Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 66: 8 of 1 boxing

Adjacent to Zhuo Wanlian, who saw the ban on the sons in front of him and Xin Xin felt that the chill of the self-drying multi-sheathed yellow body was extremely chilly.

It seems as if you are stupid and standing in the same place, it seems to have lost consciousness. He can no longer believe in his own eyes and feelings.

It wasn't long before Zhuo Wanlian became a nerd that the second person came here.

The eyes of these two people swept away, and He Yiming and others suddenly showed a happy color.

He Yiming asked them with a smile and said, "How did you get down the mountain with the elders of Master Uncle 6?"

They are in the same vein of the mountain, Yu Jinglei and 6 Zhengyi two.

Yu Jinglei laughed and laughed at him. He looked at He Yiming’s gaze and shone with inexplicable brilliance. “He congratulations congratulations.”

He Yiming then immediately understood that he was in the promotion of his own day.

"It's impossible this is impossible..."

The voice of whispering out of the singularity of Zhuo Wanlian, he did not seem to see He Yiming did not see the hundred and eight, but focused all of his attention on the work of Yuan Lihuang.

After being influenced by him, Yu Lei and 6 Zhengyi finally turned their eyes to Yuan Lixun. Then their two eyes were slowly rounded.

When Yuan Lixuan came to Hengzhi in the past, although the repair work in Wudao was not very clever. The six-story repair of the inner strength is a little bit unobtrusive in Yokoyama.

But her other identity is that no one dares to ignore it.

As the ambassador of He Yiming and the only woman who was brought to the side by He Yiming, even the owner of the drug peak, she saw that she was also smiling and kind.

Yu Jinglei and 6 Zhengyi’s status in Hengshan have also seen Yuan Lixun’s face-to-face He Yiming. They naturally remember this woman deeply in their memory. He Yiming took her with her. When the next time, Yuan Lihuang’s work in Wudao’s work should be even the seventh layer of internal strength, but now it’s less than a year now. “6 Zhengyi has inserted his eyes. He finally believes that he’s not mistaken. This woman has been following the little woman around He Yiming in the work of Yokoyama.

However, 6 Zhengyi suddenly felt awkward and felt the unusual coldness around him.

This is the coldness of the cold from her work, but this coldness is so strong that even he can't stand it.

The tingling sensation from the hands and feet made him think of the idea of ​​turning around and fleeing. Although the idea was just forced up, he was forced to suppress it. But I can imagine that the shock in his heart has reached How rushing to the point.

The power of the big pomelo that suddenly became thrilled suddenly burst into a strong force.

This is the strongest peak power that his old man has cultivated for more than 200 years. In his identity, he should not be compared with Yuan Lixun. However, he feels that the martial arts and the sacred king will make the sacred king to kill the gods and seal the throne. Abandoning the Little Zhou Emperor will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the gods, the gods, the throne, the enchanting world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the gods will Night killing the **** of the gods, the throne of the world, seeking the devil, the world, the nine strongest, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family to the son, and other powerful cold-sounding infuriating, actually provoked the curious heart in his heart.

He wants to see what Yuan Lixun can achieve.

Zhuo Wanlian finally returned to the normal state. After the thunder and thunder released a strong woody life, he hesitated and finally watched without being blocked.

He Yiming released Yuan Lixun's hand and gave her an encouraging look. Then she stepped back and left her alone in front of her.

Yuan Li Huang was shocked and then seemed to understand that He Yiming’s meaning was that she had an unprecedented British airflow between her teeth.

When a person's strength is greatly improved, the feelings of cowardice and fear will gradually decrease or even disappear. Even when faced with big men who were previously out of reach, they will show a strong side.

He Yiming is the same for Yuan Lidong.

Under the powerful atmosphere of thunder, she unleashed the instinct of the whole body.

Everyone who was suddenly present seemed to have a magical illusion.

In the body of Yuan Lidong is the most chilly, cold and snowy world, but the world is full of whiteness, but there is no more life. Mang wants to turn this piece of ice into its territory.

Zhuo Wanlian’s eyes finally showed a hint of horror. Although he lived together with Yu Lei, the two sides did not hand over each other but only met each other and said hello.

In fact, when they have reached their point of view, they represent one or several powerful forces behind them. Therefore, unless there is absolute certainty, there will be no easy interaction between the first-line players.

In the past, Zhuo Wanlian took the excuse to take revenge for the younger brother when he saw He Yiming. It was because he had absolute confidence to defeat He Yiming who had just stepped into the frontier. It’s just that He Yiming’s learning is too weird and strange, but he has suffered a small loss.

In the estimate of the table Wanlian, although the thunder is powerful, it may not be much better than him. However, nowadays, after the thunder and thunder released his strong breath, he realized the original bsp; the strength possessed by the old man was really far from him. At this moment, he deeply doubts whether the bottom line of the old man’s strength has reached a higher level.

It’s just a real breath that is really thrilling, but it’s not the thrill of the thunder, but the coolness of the body that is taken from Yuan Xinxun’s body.

The difference in the strength of their two people is clear at a glance.

The strong dog’s tens of days can’t be compared with the first-line scorpion; but when the thunder has released the wood-based gas field of the hundred-day strength category, he can’t make Yuan Lihuang’s cold pressure. Go on.

That volume of energy is already strong, and it can only be resolved. The two forces can only be held together but cannot be truly separated.

Everyone in the field knows that if Yuan Lixun is as good as Yu Lei, then at this moment, Yu Lei is afraid that he has already become an ice man.

Everyone’s mind has flashed a thought. What is the chill that is so powerful that it is such a point that there is no reason.

Suddenly a flash of a figure has appeared in front of the thunder.

A punch... "There was a clear-cut, punching moment that crossed the empty air and struck towards the thundering brain."

Simple and simple, there is no such thing as speed and weight.

If lightning is as heavy as Taishan!

Yu Jinglei’s face has finally changed his confrontation with Yuan Lihuang. Although it feels very fierce, the two sides have room to spare and will not really tell the difference between life and death.

But this punch is different. When the punch came out, he even had a feeling of death.

Instantly, the skin of the old man contracted with an incredible degree, and it almost became dry in less than a blink of an eye. At the same time, he lifted the hand that was just right in the way of the punch.

The congenital dead wood work slammed into the thundering face and flashed an incredible look. His arm work came with severe pain.

The opponent’s dog of this boxing power is far beyond his imagination. Even after he has caught this fist with his strength, it is also painful to enter the bone marrow, even if it has a congenital dead wood, but it can’t stop this. The strength of a strong dog's damage to his flesh.

He no longer cares about what his face is, and his slight force is already retreating like a dog.

Although the light-weight exercises of the thundering and thunder can not be compared with He Yiming who understands the true power of the wind, but the first-line strong people will not be too bad if they are no longer good.

It’s just that his state just flew out and the people’s shadows were like the bones of the bones.

The same punch of a punch once again hit like a lightning bolt.

In the thundering eyes, the shock of his deep breath is far from being able to describe it.

I have felt a lot of pain with myself and this person. Is it that this person has no feeling under the rebound of his innate drywood?

What is this person? His fretting in his heart has already retreated from the place where Grass Wanlian stood.

The first-line master from the northern Xinjiang ice sheet did not know what he was thinking about and actually looked at Yuan Qiyu.

Suddenly, I felt that the breath of thunder was extremely changed and flew around like a fly. At the same time, a fist with a metallic color was also swaying.

Although this punch is not directed at him, he is still roaring and will be intercepted when he slams.

Perhaps there is also a feeling of pride in his heart. He wants to prove anything through this palm.

The insane madness of the cold in the body, although intrinsically seems to be far less inferior to Yuan Lihuang's cold air, but in the quantity of workers is far.

More than a hundred years of coldness condensed in the palm of his hand, he has a certain confidence even if his own infuriating and not the opponent's sharp and huge but with this cold assistance can definitely make the other party a big loss.

It’s just that the fist is in the next moment when his face is equally big and his mouth screams and flies out faster than the thunder.

The power of the other side is simply unimaginable and has broken what he has seen and heard. Even the work of his master in pure power may not be able to reach such an horrible level.

And his arrogant chill has no effect on the man.

There was no pause in this person's movements, and the powerful coldness that swept through his body could not even delay his half-doing action.

The two first-line powerhouses are in the air and feel cold in their hearts.

They don’t agree with this wrinkle, this person can’t be defeated!

It was only at the next moment that they saw this person lifting up when they stepped on the second hand.

Two fists, one punch and one punch""

They are flying towards them like they are flying!

The quickness of the two sides is a breath of effort.

However, in such a period of time, the two top-line masters have been forced to leave the original position and retreat to the rear without any image.

A side of the 6 Zhengyi has long been stunned. He is cold and does not dare to move.

Even if the thunder and the Zhuo Wanlian are in the family and the next retreat, they are not looking for a dead end.

However, at this moment, he heard He Yiming’s rush and shouted with a hint of disbelief. “Stop.”


It seems that this moment is still at this moment.

When He Yiming called out the hand of the moment, a pair of fists suddenly stopped in the air.

The master of the fist had strode forward and his feet had left the ground at the time of the rapid march. But at this moment his body stopped in the air.

It is like having an invisible wall in front of him to stop him from being hard.

His body paused in midair and then fell down straight and stepped on the snow.

This one action is equally simple and without any cleverness.

But it is precisely because of this that all people look at this person's eyes are full of a kind of panic like a ghost.

Even the strong ones of the two first-line days have the same feeling after seeing this scene.

Because this pause in the lower air is really incredible. In the pursuit of the two first-line powerhouses, the degree of the person will not be as slow as they are fully retreating.

And this kind of sudden braking ability that stops and stops is even more fearful for everyone.

This person's control over the body has been so strong that they are so strong that they have never heard of it.

For a time, the first-line strongmen who leapt in midair were all as dead. They also thought of a problem. If this person is desperate to kill himself, can he escape it?

Until then, they only thought about who this person is.

At this time, the man who was standing quietly behind He Yiming had disappeared and had a strong punch to push them back to the head of the man but wore a big and ridiculous fight.

It was only at this time that everyone’s eyes fell on the top of the fight, but in any case, they could not afford the slightest smile.

He Yiming's figure has been moved to the side of the fighting man. He is dissatisfied. "Why do you want to spoil the ball?"

One hundred and eightth, "I want to keep you safe."

"We are very safe now." He Yiji said one word.

However, one hundred and eight is the insistence that "they have hostility to kill your wife."

He Yiming suddenly became dumb. He had a thoroughly silent feeling in his eyes. The confrontation between Yuan Lixun and Yu Jinglei can be described as the "life" and "the power of death. It is also the confrontation between the ice system and the wood system."

Even in their hearts, there is no idea of ​​putting the other person to death. But when this tit-for-tat property begins to collide, even if there is no hostility, it will produce a strong hostile atmosphere and produce a situation that is like a life-and-death struggle.

One hundred and eight mistakes thought that the thunder would want to kill Yuan Lihuang and his responsibility was to be desperate to try to drag this threat into the cradle.

He sighed and really didn't know how to explain the relationship between them to the human weapon of hundred and eight.

"Hundred brothers, you listened to them, they are my friends. You should not just take it out. Unless we are really in danger of life or when I want you to take it, you can take it again."

He Yiming said seriously.

"Okay." One hundred and eighty said cleanly and clearly.

"Do you really understand?" Second "Yes."

He "speaks slightly nodded, but even he can't be sure if 100 is really clear."

Yu Jinglei and Zhuo Wanlian successively landed them and looked at them a few times before they worked again, but they were subconscious and they kept a safe distance from this inexplicable master.

"How does the elder Mr. He call it?" asked Yu Jinglei, who was worried about Shu, this is the friend I met in the road. He called Bai 98. He Yiming is full of mouthfuls.

"Hundred and eight?"

The three innate powers face each other. The name is really unique, but the name of such a personality is unknown.

At the same moment; they thought of a pseudonym. Just letting them break the scalp is also a way to match the person with the strong one in memory.

However, seeing He Yiming's attitude with each other and the conversation with each other, they are even more shocked in guessing their relationship.

This way of getting along with friends is too strange.

Suddenly, the same strong dog's breath rushed from afar. But for a moment, Zhan Tianfeng has already appeared in front of them.

The four major first-line powerhouses in Kailuan are finally gathering together.

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