Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 126: Return to Ghost Ridge

In front of the ghost crying ridge, two of them quietly looked at the distance in front of them, the dark fog in the distance has slowly turned grey in these days, and until this moment, they did not wait for them to think The person to wait.

Hao blood turned back and he whispered: "The brothers are already fierce."

Fang Hao’s face was quite ugly. He had already known the result when he had passed the deadline of one month, but he still had the last glimmer of hope, but now he has been in the past five days. He knew that this last hope had been shattered. Even if the crowns are good, they will not be physically ill, but they will also be invaded by the yin and become a person with madness.

In contrast, he would rather choose the former than a mad friend. The figure suddenly flashed, and a black masked person had already stood behind them.

Hao Xue and the two face the Huangquanmen's sage, still dare not have the slightest disrespect, even if they know that the reason why the crowns are not out, it is likely that some of the disciples of Huangquanmen made ghosts, but they But it can't be heard at all. After all, even this thing is not known to Ding Liyin.

"How come you still don't leave." Ding Liyin said with some dissatisfaction: "Since your partner has not come out yet, there is no chance."

His eyes glanced at Hao’s blood, and if he knew the relationship between Changzhou Hao’s family and Huang Quan’s ancestors, he would be able to manage the lives of these two 4th generations.

Hao blood sighed and said: "The younger two will leave." Heton and the page, said: "Predecessors, I would like to ask you this time, several brothers and sisters returned smoothly."

Ding Li Yin Yinsen's gaze turned over, whether it was stagnation or stagnation, they all made a chill in the same place. They also felt that they seemed to be stared by a poisonous snake.

After a long time, Ding Liyin still said: "Only two out, all failed, and there is an advanced foot." His voice has infinite emotion: "Ghost Cangling is a good place to cultivate, but for us For the killer, the odds of failure are rather large.

As a killer, their character is mostly cold, even if the achievement is higher, there is always a dark place in the heart. Once you come to the Ghost Cry Ridge, the resistance to the sullen atmosphere is indeed a bit weaker.

This is also the most headache for Huang Quanmen and the Western Assassin Guild of the Eastern Dashen since the ages.

However, if such an opportunity is encountered, they will still be dispatched as suitable candidates, but it is often difficult to achieve the best results.

Hao Xue and Fang Wei looked at each other and they felt extremely shocked in their hearts.

Fang Wei was waiting for his statement, and the blood was immediately made a look to him, and then he took his words and left.

After the two of them ran out for a few miles, Fang said: "Hao brother, why is this, is it because you suspect that Ding Zun is deceiving with false words?"

Hao blood shook his head and said: "I am not skeptical of Ding Zun, but I suspect that one person in Huangquanmen has successfully cultivated and killed the brothers. But after he succeeded, he should have left Huangquanmen. Did not go to see Ding Zun."

Fang Yan exclaimed: "This is impossible. Huang Quanmen should know the end of betrayal."

Hao blood smiled and said: "As long as there are enough benefits, nothing is impossible. Huang Quanmen had a traitor before, but he knew very few people."

Fang Wei knows the secret, but if he does not know the relationship between Hao Jia and Huang Quanmen, he will not be easy to believe.

After a while, Fang Wei asked: "What should I do now?"

"Go back." Yu Xue said coldly: "Tell the family to the elders, ask them to come and see the ancestors."

When Yu Xue mentioned Huang Quan's ancestors, his words had a strong confidence in the extreme. It seems that as long as the old man is willing to take the shot, everything will be solved.

Fang Hao’s eyes flashed the same look, his heavy nod.

Then they heard a cry like a ghost crying from the gray ghosts.

Hao blood shook his head and sighed: "Let's go."

The two of them walked together, and they were far away from each other in a moment, so they did not know that after they left the hundred miles with the fastest speed, another shout was heard from the other side of the ghost crying ridge. Moreover, in this long shout, there is no violent madness, but it is full of a kind of willingness to be strong and unyielding.

After hearing the whistle, the other two sages who continued to stay around the Ghost Ridge were lurking in the direction of the howling. ))$ With the sound of He Yiming's shouting, the five-ring ring in his hand is spinning.

A strange ray of light flashed from the five-row ring, and the momentum and imprisonment power around him began to spin.

Not only that, the dust on the ground is also so vigorously rolled up, and numerous gravel are mixed among them. With He Yiming as the center, there is a strange tornado.

There is a huge force in this tornado, and everything close to it will be completely opened. Not only that, but it is like a huge runner, and the imprisonment of Gabri’s siege is a little bit of instinct.

He Yiming’s face is flying high, which is created by his special method of resisting external forces in the Feng Shui Bao fan. This kind of combat technology has excellent resistance to the sacred level of the sect. effect.

Among the feng shui treasure fans, the number of infuriating gases left by the crowns is far less than that of He Yiming, but with this feng shui circulation, it is able to completely resist the enormous power of He Yiming. It can be seen that the power of this way is powerful.

At this moment, He Yiming relied on the rotation of the five-line ring to form the same force of rotation, fire, earth and gold. The result is good, but it is the unexpected result of He Yiming. The integration of the three forces makes the five elements ring a huge power, although it does not have the power of the wind flower, but the tornado caused However, it is still very powerful, and the force of Gabri’s imprisonment is completely broken.

Gabriel’s face also showed a hint of horror. He played against the people numerous times, but it was the first person who could break his ban on the exercises.

However, he snorted and said: "It's a bit tricky, but it's still not enough."

After all, his hand that protruded from the end of the hand suddenly had a white light. This is a mist. ◆ It has only become a solid in an instant.

The speed is fast, He Yiming just feels the flash of light, a giant sword has appeared in the hands of Gabri.

When he stepped out, he suddenly moved to the ground. Under the pressure of the huge momentum, it seemed that even the whole mountain was shaking.

He Yiming certainly knows that the strength of the other party can't reach such an exaggerated point. The reason why he made this feeling is that he is inspired by the momentum.

When the Sayādaw is in the hands of the people, the powerful momentum is also one of their special weapons. Sometimes, the suppression of the momentum can make the strong people below the Sacred Hearts crack, and they will not dare to fight back. And escaped.

However, He Yiming was not afraid. He poured all the infuriating power into the five-ring ring. The outermost layer suddenly turned like a hot wheel. Subsequently, He Yiming glared at the tornado that was rising from the sky and rushed toward Gabri.

"Oh..." The huge tearing sound suddenly sounded, and He Yiming’s seemingly powerful tornado in his body was actually opened by the epee in Gabriel’s hands.

This epee seems to have the power of a fixed sea god. Once all the wind comes into contact with it, it suddenly loses its power, becomes soft, and finally completely disappears.

He Yiming’s face changed slightly, but at the moment it was already on the string and had to.

The five-row ring turned a lot faster, and in his body, three tangible flowers loomed, encircling his body. Above his head, a huge amount of heaven and earth gas rushed in from the Baihui, this blow is already a blow to his maximum power with the five-ring ring.

Gabriel's sword tore a tornado, he did not take the sword back, power, but a very direct sword continued to cut down.

The huge loud table music suddenly exploded.

Gabriel’s body shape is a glimpse, and suddenly stands tall. He Yiming was still standing still, and he slammed out and flew out.

The power of Gabriel’s sword turned out to be so powerful that it was far from being able to resist.

If it is not the five-ring ring in his hand, he has powerful power, and the epee in Gabri’s hand is just an ordinary weapon of the gods. Under this attack, He Yiming is not only shocked. Flying is so simple.

Gabriel’s face showed a faint color, and he stepped out again, like a lightning-like chasing He Yiming who flew off his feet. His epee waved and became delicate and full. suction.

He Yiming immediately complained that Gabri clearly stated that he would surround him with this delicate sword method, and consume a little bit of physical strength and infuriating.

Although he has a lot of heaven and earth in his Baihui acupoint, but with a sage? Unless he is really crazy.

A few times I wanted to escape far, but Gabriel’s swordsmanship was like a dense spider web, and he was exhausted and could not succeed. His heart was furious, his feet suddenly stood still, and he was waiting to use the sky-printing, but he saw Gabriel suddenly picking up the sword and jumping off and he looked awkward, clearly what is being prepared.

He Yiming gave a slight glimpse, and both ears immediately heard two subtle sounds, and his face suddenly changed. He turned and fled without saying anything.

The power of grace has swayed to the extreme in his body, but it has only rushed into the Ghost Ridge between a moment.

At this point, he took a long breath and thought of the three sages outside! R other masters, the heart is invisible.

I didn’t have any resentment with the three people. I couldn’t think of them as close to the dog skin plaster. It’s really deceiving.

He took out a bottle, opened the bottle cap, and clicked on the number of treasures inside.

When He Yiming looked up, his face also showed a rare sly color. He flattened out the five-ring ring, and his face looked dignified.

In his heart, determination has been made.

*, you have the ability to wait outside, Lao Tzu is a master, then go out...

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