Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 139: Return to the coffin

Da Shen’s belly winter is also the winter heart of the 6th East, with a huge, huge city that can accommodate millions of people.

This is the city above the East 6 and the only city not surrounded by the city walls.

But for thousands of years, the city has never suffered any catastrophe. Just like the center of the city, the tower that has stood for thousands of years seems to be able to last forever.

At the horizon, a black shadow rushes toward it. His lightning speed is as if it is just in the distant sight. In the twinkling of an eye, he has come to a place where they can clearly see.

The people who live here are more or less intimate with the children of the dynasty of the Lingbi Hall. Their eyesight is far from being comparable to the average person.

As soon as I saw this person, everyone knows that this is a top powerhouse.

For the inhabitants who live under the blessing of the Temple of Spirits, their fear of the strong is far from being comparable to those of other places.

Therefore, after seeing this figure from afar, all the people who noticed are the color of envy and respect.

Because it is possible to come to the Lingbi Hall in this way, it must be the strongest in the door, and it is also a good friend of a strong person in the door.

They have never doubted that it will be the enemy of this door. Because in this nearly a thousand years, no one has dared to come to this provocation.

Huoran, from the tower above the center of the city, the same two flying figures, their figure crossed a long arc in the air, which landed at the same time... The figure came to welcome the work.

Suddenly, someone whispered: "Supreme Master," suddenly, people in this direction have a commotion, everyone has a strong excitement in the eyes. Even if they are, they don't have the opportunity to easily see this level of power.

The effect of the silt effect from the distance is He Yiming. At this time, he wears a certain fight, covers his face and rushes toward the Lingbi Hall.

Although his movements were fast, he was slowed down when he was close to the Temple of the Ghost, and he released the repressed atmosphere.

He was indeed a successful promotion to the Supreme, but before the Lingbi Hall, unless he was fainted, he would not be willing to do anything.

Sure enough, just put the breath out, the work of the Tongtian Pagoda, and quickly rushed to the two.

Just look at the degree of the two of them and the powerful atmosphere surrounding them. He Yiming knows that this is definitely the two sages.

The figure has not yet rushed in, and He Yiming is not free to laugh.

These two have met each other. They are the spirits of the spirits in the past five years. Gao Weiliang and Du Wenbin, two laughter from Gao Weiliang’s mouth: "Which friend came to the Lingbi Hall? The old man has never been far from welcoming, but also please bear with me." Although they are the honors of the first martial art of the Eastern Dashen, but after sensing the atmosphere of He Yiming, they immediately know that the other party is also a strong man of the same rank. .

As long as it is a sacred person, even if it is in the hall of the sacred treasure, it will receive corresponding respect.

He Yiming sang: "The younger generation has seen the high lord, Du Zun." The figure flashed, and the two sages had already stood in front of He Yiming, and they all had a hint of surprise in their eyes. However, as long as they listen to each other's name, they have already guessed that this is definitely a stalwart who has just advanced, and they have been photographed with them before. They have had a certain relationship. Only they are looking at each other. Quickly floating the names of all the younger generations in my mind, but still nothing.

Gao Weiliang smiled a little, and said: "The lord is too polite, since they are all respected, then everyone will be the same as the old people." Du Wenbin slightly nodded, said: "Gao Xiong said well, since Xiongtai Already came to the Lingbi Hall, it should be able to remove the fight." He Yiming did not deny, he reached out and gently removed the fight.

Gao Weiliang and Du Wenbin's eyes are all round at the same moment, and even a strange color is even in their eyes.

"You are He Yiming, no, is it a brother?" Gao Weiliang asked abruptly.

He Yiming gave them a slight fist and said: "It is He, I have seen two dear friends." He Yiming, who had experience in dealing with people after his promotion, accepted the proposal of both of them calmly. After all, everything in this world work is based on the principle of strength. Since He Yiming’s strength has reached this level, he has this qualification. The second Du Wenbin’s mouth has been smashed twice. “He brother, Are you promoted to the Supreme in the Ghost Ridge?" He Yiming went to the Ghost Cry with the Golden Battle and other people. This is not a secret in the Temple of the Ghost, and the two of them naturally know it.

But because of this, they will feel incredible.

Before he left, He Yiming was only a master of three flowers, and even the foot has not yet formed. But when I went to Ghost Cry Ridge, I even achieved the honor. This is too incredible. Hehe Yiming smiled and said: "Good" is the younger brother who was promoted to the Supreme in Ghost Cry. Gao Weiliang suddenly pointed to his face and suddenly became extremely wonderful. He did not hesitate for a long time, and finally there was no rudeness.

Ask for the exit.

Looking at Du Wenbin, they all saw the horror of the other party's eyes and understood that the other party had the same idea as himself.

"Two, did Jin Brothers pick it up?" He Yiming turned a blind eye to their expressions and asked directly.

Gao Weiliang suppressed the shock in his heart and made a haha. He said: "Jin Shiyi has returned. Although he succeeded in atomizing the soldiers, he refused to retreat and refine, but insisted on waiting for you. Return." He Yiming's eyes flashed, his heart was very moved, hesitated, and said:

"So Zhang Zhongxi Zhang brother?" Gao Weiliang's face was positive, said: "He brother, this time thank you for your helper's virtue, if not, Zhang Shizhen this time is a lot of fierce." He Yiming micro-joint, road "When it comes to meeting, He Mou is just a matter of handy." Gao Weiliang sighed and said: "Zhang ah's arrogance has been forced out, but there are still some haze. It’s hard to clear where it’s important. His preparation is saved, but”, shaking his head, Gao Weiliang no longer speaks.

He Yiming naturally understands that the current situation of Zhang Zhongxi is certainly not very good. Mindful turn, He Ming said: "Two, please allow He to see the golden brother side." The two of them naturally did not mean the slightest objection, the three walked side by side and rushed toward the Lingbi Hall.

At the time of this trip, He Yiming’s heart was quite emotional. When he first came to the Temple of the Ghosts, when he met these honorable people, he was still respectful and full of awe.

But the second time I came here, I already have the qualification to walk side by side with them. The wonder of the world is nothing more than this.

In the degree of the three of them, it was natural that they soon came to the courtyard of the Golden Battle.

He Yiming’s ears moved slightly and immediately heard the familiar voice inside. He smiled and said: “Golden brother,...the younger brother took it back.” It was almost the moment when his voice sounded. The door was immediately pushed open.

The Golden Battle dog stepped out. He stretched out his arms and hugged him with He Yiming. Next, he laughed loudly: "Good boy, finally back, I know that Ghost Cry Ridge can't keep you." He Yiming laughs and feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abandonment, the big empire, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the week. The royal martial arts will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, and seek the devil. The world’s most powerful and abandoning the big empire. From his remarks, He Yiming has actually heard his deep concern and concern about himself.

At this time, the only thought in his heart is that this brother did not have a white hand.

Gao Weiliang coughed aloud and said: "Jin Shizhen, can not be rude." The gold battle is only clear, after He Yiming, there are actually two uncles accompanying him, his heart is suspicious, this, the face of the kid Has it become so big?

He Yiming smiled slightly and said: "Golden brother, have you atomized the soldiers, when can you refine them?" The gold battle was arrogant, and proudly said: "Up to one year, the brother can atomize the dragon gun." After a pause, he said: "If it is not a dragon gun, the order is too high, it is the weapon of the gods next to the imitation artifact, then nine small ten months may be enough." After listening to their dialogue, Gao Weiliang The lips moved, and finally no longer said anything. Although he is already a sacred person, but the gold battle is not a foot has already stepped into the threshold of the sage, since it takes only one year to be promoted to the sage, It is also normal for the two of them to continue their **** with their peers.

Looking at it, Gao Weiliang smiled and said: "You two talk slowly, He brother, let's go first.

He Yiming turned around, still a deep glimpse as before, said: "Two please." Seeing his respectful expression, Gao Weiliang both praised each humbled a sentence Turn around and leave.

When He Yiming came back, he suddenly saw the inexplicable look of the Golden Battle.

He looked at the backs of the two sages and said, "What happened to them? Why are you so polite to you?" He Yiming slammed his mouth and said: "Golden brother, I tell you something." "You said." He Yiming raised his chest and tried to embroider his belly. He said: "Hemou has been successfully promoted to the Supreme." The golden battle haha ​​dog laughed and worked **** his stomach. After a punch, said: "Don't be kidding, you just got together and you may be promoted to the Supreme." He Yiming took back his stomach and tried to distinguish: "I really promoted the Supreme." The smile on the face of the Golden Battle did not change. He silently sensed the change of the atmosphere of He Yiming’s work.

After a while, his face suddenly burst into a horror, saying: "Your breath", he suddenly rounded his eyes and said: "He brother, have you successfully atomized the soldiers?" He Yiming shakes Shaking his head, said: "Not a fogging soldier." He raised his hand, and the next moment, the palm of his hand suddenly had a mist.

Under the glaring gaze of the Golden Battle, this mist became a five-row ring in an instant.

Under the light of the sun, the five elements of the ring are scattered with strange light, shining.

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