Martial God

Vol 5 Chapter 2: Totem 1 family

After a few days, the atmosphere of the festival finally faded.

Taicang County, including Hejiazhuang, seems to have calmed down. However, the prosperity of Hejiazhuang has been imprinted in the minds of all people, especially the fireworks show that night.

On this day, He Yiming, as in the past, went to the study room to ask for martial arts.

After he was promoted to a first-line day, he should have retired and repaired the meridians in the body so that he could truly stabilize the realm.

However, He Yiming's physique and the meridians in his body are originally unobstructed. The congenital gas in the 360-degree acupoints is naturally promoted to the front line. This is the natural way to avoid the consolidation of the meridians.

Therefore, He Yiming will directly teach the method of how to conceal the invisible instinct into a tangible flower.

However, the answer given to him by Thunder is extremely simple. It is necessary to constantly carry out the realization and try to consolidate the infuriating possession until a certain degree will naturally consolidate into a tangible thing.

After hearing this answer, even if He Yiming couldn’t help but turn his eyes, isn’t that equal to white?

According to him, it is that the practice of daily hard work will one day be a day of water.

This truth, He Yiming A knows and he is also diligently practicing every day, and he has not dropped his homework in one day.

Although the meta-method is in the mouth of the thunder, I know what the fast-advanced method is, but I can get a little bit of cultivation experience with He Yiming, who is a veteran of the old-fashioned line.

Although these experiences are not generalized in the personal experience of thunder, but it is not a gain from the mutual proof of He Yiming's cultivation experience.

Of course, He Yiming is able to have this harvest. He is also a professor who has spared no effort in his work. He has no reservations about He Yiming.

The two people were talking and suddenly they stopped at the same time and looked in a certain direction.

In that direction, the main gate of Hejiazhuang came from here with a strong breath.

Although this breath has not yet reached the level of the first-line days, it is definitely one of the best in the realm of the sky.

He Yiming secretly compared himself in the bottom of his heart. The cultivation of this person is definitely second only to the woods of the country.

It didn't take long for this person to enter Hejiazhuang and someone rushed towards their room.

He Yiming and the two of them looked at each other and they all knew that the innate powerhouse must have come to visit He Yiming.

Sure enough, after a few moments, the three uncles and the stems of the stems walked in. His eyes glimpsed and he quickly said, "The disciple went to see the elders. Although he is not a true disciple of Hengshan, he is also a child of He Wude. It is also a matter of the sacred rituals of Yokoyama, which is a matter of course.

In the thunder and big sleeves, I waved, "Who is that person outside?"

Hecha Yiyi’s face is admired. This elder elder is really far from being comparable. It is obviously sitting in the room but I know everything about the outside.

His gaze suddenly saw that the momentum in front of the thunder was not weak, and it seemed that he was able to fight against him. He Tea’s heart sighs that there is a He Xiangming in the family. It’s really different!

"The man outside the elders who claimed to be the elders of Tianchishan wants to meet you and Yiming." He answered the words. "The disciples seem to be very discouraged to see this person's demeanor."

He Yiming said with a smile. "The three uncles are a kind of innate master. Naturally, you won't be looking for something."

He Li was suddenly shocked. Although he also had a faint feeling when he saw the person's temperament, this person must be born noble. If not, he can't hesitate to disturb He Yiming without hesitation.

But no matter what he thought, he did not guess that this person turned out to be an innate power.

Yu Jinglei stood up and said, "Let's go and see it together. One of his hearts is also suspicious. Tianchi Mountain is a powerful martial art in the northwestern countries. It is the main vein of Hengshan. It is actually sent people to look for him and He Yiming is definitely having something to do.

He Yiming naturally has no objection and they walked toward the hall in parallel with He Xingyi.

On the way, He Yiming and Yu Jinglei walked side by side and congratulated but it was a step backwards intentionally or unintentionally.

Although he is the uncle of He Yiming, in this case, he does not dare to go hand in hand with them.

After a while they have arrived in the hall. The innate powerhouse had stood up as they entered the hall.

This person's appearance looks honest and honest, especially the shoulders are wide and there are two muscles that rise like invaders. His eyes are so bright that it looks a bit like two small light bulbs.

His gaze first appeared in He Yiming's body. There was a color that seemed to be evaluated. But just in a flash, he took back his eyes and became deeply stunned by the thunder.

"Xu Chengchang, a younger generation, saw too much uncle."

Yu Jinglei looked at his gaze and flashed a trace of fineness. He contained a strange color and then nodded. "It turned out that Xu Shizhen really couldn’t think of it. Xu Shizhen can break through to the innate realm so quickly and can progress. It’s really gratifying.

After Xu Chengchang got his praise, he was not unassuming that he was still a steady road. Thanks to the uncle, the uncle praised Xiao Xiao, who was able to advance and innate, was also lucky.

Yu Jinglei sighed a sigh. "Tianchi is really a talented person like a teacher. This is a forty-year-old who has been promoted to the innate history. But it is far from being comparable to our branches."

Xu Chengchang’s gaze was once again cast on He Yiming’s body. His calm face finally showed a bitter smile. “You are laughing at the uncle.” He said that he turned to He Yiming’s hand. “Xu Chengchang, a younger generation, met with He Shishu. ”

His uncle is a little bit so strong that he is not so natural when he is called the thunder. Apparently, although he accepted the fact that He Yiming was promoted to a good line in a small grade, the feeling in his heart was quite intriguing.

On the thunder of the eyebrows of the thunder, the flash of a smile in the heart is far from being able to understand.

Although the transverse vein is also one of the branches of Tianchi Mountain, the branches and main veins in the northwest are connected in a vein. When encountering outsiders, it is definitely a common advance and retreat. However, the branches of the main veins are also competing in each other in the dark. In the past, when I saw the innate powers of the forty-five-year-old talents, there were no shortage of people. Although their words were continually congratulated, they were quite jealous in their hearts.

The situation today is completely reversed. Naturally, it is an unprecedented sigh of thunder.

He Yiming naturally saw that his heart was dissatisfied with his emptiness and that he was carrying out an undercurrent. At the same time, "Xu brother does not need to be polite, we are divided into different branches, why must we be so careful."

Xu Chengchang’s half-bend body suddenly stabilized. He took a deep breath and the whole body really turned and he wanted to press it down.

Although he heard that He Yiming has broken through to the first-line realm, according to legend, his breakthrough did not last long and even consolidate and consolidate.

In this and the situation, even the first-line masters may not be able to help him quietly when he is in a gap with a hundred days.

This is the curiosity in his heart, which makes him even more than 80% of his body.

However, his body just bent down a little and felt that there was a heavy and powerful mountain under his body. His blood and blood surged as if he would boil at any time.

Xu Chengchang's face is slightly changed in his heart. Is this still a step-up day?

It will not be an old-fashioned first-line powerhouse that has been advanced for decades to fully consolidate the first-line meridians.

This time, he did not dare to disobey the straightforwardness of his body and his face became more and more obedient.

The sneer of disdain in the heart of the thunder is really a shameless face. However, he turned his head and blinked. He Yiming’s heart was also puzzled. He did not understand how the teacher’s younger brother cultivated it.

Yu Shishu, brother... Xiao Xiao came here in the name of a teacher, please go to the life and death world before the uncle. ”

After the shocking thunder took a sigh of cold air, he snorted and said, "Why is it related to the family before going to life and death?"

Xu Chengchang hesitated and said, "Listening to the teacher said that this matter is indeed related to the deep mountain totem family."

The face of Yu Lei suddenly became dignified, and his eyes even showed a hint of horror.

He Yiming looked at the side of the heart and wondered why the thunder of the sky was so strong that it would be so taboo for the totems.

"What happened to Xu Shizhen, you said it in detail."

Xu Chengchang smiled bitterly. "Yu Shishu's specific things are only unknown. But you also know that there is a secret arrangement in the land that leads to the totem.

Just a few days ago someone sent a message. The wolf totem family is sending people to inquire about the brothers and faintly pointing the finger at the Hengshan. ”

In the eyes of his screaming and screaming, his eyes flashed with anger. "Where we are in the mountains, we have provoked the wolf totems to ask them to be so worried."

After hearing the news, there was a faint anger in addition to the fear.

He Yiming is now the hope of the future of the rise of the pulse, and the wolf totem is actually secretly inquiring about his affairs. It is not a good thing to think about it.

He Yiming’s eyes turned and asked, “The elders’ deep mountain totems are”

Yu Jinglei sighed a sigh. "He Chang's old age does not know that this allusion is normal."

The mouths of He Yiming and Xu Chengchang were slightly swayed and heard. He was shocked to say that He Yiming’s thoughts were different in his heart.

"At the end of the mountain range that traversed the whole northwest, there are some powerful races that believe in various kinds of beasts." Yu Jinglei seems to be immersed in his own memories. His voice is low and powerful, not only He Yiming and He He The stems are inexplicably a little nervous, and even Xu Chengchang, who has long known that this allusion, is unconsciously looking serious.

"These races are not sacred, but they all live in the 100,000 mountains. They are separated by tribes, although they also have internal struggles, but if they encounter foreign affairs, they will unite as one." Yu Jinglei Take a sigh of relief. "At this point, it is almost the same as our entire Tianchi Mountain."

Xu Chengchang’s face flashed a glimmer of color. Although this thing is already known to everyone, but the people who can speak it out are always a minority.

Yu Jinglei continued. “Those who are ethnically lived in the depths of the past, but they wandered out every once in a while. Once they left the mountains and entered the northwest, it was the beginning of the greatest catastrophe in the northwest.

He Yiming was surprised that if the totems always lived in the deep, naturally, they have nothing to do with them.

After all, the mountain range that runs through the northwest stretches for tens of thousands of miles. No one knows where the end is. If the two sides do not have an intersection, then the strength of the totem family will be even stronger and will not make the thunderful expression of fear.

However, since this race has invaded the northwestern countries every once in a while, it is a big worry for everyone.

"What kind of beasts do they believe in the elders?"

"A lot." Yu Lei Lei smiled and said, "I only know that the **** of the gods of the wolf totem is the tiger totem. The ones who can be promoted to the innate realm are called totem messengers."

"Is their strength really strong?" He Yiming asked with some hesitation.

"It's really strong." On the face of Jinglei's face is extremely dignified. "The last time the totem family came out of the mountains, it was 150 years ago. At that time, the brothers had just stepped into the innate realm and also led by the master. The life and death world participated in the blocking battle."

Speaking of the slight pumping of the muscles on his face here, the frontline strongman was so eclipsed that he was so impressed at the time.

"Yu Shishu, I remember that the blocking battle seemed to be that we won." Xu Chengchang said suddenly.

Yu Jinglei did not breathe a sigh of relief, but he sighed and shook his head.

Those who have not experienced the battle can never imagine the tragic situation of the war.

"The battle of Xu Shizhen was indeed that we won and we won this battle. We have the peace of the whole northwest for 150 years. But now it seems that he shook his head." To be broken."

Xu Chengchang’s eyes are condensed. “Yu Shishu’s Totem family has sent people out of the mountains every two hundred years or two or three hundred years. We have a battle with the world of life and death. Since we have been able to win in all ages, this time is the same.”

Yu Jinglei sneaked a sigh of relief. "Xu Shizheng should not tell you that the totems of the past generations were not the ones that our northwestern countries would repel."

Xu Chengchang suddenly surprised that he looked suspiciously and looked at the thunder. Obviously he did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

In the dynasty, as long as the Totems have a big sign out of the mountains, the masters of the Northern Xinjiang Icefield or the strong ones of the Eastern Dashen Kingdom will come to the war. If not, we are afraid of the northwestern forces. It has been destroyed by people hundreds of times."

He Yiming and Xu Chengchang at the same time face discoloration If the thunder does not exaggerate the strength of the other party, then the power of the totem family is not far better than the northwest.

At this point they only vaguely understand why the thunder was so excited after hearing the news that the totems were beating He Yiming.

“Is the strength of the elder totems really strong?”

Suddenly and solemnly, he said, "If the strength of the totems is not so strong, but the beasts they believe in are the true far-reaching human masters. The most terrifying thing is When the congenital strongman and the spirit beast can play a more powerful combination power, he has a heart-wrenching way. "Those who have been recognized by the spirit beast and the totem messenger are absolutely a dreamlike existence."

He Yiming nodded slightly, as long as he looked at the expression of his brother, he knew that he must have suffered a big loss under such a combination. So after so many years, he still remembers it.

"The brothers and their beasts are the spirit beasts that we hunted and take Dan?" He. Asked slowly.

"It's true that the beasts can only become the spiritual beasts they offer. At least the strength of life is more than a thousand years. The strength is far beyond the level of the ordinary congenital beast." Yu Lei Lei smiled and said, "We want to hunt every possible way." If you have been a spirited beast for more than five hundred years, then if you have been a beast for more than a thousand years, then I will be detoured."

He Yiming was surprised that "Sisters can't even beat you?"

In the thunder of the right color, "the millennium ordinary spirit beast is gone, but if you have experienced some means with the totem messenger, you can become a thousand-year-old mutant beast, then it is definitely the invincible existence of the ranks. Even when I arrived at such a beast, I dared not say that I could win by war. One of them paused and hesitated. "Perhaps only the true three flowers can be defeated." ”

He Yiming and Xu Chengchang looked at each other and smiled in the same stage. I was afraid that no one would dare to provoke these horrible guys.

Yu Jinglei took a deep breath. "He Shidi, I went to the life and death circle and went to see what happened. I have such a change. As for you," he paused. "You better return to Hengshan plus the mountains." Several elders guardians should be able to protect themselves."

He Yiming said slightly, "What about Hejiazhuang?"

"The younger brothers are reassured that we have thousands of years of contract with the totems unless they can defeat us before the birth and death world, otherwise they will never invade the human settlements."

He Yiming put down his mind and said, "Since this is all, I will follow the words of my brother."

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