, the master of the woods, that is, the master of Zhuo Wanlian, who can cultivate these two disciples is far from the current He Yiming can provoke.

He sighed and sighed: "Mu brother, if he lived in northern Xinjiang in the future, can he ask you for an ice fruit."

Wood did not hesitate to nod and said: "Of course, as long as the brothers are willing to help Xiao Sun, then whether it is successful or not. As long as the brothers later

To the northern Xinjiang ice wood, you must prepare the top ten ice fruit hands.

He Yiming’s heart is full of joy: “Mu brother is so cool Shaanxi”, what else can you say? He paused: "The younger brother has long heard of the country."

Boss is going to travel around here. If you don't have an accident, you should stay for about a year. If Sun is able to rush to the country of Kailuan in one year.

Then the younger brother must help him.

Wood has a flash of light in the eyes of the sky, he smiled and said, "Oh, this is a word."

For ordinary people, it’s a little bit difficult to return to the country from the Kailuan country within a year, but for the masters of this rank.

Douliang is not a problem.

The only uncertainty is that He Yiming’s travel does not know when to return. But Wood has already made up his mind to let his grandchildren come to Shaanxi and

I have been waiting here.

After all, let him search the entire northwest and just met He Yiming, an innate power who can help his grandchildren. If this opportunity is missed.

I only really can't find the second time again. The second hehe Yiming pushed the box in his hand to the past. He said: "Mu brother and so on, let Sun come here, I will protect the law for him.

Then we will trade again."

Wood sneaked at him and played with the box but smiled: "He brother laughed, since you have already agreed, then these two items are white.

It belongs to you.

1 He Yiming said to the side: "Do you believe me?"

The factory wood dumbly laughed and said, "If the first-line powerhouse will not keep the promise, then when I am smashing my eyes, these two treasures will be regarded as buying ten religions."

The price is that the two hesitation Yi Ming seriously looked at him and finally closed the things. It’s a matter of knowing that the other side is so generous.

There is no fear of being a waiter.

If Bai has escaped, then he may not dare to provoke a Hengshan pulse but Hejiazhuang will definitely be subject to his strong revenge.

The two agreed to return to the room again in the future.

Out of He Yiming's surprise, many innate masters in the room gathered together in twos and threes and many people only left the room outside.

What is discussed in a certain ten places.

Although they tried their best to lower the sound, they also played with the hidden two things. So He Yiming’s ears shook a little for a few moments and knew that they were still

Exchange your own collection. Only some people have begun to bid.

He Yiming and Mu Tiantian's return and play are attracting attention. In addition to water and dazzling animals, the rest of the people are touching their own affairs. Qingnao is Zhan Tianfeng and Zhuo Wanlian.

People have already left this place and it is estimated that they are negotiating somewhere.

When they came to the side of the water, they exchanged a look and then walked out.

What is the difference between the water and the fringe of the egg? Because he is not knowing what to do, he is not interested in it.

He Yiming, a no-man's land, said the request of the woods and took out the two boxes.

Shu Hingui opened two boxes and his face suddenly changed: "The wood is innocent and generous. He actually gave you such benefits.

It is conceivable.

He Yiming has long known that the two treasures in the box must be precious, but after seeing the clearing of the shoes, he feels faint.

The value of the treasure is only to put this sealed popsicle into the cold place of the cold for thousands of years.

He Yiming repeated the term calmly and asked: "What is the role of Millennium Ice?

The role of this thing is big when a person suffers from a serious internal injury or is extremely toxic, as long as the head is not opened and not dead on the spot.

Then, after taking a thousand years of ice, you can get into the frozen state. As long as you find a way to save within a year, you can save people back.


He Yiming couldn’t think of a magical item in this world.

This thing should be very precious. Why do you even have such treasures?

He Yiming asked hesitantly.

The water stunned and smiled: "Millennium ice is invaluable in our eyes. But within the hidden sects of the Bujiang Ice Sheet

But there is quite a stock.

He Yiming asked: "Why.

It is not uncommon for the occultists of Northern Xinjiang to have a long history with centuries and even thousands of years of history. Among these martial art

There are similar ice liquids.

He paused: "Of course, it is not easy to want the inventory in these sects. But in the woods, I think there will be only one in my hand.

He Yiming suddenly became aware that he turned his eyes to another box. The four-color jade in the box was able to be sent out simultaneously with the Millennium Ice.

There is a similar value. This thing is an important object for refining weapons or armor. "Water dazzling and positive color:

Whether it's a weapon or an armor that wants to refine a treasure-level thing, you must have enough good raw materials. But some materials are rushed to each other.

If the clip is to be melted in a furnace, then there is a failure.

Speaking of the water and madness, I picked up the face of the four-colored jade from the box:

However, if this special fusion jade is added to it, then Ren Niu has already neutralized it and let all the rare materials of Tron completely wave out.

He Yiming's eyes are faintly visible. He thought of Bai Ji's big knife. This piece of jade is not exactly used for this knife.

The water marrying continues: "The fusion jade is also divided into different grades. One of the colors is blended with jade. It has any effect. The two-color fusion jade is somewhat useful but because only

It is possible to combine two kinds of special materials, and when it is used to make treasures, it can be used by people. Two-color and three-color fusion jade is one of the treasures.

The same rare materials are so refining that there are ninety-nine things that are treasure level two to four colors of fusion jade." He paused: "This is already

The treasures in the treasures are only a few pieces in the hands of the woods.

He Yiming nodded slightly and he certainly understood the meaning of the old man's words.

After a moment of indulgence, He Yiming said: "The old man of the water is doing all the time for his grandson to successfully promote the innate, and you have spent such a huge price. You think he

What are you thinking about? ”

Shui Hyun smiled and shook his head and said: "I am also puzzling to understand that although his grandson is a three-way fellow practitioner, if he only asks for innate words.

Then, as long as you are invited to the innate power of the ten-phase two-line system, it is enough for him to bless the meridian protection method. Why must he also designate the three departments to promote at the same time? Sleeve Xuan Xuan

The buckle on the forehead of the forehead on the ten cloth six full of updated fast wrinkles said: "There must be a reason for the old brother, I have a shallow understanding of it."

He Yiming is also a bitter smile. It is even more difficult for him to even know more than two hundred years old.

But if there is not enough interest, I will never pay such a heavy price to ask him to take the shot. Hundreds of thousands of faint feelings of a white killing step

It is also a close relationship with the matter that Ku Cong and Tu Taoguo's other stalker can be easily resolved.

If not, although he is a newly promoted first-line powerhouse, the country is not willing to give up.

The two men face each other and screamed at the end of the day. He Yiming finally said: "Shui brother, I am going to repair the book for a while to help me to send to Hejiazhuang.

The water dazzled and said: "Is there anyone in Hejiazhuang who knows this?"

He Yiming smiled and said, "Hejiazhuang certainly does not, but there may be people in Hengshan."

Shui Hsiaogui’s eyes smiled and said: “It’s true that there is a Yokoyama pulse as your backing.

The Hengshan vein, but with more than 3,000 years of inheritance, is more important in this vein, the congenital strong has never had a fault, and even if they

When the law answers this question, it can be known at the moment.

After an hour, the trade fair will be successfully ended. In this trade fair, many of the masters are only stolen. Ditanpo is Zhuo Wanlian and Zhan Tianfeng.

They are all smiling. Although everyone does not know what the two first-line powerhouses exchanged, but they want to be a more advanced and rare.

Finally, under the guidance of Mao Liguang, everyone dispersed.

After He Yiming and others returned to the embassy district, Shu Xuan and some of the guardian masters of the small country alliances left and He Yiming and Ting Shiguang and others still stayed.


It is impossible for someone to rush as long as they don’t leave.

On the night of the day, the light and silt was in the middle of a tall house in the embassy district of the country.

Wood is the opposite of Zhuo Wanlian and sits in front of them with the best quality to come to the board of the distant Shenshen Empire.

Gently sip a bite of wood and put the cup on the table. Although his movements are simple, but overall there is a kind of integration between the heavens and the earth and

No sense of attack.

Zhuo Wanlian sighed: "The teacher and the young master once said that your understanding of the heavens and the earth is the highest future of several of us.

No call is very much. I still have some doubts about it, but now I completely believe it.

Wood smiled a little and said: "The brothers have won the prize. If you say that there is no amount of money, then is there anyone else who can pass him?"

Although the wood is full of the day and plays the name of saying "he", Zhuo Wanlian's Shenqing is already dignified.

"How did he cultivate? There will be such achievements as the novels arranging the drying of the people in this day, and the day of the sleeves will be promoted to a line of days, there is no time for melting and fixing, but with me.

When I was in the hands, I was so angry that I just got a trembling person. And "His face is full of incredible looks:" His instinct spread to the whole giant tree. The talent of this person's wood is absolutely for the brother's life. Maybe his talent in this department is

No less than the talent of the master on the ice system.

Wood sighed softly all day: "How is the talent of his brother? We don't need to evaluate it. Just tell the truth to the master.

His old man should make a corresponding decision.

Zhuo Wanlian nodded slightly and he clearly understood what the so-called decision was.

After a while, the wood is all over the world. "When the brothers go back this time, the younger brother will live in front of the teacher’s door and retreat. As for the affairs of Haoer,

I want to please you.

Zhuo Wanlian patted his chest and said: "Whether the younger brother is relieved that he is a genius, he has been procrastinating in order to let his three-line exercises advance at the same time.

For the whole eight years, fortunately, there is a He Yiming who should take this opportunity to promote Haoer to Ding Hao.

Speaking of his voice here, he said: "Is the teacher and you, He Yiming, and the thoughts between the country and him really broken?"

When the wood is in the air, it will not sound him. "As long as Haoer can be promoted to the innate world, it is worthwhile for us to pay any price."

Zhuo Wanlian hesitated and finally nodded.

In the eyes of the wood, there is a hint of hope: "If the hero is really successful, then I will introduce his emperor's door to the master."

Zhuo Wanlian is also a singer and laughs: "If the master sees the innate realm, the darling will certainly endure to accept him as a close disciple.

He looked at the wood and smiled and said: "It is a good story when your grandparents and grandparents are worshipping under the master's door at the same time.

Wood has once again won the tea bowl and there is a hint of hope in the Zhuo Wanlian sighed with a sigh: "not good"

Wood asked all the questions: "What?"

Zhuo Wanlian sighed and said: "I think of it if the master really puts the hobby under the door. Then how do you call Haoer and you?"

Call your brother or grandfather.

Wood did his best, and he sighed with a sigh of relief. "You can borrow He Yiming, who is already a disciple of Hengshan. If he can worship under the master.

Then we will be able to make a big splash on the ice soul. It is not necessarily known to reproduce the glory of the past.

Zhuo Wanlian's smile suddenly converges. He seems to be quietly thinking about what flashes in the eyes.

Wood looked up in his memory and was the first time he saw that his brother had such a calm side. He also thought about it for a while.

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