Martial God

Vol 5 Chapter 7: Tooth for a tooth

There is also a similar leather in the space album of He Ming.

This is what he got from the hands of Lucin, but what is recorded above is not the incomprehensible figure but the cave in the Hohhot Mountains.

He Yiming indulged in a half-hearted question, "Do you know what kind of animal skin is this totem made?"

It was obvious that everyone was curious when they touched and looked at the totem.

Among them, Lianyi also learned how to use He Yiming to try to tear the totem away, but let him use all the infuriating but the totem is still no harm.

Even the old face is red and red. "This thing is very strange. It must be precious. But the old man does not know what kind of animal skin is definitely a beast."

Everyone nodded on the surface but there was nothing in the heart. Isn’t this nonsense?

Let the congenital strongman be fully committed to the animal skin that can not be destroyed, of course, is the spirit beast and it is still a powerful soul beast.

"Weird." He Yiming suddenly squinted. "Since this leather is so tough, how was it cut?"

Everyone suddenly paused silently for a long time. Xu Chengchang suddenly said, "In our collection of books in the Tianchi, there are many ancient books that record the ancient ruins. I have read some of the savvy people who seem to have been in the ancient times. There are powerful cultivators who can do this."

He Yiming’s heart move, “Xu Xiong, are you talking about Shinto master?”

Xu Chengchang hesitated. "I don't know if it is a Shinto master. But the master of this series has not had an estimate for thousands of years. It is a legend."

He Yiming's eyes flashed in his heart. This is not a legend but you have not seen it.

According to the hundred and eight, the first owner of the cave house is the Shinto master, but that is also something that was at least a thousand years ago or thousands of years ago. And even if he said that going out to guarantee is also unbelievers.

"唉" Pharmacists suddenly sighed and sighed. "As for how this totem is also found in our quest, we are afraid that we are arguing."

Xu Chengchang’s eyeballs turn around. “You should also know that the origins of the totems are not without this. I am afraid that they will come out to do evil again after a while. When they did not fight with them at that time, they would disturb them. Planning is also a good thing."

The pharmacist smiled and said, "Xu Xiong said with a smile."

Even if Xu Chengchang said that it is true, it is definitely not a good thing for the Hengshan Yimai of the wind-tip knife. The heart of He Yiming’s heart is calm down. He seems to have a big front facing himself. The conspiracy came here but he didn't know what it was.

For this kind of hiding behind the means of display is certainly the most headache.

The faint He Yiming even thought of the former Sima Yin. His mind suddenly flashed a thought, asking Sima Yin to go out and kill him. Is this related to this matter?

The pharmacist took the totem on the ground and he sighed. "No matter how this thing finally solves this totem, we also want to return to the original." His sentence immediately received praise from everyone, whether or not Someone can blame them and they can't keep this totem.

Otherwise, it is the endangered hatred of Hengjiang Yimai and the Wolf Totem. This is not something that anyone wants to see.

"Xu Xiong also asked you to ask us about where the six disciples we were missing this time."

Xu Chengchang quickly nodded and said, "Lian brother is a little polite, and the younger brother should naturally serve."

The people returned to the outside hall until they breathed the fresh air here and Xu’s long heart was put down. However, according to observations along the way, he also has a bit of grasp. Perhaps this thing is really not done by Hengjiang.

When he came to the hall, Xu Chengchang said a few words that were quite weird. Onda was awake, but his eyes were still as sluggish as ever. He still didn't get rid of Ecstasy.

"Onda tells me if you have captured the disciple of Yokoyama in the foothills." Xu Chengchang's voice is full of a strange power that seems to be able to directly penetrate people's hearts.

Onda opened his mouth and his mind and body have been dominated by Ecstasy. All the answers are subconscious, even if he doesn't even know it.

"Yes, we have dozens of people who have captured a few of them."

"A total of several people were captured?" "Six." ”

The expressions on the faces of He Yiming and others suddenly moved and their missing disciples happened to be six. They were obviously captured by these people.

Where are they now? ”

"They are all dead."

He Yiming and other people's faces were so sullen and sullen. The face of the face was particularly ugly. The six disciples who were missing were all ordinary disciples who were not too high in the Hengshan vein. But one of them is a younger generation of his and he is able to pull a little bit of **** relationship. Naturally, it is comparable to ordinary disciples.

"Why do you want to kill them?" Xu Chengchang feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big princes, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful Little Zhou Emperor Wushu Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne to seek the devil. The world's most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou Emperor's gods will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seeking the devil, the world's most powerful, and abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty to the queen. Powerful murderousness can not help but complain. He did not dare to delay and asked the key questions.

"We asked about the situation in the mountains to prepare for the evening. The six people have no need to live, and the nature is going to be killed. Ondaly said of course."

He Yiming’s heart has a cold chill. He has a horrible thought in a vague way. Perhaps in the eyes of these people, his life is like a pig and dog.

The pharmacist sighed aloud, "Xu brother, please help us to ask where their corpse is placed."

Xu Chengchang is also a slight sigh. "Pharmaceutical brother said that the novel version of the text is the deceased, at least it should be buried in the mouth."

He turned and asked, "Where are you buried the bodies of the six Yokoyama disciples?"

Ondamu’s dull road “has been offered to the spirit wolf.”

Xu Chengchang’s face suddenly became ugly.

He Yiming said a little bit, "What does he mean by this?"

Xu Chengchang... The word of the word "The body of several brothers of the Guipai was eaten by this congenital beast." His gaze turned to the coma of the unconscious wolf, which showed a strong chill to the extreme. .

There was a wrath and chill in the hearts of everyone.

As a human being, they naturally think about problems from the perspective of human beings.

People want to kill the beasts for the inner beasts of the beasts. This seems to be very normal in their eyes, but it is not a normal thing for the beast to kill humans and eat humans.

Xu Chengchang screamed, "You don't know that these deep mountain savage people believe in these beasts and send them to the mouth of the beasts. This is a common thing for them. But since I came here, it is also like this. It’s too much to do.”

In the eyes of the mind, there was a thick anger, as a congenital strongman. His back was actually eaten by the beast. But this is a humiliating mouth that can’t be washed, looking at the three wolf totems and the Only the unconscious, unconscious, his eyes are full of murder.

"He Changla, you see..." The medicinal man browed his brow and asked him.

Nowadays, it’s natural that the thunder is not here. He is counting on He Yiming to make the final decision.

Although everyone knows that He Yiming’s qualifications are the shallowest, but the so-called qualifications in the innate realm are only one thing that can be mentioned in the same level. If there is a difference in order above the force, then the qualifications. The role will be relegated to the future.

He Yiming didn't make a sound. It seems that he didn't see the eyes of the Yao and the pharmacy.

He turned to the side of the beast and gently waved his sleeves.

Silently, a lot of insane madness rushed into the body of the wolf.

Although the bones of the wolf, if it is still alive, He Yiming wants to kill it, of course it is difficult to do. But at this moment, the wolf has been seriously injured and the situation is getting worse. If you don't get effective treatment, you may not be able to survive.

Therefore, He Yiming’s attack on the scene will kill it on the spot.

Everyone in the field is a flamboyant person who feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the prince, the night sacred god, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandoned The Great Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The breath quickly weakened and disappeared in a very short period of time.

They have a long breath.

Whether He Yiming is doing this is wrong, but since it has been done, then regret is useless.

Even Xu Chengchang will not oppose He Yiming's practice. Perhaps the hatred between Hengshan and the wolf totem after the killing of the wolf is really unsolvable.

But this spirit wolf lived alive and ate the son of Yokoyama. If in this case, if he can let it live away, then the centripetal force in the entire Hengshan Mountain will collapse and collapse. No disciple will be faithful to Yokoyama.

Xu Chengchang showed a hint of admiration in his gaze.

It’s so hot that it’s such a young man who has reached the front line of the strong, but he doesn’t know how to congratulate... Ming is not as complicated as he thought.

He is just doing something that humans should do, and it is far less profound than what Xu Chengchang had guessed.

"The elder of the drug elder is a congenital beast, we don't waste it." He Yiming said calmly.

The pharmacist said slightly, "Do you want to take out the first day of refining medicinal herbs?"

"Of course." He Yiming's eyes turned cold. "The meat and fur were taken and given to the family of the six dead disciples. This time, if you can refine the innate Jindan, then the priority is in their six-person family. In the offspring, the disciples who have ten layers of internal strength are selected."

When the pharmacists and others nodded their heads, they were dissidents at the moment, but at the moment they were congratulated.

Among them, even the heart of the mind is secretly confessing that he knows the most about the six missing people.

The rest of the people will be there. Although there are some family members, there are not many experts in the family who deserve attention. But his younger generation is different. He also has a brother-in-law who is now the master of the ten-layered inner strength. If he is fully cultivated within ten years, he will certainly reach the top ten.

Therefore, if the spirit wolf Nei Dan can be refined into an innate realm, then this Jindan is not the one.

With this compensation, the dissatisfaction in his heart has long since disappeared. Even with a faint idea, the two Fenghufeng disciples can switch to a congenital Jindan. This sale is really worth it.

Xu Chengchang’s face changed slightly and he whispered, “He’s veteran will kill the wolf, but it’s just a matter of corpse...”

He Yiming sneaked a sigh of "Xu Xiong, no matter what the reason, the wolf totems have found us on the head of the Hengshan Mountain and have harmed our disciple Hemou naturally can't listen to it. What's more..." The sharp light in his eyes flashed Aisle "Do you think that at this point, what is the possibility of resolving grievances between us and the wolf totems?"

Xu Chengchang smiled and he knew that even if he said that he was no one believed.

He Yiming hesitated and asked "What role does the totem of the Xu Xiong wolf have in addition to their spiritual symbols?"

"It should be gone." Xu Chengchang hesitated and said, "If it is really useful, it is impossible for the dynasties to have no rumors."

He Yiming slightly nodded his heart. If there is any magical use, it can't be easily stolen and thrown into the public treasure house of Yokoyama.

"Since it is useless, then we will wait until the wolf and Teng people come again. We will return the original thing." He Yiming said with regret.

Xu Chengchang nodded helplessly and smiled. He meditated for a moment. "The brothers have already determined that the totem will definitely go back and move to the rescue. We can't help."

He had just wanted to leave but now he sees that the situation has stabilized and the mind has suddenly changed, but he wants to stay here and play with the totem messengers.

In this small-scale contest, it is certainly beneficial for the repair of two people.

The pharmacist nodded his face, although his appearance looked young but undoubtedly the most old-fashioned among the people.

"In this way, we sent people to immediately inform the uncle and ask him to come back to the town. As long as there are two uncles in the town of Shi Shu and He Chang, there should be no big problem."

Everyone praised it and they all knew that there was an unpredictable friend beside He Yiming. According to Yu Lei, this person’s cultivation has already reached the realm of Sanhua Juding. With this person living on the mountain, they have great confidence in defense.

Of course, there is a vague dissatisfaction in the hearts of everyone.

At the beginning of the escape, if this person is willing to help, then the wolf totem messenger will be caught back. But from the beginning to the end, there was no one in the face.

It’s just that although everyone is dissatisfied with it, let’s not go to find his theory, or even no one at all shows He Yiming’s sigh of relief.

This is the impact of the power gap. When the strength of the other party is far beyond them, even if the heart is dissatisfied, only the teeth and blood can be taken down.

He Yiming’s eyes turned a corner. “Xu brother, you said that the totem people should be our public enemies in the northwest.”

"Exactly." Xu Chengchang is the color of the road. "The totem people are the heart of our entire northwest....

"Great." He Yiming said with a smile.

It’s good for everyone to think about it.

"The elders of the medicine ask you to send a notice to the Kailuan country and the neighboring countries to ask them to send the masters of the country to come to Yokoyama." He Yiming said with a smile. "Since it is a public enemy in the northwest, it is natural that we can only let us go alone."

The pharmacists and others looked at each other and smiled. He shook his head. "The elders are not the totems who are attacking a lot. I am afraid that there will not be many people coming."

He Yiming smiled and said, "I can come one is one. I really want to see how many people are friends of our Hengshan.

Pharmacists and others understand his intentions, but this is indeed the best touchstone opportunity.

The rest of the trivial matter is naturally to pay the drug dominator and Yu Xichen and others to deal with He Yiming. After setting the general direction, they returned to their rooms.

As soon as he entered the room, his face sank and whispered, "You should be here."

As his voice just fell from the roof, a person was the one who was out of the ghost.

However, this time, the hundred and eight did not change into the rest of the form but only hidden in the roof.

He Yiming’s eyes are sacred. “Why didn’t you stop when the hundred brothers escaped at the beginning?”

Although the pharmacists did not express their thoughts in the heart, but since they have this idea, how can they be exempted from it? One hundred and eight quiet roads "I have been following you to be unable to separate the heart"

He Yiming sneaked a sigh of "One of the spirit wolves is still unable to threaten my safety."

"I know but you didn't let me chase at the beginning."

He Yiming suddenly said that he had opened his mouth and smiled. "Don't I tell you that you can't do it?"

One hundred and eight of course, "My task is to protect your safety. This is the first sequence. Nothing can conflict with the first sequence until you have other instructions."

He Yiming’s lips shook a few times and encountered such a person really made him feel deeply silent.

"I understand that you will go down."

One hundred and eighty-two words did not say that he turned and walked in the room when he left He Yiming. Even the door did not open, so he walked through the wall and looked at his back. He Yiming sighed and wanted to be with him. There is still a long way to go when it comes to cooperation.

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