Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 137: Complete extinction

Today the ground into the eight evening, the understanding of He, suddenly sounding a lot slower, but absolutely do not mind the cold, made sacred king feel wudongqiankun night deities will kill Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate discard less the royal big week night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate abandoned little big week of the royal family wudongqiankun the night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate abandoned little big week of the royal family made the night God kill God after the throne of God and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate abandoned little big week of the royal family to chase someone burrowed his face even as for more than a hint of strange smile.

How their strength, that has been tested in three Venerable who, at the moment should also try, that the artifact Vaillant.

The body suddenly paused in the ground. He Yiming reached out and grabbed the silver ring on his chest. The huge innate rushing into the air suddenly appeared a dark space. If his lightning fast chips, sudden closing stretch at first glance, just a moment of time already took out the Kowloon furnace.

Then he let go of the silver ring, and the magical space suddenly disappeared.

This, the process only lasted for a short period of interest, then he immediately turned and returned to the original road.

The reason for breaking into the ground is to cover up the process. Especially in the back there is the sage of Huang Yanmen. If he is allowed to see the silver ring and escape, then waiting for himself is definitely endless trouble.

He Yiming’s pause did not cause doubts among the three people. They immediately changed their direction after sensing the return of He Yiming.

At this moment, He Yiming entered the Jiulong furnace before leaving the ground, and led the powerful force of fire.

When he just stood out from the ground, he immediately "listened" to the sound of waves like water flowing.

He Yiming turned and faced Chen Yuan, his face with a cold smile.

Then he unscrewed the lid of the Ding Jiulong furnace.


A flame rushed out of the towel, just at the moment the lid was opened... He Yiming’s eyes were red and there was no color anymore.

He Yiming saw a little black from the faint, but this black was only flashing a bit, and then disappeared, as if no traces were left.

He Yiming took a deep breath, although he was not the first to see the Jiulong furnace, but when this scene appeared again in front of his eyes, his heart was still the Lord, full Shocked.

I don't know if he has the illusion, perhaps because of the relationship between the promotion of the Supreme. In short, the power of this time seems to have gone far beyond the last time I tried it alone.

The mysterious sage who used the double-strand sword did not even have the slightest resistance, and it was already vaporized by this fire.

Such a strong firepower, even if he has been promoted to the Supreme, is still difficult to match. This power has completely escaped the limits of humanity and belongs to an elusive category.

Deeply glanced at the dark ground in front of him, He Yiming quickly re-slid the Kowloon furnace into the silver ring.

Then he waved his hands in a row, and four different tangible flowers appeared on his side. After the appearance of these four flowers, there was a bright glow under the sunlight, but it was just a dazzling sensation, and there was a strange color on it. When the color disappeared, the four tangible flowers were also hidden in the void and disappeared.

From the appearance of the Kowloon furnace to the completion of a fatal blow, it is just that between the counts, Gabri and Ding Liyin have not come, they just sensed the power of a live fire, in this fire Under the pressure of the force, He Yiming and Li Yuan’s breath were all washed away, so they did not know that it was only a moment. The Li Yuan, who is a sage, has already been on the spot.

The figure flashed, and Ding Liyin had already drilled out from under the ground.

However, he immediately sensed that a hot air wave was tumbling here.

In the personal experience, the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the prince, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After that, Ding Liyin’s face suddenly changed.

In his experience, he can naturally think of the incredible power of fire.

The heat wave at the moment has already made him feel unbearable, so when the power of this fire has just exploded, what powerful power will there be.

The next moment, he immediately thought of the chestnut veteran, and immediately cooled his heart.

He didn't think that this heat wave was able to be displayed by Li Yuan, so the only possibility was He Yiming.

Just thinking about this, his eyes suddenly tightened, because he had already seen a sneer, He Yiming appeared in front of him.

Ding Liyin’s fear of the police immediately mentioned the apex, and he looked at He Yiming tightly.

However, in He Yiming's face, he had a smile that he could not understand. In this smile, he even had a trace of pity.

Yes, it is pity.

Ding Liyin was suspicious, and he wondered why He Yiming would look at himself with this kind of vision.

At this moment, he has heard a huge sound in his ear, like a roar of stone. Then in the void around him, the explosion exploded inexplicably, and the powerful air waves hit him like countless giant hammers.

Ding Lixian screamed, and the whole body was so turbulent that he shrouded his body.

This explosion is really unexpected. Even if he can't react in a sudden way, even even any exercises, including earth-drilling techniques, can't be performed. Only he can bite his teeth and take his own level. The infuriating and fleshy smashed the blow.

There was a lot of pain in the whole body, and he was only injured, and the injury was not light.

However, compared to the sorrow of the heart, this injury is nothing.

As an assassin of Huang Quanmen, he is naturally proficient in assassination. The feeling of danger is also a thousand times stronger than the average person. As long as there is a little trace of his appearance, he will be aware. However, the explosion just happened was absolutely unexpected, and he did not feel a trace of anything in advance.

That is to say, He Yiming's hidden way is out of a way other than his cognition, which is what really made him feel incredible.

When he was shocked and shocked, he felt a slight numbness on his feet.

He immediately understood that this was his own excitement, so he did not check it for a while, and he was secretly attacked by He Yiming. However, he is not impatient because he has strong self-confidence.

The curtain of Huang Yanmen, from an early age, must learn to confront various poisons. When he got this, level, this, there are not many poisons in the world that can pose a threat to him. The poison that can harm him is famous, almost only in the legendary poison, and He Yiming is unlikely to have such a drug.

Therefore, no matter what poison is on the dark weapon, he has never been too worried.

However, this, just a flash of his head, his face suddenly revealed a very strange and incredible look.

After the hidden weapon entered the body, it suddenly brought a strong cold and an irresistible paralysis power. Under the combination of these two forces, his whole body was suddenly stopped, and even all the physical functions were stopped.

He Yiming has come to his side.

Looking at the stiff, Ding Liyin, who had a little white frost, appeared to be... He Yiming was quite surprised. After detonating four tangible flowers, he released a coagulum. He didn't expect to be able to hit this person, but who knows that this guy paused like a stupid moment after the explosion.

As a result, the countless hands that have made He Yiming ready have become useless.

This is called self-defeating, not living.

Finally, I saw him - eyes, He Yiming's five-line ring, turned and left.

After He Yiming left the interest rate, Ding Liyin’s throat fainted, seemingly wanting to say something, but in the end it was nothing to say.

When the frost melted, his head slowly slanted. Finally, he slipped from his shoulder and threw himself down on the ground.

His eyes are still round and round, seemingly asking, how He Yiming can do even a killer can also sneak attack.

The killer dies under the means of assassination, and it’s really dead.

He Yiming’s figure is like electricity, flying suddenly along a straight line.

Outside the hundred feet in front of him, a figure was originally approaching quickly, but suddenly, the figure stopped and fled without hesitation.

He Yiming’s sneer in his heart, he killed the two sages, seemingly simple, but in fact it has been a long-term plot, from the moment of escape, has formed a general plan in the heart. And all the exhibitions were very smooth, especially the killing of Ding Liyin, but it was a bit of a ghost, and it was unimaginable.

Throughout the process, the process is only a matter of nothing. Therefore, Gabri, who has already turned over the mountains, will not feel the situation in the first time. He is still coming in the fastest way.

However, after seeing He Yiming who came over to fly, Gabriel was considered stupid and knew that the situation was not good. He made a quick decision, turned and fled, and indeed had quite a bit of stern taste.

However, He Yiming was willing to let this person go.

His degree has been raised to the extreme, and the various forces in the body have begun to replace.

The power of the water system boiled and turned into a vitality of the wood system, followed by the bursting of the fire system, the calm atmosphere of the soil system, and even the sharp sharpness of the gold Ringing, after the five elements of circulation, and turned into the golden power of the five elements.

The same huge gold power that flows from the world in the ring.

The two forces merged into one, instantly breaking through the space.

He Yiming's body is like a meteor catching the moon. He crossed a bright rainbow in the void and instantly came to Gabriel.

His degree is much faster than Gabri, who has already blended the power of heaven and earth.

Gabriel’s heart was awkward, and he turned his back and his shield suddenly appeared.

However, a huge axe headed down and smashed his shield like a torn paper into two halves.

Gabriel, hiding behind the shield, was confused. He didn't seem to believe everything in front of him. The mouth squirmed and ooze a trace of blood from the eyebrows. This blood became bigger and bigger, and finally formed from head to toe. In a straight line, the whole body is split into two halves.

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