Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 150: Swimming fish perception

A piece of transparent-embedded piece that has just been cut, complete and complete.

"Call one by one, one and one one"

A human head emerged from the sea and instantly broke the round plum.

He looked up, stepped on the water with his feet, and gently applied the force. The whole person seemed to have no weight, and gently jumped to the bow not far away.

This person is naturally He Yiming. I don’t know if his sensation is aluminum, or if he really has an incredible magical power. In short, it has been ten days since I left Haikou. On the way, even a little bigger wave has not been encountered, so that they have come here safely.

On the third day of entering the sea, He Yiming put all his thoughts on, and put most of his energy into the perception of the power of water. But it is easy to gather a series of flowers. After a week, He Yiming and simply jumped into the water from the boat.

Only when I enter the blue sea with all my heart, can I hope to learn something from it.

At this time, there is a vast expanse of water on the sea, looking into the distance, the sea and the sky, as if there is no end.

At this point, He Yiming also knows a bit about why the Golden Campaign and others are admiring the sea, because in this environment, it can really make people open-minded. Moreover, He Yiming still feels faintly that the concentration of the heavens and the earth here seems to be much thicker than most places in the interior.

Although it can't be compared with the exaggerated place of Ghost Chilling, it is not inferior to the main temple of Tianchi and the Temple of Lingbi.

It is a very beautiful place to cultivate martial arts here.

A scent came from the stern, and He Yiming was surprised by the past, and his face was surprised.

There, one hundred and eight did not know where to set up a tall shelf. Under the shelf, there was a big brazier. The shelf was full of three big fish, and the one hundred and eight sides slowly turned the shelf. At the same time, holding a brush in the hand, apply a black juice next to the big fish.

After being smoked by the fire, the fish body gradually zoomed out and turned black, giving a strong aroma.

He Yiming looked seriously at the hundred and eight, even if he saw it with his own eyes, he almost thought he was wrong.

Hundred and eight raised his head, his eyes flashed brightly, looked at He Yiming, and lowered his head to continue the barbecue.

He Yiming finally couldn't stand it and said: "Hundred brother, what are you doing?"

"Baked - fish."

"Baked fish one by one, one, one," He Yiming pointed a finger: 1 no good air = "I know this is grilled fish, but what do you grilled fish?"

One hundred and eight times, he lifted his head again, and he was calm and waveless, as if there would be a change in the eyes that would never have emotions.

"Grilled fish, of course, is for eating." Then he asked a little weird: "You don't have to eat anything."

He Yiming swallowed the saliva that had leaked out because of the smell of smell. He was surprised: "Are you baking for me?"

"No." One hundred and eight said coldly.

He Yiming endured the impulse to turn his eyes and said: "Do you need to eat too.

After knowing it for a long time with him, the only thing he had ever eaten was Baishi. Besides, He Yiming had never seen anything he had eaten.

"I don't need it." One hundred and eight eyes turned and said: "These things are found in the cabin and brought to me."

"Bao pig, where is this little guy?" He Yiming's ears were slightly moved, and the entire ship was immediately monitored. His downwind and ear work has already become a great success. At this moment, he used it to the extreme, even one of the ships. He doesn't have his ears, but there is no trace of the pigs.

One hundred and eight have not yet answered, He Yiming heard a sound bursting out on the sea, and then a white shadow jumped into the boat like a fly.

With such agile skills, natural non-bao pigs are none other than just a surprise to He Yiming. In the mouth of Bao pig, there is a huge fish.

He Yiming took a forehead and ate the pig that he had eaten. But the pig who was able to fish in the sea, he saw it for the first time. This guy is still a pig...

One hundred and eight took over the big fish, skillfully opened the belly, removed all the internal organs and the fish, washed it with the water in the side basin, and then took out a dumpling and put it on the past. Start the barbecue on the shelf.

Looking at his lightning-fast movement, He Yiming said: "Hundred brothers, how did you learn?"

"In my database, I have this knowledge.

He Yiming opened his mouth, it is really a few words, there is still a little unknown in this head.

After half a ring, the previous three grilled fish were already cooked, and the thick aroma spread even more. He Yiming was fine, but Bao pig had no image to open his mouth, and the Hara almost flowed out. It is.

One hundred and eight eight took the three fish and gave it to Bao pig, and gave the other two to He Yiming.

After taking the grilled fish, He Yiming ate three, five and two, and the bulging feeling that came from the empty stomach made him very satisfied. However, the two grilled fish in the area are naturally unable to fill his stomach.

Turning his head and seeing his eyes waiting for himself, there is a lot of resentment in the sun.

When he felt a move in his heart, he suddenly understood where the grievances of this little family came from, and extended his hand to make the soft feathers of the pigs resemble a kennel, and then laughed in the roar of its protest: "It’s not right for me to eat your fish. I’m going to catch a few.”

He jumped into the air and jumped into the sea.

When he was in his hometown, he used to exercise a watery body. Although he didn't dare to say how proficient he was, it was hard to stop swimming. And at this moment, his strength is strong, even if he does not know the water, he is not likely to drown.

Entering the water, his infuriating flow of olives, the body is like an arrow from the string, suddenly shot in the water.

The endless waves were cut and stabbed toward a group of fish underwater.

The water that he swayed immediately caught the attention of the fish, and the fish suddenly turned around and left the place dexterously.

He Yiming’s double-day emblem made a bright light and saw the fish swimming in the water. His mind seemed to have a strange image. His eyes were firmly fixed in a fish. On the body, watching it swim in the water seems to be experiencing some kind of alternative feeling.

His eyes are getting brighter and brighter, he has long forgotten his purpose, but he has devoted himself to it.

Suddenly, a white shadow was swept in front of the eyes. Two small hooves were photographed on the fish with the length of the arm that He Yiming was paying attention to.

Although the big fish swayed to avoid, but the action of this white shadow is also lightning fast, the flexibility in the water is even more than the big fish, and it is easy to shoot the target.

He Yiming’s spirit suddenly returned to the body, and he glared at him. Bao pig was triumphantly turning back, and the big fish that had long been fainted in the past was the tighthold of its two front hooves. In the arms.

The small eyes of Bao pig flashed, even on the bottom of the sea can easily see clearly.

It seems to be showing off, He Yiming has not caught a fish for a long time, but as soon as it is shot, he immediately stunned He Yiming’s fish.

However, the bright treasure pig immediately appeared, and He Yiming’s face seemed to be somewhat wrong, just like the volcano that was about to explode, suppressing the chilling momentum.

Without thinking, Bao pig shame pushed the big fish in the two front hooves, and then the body swayed, swimming more like a fish than the fish.

He Yiming took a hand and caught the big fish that Bao pig had thrown over.

Although he was angry on the surface, he was very happy in his heart. When he observed the fish, he was surprised. These fishes living in the water are the real understanding of water-based creatures.

Whether it is a big fish or a small fish, they live in the water for the rest of their lives, from the birth of the s1 until death. Just as human beings cannot do without air, they cannot do without water.

For them, water is their life.

Just as human beings are the masters of the six earths, these fish are the masters of the water. Their understanding of water has been engraved in their physical instinct.

He Yiming has been soaked in the sea for a few days, but the perception of the power of water is still a little bit of a clue. But at this time, he has a feeling that if he can be transformed into a fish, then the perception of the power of water will definitely help.

His mind flashed the way the big fish swim, and his body began to distort. However, he soon appeared, no matter how he imitated, but always has a feeling of incompatibility.

The heart suddenly moved, although the pig is not a fish, but its degree and dexterity under water is three points more than the fish.

At the thought of this, He Yiming was filled with joy. He stepped on the water and quickly came to the sea.

Throw the big fish in the hand and throw it to the front of the hundred and eight. Later, he screamed: "Hundred brothers, throwing the pig There was a pig-like death on the ship, full of tragic screams. This voice is tragic and tragic, it seems It is telling the bitter history, full of boundless grievances and sorrows. Even if He Yiming heard it on the sea, he felt awkward.

However, it is obvious that the screaming of the pig can not impress the hard, not human heart.

The white shadow flashed and Bao pig had already flown toward him.

He Yiming stretched his arm and took it down. He looked at the dejected Bao pig. He Yiming said: "Bao pig, do you want to eat grilled fish?"

The pig immediately became mentally up, and the mouth under the nose opened involuntarily and nodded.

"In the water, I chase you away. If I can't catch up with me in an hour, I will let the hundred brothers give you the grilled fish to eat."

The spirit of the white pig suddenly rose, and there was no such expression as the end of the world. It trembled "to leap into the sea from He Yiming's hand, with a quirky, but it seems to contain some kind of heaven and earth to the body, and instantly wander...

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