Martial God

Vol 5 Chapter 14: 8VS Red Wolf King

A breeze hovered around the small tree. Going to the distance.

However, a faster figure actually crossed the wind in an instant, passing the tree with a stronger, faster speed, and the flight disappeared in front.

Then, the red light flashed, and another red shadow that was not inferior to the shadow in front of it was also chasing it.

Their speed is fast, even if it is the elegant wind in the forest, it is not catching up.

The two figures that ran ahead and after, are the hundred and eight and the red wolf king.

When Sogo and the Red Wolf King joined forces, even He Yiming could not compete with it.

However, when he was in crisis, as a bodyguard for him, naturally he could not stand by.

However, the identity of the hundred and eight is special, and his fighting style is even more jaw-dropping and unimaginable. If you shoot in front of so many innate powers and totem ambassadors, it will be hard to be seen.

Therefore, one hundred and eighty used his own way, accidentally sneaked the red wolf king who was rated as the invincible in the first line of heaven.

In terms of wolf. It has always been the only way they attacked others, and there are reasons for being attacked by others. In addition, the start of the hundred and eight is very clever, the one in the vital part of the catch, a **** rain brought the red wolf king into the bone marrow. Moreover, people are unplugged in that place. Whether it is a human being or a wolf, as long as it is a life with wisdom and dignity, it is unbearable.

The imperious Red Wolf King has been stunned by this sudden attack. Without hesitation, he has made up his mind. Even if he ran to the ends of the earth, he would smash the man and swallow it. Even if it is the promise of not eating people for decades, it is not hesitating.

However, after it had chased several hills, it was discovered that the speed of the other party was almost at its peak.

Although his movements are clumsy and without rules, it is like a person who does not have martial arts. He only knows how to run. There is no such thing as a light and simple exercise.

However, such a direct run, but also ran out of incredible speed, even if it uses the power of the whole body, but still can not draw a half distance between each other.

Slowly, it is a little hesitant.

After all, it is a spiritual beast that has lived for more than a thousand years, and after some mysterious sacrifice, its wisdom is not under humanity. Once the other side was found to be far more difficult than imagined, it suddenly retired.

Although the wolf is vengeful, it has reached its realm. I don't like to do things that are not sure.

The footsteps were slightly, and the Red Wolf King slowed down a bit. But at this moment, it suddenly saw a red color.

This is a red-blooded hair. The long hair is floating in the air, and it is blown slowly by the wind until it is in front of it.

It stared straight at the hair, and his eyes became red again. The anger expelled the reason, and opened four feet, and continued to rush as if flying.

Suddenly, its movements stopped, and the red eyes sparkled with astounding light.

After passing another hill, the man in front stopped, and turned his body, waiting silently for it.

It was originally intended to pounce on it, biting the other side and letting him die.

However, the other party's attitude is so embarrassing, but it makes it a big jealousy. Moreover, what makes it faint is that it does not sense the breath of the other party.

The Red Wolf King has the wisdom of human beings. It also naturally understands the use of breath. It was just fainting, so I only tracked it by eye. At this moment, after a violent running, it has calmed down.

Slightly lowered the body, it showed a fangs, and it seemed to be rushing at any time, but in its eyes, it became more and more suspicious.

This person is clearly in front of him, but why can't he feel it? It seems that this big guy is not a life, but a stone.

Looking at the Red Wolf King, he suddenly said: "Your fighting is very strong."

The red wolf king is slightly stunned, does the stone speak?

"I may not be able to win you, so we don't have to fight, just wait here for the winners."

The red wolf king has a pair of **** eyes, and in his thousands of years of life, the things he encountered today are undoubtedly the most weird. Even though his experience is very old, there is no experience at the moment. Can be borrowed.

One hundred and eighty looked like a red wolf king who was hesitant. "My body is very hard, you better not bite me." Then he sat down leisurely and seemed to want to be with the red wolf. The king has consumed it.

The red wolf's muscles slowly relaxed, seemingly accepting the advice of one hundred and eight, its body a little low on the ground, just like wanting to kneel down.

However, just before its belly touched the ground. But suddenly jumped up, just an instant, it has come to the face of a hundred and eight, a horrible **** big mouth to bite into the head of the hundred and eight.

One hundred and eight, sitting on the ground, motionless, as if you didn’t know that bad luck was coming.

The red wolf king's mouth has reached the limit, and its heart is extremely proud. If you know that this guy is just a bluff, it is difficult to start. But it's not too late, as long as you eat this abominable guy alive, you can report the hatred of the hair.

Its mouth is much larger than the average wolf mouth, and the extent of opening is incredible.

If anyone sees it, it will really doubt whether it is a wolf mouth or a crocodile mouth.

However, this bite went down and even bit the entire head of the hundred and eight.

The sharp, sharp-edged giant tooth gently stroked the neck of the hundred and eight, and immediately pulled the head down.

Subsequently, it moved to the front of the teeth without hesitation, and placed it in a position and bite heavily.

It wants to let the brains of the hundred and eight have been splashed, and that he wants to die without a whole body.

At the moment when the teeth bite, its heart has begun to miss the life of the past. At that time, it was not a millennium spirit wolf. It was just an ordinary spirit wolf. It had also eaten the brain of human beings. That kind of deliciousness makes it unforgettable forever.

Only after I recognized Sogo, it never had the chance to taste this delicious.

Just as it began to fantasize about the warm and delicious liquid in the mouth, its teeth finally came into close contact with the hundred and eight heads.


The action of the Red Wolf King suddenly stopped, and even the red tail that had been swaying and swaying in his leisurely paused in the air.

It was like a fixed body, and it was completely stunned at this moment.

Its eyes sleek out, slowly, and the mouth is a little bigger.

A rounded head slipped from its mouth, and on top of this head, a white, sharp, dagger-like tooth was embedded...

From the mouth of the Red Wolf King, a bright red blood flowed out, and a thick smell filled it in its mouth.

This is the end. The Red Wolf King remembered the sentence of this person.

His body is not very hard, but hard to the point of incredible.

The Red Wolf King, who is not inferior to human wisdom, suddenly flashed a horrible thought. Is this guy a human being, or something strange like a human being?

The human head, no matter how much it is cultivated, cannot be so hard.

Its teeth are one of the powerful weapons it relies on, not to mention the human head. Even if it is rock-solid, it can not damage the weapons that are called treasures in human mouth.

However, now when he chews the human head, he has broken his teeth.

This fact even led to its perception of subverting its worldview.

Suddenly, a calm, no undulating voice rang from somewhere: "I said, you better not bite me."

The hair of the Red Wolf King was blown up in an instant, and every hair was born with a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth.

As a beast of more than a thousand years, it can absorb no less than the human world. At the moment, however, it has all been used, and there is no reservation at all.

At this point, the roots of the hair on it are erected, like a huge hedgehog, a horrible funny.

Its eyes were staring at a corpse not far away, and the blood in the eyes was already faded, leaving only a horrified look to the extreme.

If it is not a thousand-year-old mutant beast, but also a slap in the wolves, the king is used to hegemony, I am afraid that it has turned and fled.

Because this voice does not come from any open space, but from the body without a skull.

Many years of experience tells it, let alone human beings, even if it is a beast, after losing its head, it is sure to die.

The body without the skull can still speak, this is definitely something that has never been seen before, and I never thought about it before.

Its four legs are already moving slowly. But not moving forward, but moving backwards. The wolf is stunned, and it has already made up its mind. As soon as there is another gust of wind, it immediately turns and flees.

As for the guy who made it suffer a big loss...

Forget it, as the king of the great wolf, the necessary chest is still there.

Isn't it just a tooth? It will grow slowly.

Suddenly, its eyeballs once again bulged out, and there was no life-threatening headless corpse moving slowly.

Like a convulsion, the corpse moved a bit.

It has already recovered some of the hair on the body and it has been blown up again, and with the dripping blood in its mouth, it is more and more horrible.

From its mouth, a low-pitched sound resembling a warning, a strong fireball slowly forming in its mouth.

It seems that I have not felt the pressure brought by the fireball. The corpse has moved again.


The scorching spurt out of the mouth of the Red Wolf King, which fired at the fastest speed onto the corpses on the ground.

After a loud bang, the middle of the corpse melted a big hole. From the waist, the upper and lower sides were almost broken into two.

This time, the breath of fire has already spit out all the power of the Red Wolf King.

In the face of this horrible unknown fear that has never been encountered, it has already exploded its potential, condensing all the power of fire to a point.

The power of such a powerful breath is definitely the first experience of its life.

Its eyes finally showed a sigh of relief, the head was gone, and even the remaining body was blown into two. At this point, even the legendary Shinto master, I am afraid it is difficult to survive.

The eyelids stared at the corpse on the ground. After a long time, the Red Wolf King finally determined that the man had died completely.

At this point, the hair on it slowly subsided, and the careful liver also recovered the usual beating speed.


The Red Wolf King passed his head and suddenly felt that something was not quite right, but for a moment he couldn't think of the flaws.

The sharp gaze swept back and forth on the ground. When I saw the head embedded in my wolf's teeth, there was a trace of sorrow in the eyes of the Red Wolf King. I followed my own wolf teeth for nearly a thousand years and left myself. .

In his eyes, there is a resentful color, but with the lessons of the past, even if he borrowed two more courage, he would not dare to fight the body of this person again.

If it is a broken tooth, then it is called repentance.

The thick tongue licked the wound and a taste flowed into the mouth.

However, its action suddenly stopped. Then slowly raised his head, his eyes flashing with fear. At this moment, it finally understood what was wrong.

Blood, in front of this person, whether the brain is lost, or the body has broken into two, but from beginning to end, he did not leave any blood.

It is like him, there is no drop of blood.

This discovery made it chilly, like a hail.

As the king of the new generation of wolves, even when faced with the kings of tigers, bears, lions, and leopards, it has never been feared.

From the day of birth, it is proud. For more than a thousand years, the career of the proud forest has given it a strong confidence to face any enemy.

However, at this moment, it is timid, it is a fear of the unknown.

The powerful beasts, after all, are only beasts. Although they possess the wisdom that is not inferior to human beings, in the face of the unknown, in the face of a more powerful existence, their instinctive performance can suppress their rationality.

The corpse on the ground moved again. This time the movement was not large, just like it was blown by the wind.

However, the Red Wolf King knows that this is definitely not the power of the wind, but the power of this strange corpse.

Its eyes turned sharply and saw the head that was bitten by it.

At this moment, its lively heart seemed to be unable to withstand this pressure, and suddenly stopped beating. All the hair on it was straight up for the third time, and this time it was always erected, and there was no sign of any reduction.

That head, I don’t know when it has turned.

Face to face, a pair of bright, gem-like big eyes staring at it.

There is no feeling in these eyes, but it is like the night sky, quiet and distant.

Suddenly, a fierce tsunami sound came over, and this sudden sound broke the silence here. Also woke up the Red Wolf King.

It heads high and makes the same shout, but its whistle contains a hint of fear and fear, and a deep joy.

I finally got rid of it. I don’t have to be with this horrible guy. This is the only feeling of the intelligent millennium mutated Red Wolf King.

Later, the Red Wolf King turned and ran towards the distance at an unprecedented speed, and its speed reached its limit in an instant. Along the way, it didn't even have the courage to look back.

Of course, the broken teeth embedded in the skull, not to mention the ability to get back...


When the Red Wolf King escaped at the fastest speed, the corpse that had almost become three on the ground finally began to squirm.

They first began to melt and became a liquid of metallic color. These liquids, like their own memories, converge in one direction.

When this happened, the surrounding area suddenly quieted down, and even the sound of a little worm was gone.

Slowly, all the liquids gathered together, and then it was like a pillar that was born and slowly erected.

However, between a few breaths, one hundred and eighty were born again from this liquid.

His body is as clean as ever, his eyes flashing bright light, and he knows that it is different from human beings as soon as he sees it.

He held out a hand and had a sharp, sharp tooth in the palm of his hand.

The texture of this tooth is extremely hard, and even with his ability, only one tooth of the Red Wolf King can be broken.

The power of the super-beast is really With this sturdy one, it has been inferred that the power of the Red Wolf King is not inferior to He Yiming.

The millennium mutated beast is really the same invincible existence.

His expression is solidified and seems to be thinking about something.

After a while, he said to himself: "I only promised, and did not reveal to others that this wolf is not a human being, so my behavior does not violate the sequence."

"It's action shows that it is also a life of wisdom, and I have no right to kill the intelligent life on the original planet, so I can't kill it."

"However, it wants to kill He Yiming, and if I want to get the evolution of energy stone, I must guarantee the safety of He Yiming. The sequence of the program conflicts... The first sequence is given priority, and the first sequence of evolution is guaranteed, so protect He Yi Ming."

When he made the final decision, his feet were already flying like a fly.

His speed may not be as beautiful as the stretch of the limbs when the Red Wolf King is running, but if it is speed, he is not slow!

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