Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 68: 3 flower theory

Thunder and serious nodded his face with a worried winter.

"The so-called three-flowered gathering is to use the three different attributes as the core to absorb the temperament of the heavens and the earth so that it can finally form a three-flowered trend." Yu Jinglei has a thick sigh The unwilling taste "for the brothers and trees, the two series have been repaired for more than a hundred years, but in the end it is just a condensed double flower and can not really grasp the power of the third system. The three flowers do not gather to the old one. For the brothers' achievements in this life That's it."

He Yiming heard the deep regrets hidden in his voice. Although he wanted to persuade the two sentences, he had nothing to say.

This kind of thing has completely broken the mind of the martial arts cultivation, unless it is the one that wants to open it, just like the water that is coming to the limit. Otherwise, no matter how others persuade, it will not have a good effect.

After a sigh of sighing for a moment, it was finally a slap in the face. "You are a brother, you are really confused. What are you talking about?"

He Yiming repeatedly waved and said, "Since we are brothers and sisters, what are you polite?"

Yu Jinglei was relieved, but He Yiming, who has been promoted to the front line for a young age, is also in his heart. If he was not convinced by He Yiming and Yuan Zhenxuan and the mysterious and unpredictable one hundred and eight people today, he couldn’t be so sentimental that he would accumulate a decade of accumulated indignation.

However, when he was buried in the deepest part of his heart and unwilling to say it, he suddenly became a lot better.

"Senior brother, you are so sure that the scorpion of the wood will be able to train to the top of the three flowers in the future?" He Yiming asked quietly.

Yu Jinglei hesitated and said, "There are most innate powers who rely on their own efforts to promote themselves. They can only achieve something that can be accomplished, and they can only be promoted to the second line of the congenital." If you are a brother, you can go to the first line of the sky, but you can finally cultivate to the condensed double flower formation. It is already reaching the peak. However, he paused and said, "If someone is promoted to the innate, it is not a fellow practitioner. If the three departments are fellow initiates, then when he breaks through the first-line days, as long as he relentlessly cultivates and accumulates the innate temperament, then he can naturally condense into three real intangible and qualitative flowers with the three different methods as the core. For the three flowers gather top. ”

He Yiming silently nodded his head and said coldly, "You mean that you can only become a master of Sanhua Juding after breaking through the first line of the day."

"Exactly." Yu Jinglei nodded silently.

He Yiming gaze and smiled. "If you are so brother, don't worry.

Even if the younger brother helped him to attack the innate success, it would be easier to promote a first-line day. ”

Although it seems that He Yiming himself is promoted to the front line, it is not difficult. But if you change someone, it is another matter.

Yu Jinglei smiled and said, "If the person is not a woodcut, then it will be fine."

However, since he has a close relationship with Wood, Zhuo Wanlian is so valued and even he does not hesitate to accompany him to wait for you. Then I am sure that once he becomes a congenital master, he will definitely get the largest in Northern Xinjiang. The inclusion of the faction will become the core elder of their martial art. The final breakthrough in the first-line days is almost a matter of boarding. ”

He Yiming opened Zhangkou, but he still had some doubts but suddenly thought of Yuan Lixuan.

Since there are genetic fluids and innate Jindan in this world can help Yuan Lixuan directly advance to the innate realm, then the foundation of the first big faction of the northern Xinjiang ice sheet is even hidden in the treasures that can help people advance to the front line. possible.

After the film brake, He Yiming calmly said, "What do you want me to do?"

In the eyes of the thunder, there was a fierce light. "You only promised to bless the meridians to protect the innate realm. It relies solely on his own efforts. If he fails in the middle, then he will not be able to blame anyway." Your head is coming up."

Congratulations, the chicken sinks and finally laughs and asks, "How do you see your brother's talent?" ”

Yu Jinglei took a look at his sincere heart. "The talent of the younger brother is definitely the top of the people I have seen for the brothers. Even if it is called before, there is no one who has never come before."

He "There is a kind of arrogant color that can't be said in the chicken eyebrows."

After a few years of ups and downs, He Yiming is no longer the young boy who has just come up from the lake and is overwhelmed.

He once confronted countless strong players. Every victory gave him the confidence of a strong dog. At this time, his eyes fluttered with a kind of thing that made the thunder and see it.

"The brother of the brother-in-law, the master of the woods, has been sixty-eight, and the younger brother is dissatisfied with this year, even if he has Shenjin as a first-line day, and even cultivated to the top of the three flowers. The younger brother will throw him far away like today. Behind me.

The face of Yu Lei’s face was faintly shaken. He looked at the heroic and dry cloud. He Yiming’s heart was also boiling.

It has been such a heroic slogan for many years.

The faint stunned thunder seems to have sensed that the future will be re-emerged in the future. I am afraid that I still have to count on his work.

How about the promotion of the three flowers and the top of the wood? At that time, the hard work had long been known, and what kind of realm was only fifteen-year-old, the seventeen-year-old sky, the 17th-year-old sky, and the Yokoyama, the pulse of the elders, who would flourish and prosper in decades. To the point?

Yu Jinglei long breathed a sigh of relief, he felt the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big, the royal family, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the most important Forcibly abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty royal martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods of the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, arrogant, the world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou, the royal family, making the night, killing the gods, the gods, seeking the magic, the arrogant world, the most powerful, abandoning the big Zhou royals. This comes from the strong pride of He Yiming's body, and suddenly laughs and laughs. "The younger brother said that it is good for the brothers and sisters."

He "Minging a little smile, no longer mention this matter.

He turned his head and said, "How do you know that the brothers have reached the top of the three flowers?"

As soon as he mentioned that the thunder was immediately overshadowed, he first glanced at the direction in which he lived, then lowered his voice. "For the brother and him, he has the palm of his hand." The strength of the atmosphere is like the top of the mountain. His bones and strong bones are not ordinary congenital. Even the wooden brothers who have practiced for more than 200 years are hard to resist and will almost be interrupted by his palm. Wan Lian's cold is really powerful but can only be in the surface of the hundred generations of the bsp; the spread can not invade his body. Reprocessing his ability to hover in the air is a category of strong people. If he has not reached the realm of the three flowers, it is called a ghost."

He Yiming heard the eccentricity but never refute anything.

Of course, the power of one hundred and eight is far from being able to compare his body to the firmness of gold, this is not nonsense... even the meridians and blood are not all of a strange liquid metal composition is not hard to have a ghost.

If the body that hangs with the human body is not able to make a big loss, then he will have such a good body.

As for his body being able to withstand the coolness of Zhuo Wanlian, there is nothing strange about it.

Even if it is the kind of dark green jade bottle, even if he can't eat it, he can't freeze him, not to mention the coldness of Zhuo Wanlian, which is a few grades in the cold.

However, the ability to hover over the air is the first time it has been used to move forward in that way, but it stops in midair. Although He Yiming’s mastery of the wind power has risen several steps, but he wants To do this, I don’t necessarily dare to say that I can do it. At least he can't do as much as he wants.

Suddenly, He Yiming’s mind flashed through the passing of today’s hundred and eight punches.

The guy's shot is very simple, there is no cumbersome move, no dazzling body, and no one has ever mastered any kind of heaven and earth attributes.

When he started, he went straight to the punch and punched his head from the beginning to the foot. But it is this kind of avenue to Jane's fist that has become the most difficult weapon to deal with.

His face gradually gloomy and fell in the cave. He Yiming also exchanged two strokes with him. In his memory, although the fists of the hundred and eight are very powerful, they don’t seem to be as strong as today’s horrible. . In his heart, there is a faint thought that makes his heart sorrowful. Is the strength of the steadily improving?

Gently raised his hand, He Yiming touched his chest.

There are two things here, one is the silver ring that is naturally the space world, and the other is the energy stone that he paid for when he hired it.

At the moment, his picture of the energy stone appeared in the sea. Every move in his heart will surely swallow an energy stone every two months. Is his progress actually related to the energy stone...

Seeing He Yiming's face-changing look unpredictable in the thunder and sighing comfortably, "The younger brother doesn't have to worry too much. I see that the hundred predecessors are very optimistic about you." He suddenly paused with a full of He Dong. The tone asks, "Since the predecessor of the predecessor is a single-person practitioner who has no door and no faction, can we invite him to join the Yokoyama?"

Hehe screamed at the thunder and did not know the relationship between them, so he hoped that he would join the Hengshan pulse. If he was told that he was not a human being, he would not ask for such a request. How far is it far away.

"If the brothers let the hundred brothers join the Hengshan pulse, what position do you want to give him?"

Of course, it is the place of the elders. Yu Jinglei said swiftly, but after seeing He Yiming’s strange face, he seemed to suddenly think of something to help.

"Of course, if the younger brother has been trained in the future, then it is natural to get this position.!"

He Yiming dumbly smiled and shook his head. "Senior brothers and hundreds of people are so lonely that they are so lonely that they want to let him join the Hengshan. I am afraid that it is difficult to do this. As for the younger brother, why? The vacancy of the elders of Hengshan Taigong is enough. The younger brother of the military is not interested."

In his heart, he secretly screamed a good insurance and just inadvertently said the millennium. But even if he really said that he was out of thunder, he was unlikely to believe it.

Deeply sighed and thundered, the face was full of regrets. It is only in his heart that he is secretly doubting. He Yiming kept saying that he didn't care about the position of the elders, but who knows if he really is. And he refused to invite the one hundred and eight to join the Hengshan pulse, but it was not his private thoughts.

But these two thoughts just flashed through his mind.

"Since the younger brothers and sisters are so sloppy, we can't force them. I don't want to see if this is old and you have enough leg to leg. You have to manage to make a good future. It must be a big support for our Hengshan."

"The younger brother understands." He Yiming said casually that as long as there is an energy stone in his body, even if he wants to leave him, he will not leave.

Yu Jinglei’s feelings are right. “You are now promoted to a line of Tianjian. You have the qualification to enter Tianchi. There are still less than two years from the opening of the next Hall. I hope that you can join us at the same time. The pulse shines."

He Yiming glared at the ambiguous road "Tianchi Mountain? What is it?" Tianchi is the martial arts holy land in the whole northwest and the first martial art in the northwest. ”

Yu Jinglei stood up and arched a hand in a certain direction. "The founder of this door is an elder of Tianchi Mountain. It can be said that this door is actually one of the branches of Tianchi Mountain."

He Yiming, the dog, said, "Why did I hear about it from the water and I didn't mention it in the door?"

Yu Jinglei smiled and said: "The younger brother did not know that the ancestors of the past were because they were not in harmony with the master of Tianchi Mountain at that time, so they would be away from Tianchi Mountain and created a trajectory. Now three thousand years have passed. The Tianchi Mountain, which has long since regained its connection, but as the main pulse, has not been able to see our tributaries. So why do we need to slap the cold **** to find it boring.

He Yiming opened his mouth and said, "What Qian brother said is why you have changed your mind?"

"Two years later, the ten-year-long opening ceremony of Tianchi Mountain will be distributed to countless branches throughout the northwest and will be attended by the ancestral ancestors. During this period, the branches and the main veins of Tianchi will have strong hands to show their style. Yu Jinglei saw He Yiming glance at his eyebrows and dances. "The younger brother of your younger grade has been successfully promoted to the front line. There is no limit to the future. If you miss this ceremony, you are not too sorry for the generations of our ancestors. It is."

He Yiming looked at his old man's excited appearance and could not help but smile. I really can't see that the old man has such a **** side.

However, Wang Jinglei was born in Hengshan, a pulse long in Hengshan, and he was working for Hengshan.

His life has been firmly tied to Yokoyama. As long as it is a matter of being able to make a name for the world, he will spare no effort to do it.

In this moment, I heard that the relationship between the old man and the Tianluo that the Shouyuan will do is not very similar.

Yu Jinglei haha ​​smiled and said, "There is still a major event above the ten-year-old dog program in Tianchi. This is the most anticipated thing for all our branches."

When he said this sentence, his face with a glimmer of hope was obviously quite yearning.

Congratulations to me, "The grand event that makes the brothers so valued is to make the younger brother curious."

Yu Jinglei laughed and said, "In fact, there is no Tianchi main pulse in order to encourage the practice of branching in the martial arts. Therefore, the contest of the disciples will be held on the opening ceremony every ten years."

He Yiming's curiosity has suddenly turned off. His current eyes are not disciples of the branches. Even their congenital elders may not be able to make him feel excited.

It seems that He Yiming’s disapproval is that the thunder of the disciples shook his head slightly. “The personal strength of these disciples of the younger brothers is not a problem, but as long as they can branch within the top 100, they will be qualified to enter the Tianchi main collection. If you can enter the top ten, "his eyes will light up and take the road." The top ten branch disciples can get a congenital Jindan."

He Yiming’s eyes are finally showing a sigh of color. The Tibetan Classical Court that entered the main vein of Tianchi is already a big temptation for him. Congenital Jindan is even more tempted by him.

Although through his hand has obtained more than one congenital beast of the inner Dan, and more than a congenital Jindan. But there is no one for this are the conditions for the disciples who participated in this event? ”

"As long as all the disciples of the localities have not taken any type of Golden Dan, they can participate in the competition of the main pulse." Yu Jinglei's eyes flashed with bright light. "I have several times after returning to the mountain." Promising disciples step up their cultivation and strive to be able to enter the top ten on the competition. If they can get a congenital Jindan, then the ancestors will be imitation."

He Yiming heard that he was a dog in his heart. He repeated that "if a brother is a Yokoyama disciple who has not taken any Jindan under the age of 50, can he participate in this contest?"

Yes. ”

"Excellent brother, you can help me sign up."

"Well, what are you talking about?" Yu Jinglei passed his ear. He was a bit suspicious of his own hearing. Is his age really too big?

"Senior brother, I have not taken any Jindan this year and I have not taken any Jindan. I am also qualified to participate." He Yiming is a serious way.

Yu Jinglei ""

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