Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 54: Last disciple

The sky is still a light blue color. In the twinkling of an eye, a red glow appeared slowly expanding its range to enhance its brightness.

The two figures slowly appeared in this piece of light. They looked up at the wonders of this natural world and sighed infinitely.

"Ren Xun should change the dressing." He Yiming whispered after a moment.

Yuan Lizhen was awakened from the scenery of the beautiful Taobao women's cats Taobao Mall Taobao women's winter jacket m. She should be quiet and waited.

A few days ago, Xie Zhien’s father had been successfully promoted to the innate realm. He Yiming then said goodbye to Yuan Lixun and entered the mountains.

Their destination is of course the Hohhot Mountain on the magical sail map.

Of course, He Yiming’s rush has not meant to avoid the meaning of everyone.

At least before the wound on Yuan Li Xun's face has not yet reached the cliff, he is not willing to let people meet her again.

Remove the special wound medicine from the bag and apply a circle around the wound. He Yiming's movements were careful, and the hands were quick and steady, and the auxiliary of the wood system was quickly completed.

Although the dressing change is a simple matter, He Yiming has never been willing to fake hands. It seems that in addition to him, no one else is allowed to see the scar on Yuan Li Xun's face.

Yuan Li Xun is close to her eyes. Her face has a feeling of numbness. This feeling is so good that she wants to fully invest in it. But it is a pity that He Yiming's movements are extremely fast. When the eyes are full of magical hands, the moment she leaves her face, she even has a touch of loss.

He Yiming took the initiative to clean up the tent and other things. Gong took a big bag and he gently patted the clap: "The ritual is scented."

Yuan Lixun’s face is a sentence. Although it’s not the first time to get along with He Yiming, it’s not the first time to change the medicine. But every time He Yiming’s warm hands are gently twitching on her cheeks, She couldn't help her face.

Standing straight, Yuan Li Xun will cover the face towel and wait to move forward. However, seeing He Ming’s body suddenly stiff and then looking backwards, the black eyes will become extremely sharp.

She looked in that direction but she couldn’t help but ask, "What happened to the young master!"

He Yiming hesitated and shook his head slightly: "I can't be sure." He said with a slight distress: "Since this time I entered the mountain, I always had an unpredictable foreboding. Some people seem to follow us behind each other. When I look back, I can't see the slightest clue."

Yuan Lixun surprised to see the ears of He Yiming. These two ears are still swaying slightly, but she is familiar with He Yiming. He knows that He Yiming did not find the problem through the downwind.

"Someone else can someone win over your ears?" Yuan Lixun asked incredulously.

He Yiming shook his head seriously. "Yu Shishu once said that this world's wonderful secret art is not indispensable for anyone who can't master it. And some of the ingenious kung fu who are good at lurking may be able to win the wind. I know." He paused here. It’s like suddenly thinking of what’s in the eyes of a twinkling: “Maybe if you carry some kind of heavenly treasure on your body, you can also get a good wind.” Yuan Lijun’s eyes are also brightening her lips. Although there is no sound in the fretting, the mouth shape is clearly saying: "White Stone."

He Yiming awesomely nodded. Since Baishi has the magical effect of the screen to cover the wind, it is not surprising that another magical item has the same effect.

Yuan Lizhen had a big eyes and asked, "What should we do with young masters?"

He Yiming said with helpless hands: "There is no way to take a step and take a step."

After the two people packed up, they continued to walk toward the mountains according to the route on the map. A black figure suddenly appeared here after they left for a long time.

This figure is absolutely fast and it is incredible. Just like he was originally an air, the whole person has no weight.

The shadow of the black shadow here is like a wind. It seems to be a self-talking saying: "A good and sensitive wind will be revealed by him. The younger is so veteran. What is the practice of his cultivation? "He looked up and he looked at the direction of He Yiming. His brow wrinkled: "Can't you do it in the jungle? But they have to drill into the jungle. It's true."

After complaining about this sentence, the figure of this person has once again disappeared like a ghost.

Such a body is even worse than He Yiming's Yun Yu Fei Teng. However, only such incredible light-weight exercises can make He Yiming's downwind and unskilled work impossible.

Walking in the mountains for a month, the dry food carried by Yu Heming and the two people was exhausted. However, with the strength of both of them, even if they are not brought, they will not go hungry in the forest.

At this point they have gradually approached the Hohhot Mountains but He Yiming did not enter easily but has been squatting outside. It's like a tourist who lost his way in the jungle and circled somewhere.

Yuan Lixun naturally is inseparable to accompany He Yiming to the injury on her face, it is already a good seven seven eight eight.

If the medicinal person's hand-picked medicine is precious, if it is even a small injury, it will not be healed. It is not to fall to his name.

However, although the bruises have disappeared, it still has a small trace. It is not an easy task to eliminate this trace.

He Yiming, who took Yuan Lixun’s little hand, was surprised to see it in one direction.

Yuan Lixuan asked in a tight heart: "You have found the trace of the man?"

He Yiming shook his head and said: "The man is out of the ghost and knows where he is hiding.

But what about these people who are here in the wilderness of the wilderness?


Yuan Lixun Daqi asked with amazement: "What happened to the young master?" He Yiming said: "They are also looking for Hu Yuhaoshan to mention what Dongdong is really strange."

He said in his mouth that his hand was slightly forced to pull my ritual toward it.

After the moment, they have come to a valley. There are a total of seven men here for a deep-eyed, high-nose eyes, and from time to time, flashing a glimpse of the first singularity of the mouth, "Ming and Yuan Lixun swayed and did not hide the slightest concealed and went in and suddenly caught their attention.

The eyes of the people blinked on their bodies and suddenly recovered their eyes and turned a blind eye to them.

He Yiming of this brake has converged on the huge atmosphere of his body. He did not know that his inner strength was only about six or seven layers. Although it is quite rare to have six or seven layers of internal strength at this age.

But the people who put the valley towel, even the one with the worst internal strength, also have seven layers of rumors, and naturally they will not put them in their hearts.

The seven people had gathered together and whispered something, but when He Yiming appeared, they suddenly stopped.

He Yiming's face maintains a gentle smile. He has already seen that the person with the highest internal strength in these people is only ten layers of internal strength. These people have no threat to him at all. It’s the way he opens the door: “All the friends just heard the mention of the Dongfu in the Hohhot Mountains.”

He just said that the faces of the seven people here suddenly changed. For the people, it made a look of the other six people flying in a general jump and stepping out to surround them.

He Yiming’s brow wrinkled and he stopped. “What do you mean by the people?”

One person holding a long sword and laughing: "What do you mean? I told you that I heard the conversation of Lao Tzu. Do you still want to leave alive?"

He Yiming smiled slightly and said, "Do you want to take my life?" The man smiled and said: "Of, this kid is of course dead, but the girl around you has to stay. The old people enter this ghost place. Two months are almost dying. Wait until the old ones are cool enough to send her on the road to reunite with you."

He Yiming’s smiling face suddenly became a cold smile.

At the same time, the seven people felt a chill in their body. When He Yiming changed his face, they had a feeling of creepiness.

Their eyes suddenly became fierce, but after carefully watching the half-ring, their heart lifted slowly.

In their eyes, whether it is He Yiming or Yuan Lixun, it is only about seven layers of internal strength.

In the face of such two young people, even people who are more cautious will not have too much taboo.

Perhaps they have heard of He Yiming’s name and know that there are fifteen-year-old innate powers in this world. But after all such a freak, no one can imagine that they would encounter such a powerful comet in such a place.

The person who spoke first snorted and sighed. "...Do you want to scare your face with your face? Let your female partner take off the face towel and let Laozi see how it looks?"

The other six people did not object to anyone who was not lustful. After they knew that He Yiming had eavesdropped on their own conversations, they were also heart-to-hearted and could not let them go.

He Yiming was so angry that he laughed at his heart.

He laughed aloud: "If you want to kill me, then you can see who is killing the mouth." He suddenly stepped forward and came to the person’s body and kicked him directly. On the chest. The man looked at He Yiming and his foot was awkward. Although he thought about avoiding it, his body couldn’t keep up with the rhythm.

His body came in the air with a three-and-six-degree backflip and then slammed into a big tree and then slipped down like a fish. The foam was shining and the eyeballs were protruding. The scene was dead.

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse of his own strength and his own mentality did not seem to keep up. Once the anger is suddenly, it is a murder. What is even more terrifying is that he has no fear and cherish for the lives of ordinary people.

It would have been impossible to kill this person in the past because of this sentence. But now the mind is suddenly moving, and the ruthless one has disappeared instantly.

Unconsciously, his mentality is more and more like Lu Xin's apprentices who have eased him.

The mortal beings have gradually become like ants in his eyes.

This kind of mentality change is still very difficult for him to accept, but all these changes are carried out in the process of immigration. When he is now, it seems that everything is natural and natural.

Suddenly, Yuan Lixun’s petite voice came to awaken He Yiming from the confusion.

When his ears were slightly shaken, they were angry again.

When the six people saw He Yiming and kicked out, they had already kicked one of their brothers on the spot and they knew that they had looked away.

The strength of the fast-paced point of the foot has given them a strong sense of irresistible threat. It is a self-confessed one who is shocked and timid, even if it is the highest level of internal strength.

But letting them guess, it is hard to imagine that they will go to a congenital strongman and the rest of them will rush to Yuan Li Xun.

When they want to come, since He Yiming can kill this woman, it is very important to focus on her. Only by holding her as a hostage can He Yiming be jealous...

It’s just that their approach is to find their own way to death. For the sake of Yuan Lixun and He Yiming, even the four emperors of the Shu Kingdom are directly killed, not to mention the few strangers who have never met each other.

His body shape, such as electricity, did not know when he had returned to Yuan Lixun's side as if he had never left.

In addition to the name of the ten-layer master of the inner strength, the other five people in the state of He Yiming also directed Yuan Lixun to shoot them. They wanted to take it down in one fell swoop. However, their eyes and flowers are already magically appearing in their sights.

This change suddenly shocked everyone who was timid and even did not see He Yiming's actions. At this point they realized that they really played the iron plate and met people who were far from being able to provoke them.


For the people to take the initiative to open the feet and smashed the brothers and fled to the distance.

Then he heard a series of screams in his ears.

Every sound that sounded his heart sank a five-point scream and screamed that the five brothers could not resist even the time.

What kind of person is he in his heart?

However, he did not wait for him to react and heard someone in his ear: "You will stay." His eyes are sharp and round, and his hands are desperately trying to fight back. Show it open.

But all his power is like being into a group of cotton and being light and unstressed.

Then a powerful suction came to the strength of his all-powerful sprint, but it was impossible to offset it. Instead, he stepped back to the rear and could not help himself.

He turned his head in amazement and saw He Yiming stretched a palm in the distance. He clearly felt that the suction that made him unable to break free came out of the palm of his hand.

He suddenly saw the scene of the emptiness of the air. If he couldn’t guess that it was an innate power, he was just a blind eye.

He Yiming learned to use the infuriating spirit to create a strange force field to **** the man over.

In his heart, he secretly smug after a ray of days, and it really has a powerful force far more than a hundred days. However, at the beginning of the thunder, but to attract a hundred strong people and his opponent is only a day after tomorrow. The difficulty gap is clear at a glance.

A thought and the smugness of this point disappeared without a trace. If you want to reach the realm of Shi Shu, you still need to work hard.

"The grown-up is forgiving." Although the person who is the inner strength of the tenth floor but also a well-behaved person sees the subject and immediately screams: "The villain is willing to put the teacher's door to the treasure and only ask the grown-up."

He Yiming’s heart and mind sighed and said: “What do you call a teacher with a treasure? Come here.”

The villain Jiang Wenwu was the treasure house of the Jinlin Kingdom introductory master Lu Xing's master. Now that the family has died, the small talents came here with a group of brothers to search for the whereabouts of Dongfu. ”

He Yiming turned his head and Yuan Lizhen looked at their hearts and there was a feeling of ecstasy at the same time.

Gently sighed, the original Lu Xin pattern was not extinct, but this last disciple was also in the wrong hands and could not help but say that it was a god.

Jiang Wenwu did not see He Yiming's expression and thought that he had already been eager to say: "Adults... Although the villain does not know the specific direction, but knows the general direction, as long as the time for the villain will be able to find ~ He Yiming hesitated and finally made up his mind in his heart.

He said coldly: "Jiang Wenwu, you know who I am?"

"...the villain doesn't know." Jiang Wenwu said without hesitation that his heart is a dark road. If you know that you are a congenital strongman, then we dare to provoke.

In his heart, he suddenly moved to the innate power... He suddenly looked up and he stared at He Yiming’s eyes gradually filled with horror.

Such a young innate powerhouse is actually this person.

He Yiming slowly nodded: "You guessed it."

Jiang Wenwu’s **** face was instantly cleaned up. Since it’s falling into the hands of this person, there is still a way to live.

He Yiming sighed and talked to both ears but it was a violent shaking. A few meters away from the black shadow, a thin sword light shone in an unparalleled degree toward his chest.

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