Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 76: Grand return

The horses in the plains stepping on a red cane are flying like a fly. In the environment of how the secret land is flat, the Mercedes-Benz is undoubtedly the most beautiful landscape.

Finally, the horse lowered down and the two knights gently pacified the red horse that seemed to have not been fully enjoyed.

The immediate knight is naturally He Yiming and Yuan Lixun.

After killing the group of pretending to be a horse thief, He Yiming no longer ignored Xu Su and others to leave there.

As for Yuan Lixun and Hundred and Eight, it is natural to follow.

They no longer have the interest to move on, but follow the original path and finally see the small team of Hengshan at the moment.

Although this team has only 20 people, their strength is far from being comparable to Xusu's more than 200 people. If the cavalry cavalry that raided the camp wanted to rob the team, they would have unexpected surprises.

He Yiming did not directly confront the horses in front of the Hengshan family, but stopped at halfway. His eyes looked far away and seemed to be thoughtful.

Yuan Lixun whispered softly, "Is you worried about them?" He Yiming smiled slightly. His smile had a hint of bitterness. "I am not worried about them but everyone in Tianluo." Yuan Litao's beauty is slightly When she was a big lap, she opened her mouth and was in a suspicion.

In her memory, He Yiming seems to have never been a patriotic person who is worried about the world. For him, the reason why he served as the innate master of Tianluo was actually because he wanted to make Hejiazhuang get a smooth exhibition and he still saw that the watery and dazzling part of the year was never in his bones. The entire Tianluo State is included in the mind of its own guardianship.

After a while, Yuan Lixun whispered, "Is it going to become the master of the country of Tianluo?" Although her sentence was abrupt and quirky, He Yiming clearly understood what she meant.

I candidly look at her sincerity. "You have told me how powerful a person is, then he should bear the corresponding responsibility. And I seem to have found the responsibility that should be assumed."

Yuan Lixuan seriously nodded her head as long as He Yiming really decided what she would not object to. Even if this thing seems to be really incredible.

Suddenly, she seems to think of something like turning her head. "Mr. Hundred and Eight..." The black figure suddenly appeared from the distance and came to their side. His voice is still the same as before. Ups and downs "What's the matter?" "Mr. Bai's responsibility is to maintain the safety of Yiming. Why don't you help when a chicken is shot?"

Hundred and eight indifferently looked at her. "As a bodyguard for you, I will only take the initiative when you are in a dangerous situation. Those people" his old well-faced face seems to reveal a trace of invisible Smile "Can they threaten Mr. He?" Yuan Lixun suddenly said that in her heart, I don’t understand this truth. I only understand that it is one thing to want to be completely calm.

Especially as a woman, after seeing the scene of flesh and blood, I have to say that there is no point in the heart, and that is even more self-deception. Perhaps there is such a vague feeling in her heart. If it was shot at the time, then He Yiming would not use such a cruel way to kill the cavalry.

Yuan Lie Xun, who thought of the man’s end, even though he had been promoted to the innate realm, felt a shudder.

At that moment, she even had a strange feeling for He Yiming. It’s just that when she was with He Yiming at this time, she couldn’t ask for it anyway, Erhe Yiming’s one hundred and eighty-one eyes said, “You don’t have to blame him for not doing wrong.” Yuan Lixun gently responded with a sigh of two hundred and eight. Suddenly, "Mr. He based on my observations and calculations, the pressure on your body is too big, so there will be **** behavior today. If you can accept my suggestion, I hope you Being able to let go of everything for a while is a great benefit to your body and the path of evolution.” He Yiming’s face was slightly discolored and he said “How do you know that my pressure is great?” The sound of calmness seems to be a matter of course. "In my database, I have collected a lot of human behaviors. According to the summary, people who are too stressed and unable to get timely relief will burst out at a certain stage. At that time, he was no longer himself and you are undoubtedly one of them.” Yuan Lixun’s eyes were slightly bright, and she extended her hand and gently held He Yiming.

Inexplicable, she already believed in everything that was said by the hundred and eight, and the face of the two hesitations was faint and uncertain. He immediately remembered the **** scene of the talented shot to kill the knight.

No one now has a feeling of nausea in the depths of his heart when his gaze falls on the flesh and blood of that place.

It’s just that the repair of the first-line tyrants is a good cover for all this. It seems that there is no second person except the mysterious one hundred and eight.

And the reason why Hundred and Eight is able to do it now is not to see what is happening, but to use a method that he did not understand. He actually does not understand He Yiming himself. He heard that the person said that he would be Five horses were separated and they suddenly became excited when they saw the momentum of Xu Su and others.

There seems to be a tangled emotion hidden in his heart, and that punch is exactly the release of this negative emotion. He clearly remembers that when the punch hit, his whole person had a hearty feeling of being as heavy as he was.

At this time, after the explanation of Bai 98, He Yiming acknowledged this statement from the bottom of his heart, perhaps his own pressure is too great. He barely smiled and said, "Do you want me to repair Tian Tian?" "Retreat is just a way to relieve stress. If you want to get rid of stress, you must solve it from the roots." He Yiming One bright asked, "How to solve it?" There must be a secret unknown in your heart. If you can say it, the pressure on you should be less than fear. He Yiming’s heart snorted, although his face did not change, but Yuan Lixun, who clasped He Yiming’s big hand, was able to feel the martial arts from the kind of contact between the hands and the sacred king. The throne seeks the devil, the world is the most powerful, the abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty, the royal family will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment of the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the most powerful The little Zhou Dynasty royals made the night to kill the gods and the gods to seek the magic. The world’s most powerful abandonment of the big Zhou Dynasty to a very small change.

His hand seems to be slightly heavier.

In He Yiming's heart, there is indeed one of the biggest secrets, that is, the old lake adventure.

If there is such an incredible encounter, then He Yiming is still likely to be a young man who has worked hard to break through the fifth layer of strength. It is simply impossible to become the one who is now a lame, and the whole country is going to shake the three-pointer.

This secret has been buried in the deepest part of his heart. From the day of the encounter to the present, it has been several years.

His parents and elders, only brothers and sisters, including Yuan Lixun, knew nothing about it.

His heart flashed through the words of the hundred and eight. Anyone who is too stressed to be relieved in time will burst out at some stage. At that time, he was no longer himself............... His heart was a little trembled or perhaps one hundred and eighty. Is it true that he is really in the face of the incomparably crazy performance of the cavalry?

Suddenly He Yiming felt this itch in the ear.

He was surprised to see that Yuan Lixuan had passed the body and covered the sight of her. The cherry blossoms opened. Although there was no sound, her mouth was very clear. She actually said silently, "Don’t tell him. Shiraishi’s thing.” He Yiming suddenly understood that his heart secretly confessed that Yuan Lixun thought that what he was hiding in his heart was the energy stone that continued the giant.

He waited for a slight nod and said that he understood that the distant Yokoyama disciples had already seen his trace. The team clearly accelerated the speed and the thunder and 6 Zhengyi left the carriage to the fastest speed. Come here.

After the brakes, the two of them have already arrived here.

Their eyes first fell into the eyes of the hundred and eight, and there was a glimmer of such a look.

When they were missing, they guessed that he must have followed He Yiming and left. It is really confirmed that the two sides have met each other.

But the more so, the more fearful they are in their hearts. How can one hundred hundred and eight get rid of their ears and secretly sneak out?

"He Chang's spirit does not seem to be very good." Yu Jinglei became a fine man and he looked at He Yiming's face and asked slowly.

He Yiming also did not conceal the fact that he had met with Xu Su and others. Even the story of his **** masters was unreservedly explained.

When Yu Lei and 6 Zhengyi heard that He Yiming had such a strong words, it was a slight glimpse.

There are a total of ten innate powers in the masters of Kailuan, and the most powerful ones are Zhan Tianfeng who has been promoted for sixty years.

This huge strength is not to say that He Yiming is single, even if it is the strength of the whole Hengshan, it may not be able to do it.

He was hesitated by the thunder, and his eyes swept over the faceless face.

He suddenly said, "Although the elders have a long time, I have estimated that if Zhan Tianfeng’s old man heard it, he would probably withdraw all the people from the country as you wished." After the day, but with intuition, he believes in his own judgment.

"I hope so." He Yiming said in a deep voice that his eyes were also moved to the same direction. If there is no one in his side, then it is impossible to boast of this seaport.

Although there are ten innate powers in Kailuan, it may be difficult to kill them one by one, but it seems that it is not difficult to kill one or two.

Of course, if it is not a last resort, He Yiming can not choose this kind of practice. After all, Kailuan is one of the three great powers in the northwestern countries. It can stand for hundreds of thousands of years without actually having her reason.

After the return of the team to the team, He Yiming and others finally came to Tianluo.

Their destination was to return to Taicang County years ago, but He Yiming passed through this place but also wanted to meet the one who had forgotten the year.

However, they have not yet arrived at the Tianluo State, and they will see a crowd of black people. Among these people, the army of the Tianluo State also has ordinary people in the city and more powerful dignitaries in the capital.

The first Yokoyama disciple was immediately nervous. Although he said that these people are alone, he simply does not look at it. But at this moment, so many people, even if everyone spit a star, is enough to drown them.

Far away, He Yiming’s ears were already slightly trembling. His face was first changed slightly and then immediately relieved.

When the small team of Yokoyama was coming from afar, the crowd here was already a sensation.

It was only under the maintenance of the soldiers of the Tianluo State that no one dared to come forward, but all the eyes cast on it were full of eager feelings.

The son of Yokoyama who is the son of Yokoyama is one of the masters of the ten-layered rise of the inner strength of Ling Yufeng. He looked at the situation and did not turn around and came to the carriage of the thunder and 6 Zhengyi. Christ said, "There is something wrong with the teacher." 6 Zhengyi slowly said "What's the matter." "Before Tian Luo Guozhong Thousands of people stopped the avenues. "The frost hesitated and hesitated." They seemed to be welcoming the victory of the generals." The carriage came with a thrilling laugh. "It doesn't matter if we used to burn novels." Internet cafes, this is their commemoration of the elders." Frost is so surprised that Zhang Dazui mouth, these disciples can not have the qualification to talk with He Yiming, naturally it is impossible to know the thing born in He Yiming.

The degree of their trip was not very fast. They were already a few days after they came to the capital. At this time, Kailuan sent people to recall the soldiers hidden in Tai'a County and had spread throughout the Tianluo State.

In the past, Tian Luoguo, especially those who had the authority of the palms, understood that there were people behind Tai’s County, but all the insiders chose to turn a blind eye and not listen.

But this does not mean that they have no heart in their hearts. Now they have heard the words of He Yiming and the initiative of Kailuan is naturally boiling everyone.

The whereabouts of He Yiming, who did not deliberately cover up the trip under the full operation of the national machine of Tianluo State, was naturally in their hands.

After learning the specific time of He Yiming's coming, Tianluo's top management is almost a slogan. Everyone knows that the future Tianluo will be thriving under the blessing of this person. In order to be in the process. To get the most benefit, they would rather pay the price of He Yiming at any cost.

As for the people, they have passed the channel to know that He Yiming is about to enter Beijing.

They didn't want to go up to the idea of ​​pleasing, but they just wanted to see the legendary figure on their own.

The frosty and respectful salute of the retreat turned to the brothers and sisters, and made a look of the eyes, and everyone is still advancing with the horse.

When the carriage entered a huge hillside ten miles outside the city.

The old men of the two spirits of the imperial family came to the crowd with the crowds.

Before he came to the carriage, he yelled out loudly, "The king of Tianluo, the master of Rui Pei, the guardian of the country, greeted the heroes and returned to Beijing." Thousands of people first stood still and quietly followed by a landslide and tsunami. The sound exploded. This is the scream of thousands of people who are screaming and tearing out the feeling of releasing them completely depressed in their hearts for many years.

The frosty hand shook slightly. Although he was the top ten master of internal strength, he never thought that the sound of thousands of people would be enough to make these masters feel chilling. On the second carriage, the curtains on the top of the carriage came up and He Yiming walked out slowly.

The cheers like the mountains seem to have no effect on him. His body is like a javelin-like straight and straight. Under the gaze of countless eyes, his temperament is as calm as the mountains. It seems that there is no more in the world to shake him. Something Yu Ruipei’s heart is shocked and joyful. Luo Guoguo has such a person who is really a national fortunate. However, is this character really able to drive at home?

There is a feeling in his heart that there is a feeling that the person’s right to speak in the future is more useful than the royal family.

Shui Xuan Cui came to He Yiming's side. This old one was first seen and then smiled.

He "Hey, I was shocked and let the road open." Shui brother, this is what you do. "Water and madness is awe-inspiring." He brothers, you have done something in my water, someone who wants to live for a lifetime but dare not do it. Thank you. "He Yiming smiled a bit" "Sister of water, do you forget that I am also the master of the country of Tianluo?" "Shui Xing Cui burst into laughter and said, "Good brothers are also the masters of the country's national defense." He said with emotion. "The old man who gave this country to your hand is relieved." He Yiming said with a smile but his heart has a faint ominous premonition. Although the old man still looks like a red light, even his vitality in the body has increased a lot because of this happy event. The heart of the old man He Yiming has inexplicably a grief that is difficult to express.

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